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l )i st'ottt, t' Yr tu r I )u I u tt'

slllr scholarship for Nominees from the sAARC Region

A. lntroduction
r: The Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnforrnal.ion Technology (SLllT) recognizes slrrcier)ls witlr <lulslanrjing ar.a11 r,rrrir
performance, slllT offr:rs merit based undergraduate scholarships to
nonrinee.s fronr tlre countrir:s itr tlt('
South Asian Region in tlre form of full tuition fee waivcrs to fr:llow the tlegree prograrnrn()s
off erecJ al Sl lt l
(see appendix 1).
o SLllT scholarship covers the full
tuition fee for the entire duration of the sLllI' dcgrec program.
o Tlre scholar has the option of transferrinB to an offslrore degree programms
o{ a sLllr overseas part.*r
University, offered at SLIIT on completion of the SLllT l-.ligher National Diploma (llND)
of two ycar:;
duratlon' ln such an event the scholarship recipient will have to pay the fees
that rnay be levied on by
such University.

o Eligibility for a sLilT scholarship shalr be determined on the basis of,

1' The performance at the G.c.E. Advanced Level Examination (London or
tquivalent) namely passing t hree
subjects in the specified stream (see appendix 3) at one and the same
sitting or acquirlng eligibility to gairr
admission to a Bachelor's Degree programme of the nominated disclpline
in a University in the home
country, and
2. The official nomination by the home country

Note- ln the case of non-availability of the G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination

certlflcate, a certified letter from
the Education Authority of the relevant country is requested upon the minimum qualification
acquired by clairning
that the student is ellgible to enter a state university of that particular country.

B. Terms and Conditions

o The duration of the scholarship shall be three (03) years in case of a three year degree programme and
four (04) years in the case of an Honours degree programme of SLllT.

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Technology
() The value of a 04 year SLlll'SAARC Scholarship will bo in the range o{ USS 15,20O/, in t}re lrT{r:rmatiorr
Technology degree programmcs, tlSS 15,200/= in the Busirrcss Adrninistr.atinn degree prop,ramrrrr. arrrl
US$ 20,800/= in the Fngineering degree programmcs.
o The candidates for SLllT SAARC Scholarships shall be nominces from the countries in the SAARC Rcgion.
o The scholar will be required to maintain good acaderric standin6; during the sturjy prograrnme . Thc annual
renewal or termination of the scholarship will dcpend on maintaining a Cumulative Grade Point (CGPA)
as deenred satisfactory by the SLIIT Management.
r: The following documents should accompany the scholarship nominators:

1. lnternatir:nal student primary application (attached)

Z. Copy of the G.C.E Advanced Level Certificate and Transcript (London or equivalenl) in proof of'the
successful completion of the admission requirement stipulated. [ln case of a qualification equivalent to
the London Advanced Level, the certificate/transcript shall be accompanied by a certification by the
Examination Board of the country concerned that the holder has satisfied the admission requirements to
a Bachelor's Degree Programme in a University in the home country],
3. Copy ofthe page containing the photograph and personal details in the passport.
4. Copy of certificate of Birth

o Approximately LKR 2O,OOO/= to LKR 30,000/= (USS 150 TO 225) may have to be spent as living expenses
in Sri Lanka on a monthly basis.
o The scholarship will not cover cost of meals, travelling, visa renewal (annual renewals) and other personal
o Overseas travel expenses and other related costs will have to be borne by the student.

C, Selection and Visa application procedure

o Selection of candidates from among the nominees will be based on merit.
o On being selected for the award of a scholarship the student will be notified about the selection by 5LllT.
o l-he student could use the award letter to apply for an entry visa to Sri Lanka to join the study programme.
On arrival in Sri Lanka, the student will have to obtain a visa valid for one year, SLIIT lnternational Office
will assist the student in this exercise.
o Subsequently, the students need to apply before the expiry of the visa to get it renewed for a further year
by making the applicable payment to the Department of lmmigration and Emigration in Sri Lanka annually.

