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Seismic Damage Estimation for Buried Pipelines:

Challenges after Three Decades of Progress

Omar Pineda-Porras, Ph.D.1; and Mohammad Najafi, Ph.D., M.ASCE2

Abstract: This paper analyzes the evolution over the past three decades of seismic damage estimation for buried pipelines and identifies
some challenges for future research studies on the subject. The first section of this paper presents a chronological description of the
evolution since the mid-1970s of pipeline fragility relations—the most common tool for pipeline damage estimation—and follows with a
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careful analysis of the use of several ground motion parameters as pipeline damage indicators. In the second section of the paper, four
gaps on the subject are identified and proposed as challenges for future research studies. The main conclusion of this work is that
enhanced fragility relations must be developed for improving pipeline damage estimation, which must consider relevant parameters that
could influence the seismic response of pipelines.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲PS.1949-1204.0000042
CE Database subject headings: Pipeline; Earthquakes; Seismic effects; Damage; Buried pipes; History.
Author keywords: Pipeline earthquake effects; Pipeline seismic damage; Seismic fragility relations; Seismic damage estimation; Buried

Introduction Seismic Fragility Relations for Buried Pipelines

This paper presents the evolution of pipeline fragility relations, For buried pipelines, a seismic fragility relation is a function 共or
analyzes ground motion parameters as pipeline damage indica- group of functions兲 that relates pipeline damage rates with differ-
ent levels of seismic intensity. Damage rates are usually defined
tors, and identifies gaps in pipeline damage estimation. Pipeline
as the number of pipe repairs per unit length of pipeline 关e.g., the
fragility relations comprise the most common tool for pipeline
number of repairs per kilometer 共rep/km兲兴. Damage rates can also
damage estimation. be defined as the number of pipe repairs per unit area of land
The first section of this paper presents a chronological descrip- 共e.g., Trifunac and Todorovska 1997兲. Seismic intensity can be
tion of the evolution since the mid-1970s of pipeline fragility quantified through a diverse group of ground motion parameters
relations. This section then carefully analyzes for the same time computed from seismic records.
period the use of several ground motion parameters as pipeline In the literature, at least nine ground motion parameters have
damage indicators. been used for relating damage rates with seismic intensity 共Table
In the second section, four gaps in pipeline damage estimation 1兲. The nine ground motion parameters are modified Mercalli
are identified and proposed as challenges for future research stud- intensity 共MMI兲, peak ground acceleration 共PGA兲, peak ground
ies. These gaps are as follows: velocity 共PGV兲, peak ground displacement 共PGD兲, arias intensity
1. Reliable damage estimation for continuous pipelines. 共AI兲, spectral acceleration 共SA兲, spectral intensity 共SI兲, maximum
ground strain 共␧g兲, and the composite parameter PGV2 / PGA.
2. Knowledge on the proportion of leaks and breaks with re-
Table 1 provides references to the most known empirical pipe-
spect to the number of pipe repairs that most fragility rela-
line fragility relations. Though there are many studies focused on
tions provide. computing analytical pipeline fragilities 共e.g., Hindy and Novak
3. Pipeline damage estimation considering pipeline orientation. 1979; M. J. O’Rourke and El Hmadi 1988; Mavridis and Pitilakis
4. Enhanced pipeline fragility relations considering special soil 1996兲, this paper only addresses empirical pipeline fragility
and wave propagation conditions. relations—those computed from pipeline damage documented
after earthquakes. For the sake of brevity, equations on the fragil-
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Energy and Infrastructure Analysis ity relations, referenced in Table 1, are not included in this docu-
共D-4兲, Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1663, MS K557, Los ment. Readers are encouraged to look for more information on
Alamos, NM 87545 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: those studies by consulting the referenced papers directly.
Director, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Center for Underground Infra-
structure Research and Education 共CUIRE兲, Univ. of Texas at Arlington,
Box 19308, 428 Nedderman Hall, Arlington, TX 76019-0308. E-mail:
History of Pipeline Seismic Fragility Relations
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 7, 2009; approved on
October 26, 2009; published online on January 15, 2010. Discussion pe- Empirical correlation between buried pipeline damage and ground
riod open until July 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted for motion intensity parameters has been studied since the mid-1970s
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Pipeline Systems 共Table 1兲. To compute fragility relations for segmented cast iron
Engineering and Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, February 1, 2010. ©ASCE, 共CI兲 and asbestos cement 共AC兲 pipelines in terms of PGA,
ISSN 1949-1190/2010/1共1兲/19/6/$25.00. Katayama et al. 共1975兲 employed pipeline damage scenarios from


J. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract., 2010, 1(1): 19-24

Table 1. References to Pipeline Fragility Functions Studies Fernando, Calif., 2/9/1971兲. The fragility relation of Barenberg
Seismic intensity parameter Reference 共1988兲 suggests that a doubling of PGV will lead to an increase in
the pipeline damage rate by a factor of about 4.5.
PGA Katayama et al. 共1975兲 Early in the 1990s, Ballantyne et al. 共1990兲 expanded the pipe-
Isoyama and Katayama 共1982兲 line damage data of Barenberg 共1988兲 with damage information
ASCE-TLCEE 共1991兲 from three other United States earthquakes 共Puget Sound, 4/29/
T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1991兲 1949; Coalinga, Calif., 5/2/1983; and Whittier Narrows, Calif.,
Hamada 共1991兲 10/1/1987兲 and proposed new fragility relations by using MMI as
Hwang and Lin 共1997兲 a measure of seismic intensity.
T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1998兲 Three PGA-based fragility relations were also published in the
Isoyama et al. 共2000兲 early 1990s. The Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engi-
MMI Eguchi 共1983兲 neering 共TCLEE兲 of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Ballantyne et al. 共1990兲 共ASCE兲 published a comprehensive study on seismic loss estima-
Eguchi 共1991兲
tion for water systems 共ASCE-TCLEE 1991兲 in which PGA-
based fragility relations were computed from a reanalysis of the
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T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1998兲

