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MTr-32, NO 1, JANUARY 1984 83

Accurate Wide-Range Design Equations for

the Frequency-Dependent Characteristic of
Parallel Coupled Microstrip Lines

Afmfract —In this paper, closed-form expressions are presented which aided microstrip circuit design [26]–[28], only the latest
model the frequency-dependent even- and odd-mode characteristics of
developments have to be recapitulated here. The accumula-
parallel coupled nderostrip fines with hitherto unattained accuracy and
range of valWy. They include the effeetive dielectric constants, the
tion of analytical approaches to the problem of describing
characteristic impedances using the power-cument formulation, as well as coupled microstrips within the last few years can partially
the open-end equivalent lengths for the two fundamental modes on coupled be explained as a consequence of microwave technology
microstrip. The formulas are acenrate into the millimeter-wave region. improvements, in so far as circuits and substrates of de-
They are based on an extensive set of accurate numericaf data which were
creased tolerances justify and inspire descriptions of in-
generated by a rigorous spectral-domain hybrid-mode approach and are
believed to represent a substantial improvement compared to the creased accuracy. These descriptions should preferably be
state-of-the-art and with respeet to the computer-aided design of conpled available as closed-form analytical models which are a
microstrip filters, directional couplers, and related components. requirement resulting from the growing application of
computer-aided design tools in the microwave industry.
Numerical algorithms, like those listed in [1]–[13], are
HE STATIC NUMERICAL solution of Bryant and
accurate and are reliable sources of design information, but
Weiss in 1968 [1] provided one of the first reliable are too time-consuming for direct use in circuit optimizat-
and accurate sources of information on coupled rnicrostrip ion routines. Finally, the recent trend toward analytical
transmission-line characteristics. Their MSTRIP computer modeling efforts on the whole has been accelerated by the
program [2] has been used by numerous authors as a rapid development of monolithic microwave integrated cir-
reference, and has been validated by comparison with cuits during the last time period.
man y other sources. Several years after the appearance of Today, it appears that the most accurate and generally
this computer program, the first frequency-dependent spec- valid static model of coupled microstrips has been given by
tral domain analyses of coupled microstrip lines became Hammerstad and Jensen in 1980 [24]. The goal of these
available [3]–[7]. Today, the algorithms used to perform authors was to obtain results with errors at least less than
such computations have been developed to a higher matur- those caused by physical tolerances. Recently March [25]
ity level, and efficient program packages exist which are verified the accuracy specifications of [24] through detailed
suited for industrial application [8]–[13]. Using these, the comparison with the MSTRIP computer program [2] and the
frequency-dependent characteristics of coupled microstrip results reported by Jansen [10]. Also, comparison with the
lines can be calculated to practically any required degree of spectral-domain hybrid-mode program used in this paper
accuracy. [11], [13] confirms that the static equations presented by
Parallel to the mentioned rigorous computational efforts, Hammerstad and Jensen generally have maximum errors
a larger number of contributions have dealt with the de- less than 1 percent, except for some limiting situations. In
scription of coupled microstrip design data in the form of addition, the computer program used here as a reference
closed analytical expressions. A selection of the more rep- has been validated itself extensively by single and coupled
resentative papers on this topic is given in the references microstrip dispersion measurements since its generation in
of this paper [14]–[25]. Since reviews of the state-of-the-art 1978. Therefore, Hammerstad and Jensen’s static equations
of coupled rnicrostrip design formulas, up to about the end can be judged to be superior to those of Garg and Bahl
of 1979, can be found in three recent books on computer- [22], who report a 3-percent (characteristic impedances)
and 4-percent (effective dielectric constants) accuracy for
Manuscript received April 26, 1983; revised August 4, 1983.
their static semiempirical coupled microstrip expressions.
M. Kirschning was with the University of Duisburg, Department of
Electrical Engineering, FB9/ATE, Bismarckstr. 81, D-41OO Dnisburg 1, Furthermore, the formulas of [24] are valid in an extended
West Germany. He is now with Honeywell GmbH, P.O. Box 1109, range of geometrical parameters and are essentially con-
D-6457, Maintal, West Germany. structed to incorporate the correct asymptotic behavior
R. H. Jansen is with the University of Duisburg, Department of
Electrical Engineering, FB9/ATE, Bismarckstr. 81, D-41OO Duisburg 1, with respect to these.
West Germany. Nevertheless, there still exists no accurate frequency-