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Technology
W STIIT I )iscttttt' t' 1/r trt r I
;u I u n'
slllr scholarship for Nominees from the sAARC Region

A. lntroduction
o The Sri Lanka lnstitrrte of lnforrnal.iorr Tr:chrrology (SLllI) reco5,,nizes slucJer)1s witlr oul.stanrJinl; at.arlr,rrrir
performance, sLllT offers merit based undergraduate scholarships
to nonrinees fronr tlrc countric:s in tlr.
south Asian Region in tlre form of fulltuition fee waivcrs to fr:llow the
clegree prograryur()s off erec1 al sl ll I
(see appendix 1).
o sLllT scholarship covers the fulltuition fee for the entire duration
of the sLll'f degrt-.c ,)rogram.
o scholar has the clption of transferringto an offshore degree prograrnm(,- 9{ a sLllr overscas p;rrt.r.,r
University, offered at SLIIT on completion of the SLllT l-ligher National
Di1>lonta (llND) of two ycaf.,;
duration' ln such an evcnt the scholarship recipient will have to pay the fees
that may be levied on by
such University.

o Eligibility for a sLilT scholarship shall be determined on rhe basis of,

1' The performance at the G'C.E. Advanced Level Examination (London or
Iquivalent) namely passing three
subjects in the specified stream (see appendix 3) at one and the same sitting
or acquiring eligibility to gai,
admission to a Bachelor's Degree programme of the nominated discipline
in a University in the home
country, and
2. The official nomination by the home country

Note' ln the case of non-availability of the G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination Certificate, a certified letter from
the Education Authority of the releva nt country is requestecJ upon the minimum qualification
acquired by clairning
that the student is ellgible to enter a state university of that particular country.

B. Terms and Conditions

o lhe duration of the scholarship shall be three (03) years in case of a tlrree year degree programme and
four (04) years in the case of an Honours degree programme of SLilT.

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation -l-echnology
() The value of a 04 year SLlll SAARC Scholarship will be in the range o{ U55 15,2.0O/. in the lrrlorrnatiorr
Technology degree programmes, LJSS 15,200/= in thc Btlsirrcss Arjrnirristration degree prop,ramrrrr. arrd
US$ 20,800/* in tlre Ingineering dc'gree programmes,
o The carrdidates for SLIIT SAARC Scholarships shall be norninees from the countries in the SAARC Region.
o The scholar will be required to mairrtain good acacle rnic slancling during the sturjy programme. Thc arrnual
renewal or termination of the sclrolarship will depend on maintaining a Cllmrilative Grade Point (CGPA)
deemed satisfactory by the SLIIT Management.
o The following documents should accompany the scholarship nominators:

1. lnternational student prirnary application (attached)

2. Copy of the G.C.E Advanced Level Certificate and Transcript (London or equivalent) in proof ol'the
successful completion of the aclnrission requirement stipulated. [ln case of a qualification equivalent to
the London Advanced Level, the certificate/transcript slrall be accompanied by a certificatiorr by tlre
Examination Board of the country concerned that the holder has satisfied the admission requirements to
a Bachelor's Degree Programme in a University in the home countryl,
3. Copy of the page containing the photograph and personal details in the passport.
4. Copy of certificate of Birth

o Approximately LKR 20,000/= to LKR 30,000/= (USS 150 TO 225) may have to be spent as living expenses
in Sri Lanka on a monthly basis.
o The scholarship will not cover cost of meals, travelling, visa renewal (annual renewals) and other personal
o Overseas travel expenses and other related costs will have to be borne by the student.

C. Selection and Visa application procedure

o Selection of candidates from among the nominees will be based on merit.
o On being selected for the award of a scholarship tlre student will be notified about the selection by 5LllT.
'Ihe student could
o use the award letter to apply for an entry visa to Sri Lanka to join the study programme.
On arrival in Sri Lanka, the student will have to obtaln a visa valid for one year. SLIIT lnternational Office
will assist the student in this exercise.
o Subsequently, the students need to apply before the expiry of the visa to get it renewed for a further year
by making the applicable payment to the Department of lmmigration and Emigration in Sri Lanka annually.