damage data of Katayama et al. 共1975兲 and the 1983 Coalinga
PGV Barenberg 共1988兲 pipeline damage scenario. Hamada 共1991兲 proposed another
M. J. O’Rourke and Ayala 共1993兲 PGA-based fragility relation by analyzing the damage scenarios
Eidinger et al. 共1995兲 of earthquakes in the United States 共San Fernando, 2/9/1971兲 and
Eidinger 共1998兲 Japan 共Miyagiken-oki, 6/12/1978, and Nihonkai-chubu, 5/26/
T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1998兲 1983兲. T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1991兲 related pipeline damage with
T. D. O’Rourke and Jeon 共1999兲 PGA, employing damage scenarios from seven earthquakes:
Isoyama et al. 共2000兲 seven in the United States 共San Francisco, 4/18/1906; Puget
ALA 共2001兲 Sound, 4/29/1965; Santa Rosa, 10/1/1969; San Fernando, 2/9/
Pineda and Ordaz 共2003兲 1971; Imperial Valley, 10/15/1979; Coalinga, 5/2/1983; and Loma
M. J. O’Rourke and Deyoe 共2004兲 Prieta, Calif., 10/18/1989兲, and one in Japan 共Miyagiken-oki,
Jeon and O’Rourke T. D. 共2005兲 6/12/1978兲.
A notable change in the literature on seismic fragility relations
PGD, AI, SA, and SI T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1998兲
for pipelines is observed from 1993: PGV began to be the pre-
␧g M. J. O’Rourke and Deyoe 共2004兲 ferred seismic parameter for pipeline fragility relations, and PGA
PGV2 / PGA Pineda and Ordaz 共2007兲 and MMI were no longer used for new fragilities 共with some
Pineda and Ordaz 共2010兲 exceptions described later in this section兲. M. J. O’Rourke and
Ayala 共1993兲 proposed a new pipeline fragility relation in terms
of PGV by using the damage data points of Barenberg 共1988兲 and
six earthquakes: four in Japan 共Kanto, 9/1/1923; Fukui, 6/28/ damage information from three earthquakes: one in the United
1948; Niigata, 6/16/1964; and Tokachi-oki, 5/16/1968兲, one in States 共Coalinga, 5/2/1983兲 and two in Mexico 共Michoacan, 9/19/
Nicaragua 共Managua, 12/23/1972兲, and one in the United States 1985; and Tlahuac, 4/25/1989兲. The damage data employed for
共San Fernando, California, 2/9/1971兲. Katayama et al. 共1975兲 in- computing the fragility relation are related to pipelines made of
cluded fragility relations for poor, average, and good soil condi- AC, CI, concrete, and prestressed concrete cylinder pipes. The
tions. fragility relation of M. J. O’Rourke and Ayala 共1993兲 was later
Early in the 1980s, Isoyama and Katayama 共1982兲 employed incorporated into the loss assessment methodology HAZUS-MH
the 1971 San Fernando earthquake damage scenario for comput- of the Federal Emergency Management Agency 共FEMA 1999兲.
ing a PGA-based fragility relation. The same damage data and This fragility relation can be used for damage prediction of brittle
information on other three pipeline damage scenarios 共Santa pipelines. For ductile pipelines, the fragility relation must be mul-
Rosa, Calif., 10/1/1969; Nicaragua, 12/23/1972; and Imperial Val- tiplied by a suggested factor of 0.3 共FEMA 1999兲.
ley, Calif., 10/15/1979兲 was used by Eguchi 共1983, 1991兲 to com- Eidinger 共1998兲 and Eidinger et al. 共1995兲 reanalyzed the pipe-
pute a set of fragility relations in terms of MMI for the following line damage data of M. J. O’Rourke and Ayala 共1993兲, along with
pipeline types: welded steel gas welded joints, AC, concrete, information from the 1989 Loma Prieta pipeline damage scenario,
polyvinylchloride 共PVC兲, CI, welded steel with caulked joints, in order to propose a set of fragility relations in terms of PGV that
welded steel with arc-welded joints—Grades A and B steel— considered pipe material, joint type, and soil corrosiveness. Ei-
polyethylene, ductile iron 共DI兲, and welded steel with arc-welded dinger’s fragility relations estimated damage for CI, welded steel
joints–Grade X steel. 共WS兲, AC, concrete, PVC, and DI pipes.
Eguchi 共1983, 1991兲 concluded that AC and concrete pipes are Hwang and Lin 共1997兲 computed a pipeline fragility relation
more vulnerable than PVC pipes; PVC pipes are more vulnerable in terms of PGA by analyzing pipeline damage data obtained
than CI pipes and welded steel pipes with caulked joints; DI pipes from six previous studies 共Katayama et al. 1975; Eguchi 1991;
experienced on average about 10 times fewer repairs per unit ASCE-TCLEE 1991; T. D. O’Rourke et al. 1991; Hamada 1991;
length than the worst performing pipes; and finally, the repair rate Kitaura and Miyajima 1996兲.
of X grade steel pipes with arc-welded joints was approximately T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1998兲 employed a GIS-based method-
10 times smaller than that of DI pipes. ology to investigate factors affecting the water supply service of
In the late 1980s, Barenberg 共1988兲 proposed the first docu- the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power 共LADWP兲 and
mented PGV-based fragility relation for buried CI pipelines em- the Metropolitan Water District 共MWD兲 after the 1994 Northridge
ploying damage data from three United States earthquakes 共Puget earthquake. Analyses of the relationship between damage rate and
Sound, Wash., 4/29/1965; Santa Rosa, Calif., 10/1/1969; and San seismic intensity were conducted using seven seismic parameters:


J. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract., 2010, 1(1): 19-24

MMI, PGA, PGV, PGD, AI, SA, and SI. Pipeline fragility rela- The 2007 study showed that the novel ground motion parameter
tions in terms of MMI, SI, PGA, and PGV are also included in the PGV2 / PGA is directly related to PGD through a nondimensional
paper. T. D. O’Rourke et al. 共1998兲 concluded that PGV is best parameter ␭ pr; this fact implies that PGD could also be a damage
related to the pipeline damage than any other parameter and pro- indicator for pipelines located in soft soils, although this state-
posed PGV-based fragilities for steel, CI, DI, and AC pipelines. ment has not yet been proven.
Later, T. D. O’Rourke and Jeon 共1999兲 developed a fragility re- Recently, Pineda and Ordaz 共2010兲 computed fragility rela-
lationship 共for CI pipes兲 for scaled velocity, a parameter based on tions for 48-in. segmented pipelines, considering the effects of
peak ground velocity but normalized for the effects of pipe diam- ground subsidence, a phenomenon largely observed in the Valley
eter. of Mexico. They analyzed the relationship between pipeline dam-
Isoyama et al. 共2000兲 computed fragility relations in terms of age and seismic intensity 共measured in terms of PGV2 / PGA兲 for
PGA and PGV by analyzing the pipeline damage scenario left by two levels of differential ground subsidence 共DGS兲. The proposed
the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake. A multivariate analysis fragility relations fall above and below a previous fragility rela-
was carried out to compute empirical correction factors to account tion for 48-in. pipelines that does not explicitly consider the ef-
for pipe material, pipe diameter, ground topography, and liquefac- fects of DGS in the damage 共Pineda 2006兲.
tion in the fragility relation.
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The American Lifeline Alliance 共ALA兲, a public-private part-