0018-9480/84/0100-0083$01.00 01984 IEEE


dependent model for parallel coupled rnicrostrip lines [24],

[27]. Getsinger’s dispersion model [15] can be shown to be
asymptotically wrong for extreme values of gap width [24],
and some of its limitations were reported already in 1973
[16]. This model gives relatively good results for alumina
substrates [22], [25] for which it has been adjusted. How-
ever, it becomes inaccurate when a wide range of geometri-
cal and substrate parameters is considered. In our experi-
ence, this limitation not only exists with respect to the
modal effective dielectric constants, but also for the even-
Fig. 1. Pictorial representation of coupled microstnp cross-sectionaf
and odd-mode characteristic impedances of coupled micro-
geometry and even- and odd-mode open-end equivalent lengths.
strip lines. Furthermore, the ability of even a slightly
modified version of Getsinger’s dispersion model to de-
scribe the frequency dependence of coupled microstrip The range of validity to which the given accuracies apply is
characteristic impedances with fair accuracy has again O.l<u<lo O.l<g<lo l<c, <18 (1)
been demonstrated only for alumina [22], [25], and with
respect to the voltage–current definition of impedance where u = w/h denotes normalized strip width and g = s/h

used in [10]. Theoretical and experimental work performed is the normalized line spacing. This covers the typical range
very recently indicates that the power–current formulation of technically meaningful parameters. Since the correct
of characteristic impedance with its smaller frequency de- asymptotic behavior, with respect to the physical parame-
pendence should be preferred for microstrip computer- ters, has been incorporated into the equations described
aided design [29]–[31]. Therefore, a thorough modification here, the equations can even be applied beyond the limits
of Getsinger’s coupled rnicrostrip expressions as invoked in of range (l), although with reduced accuracy. This is also
recent publications [24], [27] is performed here to provide true with respect to the frequency dependence, which is
accurate wide-range frequency-dependent design formulas, introduced here using the normalized quantity fn, where
In addition, further refinement of part of the static equa-
f.= (f/GHz)” (h/mm) (2)
tions of Hammerstad and Jensen [24] is performed in order
to achieve better error margins as a start for wide-range
and the upper limit of which will be given separately for
modeling of dispersion. This paper sets forth a modeling
each set of expressions. The influence of a conducting
approach previously applied to single microstrip lines
cover plate or of lateral shielding walls is not taken into
[31] -[33]. For completeness, it includes formulas for the
account in the derived expressions, i.e., the shielding is
even- and odd-mode open-end equivalent lengths of the assumed to be far enough and of negligible effect on the
coupled microstrip section, The necessary reference data
line parameters. This is in agreement with usual microstrip
for these come from a three-dimensional hybrid-mode ap-
circuit design practice. If corrections for small cover height
proach developed by Jansen [34], [35], which was meanwhile appear to become necessary in a design, the correction
verified by Homsby’s results [36]. Therefore, the whole set
formulas given by March [25] can be applied. Also, the
of equations presented here is based upon reliable, vali-
finite thickness of the strip conductors is not accounted for
dated, and cross-referenced hybrid-mode data.
in the formulas listed below. If conclusion of its effect is


desired, for example, in the case of very small widths w or
small spacings s, it is proposed to proceed in the way
The analytical expressions which follow describe the
outlined in previous publications [10], [22], and [25]. The
effective dielectric constants, the power–current character-
width correction introduced by Hammerstad and Jensen
istic impedances, and the equivalent open-end lengths of
[24] is not recommended, since this exaggerates the effect
coupled microstrip lines. The named quantities are func-
of finite thickness on the characteristics; probably, there is
tions of the substrate dielectric constant c,, the coupled
a misprint in the named reference. Starting with the model-
microstrip cross-sectional geometry as depicted in Fig. 1,
ing process, an accuracy check of the static model ‘of
and are functions of frequency, except for the modal
Hammerstad and Jensen [24] with respect to the reference
open-end length Ale and AIO. The latter are relatively small
basis used here [11], [13] shows that the static even-mode
quantities and do not vary with frequency to a consider-
effective dielectric constant of [24], denoted by Ceff,(0), is in
able degree in the usual range of applications up to about
error by not more than 0.7 percent for the range of
18 GHz [34], [35].
applicability (l), while the corresponding odd-mode value,
The expressions given here have all been derived by
Ccff (0), is in error by about 4 percent in the case of low
successive computer matching to converged numerical re-
dielectric constants and large widths and spacings. For this
sults stemming from a rigorous spectral-domain hybrid-
reason, only the static value of ~ef~e(0) has been adopted
mode approach [11], [13], and [34]. The accuracies specified
here from [24] and is rewritten as
for them are with respect to the numerical data basis
which, typically, consisted of several thousand test values. c,ff,(0) = 0.5(c, +1)+0 .5(c, – 1).(1 + 10/u) -ae(’’). be(t,)