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Technology
() The application for the extension ol the Visa will subjr:ct to the following conditions.
L. Maintenance of a satisfactory level of atten as dr,:termined by SLl11" thror_rghout thc -",lr"rriy
2. Maintenance of satisfactory level of attainnrent the exarrrinatiorr conductr:d, and
3. Display dedicated studentship

D. SLIIT Student Accommodation

o Off campus accommodation options are available both rnale and female students within easy reach of
SLlll Malabe campus. SLIIT lnternational Office itates the student accommodation process.
o Available accommodation normally include day facilities including 24/7 Wi-fi access.

E. Commencement of study programmes

The first year first semester of 2019 Academic year will preceded wtth a compulsory orientation prograrnme
of 03 month duration.

F. Closing date for SLIIT SAARC Scholarship will be

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Technology
Appendix 1

Degree prograrlmes on offer for students from the SAARC Region

The following programmes are on offer at SLIIT as illustrated below in the table:

Awardcd Area of lization Duratiorr

Offered by StllT Computing Degree o{ Bachelor of Science in lnf ormatlon Tech nr:logy 4 Ycars
(Conducted in Sri lnformation Teclrnology ! lnformatir:n Systems
Lanka) lingine e ring
a lnteractive Media
Computer Systems and
Network Engineering
a Cyber Security
I Data Science
a Software tsngrneennS
Degree of Bachelor of Science in 3 Ycars
lnformation T echnology
Business Degree of Bachelor of Business . l"luman Capital 4 Years
Administration (Special) (Honours) Management
. Accounting and Finance
. Marketing Management
. Logistics and Supply
Chain Management
r Business Analytics
. Management
lnformation Systems
. Business Management
Engineering Baclrelor of Science of Engineering in 4 Years
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Eachelor of Science of Engineering in

Mechanical Engincering

Bachelor of Science of Engineering in Civil


Bachelor of Science of Engineering in

Materials Engineering

Offered by Computing BSc. (Computing) a lnformation Technology 3 Years

Curtin a Software Engineering
Australia BSc. Computer Systems Networking
(Conducted in Sri Engineering B Eng (Hons) o Civil and Construction 4 Years
Lanka) Engineering
o Electrical and Electronic

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Technology
M r.'r:l ra nical Ing,inccrin6

Offered by Architecture BSc. (l-lons) in Architecture 3 yc.rls

Liverpool John
Moores Quantity BSc. (Hons) in Qtrantity Surveying 3 yc;rr r
University, UK 5u
(Conducted in Sri Business BBA (Hons) in Business Adrnirristratiorr 3 ycar:;

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnforrnation Technology
Appendix 2

Value of SAARC Scholarships

**The Royalty fees for ofl
shore foreign clegrct: programs are subject to rcvision. payablc at thc 5eginning ol cacl
semester (2 semesters per year). Royalty fees a-s specificd is for the current year as dctermined
by thc partrrer
university. Please kindly note that the anrourrts arc subject 1o clrange.

Facu lty Programme 'lotal Value of **Total chargcs to

Scholarship be paid by SAAIIC
recipient for
Computing Degree of Bachelor of Science irr lnfornration-l-echnology usD 11,400- N/A
usD 16,000
Business Degree of Bachelor of Business Ad ministration (Spccial) (Honours) usD 14,000 N/A
Engi neering Bachelo r of Science of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic USD 2O,BOO N/A

Bachelclr of Science of E lneen in Mechanical I n USD 2O,BOO

Bachelor of Science of E neeri in Civil E erl usD 20,800
Bachelor of Science of E nee in Materials E usD 20,800
Computing BSc, in lnformation Techn 1"1,400 AUD 42AO
(Curtin) BSc Com in Software En usD L1,400 AUD 4240
BSc. Com r Netwo usD 11,400 AUD 4240
Engineering (Ho in Civil and Construction usD 20,800 AUD 4240
(Curtin) Ho in Electrical and Electronic E usD 20,800 AUD 4240
BE in Mechanical E eeri usD 20,800 AUD 4240
Arch itectu re BSc. (Hons) in Architecture usD 12,600 GBP 12OO
Quantity BSc. (Hons) in Quantity Surveying usD 11,400 GBp 1200
Business BBA (Hons) in Business Adrninistration usD 11,400 6BP 1200

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Technology
Appendix 3

G'C'F. Advanced Level [xamitratiotr (London or Iqtrivalent) requiremr-'rrts to be eligible for

application fgr clcgrcrr
programmes on offer for students from the SAARC region.