nership between FEMA and the ASCE, published a set of algo- Seismic Damage Indicators for Pipelines
rithms to compute the probability of damage from earthquake
effects to several components of water supply systems 共ALA From an historical review of empirical pipeline fragility relations
2001兲. For buried pipelines, the PGV-based fragility relation pub- 共see Table 1兲, nine seismic ground parameters have been used as
lished by the ALA was computed from a set of 81 damage rate- damage indicators for pipelines. This section provides further de-
PGV data points from 12 seismic damage scenarios. Similar to tails about five of them—MMI, PGA, PGV, ␧g, and PGV2 / PGA.
the fragility relations of Eidinger et al. 共1995兲 and Eidinger The other four parameters—PGD, AI, SA, and SI—are not dis-
共1998兲, the ALA’s fragility relation provides factors to account for cussed here because there is not enough evidence on their rela-
pipe material, joint type, and soil corrosiveness. tionship with pipeline damage.
Pineda and Ordaz 共2003兲 reanalyzed the pipeline damage sce- MMI was used as a damage indicator for pipelines in the
nario left by the 1985 Michoacan earthquake in the Mexico City’s 1980s and 1990s 共Eguchi 1983, 1991; Ballantyne et al. 1990;
Water System 共MCWS兲 共Ayala and M. J. O’Rourke 1989兲. They T. D. O’Rourke et al. 1998兲. However, the subjective nature of its
employed detailed PGV maps to study the relationship damage definition made it difficult to accurately predict pipeline damage.
rate versus seismic intensity. As a result of the analysis, a PGV- A likely reason for the development of MMI-based fragility rela-
based fragility relation was proposed for the MCWS. tions is the extended use of that parameter to describe damage to
M. J. O’Rourke and Deyoe 共2004兲 analyzed the differences of aboveground structures.
the fragility relations published by M. J. O’Rourke and Ayala PGA was largely employed as a damage indicator for pipelines
共1993兲 and T. D. O’Rourke and Jeon 共1999兲. Some reasons for the during the 25 years from 1975, with the study of Katayama et al.
differences were identified from the analysis: the wave type that to 2000, with the last known PGA-based fragility relation of
dominated each seismic scenario, the presence of corrosion in Isoyama 共as shown in Table 1兲. Though it has been largely dem-
some pipes, and the low statistical reliability of some data points. onstrated that PGV is more related to pipeline damage than
By removing doubtful data points and classifying the remaining PGA—which is further explained in the following paragraphs—
data points according to the presumably dominating wave type, there are several reasons to explain why PGA, instead of PGV,
M. J. O’Rourke and Deyoe computed PGV-based pipeline fragil- was used to create some fragility relations before 2000. Two rel-
ity relations for surface waves 共Rayleigh兲 by assuming phase ve- evant reasons are the following:
locity of 500 m/sec and for body waves 共S-waves兲 by assuming 1. Most seismic stations record time histories of acceleration
apparent velocity of 3,000 m/sec; they also proposed a fragility instead of velocity. PGA can then be directly obtained from
relation in terms of ␧g. The new ␧g-based fragility relation also seismic records without involving the integration process
considers the effect of permanent ground deformation since M. J. needed for computing PGV.
O’Rourke and Deyoe included repair rate-␧g data points from the 2. Most attenuations laws provide estimates of PGA 共before
1994 Northridge earthquake 共Sano et al. 1999兲 and from Japan 2000, PGV attenuation laws were limited兲. Then, for practi-
共Hamada and Akioka 1997兲. A recent modification to the ␧g-based cal purposes, PGA was the ideal parameter for analyzing
fragility relation 共M. J. O’Rourke 2009兲 uses an apparent velocity pipeline damage and, therefore, creating pipeline fragility
of 1,000 m/sec for S-waves; that assumption is based on a study relations.
of Paolucci and Smerzini 共2008兲. PGV is better related to pipeline damage than PGA mainly due
Jeon and T. D. O’Rourke 共2005兲 reanalyzed the pipeline dam- to two reasons
age data from a previous study 共T. D. O’Rourke et al. 1998兲 and 1. PGV is related to ground strain, the main cause of pipeline
compared the correlation between CI pipeline damage rates 共from damage due to seismic wave propagation.
the 1994 Northridge earthquake兲 and PGV computed in different 2. PGA is more related to inertia forces—forces that do not
ways 共geometric mean PGV, maximum PGV, and maximum vec- affect buried structures like pipelines.
tor magnitude of PGV兲. Their results showed that maximum PGV, Many studies have empirically demonstrated that PGV is a
computed as the peak recorded value, is better correlated with better pipeline damage predictor than PGA 共e.g., T. D. O’Rourke
pipeline damage. Jeon and T. D. O’Rourke 共2005兲 also provided et al. 1998; Isoyama et al. 2000; Pineda 2002兲. PGV has been
fragility relations for WSJ Steel, CI, DI, and AC pipelines. extensively used as a damage indicator for pipelines, given two
Pineda and Ordaz 共2007兲 reanalyzed the effects of the 1985 assumptions: 共1兲 PGV is directly related to maximum ground
Michoacan earthquake in the MCWS and found that for soft soils strain 共␧g兲 and 共2兲 transient ground strain is the main cause of
PGV2 / PGA is better related to pipeline damage than PGV alone. pipeline damage due to seismic wave propagation. The relation-


J. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract., 2010, 1(1): 19-24

ship between PGV and ␧g can be analyzed in Eq. 共1兲 共Newmark here is to illustrate with a documented example how complex
1967兲, where C = seismic wave velocity. From Eq. 共1兲, PGV is the estimation of ␧g is by assuming C values.
directly related to ␧g only if C is constant. Since ␧g is nondimen- 2. This example deals with the estimation of ␧g in soft soil
sional, PGV and C must be expressed with the same velocity zones. Singh et al. 共1997兲 analyzed ground strains at the
units Roma microarray in Mexico City for four earthquakes. They
concluded that Eq. 共1兲 could be used to estimate ␧g by using
PGV a phase velocity 共Rayleigh waves兲 of 600 m/sec instead of
␧g = 共1兲
C the value of C at the natural period of lake bed sites 共esti-
mated as 1,500 m/sec兲. Singh et al. 共1997兲 indicated that the
Though PGV has shown a better correlation with pipeline damage discrepancy in the value of C could be due to local hetero-
than any other parameter, like MMI, PGA, PGD, AI, SA, and SI geneities within the array. This example illustrates how com-
共e.g., T. D. O’Rourke et al. 1998兲, Pineda and Ordaz 共2007兲 found plex the estimation of C is for soft soils with presence of
that PGV2 / PGA is better parameter than PGV for soft soils. The local heterogeneities.
same observation was made in a further study that includes the Instead of ␧g, PGV is a more convenient parameter for analyz-
effects of ground subsidence in pipeline damage 共Pineda and ing pipeline damage due to seismic wave propagation; three rea-
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Ordaz 2010兲 . sons are as follows: 共1兲 PGV is a parameter easier to estimate than
Since transient ground strain is assumed to be the main cause ␧g; 共2兲 many studies have proved that PGV is well correlated with
of pipeline damage due to seismic wave propagation, ␧g is obvi- pipeline damage; and 3兲 Theoretically, there is a direct relation-
ously the optimum parameter for analyzing the relationship be- ship between PGV and pipeline damage, taking into account the
tween pipeline damage and seismic intensity. Rigorously, two assumptions already mentioned in this section. Notwithstand-
maximum transient ground strain 共␧g兲 can be estimated from dis- ing these three points, there is evidence of a case in which PGV is
placement time histories D共t兲 关Eq. 共2兲兴. In Eq. 共2兲, x = space vari- not the best parameter for relating pipeline damage with seismic
able; ␧共t兲 = ground strain time history; and max represents the intensity—the particular case of Mexico City.
maximum of the expression between absolute value brackets 兩 兩 As described in the section on the history of pipeline seismic

␧g = max兩␧共t兲兩 = max 冏 冏
⳵ D共t兲
fragility relations, the studies of Pineda and Ordaz 共2007, 2010兲
demonstrate that PGV2 / PGA is better correlated to pipeline dam-
age than PGV alone for soft soils. A plausible explanation is the
There are three major problems for estimating ␧g through Eq. 共2兲, fact that PGV2 / PGA is strongly related to PGD, a ground motion
as described here parameter related to very-low frequency contents. Though in the
1. D共t兲 is generally obtained through the double integration of past it has been demonstrated that PGV is a better pipeline dam-
acceleration time histories; this process causes loss of infor- age predictor than PGD 共T. D. O’Rourke et al. 1998兲, studies
mation due to the involved mathematical operations. Proce- exclusively focused on the relationship between pipeline damage
dures like tapering, filtering, and correction of the base line and PGD 共or PGV2 / PGA兲 for soft soil sites have not yet been
could generate ambiguous results if the parameters used in done. Finally, two things must be noted. First, Pineda and Ordaz
those operations are modified. 共2007, 2010兲 employed PGV2 / PGA instead of PGD due to the
2. The derivation process of D共t兲 with respect to a space vari- rigorous theoretical relationship between both parameters 共ex-
able 共x兲 implies that the seismic records, to be used in the plained in the paper of Pineda and Ordaz 2007兲, the availability of
analysis, need to be referenced to an absolute time scale. detailed PGA and PGV maps for the 1985 Michoacan event 关see
This is a very significant limitation since only ground motion Pineda 共2006兲 for details about those maps兴, and the lack of
information from seismic arrays that use the same time ref- enough information on ground motion to produce reliable PGD
erence, and preferably located in the place of interest 共e.g., maps for the 1985 earthquake 共Pineda 2006兲. And second, Pineda
the zone covered by a pipeline system兲, would be useful. and Ordaz 共2007, 2010兲 define soft soils as those soils with natu-
3. Finally, probably the most important problem are the high ral periods equal to or higher than 1.0 s.
costs involved in the installation and operation of seismic
arrays covering large extensions 共e.g., area covered by a
pipeline network兲. Future Challenges in the Seismic Damage
To avoid the aforementioned problems of Eq. 共2兲, Eq. 共1兲 has Estimation for Pipelines
been used to obtain conservative estimates of ␧g. PGV can be
easily obtained from seismic records or other sources 共e.g., at- Though seismic damage estimation for pipelines has advanced
tenuation laws兲; however, C is far from easy to obtain, which considerably since the mid-1970s, a large list of subjects still
complicates the estimation of ␧g. needs to be further studied to better understand the impact of
For the purpose of estimating ␧g with Eq. 共1兲, here are two earthquakes on those structures. The following four relevant, un-
examples to show how complex the estimation of C is: solved issues constitute a challenge for future investigations. Un-
1. The ␧g-based fragility relation proposed by M. J. O’Rourke fortunately, actual pipeline seismic damage scenarios, practically
and Deyoe 共2004兲 was computed by assuming C values of speaking, are the only reliable source of information to defini-
500 m/sec for Rayleigh waves 共surface waves兲, and 3,000 tively validate any analytical model or assumptions with respect
m/sec for S-waves 共body waves兲. Later, the study of Paolucci to these four topics.
and Smerzini 共2008兲 suggested that the apparent propagation
velocity of S-waves is closer to 1,000 m/sec. M. J. O’Rourke
Damage Estimation for Continuous Pipelines
共2009兲 then employed the new suggested C value for
S-waves and proposed a new version of the 2004 fragility Pipelines are classified as segmented or continuous depending on
relation. Changing C from 3,000 to 1,000 m/sec in Eq. 共1兲 the effects that earthquakes have on them. Segmented pipelines
implies that ␧g increases with a factor of three. The objective are commonly made of concrete, CI, and AC 共e.g., cast iron pipe


J. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract., 2010, 1(1): 19-24

with lead caulked joints兲. Continuous pipelines are usually char- damage scenario for a pipeline network with complex geometry,
acterized by welded joints 共e.g., steel pipe with welded joints兲. must provide the same total damage estimates independently of
The current fragility relations, available in the literature 共Table the direction of seismic wave propagation.
1兲, are based on damage scenarios for segmented pipelines. There The challenge with damage estimation that takes into account
are no fragility relations for continuous pipelines mainly because pipe orientation is to answer the following question: what is the
of the lack of evidence of damage due to seismic wave propaga- expected damage for a straight pipeline system 共or a system with
tion. Some researchers believe that continuous pipelines are not a noticeable pipe orientation tendency兲 employing current fragil-
affected by seismic wave propagation at all 共e.g., T. D. O’Rourke ity relations? Independent of the ground motion model used in the
2009兲. However, others have documented a few damage cases analysis, current fragility relations would provide an intermediate
characterized by special circumstances 共e.g., M. J. O’Rourke estimation of pipeline damage, between zero and the maximum
2009兲. damage, from the theoretical framework. That could result in
The HAZUS-MH methodology 共FEMA 1999兲 suggests that making an underestimation or overestimation of the likely dam-
damage to continuous pipelines 共made of ductile materials兲 can be age depending on the pipe orientation distribution of the network
estimated with the fragility formulation for segmented pipelines under study.
共made of brittle materials兲 multiplied by a factor of 0.3. There is
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no solid evidence to validate the aforementioned assumption.