v=u(20+ g2)/(10+ g2)+g”exp(–g) with

ae( u) = 1 + ln(( U4 + (v\52)2)/(u4 +0.432)) /49 P8 = 0,7168(1 + 1.076/(1 +0.0576(c, - l)))

+ln(l + (U/18 .1)3)/18,7 P9 = P, -0.7913 .(1- exp(- (~~\20)’”424))

b,(c,) = 0.564( (<, -0.9)/(6, + 3))0”053. (3) . arctan (2.481 (c,/8)0”946)

In contrast to this, the static odd-mode parameter c.fffO) PIO = 0.242. (<, – 1)0”55
has been remodeled for an improved accuracy of 0.5 per-
P,, = 0.63660 (exp ( –0.3401~.)–1)
cent over the range (1) and is given by
“ arctan (1.263 (u/3)1’629)
c,ffo(0) = (0.5(f, +1)+ ao(u,tr)+ceff (0))
P12 = P9 + (1 – P9)/(1+1.183u1376)
.exp(–co. gd”)+feff(())
P13 = 1.695 ~Plo/(0.414+ 1.605PIO)
UO(U,C,) = 0.7’zglteff (0)-os(’r +1))
P14 = 0,8928+0.1072.(1 -exp( -0.42 (~./20)3”2’5))

bo(cr) = 0.747<, /(0.15 + 6,) P15 = abs (1 – 0.8928(1 + PII)P12. exp ( – P13” gl’092)/P14).

cO=bO(c,)– (bO(c,)–0.207). exp(–0.414z4)

The upper frequency limit of these expressions, in con-
dO = 0.593 +0.694 ”exp(– O.562u) (4) junction with the range of applicability (l), is fn = 25, i.e.,
25 GHz for substrates of l-mm thickness, and even higher
where the quantity Ceff(0) without additional subscript
for thinner substrates. Within this limit, the maximum
refers to zero-thickness single microstrip [24] of width w.
error involved is not greater than 1.4 percent. Additional
Frequency dispersion is introduced for both modes in the
tests have shown that this error does not exceed if, for
same form as has been done previously for single micro-
example, dielectric constants near C,= 12.9 and a normal-
strip [33], namely by
ized frequency of f. = 30 are considered. Note, however,
that these equations describe only undisturbed coupled
feffe ~(~n) = ‘r — (<r — ceff,, a(0))/(1+ F=,o(fn)). (5)
microstrip lines, and other limitations might become effec-
This is a generalization of Getsinger’s dispersion relation tive in a circuit.
[15] and incorporates a more complicated form of frequency For the coupled microstrip characteristic impedances,
dependence in the terms denoted by F’(~~) and FO(~.). For again the attempt was made to use Hammerstad and
the even mode on a coupled microstrip, this results in Jensen’s static formulas [24] as a starting point, However,
detailed test computations revealed that the error in these,
Fe(fn) = P1P2((P3P4 +0.1844P7).fn)’’5763 (6) as compared to the hybrid-mode computer program em-
ployed here [11], [13], increases to about 1.5 percent for
special parameter combinations near the limits of (l).
Therefore, their usage would present problems, in so far as
PI= 0.27488 + (0.6315 +0.525/(1+ 0.0157~. )20) . u
they would not provide sufficient error margin for the later
–0.065683”exp(– 8.7513u) inclusion of frequency dependence. So, for the static values
of the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances of
P2 = 0.33622. (1 – exp( –0.034426,))
coupled rnicrostrip lines further improved expressions have
P,= 0.0363 .exp(-4.6u). (1-exp(- (~./38.7)4”’7)) been derived. Specifically, for the even mode, the static
characteristic impedance is
P4 =1+2.751.(1 -exp(- (c,/15.916)8))
ZL,(0)= ZL(0).(Ceff
P5 = 0.334 .exp(–3.3(c,/15 )3)+0.746
.1/(1 - (Z~(0)/377$1). (c,ff (0))0 5 -Q4) (8)
P,= P5 .exp ( - (~./18)0’368)

