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APRIL 2018

El colegio bilingüe del Anglo


To Da-duh, in Memoriam

1) Choose the BEST answer to each of the following items.

1) The title of this story suggests that the author is writing about - (2 points)

a) her grandmother's memories

b) someone who has died

c) her childhood experience

d) life in the Caribbean

2) This story is set MOSTLY - (2 points)

a) on the island of Barbados in the 1930s

b) in New York City in the 1930s

c) on a farm in New York in the present

d) in a studio in downtown New York City

3) In addition to Da-duh, the other main character in this story is - (2 points)

a) Da-duh's youngest daughter

b) the narrator's mother

c) Da-duh's mother

d) the narrator

4) The grandchildren visit Da-duh in order to - (2 points)

a) Experience life in New York City

b) find out who will inherit her land

c) meet her for the first time

d) learn about Caribbean culture

5) The BEST describe the narrator's first impression of Da-duh, you might say that Da-duh is a - (2 points)

a) large woman who moves in a graceful and quick manner

b) middle-aged woman who speaks a strange language

c) thin, old woman who looks weak but serious

d) middle-aged woman whose eyes are dim and lifeless

6) Da-duh's first impression of the narrator is that the girl - (2 points)

a) looks more like her father than her mother

b) reminds Da-duh of herself as a girl

c) is as tall as a royal palm tree

d) has a strong personality

7) On the grounds and in the gully, Da-duh and the narrator MOSTLY - (2 points)

a) compare life in Barbados to life in New York

b) have fun singing Caribbean and Tin Pan Alley songs

c) talk about how they will one day grow sugar cane

d) try to learn the names of the trees and plants they find

8) The narrator promises to send Da-duh a postcard of the Empire State Building because she wants - (2 points)

a) to assure her that the family arrived back home safely

b) to give Da-duh a souvenir of her stay in New York

c) to prove that the building is taller than Bissex Hill

d) Da-duh to paint a picture of the Empire State Building in a cane field

9) When the British fly planes over Barbados as a show of force, Da-duh - (2 points)

a) asks her remaining family to move to Brooklyn

b) hides in the gully until they leave

c) writes the narrator a letter about the event

d) watches them from her chair and then dies

10) Which statement BEST expresses the theme of "To Da-duh, in Memoriam"? (2 points)

a) Travel sparks creativity.

b) Your family greatly influences your life.

c) Heredity is destiny.

d) Never give up without a fight.

11) CONNOTATIONS refer to a word's - (2 points)

a) part of speech

b) shades of meaning

c) dialect

d) traditions

12) The story says, "The dim little limestone shops and offices along the way marched with us, at the same
mournful pace, toward the same grave ceremony." Which three words in the story sentence convey the narrator's
attitude? (2 points)

a) toward, same, along

b) dim, mournful, grave

c) shops, offices, ceremony

d) little limestone shops

13) Which passage from the story includes a figure of speech? (2 points)

a) "Those eyes betrayed a child's curiosity about the world."

b) "I longed then for the familiar: for the street in Brooklyn where I lived."

c) "This here is a breadfruit,' she said."

d) "The name souded like thunder fading softly in the distance."

14) Which passage from the story contains dialect? (2 points)

a) "It was a stark and fleshless as a death mask, the face."

b) "Yes, God is good," Da-duh said with a nod that was like a tic."

c) "You would think New York is the only place in the world to hear wunna."

d) "Da-duh sat on a trunk in our midst, a monarch amid her court."

2) Choose the Vocabulary word from the list that has a meaning SIMILAR to the UPPER CASE word or phrase in the
sentence. (5 points)

1) Walking through the tall, dense sugar cane was an IMPRESSIVE, almost FEARFUL experience for the narrator.

2) Life in Barbados, in general, was more PLAIN than life in New York.

3) Da-duh MILDLY scolded her daughter for suggesting that she make bush tea.

4) The narrator was READY TO FIGHT even though she was skinny and small.

5) The narrator was NOT LETTING UP about all the modern conveniences available in Brooklyn.
3) You are Da-duh (in To Da-duh, In Memoriam). You have just said goodbye to your

daughter and granddaughters as they return to New York.

Write your thoughts. (1 paragraph -12 marks)

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