Pipeline Fragility Relations Considering Special Soil
However, the HAZUS-MH’s approach likely provides overesti-
and Wave Propagation Conditions
mated damage estimations.
The challenge on damage estimation for continuous pipelines The case of Mexico City raises a lot of questions about computing
is to answer two questions pipeline fragility relations for sites characterized by soft soils and
1. Can our colleagues assume that there will be no damage in surface wave propagation. Previous studies, already described in
continuous pipelines due to seismic wave propagation caused this paper, have shown that for the case of Mexico City there are
by future earthquakes? discrepancies in the estimation of ␧g by using Eq. 共1兲 共Singh et al.
2. If the answer to question 1 is in the negative 共i.e., continuous 1997兲, and PGV2 / PGA is a better damage indicator than PGV
pipelines may incur damage兲, and considering the alone 共Pineda and Ordaz 2007兲. The first point likely explains the
HAZUS-MH approach, is 0.3 a reliable factor for estimating second one. For Mexico City, it seems that PGV is not directly
the damage without resulting in an overestimation of pipe related to ␧g 关by assuming a constant C in Eq. 共1兲兴. Therefore,
repairs? PGV apparently is not directly related to pipeline damage 共caused
by transient ground strain兲. Some unanswered questions remain
• Is PGV2 / PGA related to ␧g? If so, is PGD related to ␧g?
Proportion of Leaks and Breaks with respect to • Can PGV2 / PGA 共and PGD兲 be used as a damage predictor for
Number of Repairs pipeline in soft soils 共other than those of Mexico City兲 instead
Most of the available fragility relations 共Table 1兲 do not clarify of PGV?
the proportion of leaks and breaks with respect to the expected • Is pipeline damage in soft soils related to ground motion char-
number of pipe repairs. There are two known references to the acterized by very low frequency contents 共which would ex-
proportion of leaks and breaks. First, the HAZUS-MH methodol- plain why PGV2 / PGA, and possibly PGD, is a better damage
ogy 共FEMA 1999兲 suggests a proportion of 80% leaks and 20% predictor than PGV兲?
breaks. Second, observations made after the 1994 Northridge • In general, how accurate are the current pipeline fragility re-
earthquake revealed that the damage to the LADWP pipeline sys- lations for estimating pipeline damage in soft soils?
tem was characterized by a proportion of 95% leaks and 5%
breaks 共T. D. O’Rourke et al. 1998兲. More studies on this subject
are needed to complement the current fragility relations in order Conclusions
to provide better models to describe earthquake effects on pipe-
line networks. These enhanced models could support logistic re- Seismic damage estimation for pipelines has advanced consider-
pair operations to reestablish pipeline distributions services 共e.g., ably since the mid-1970s. The relationship between pipeline dam-
water supply兲 as soon as possible after a seismic event. age and seismic intensity has been studied using diverse ground
motion parameters and taking into account several aspects related
to pipelines 共e.g., diameter, material兲 and soils 共e.g., softness, cor-
Damage Estimation Considering Pipeline Orientation rosiveness兲. Notwithstanding these advances, some gaps still exist
Theoretically, pipe orientation plays a very important role in pipe- on this subject, which must be studied if the current damage as-
line damage caused by seismic wave propagation. For instance, if sessment methods are going to improve. As examples of the ex-
a straight pipeline is oriented in the same direction as the propa- isting gaps, four unresolved issues on damage estimation for
gation direction of a group of Rayleigh waves, the damage is pipelines are raised. Enhanced fragility relations must be devel-
maximum. But if the same straight pipeline is perpendicular to the oped for improving pipeline damage estimation and must con-
propagation direction of the same group of Rayleigh waves, the sider relevant parameters that could influence the seismic
damage is zero. response of pipelines.
Most 共if not all兲 fragility relations provide “average” damage
estimations with respect to pipeline orientation. This is because,
in general, fragility relations are computed from damage sce- Acknowledgments
narios of pipeline networks with complex geometry. In this con-
text, a network with complex geometry means a network with The writers want to thank D-4 Research Group 共Energy and In-
pipeline segments oriented in all directions 共e.g., the LADWP and frastructure Analysis兲 of the Los Alamos National Laboratory
the MCWS兲. Theoretically, a fragility relation, computed from a 共LANL兲 for sponsoring this study.


J. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract., 2010, 1(1): 19-24

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