and with

P7 = 1 + 4.069P6g0479exp ( – 1.347g0595 –0.17g2 5). QI = 0.8695. UO’194

For the odd-mode effective dielectric constant, the effect Q2 = 1 +0.7519g +0.189 . g23’
of dispersion is described by
Q3 = 0.1975+ (16.6+ (8.4/g)6)-0’387

FO(~~) = p~pz”((pspq +0.1844) ”~.” P15)l”57b3 (7) + ln( glO/(l + ( g/3.4) 1°))/241

Q4 = (2Q1/Q2) Q,, =l+0.038(%/8)5”1

.(exp(- g).uQ’+(2-exp(- g)).u-Q3)-’. Q14 =1+ 1.203(6,/15)4/(1+ (C,/15)4)
The quantities without the subscript e in the main ex-
Q15 =1.887 .exp(-l.5g084). gQll. (1 +0,41 (~~/15)3
pression are again those for a zero-thickness single rnicro-
strip [24] of width w. Similarly, the odd-mode impedance is
- u2/@/(().125 + ~1626/f213
Q16 = (1 +9\(l+0.403(c, -1)2) ).Q15
ZLO(0) = ZL(0). (Eeff (o)/teffJo))0”5

QIT = 0.394 .(1- exp(-l.47(u/7)0G72))

. 1/(1 – (Z~(0)/377fl) . (c.,, (0))0”5 “ Q,O) (9)

with .(l-exp(-4.25(~ /20)’87))


Q, =1.794 +1.14 .ln(l +0.638\(g +0.517g243)) Q,, = 0.61 .(1 -exp( -2.13 (u/8)1 5’3))/(l+6.544g4 17)

Q,= 0.2305 +ln(glO/(l + (g/5.8) ’0))/281.3

Q,’ = 0.21g4((l+0.18g4’) .(1+ 0.1u2)(l+(~./24)3 ))-l
+ln(l+0.598g1154) /5.1
Q20 = (0.09+1/(1 +0.l(t, -1)2’7))oQ19
Q,= (10+ 190g2),/’(l +82.3g3)
Q21 = abs (1 -42.54g0133.exp( -0.812g)
Q,= exp(-6.5-0.951n( g)-(g/0.15)5)
. u2”5/(1 +0.033 U2”5)).
Q,= ln(Q,)”(Q8 +1/16.5)
In the above equations, C.ff ( fn ) denotes the single micro-
QIO=Q1l. (QZQ4-Qj”exp(ln (u)”Q6-u-Q’). strip effective dielectric constant as described in [33] as a
The accuracy of these new static expressions is better function of frequency. The auxiliary quantity QO also refers
than 0.6 percent for both modes in the range of validity (l). to single microstrips. It is the exponential term which
Considering the frequency dependence of the characteristic appears in the description of single-line impedance disper-
impedances, the power–current formulation prevails by sion in [31, eq. (5)] and is denoted by R17 there. Since it
analogy to the treatment of a single microstrip [31]. Imped- consists of a chain of several expressions, it is not repeated
ance dispersion, as resulting from numerical hybrid-mode explicitly here. Instead, it is recommended that the previ-
computations [11], [13], is included for the even mode in ously given single-line expressions [31]–[33] and the equa-
the form tions presented here be used for implementation on a
desktop computer as a whole. For the odd-mode on cou-
Z~,(~~) = Z~,(0)” (0.9408 (6.,, (j.)) c= –0.9603) ‘“ pled rnicrostrip lines, the frequency-dependent characteris-
tic impedance is modeled by
. 1/((0,9408- d,)(c,ff (~.))ce -0.9603)Q0 (10)
+ ( -%(o)” (%ff~fn )/%ffJo)) ’22 - Z~(~~)Q’3)
C, = 1 + 1.275(1 – exp ( – 0.004625peC~674
(l+Qu +(0.46g)2”2Q2,)-’
~(~n/18.365)2”745 ))- Q12 + QIG - Q17 + Q18 + Q20
d,= 5.086 qe. (r=/(0.3838+0.3869,))

