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BERYLIUM ABD y CBD (mainly respiratory y heart Springs, relays and computer
problems, extreme cases death) are motherboards
caused because of inhaling beryllium

CADMIUM Highly toxic to plants, animals and Contacts, switches, laptops rechargeable
humans. By inhalation or diet plants or batteries, screens.
animals or humans can get
bioaccumulation of cadmium and have
kidney or bone toxicity problems, calcium
problems, hypertension, heart disease,
lung cancer,
CHROMIUM HEXAVALENT Allergic skin reaction, kidney and liver Corrosion inhibitor, hardening and
damage, lung cancer. Toxic for plants and corrosion protection.
LEAD Landfills and air contamination. It causes Electrical solder primary on printed
respiratory problems, nervous and blood circuit board, cathode ray tubes, PVC
system problems, damage kidneys, and formulas.
affects reproduction, brain development
in children is also affected. It affects the
food chain and human metabolism.
MERCURY It affects the atmosphere, landfills, and Is used in the lighting device that
water bodies. The food chain Is affected, illuminate the flat screens. Older
mostly in fish. Is a very toxic element, it computers have also mercury in switches
affects the central nervous system, or batteries.
kidney damage, Cardio vascular and heart
BFRs It affects marine fish and fresh water, Used to prevent combustion, plastic
bird’s eggs, whales, air, human breast production.
milk and blood, it affects brain and
skeletal development, growth and
immune systems.
PVC Very toxic component, that bio Wires or cables of electronic devices,
accumulate in animals or plants. plastic production.
PHTHALATES Contaminates the environment, Industrial and consumer applications and
accumulate in the biological tissues, it used in discrete chemical products.
affects the reproduction, kidney and liver
ORGANOTINS It affects sexual development in marine Used in antifouling paints on ships and
snails, it affects marine life and boats.
mammals, it inhibits the cells in the
immune system, human blood, and
neurotoxicity, it damage skin and eyes.

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