Faculty Degree G.C.E Advanced Level Requirements

Offered by StllT Computing Degree of Bachelor ol Sciencc in Specializlng ln lnformotion Technology finformotlon
(Conducted by Sri lnformation Technology Syste msfi ntero ctive M e d io
Lanka) Passrls in thrco subjects (in any strcam) at thc G.C.[.
A/1. fxamination (t.ondon or Equivalenl) in orrc irrrcl
same sittinB.

Speciolizing in Computer Systems ond Networklng

Passes in thrcc subjccts (with a pass in cither
Mathematics of Physics) at the G.C.t. A/l txanrinatiorr
(london or Irquivalent) rn one and same sittin6.

Speclalizing ln Softwore Engineering

Same as requirements for specialization in lnforrnatiorr
Technology, along with passes for all modules up to thc
2nd year and a GPA of over 2.7

Business Degree of Bachelor of Business Passes in three subjects (in any stream) at the G.C.E
Adnrinistratiorr (5pecial) (llorrotrrs) A/L Exarninal.ion (London or Equivalent) ln one and
same sitting.
Engineeri ng Bachelor of Science of Engineering in Passes in three subjects (with 2 'C'passes for
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Mathematics and Physics and an 'S pass for Chenristry)
at the G.C.E. A/L Examinations (or Equivalent) in one
Bachelor of Science of Engineering in and the same sitting. Or 2'B' passes for Combined
Mechanical Engineering Mathematics and Physics and a 'C' pass for Chemisry
for London A/L
Bachelor of Science of Engineering in
Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Scierrce of Engineering in

Materials Engineering
Offered by Curtin Computing BSc. (Computing) Passes in three subjects (in at the G.C.E.
University Australia A/L Examination (London and Equivalent) in one and
{Conducted in Sri BSc. same sitting. ln the case of London A/1, meet 5.pSfils
Lanka, as per the Score Conversion.
Engineering UEng (Hons) Passes in three subjects with a minimum of 'C' pass for
Mathematics or Physics at thc G.C.k. A/L Lxamination
(London or Equivalent) in one and the same sitting. ln
the case of London A/1, meet the /gglg as per the
Score Conversion.
Offered by Architecture BSc. (Hons) in Architecture Passes in three subjects at the G.C.E. A/L Examination in
Liverpool Iohn one and same sltting. ln the case of London AlL. meet
Moores University, the 5 points as per the Score conversiorr.
UK 'C'passes for O/L Mathematics and English

Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Teclrnology

(Conducted in Sri Quantity BSc. (11ons) in Quintily Survtyinll Passcs for thrru lrrblr:r"ls al thc G.(..I A/l l.:<,rrrrirr.rtiurr
Lanka) Su rvr:ying (l..otrdon or Iqrrivllorrl) in onc and s;rrr'sittirr6 ald
rrrecl lhc 5 Dolnts as 1tr"r llrc sc()ro c()rlv(.r\r on.
Passcs for six subjcr:ts in G.C.[. 0/t wlth ;rt lr:ast 4
pas$es includirrg Credit passe$ lor Inglish arrd
[:]usiness BBA (l'lnns) in Brrsiness Passcs {or three subje cts at the G.C.t. A/l l: xarninatiorr
Adrninistration Administration (London or Equivalent) in onc and samc sitLinB. ln tlr(,
case o{ London A/L meet the 5 points a:i per tho scoro

Score Conversion for G.C.E Advanced Level Edexcel/Cambridge

A grade 5 points
B Grade 4 points
C Grade 3 points
D Grade 2 points
E Grade l point


Sri Lanka lnstitute of lnformation Technology

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