. (exp (-22.2 u’’2)/(l + 1.2992re)) Q22 = 0.925 (~n/Q26)153G/(1 +0.3( ~n/30)153’)

Q23 = 1 + o.oosfn” Q27
.((% -l)’/(l +10(%-1)’))
o((1 +0.812( f~/15)1”). (1 +0.025 u2))-l
p== 4.766. exp ( – 3.2280 u0641)

q.= 0.016 + (0.0514c,” Q21)4’524 Q24 = 2.506Q28. ~o.894. ((1 + L3u)fn/99.25)4”29

r== (~. /’2843)1212 o(3.575+ U’J”894)-1

and Q25 = (0.3L2/(10+ f;))

Q,, = 0.893. (1- O.3/(1+0.7(c, -l))) o(1 +2.333(6, - 1)2/(5+ (c, -1)2))

QIZ = 2.12@/20)4”’l/(1+ Q11.(~./20)4”91)) Qz’ = 30-22 .2((((, -1)/13) 12/(1 +3((c, -1)/13)12))

. exp ( – 2.87g)”g0902
– Qz!l

80 70 55
01 slh s{h

N a

wlh ,225
t 50-
wlh-30 06
50 ZLo 05
z Lo

LO - 02

30~ 30 slh
25- ;5 ;0 ‘“h ;5 sj
o 5 10 15 20 25 30
f/GHz — f/GHz — f /GHz —
(a) (b) (c)

22 05 22 - I
w en 22 -
= even
: ~
even Ua I
21 - 2.1






170 , *o~-o
5 10 15 20 25 30
f/GHz — f/GHz — f /GHz —
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 2. The frequency-dependent even- and odd-mode effective dielec-
tric constants and characteristic impedances of coupled microstnp lines
on a plastic substate (RT-Duroid 5870, c,= 2.35, k = 0.79 mm). (a), (d)
w/h = 2.25. (b), (e) w/h = 3.0. (c), (f) w/h = 4.00.

Q,, = 0.4g084(l +2.5(6, -1) ’”5/(5+ (t, -1)’ 5)) 25-roil-thick substrate. Modeling accuracy is typically
better than 1.5 percent if usage is restricted to c, <12,9 and
Qn = ~.149(~, -1)3/( 94.5 +0.038 (~, -1)3) fn <15. As outlined for the effective dielectric constants,
additional limitations may have to be regarded in an actual
Q~~ ‘15.16/(1 +0.196 (c, - 1)2).
microstrip circuit.
The quantity Z~(j.) is the frequency-dependent Pictorial representation of (5)–(7), and (10), (11) is given
power–current characteristic impedance formulation of a in Figs. 2(a)–(f) and 3(a)–(f) for two widely used, commer-
single microstrip with width w [31]. The range of applica- cially available substrates, namely RT-Duroid 5870 (t, =
bility (1) applies again, and the impedance equations (10) 2.35, h = 0.79 mm) and alumina (c, = 9.70, h = 0.64 mm).
and (11) are valid up to fn = 20, with a maximum error These are included as an immediate design aid and as a
smaller than 2.5 percent. If the specified upper value of the reference for the installation of the formulas on a com-
substrate dielectric constant is reduced from 18 to 12.9, the puter. The line widths in Figs. 2 and 3 were chosen so that
expressions can be used up to ffl = 25 without a decrease in the equivalent single microstrip impedances, i.e., those for
accuracy. This would correspond to about 40 GHz for a very loose coupling, are grouped around 50 0. With the

90 slh 80 s{h


~ 70



50- ‘Lo

I I w/h-l 33 10 I

Q6 08 —

Lo 0
0/ 01
t t f
sih Sih
20 slh ,
20 20 I
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
f/GHz — f /GHz— f/ GHz —
(a) (b) (c)
8.s 90
t slh slh
t ‘“~







501 55
0 5 10 15 20 25 ~ 0 5 10 15 20 25 :
f/GHz — f/GHz —
f/GHz —

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 3. The frequency dependent even- and odd-mode effective dielec-

tric constants and characteristic impedances of couded microstrk lines
on a ceramic substrate (Alurnin~ c,= 9.70, h =“0.64 mm). (;), (d)
w/11 = 0.75. (b), (e) w\h =1.0. (c), (f) w/h =1.33.

normalized line spacing g = s/h as a parameter, these end-effect lengths are described by
curves allow interpolation to obtain frequency-dependent
Ale = (Al(2u, (,)– Al(u, c,)+ 0.0198. h.g~l)
even- and odd-mode impedance values for design.
Analytical expressions for the even- and odd-mode .exp(–0.328g2244 )+ Al(u. f,) (12)
open-end equivalent lengths of the coupled microstrip sec- with
tion [37] are also reproduced here for completeness. The Rl=l.187. (1–exp(–0.069u2’))
meaning of these quantities is illustrated in Fig. 1 and is
analogous to the single microstrip open-end effect [32].
Their application for improved filter and coupler design AIO= (Al(u, t,)–h. R~). (l–exp(– Ro))+h. R~
has been outlined in a separate paper [37]. As for the single
microstrip end effect, the inclusion of frequency depen- with
dence is not necessary for most design applications up to
R2 = 0.343. UQ61X7
about 18 GHz [32], [34], and [35], and often even beyond
that. In detail, the modal coupled microstrip equivalent + (0.45 c,/(1 + c,)) .I,JI 357+lG5~l+07cr))

R3 = 0.2974 .(1–exp(– R,)) ory Tech,, vol. MTT-20, pp. 678–688, 1972.
[5] R. Pregla and G. Kowalski, ” Simple formulas for the determination
of the characteristic constants of microstrips,” Arch. Elek.
Ubertragung (AEU), vol. 28, pp. 339-340, 1974.
[6] R. H. Jansen, “Computer analysis of edge-coupled planar struc-
+ (1.025(,/(0.687+ c,)).g(09586F~0706+crJ).
tures,” Electron. Lett., vol. 10, pp. 520–522, 1974.
[7] J. B. Knorr and K. D. Kuchler, “Analysis of coupled slots and
The end-effect quantities Al( u, c,) and A1(2u, c,), without
coplanar strips on dielectric substrate,” IEEE Trans. Microwave
subscript, represent single-line values for widths w and 2w, Theory Tech., vol. MTT-23, pp. 541-548, 1975.
respectively. The range of applicability is again defined by [8] J. B. Davies and D. Mirshekar-Syalkal, “Spectral domain solution
(l). The associated accuracy is 5 percent compared to the of arbitrary coplanar transmission line with multilayer substrate,”
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-25, pp. 143-146,
numerical hybrid-mode data basis [34], [35] employed for a 1977.
fixed frequency of 4 GHz (actually, there is a slight in- [9] R. H. Jansen, ” Fast accurate hybrid mode computation of nonsym-
crease with frequency). This should be accurate enough for metrical coupled microstnp characteristics,” in Proc. 7th European
Mwrowuue Conf., (Copenhagen, Denmark), 1977, pp. 135-139.
most microstrip design purposes, since the length correc- [10] —, “ Hi@-speed computation of single and coupled microstrip
tions (12), (13) themselves seldom contribute to the electri- parameters including dispemion, higher-order modes, loss and finite
cal length of a coupled microstrip section by more than strip thickness’ IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-26,
pp. 75-82, 1978.
10–15 percent. It is observed that the even-mode equiva- [11] —, “Unified user-oriented computation of shielded, covered
lent end-effect length Al= decreases asymptotically to that and open planar microwave and millimetre-wave transmission line
of the corresponding single lirie Al, if the spacing ~/h is characteristics: Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., vol. MOA-3, pp. 14-22,
increased. Oppositely, the odd-mode length correction AIO [12] D. Mirshekar-SyaMmf and J. B. Davies, “Accurate solution of
approaches the single-line value Al from below. microstrip and coplanar structures for dispersion and for dielectric
Coupled microstrip loss has not been considered here. and conductor losses,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.
NfTT-27, pp. 694-699, 1979.
The physical parameters required for such a computation, [13] R. H. Jansen, Microstrip Computer Programs — Short Descriptions.
like surface roughness, dielectric loss tangent, and sheet Aachen, W. Germany: Verlag H. Wolff, 1981.
resistivit y, are not always known with good accuracy in [14] A. Schwarzmann, “ Microstrip plus equations adds up to fast de-
signs,” Electronics, pp. 109–112, Oct. 2, 1967.
practice. Therefore, approximate calculations, as found in [15] W. J. Getsinger, “Dispersion of parallel-coupled microstnp~ IEEE
several publications on the topic [10], [22], [24]–[28], seem Trans. Microwave Theoy Tech., vol. MTT-21, pp. 144-145,1973.
adequate for many microstrip design cases. Also, sensitivity [16] B. Easter and K. C. Gupta, “More accurate model of the coupled
microstrip line section: Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., vol. MOA-3, pp.
data for coupled microstrip lines has not been presented 99-103, 1973.
here, but is available in the technical literature [26], [17] H. J. Carlin and P. P. Civalleri, “A coupled-line model for disper-
[38] -[40], or can be computed by the designer from the sion in parallel-coupled rnicrostrips,” IEEE Trans. Microwave The-
OIY Tech., vol. MTT-23, pp. 444–446, 1975.
closed-form expressions provided here. [18] S. Akhtarzad et al., ” The design of coupled microstrip lines,” IEEE
Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. M’lT-23, pp. 486-492, 1975.
III. CONCLUSION [19] S. D. Shamasundara and N. Sin@, “Design of coupled microstrip
hnes~ IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-25, pp.
Novel frequency-dependent analytical expressions have 232-233, 1977.
been reported for the even- and odd-mode characteristics [20] J. Zehntner, “Anrdysis of coupled microstnp finesj” Microwave J.,
pp. 82-83, May 1978.
of parallel coupled microstrip lines. They are given in a
[21] A. E. Ros, “Design charts for inhomogeneous coupled microstrip
form such that they can be implemented easily on a linesj’ IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-26, pp.
desktop computer or a programmable pocket calculator. In 394-400, 1978.
[22] R. Garg and I. J. Bahl, “Characteristics of coupled microstnp
terms of their accuracy, which is specified for a very wide
lines,” IEEE Trans. Mzcrowave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-27, pp.
range of validity up to millimeter-wave frequencies, the 700-705, 1979.
described closed-form equations represent a considerable [23] J. H. Hinton,’( On design of coupled microstrip lines: IEEE Trans.
Mlcrowaue Theory Tech., vol. MIT-28, p. 272, 1980.
improvement to the foundations of coupled microstrip
[24] E. Hammerstad and O. Jensen, “Accurate models for microstrip
filter and coupler design. The equations are primarily set computer-aided design,” m IEEE MTT-S Int. Mccrowave Symp.
up for use in computer-aided microstrip circuit optimiza- Dig. (Washington, DC), 1980, pp. 407-409.
[25] S. March, “Ivlicrostrip packa~ng: Watch the last step,” Microwaves,
tion routines, and are fully compatible with the needs and
PP. 83-84, 87-88, 90, and 92-93, Dec. 1981.
trends of modern computer-aided microwave integrated [26] K. C. Gupta et al., Microstrip Lines and Notlines. Dedham, MA:
circuit design. Artech House, 1979, pp. 303-358.
[27] T. C. Edwards, Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design. Chiches-
ter: Wiley, 1981, pp. 129-158, 221-230.
REFERENCES [28] K. C. Gupta et al., Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Clrcrats.
[1] T. G, Bryant, and J. A. Weiss, “Parameters of microstrip transmis- Dedham MA: Artech House, 1981, pp. 76-85, 120-126.
sion lines and of coupled pairs of microstrip lines,” IEEE Trans. [29] R. H. Jansen and N. H. ‘L. Koster, “New aspects concerning the
Mzcrowaue Tkeoiy Tech., vol. MTT-16, pp. 1021-1027, 1968. definition of microstnp characteristic impedance as a function of
[2] _ “ MSTRIP (parameters of microstnp). Comp. Prog. Des.,” frequency,” m IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave S.vmp. Dig. (Daflas,
IEEE ‘Trans. Microwave Theo~ Tech., vol. MTT-19, pp. 418-419, TX), 1982, pp. 305-307.
1971. [30] W. J, Getsinger, “Measurement of the characteristic impedance of
[3] G. Kowalski and R. Pregla, “Dispers~on characteristic: of single microstrip over a wide frequency range,” in IEEE MTT-S Int.
and coupled microstnps,” Arch. Elek. Ubertragung ( A EU), vol. 26, Microwaue Symp. Dig. (Dallas, TX), 1982, pp. 342–344 and assoc.
pp. 276-280, 1972. manuscript.
[4] M. K. Krage and G. I. Haddad, ” Frequency-dependent characteris- [31] R. H. Jansen and M. Kirschning, “Arguments and an accurate
tics of microstrip transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Mlcrowaue The- model for the power-current formulation of microstrip characteris-

tic impedance,” Arch. Elek. Ubertragang (AEU), vol. 37, pp. From 1977 to 1978, he was a Research Engineer in the Institute of
108-112, 1983. Radio Frequency Techniques, RWTH Aachen, where he was engaged in
[32] M. Kirschning et al., “Accurate model for open end effect of research in the field of coupled microstrip filters and coupler anafysis and
microstrip lines,” Electron. Lett., vol. 17, pp. 123-125, 1981. synthesis. From 1978 to 1983, he was employed as a Research Scientist in
[33] M. Kirschning and R. H. .lansen, “Accurate model for effective the department of electrical engineering at Duisburg University, West
dielectric constant of microstrip with validity up to millimetre-wave Germany, where he worked in the areas of microwave theory, CAD
frequencies,” Electron. Lett., vol. 18, pp. 272-273, 1982. techniques, modeling techniques of microstnp discontirmities, permittivity
[34] R. H. Jansen, “Hybrid mode ardysis of end effects of planar measurements, and filter and coupler synthesis on desktop computers.
microwave and millimeterwave transmission lines,” Proc. Inst. Elec. Since April of 1983, he has been a Marketing Manager, Honeywell
Eng., Pt. H, vol. 128, pp. 77-86, 1981. GmbH, Maintal, West Germany.
[35] R. H. Jansen and N. H. L. Koster, “Accurate results on the end
effect of single and coupled microstnp lines for use in microwave
circuit design,” Arch. E[ek. Ubertragang (AEU), vol. 34, pp.
[36] J. S. Homsby, “Full-wave analysis of rnicrostrip resonator and
open-circuit end effect,” Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., Pt. H, vol. 129, pp. *
338-341, 1982.
[37] M. Kirschuing et al., “Coupled microstnp paraflel gap model for
improved filter and coupler design,” E[ectron. Lett., vol. 19, pp.
377-379, 1983.
[38] R. J. Roberts, “Effect of tolerances on the Performance of micro-
Rolf H. Jansen (M75) was born in Cologne,
strip paraflel-coupled bandpass filters,” Ele;tron. Lett., vol. 7, pp.
West Germany, in 1946. He received the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engineering,
[39] B. Ramo Rae, “Effect of loss and frequency dispersion on the
from RWTH Aachen in Aachen, West Germany,
performance of microstrip directional couplers and coupled filters,”
in 1972 and 1975, respectively. His Ph.D. thesis
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-22, pp. 747-750,
was on the numencaf analysis of arbitrarily
shaped microstrip structures.
[40] C. Gupta, “Design of paraflel coupled line filter with discontinuity
From 1972–1976, he was Research Assistant
compensation in- micr&tnpJ’ M&owave J., vol. 22, pp. 39-463
42-43, 57, 1979.
at the RWTH Aachen microwave laboratory.
From 1976 to 1979, he was a Senior Research
Emzineer in the same laboratory, working on the
* frequency-dependent chara~terization of planar structures and the CAD
of microwave circuits, and also had responsibility for the thin-film tech-
Manfred Kirscfming was born in Molln, West nology of the laboratory. Since 1977, he has been a scientific consultant
Germany, on May 27, 1951. He received the and avocatiorxd staff member of Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG (SEL),
Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering in 1977 Pforzheim, W. Germany in the Radio Communication Division. Since
from the Technicaf University, Hannover, West 1979, he has been an Associate Professor at Duisburg University, engaged
Germany. From 1977 through 1981, he was en- in teaching and research in the microwave field and the computer-aided
rolled as a student of industrial management and design of microwave broad-band components, like FET-ampfifiers and
economics at the Technicaf University, Aachen, mixers. For the year 1981/82, he stayed with SEL, Pforzheim, as a
West Germany, where he received the Dipl.- full-time staff member. He is the author and coauthor of about 40
Wirtschaftsing. degree in 1981. He will receive technicaf papers.
the Dr.-Ing. degree in electncaf engineering from Dr. Jansen is a member of VDE, the German association of electrical
Duisburg University, West Germany, in engineers, and the recipient of the outstanding publications award in 1979
February, 1984 of the German Society of Radio Engineers.

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