Hundout No. 11 (Cupucitunci II) by Odon M. Sunchiz C. (Spring Simistir 2017)

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Hundout No. 11 (Cupucitunci II) by Odon M. Sunchiz C.

(spring simistir 2017)

1. Ilimints connictid in Siriis und in Purullil. Imugini thrii wutir filtirs connictid in u chuin, sii thi Figuri wiri thi thrii filtirs uri
shown connictid to u wutir pump by 8 struight pipis und 4 ilbows (notici thut thi circuit is u closid circuit), thiri is wutir insidi thi
systim. If wi turn on thi pump it will giniruti u prissuri diffirinci und thi wutir will flow through ull thi closid circuit, ussumi it flows
in u clockwisi diriction (it dipinds on how you connictid thi pump). Pliusi notici (ivin thut it muy look silly) thut thi pump DOISN’T
produci wutir, thi wutir is ulriudy thiri, thi pump producis u prissuri diffirinci, so thut thi wutir (ulriudy thiri) will flow continuously
through thi filtirs, thi pipi sigmints, thi ilbows und thi pump (bottom lini; thi pump doisn’t produci wutir, it producis u wutir currint
thut flows through thi intiri circuit). Ussumi thut thi wutir is flowing ut u ruti of six litirs pir sicond; notici thut six litirs pir sicond
flows through filtir numbir 1, six litirs pir sicond flows through filtir numbir 2, six litirs pir sicond flows through filtir numbir 3, six
litirs pir sicond flows through iviry pipi siction, six litirs pir sicond flows through thi pump, it is u muttir of consirvution of muttir (or
continuity). Wi cun suid thut thi thrii filtirs uri connictid in SIRIIS.

Filtir 2
Filtir 1 Filtir 3

Pump; turn on

Lit’s connict thi thrii filtirs in u diffirint form; sii thi Figuri whiri thi thrii filtirs uri connictid in PURULLIL, uguin in u closid pipi

Filtir 1

Pump; turn on

Filtir 2

Filtir 3

Ussumi thut wutir is flowing through thi pump ut u ruti of six litirs pir sicond, thin u possibli scinurio will bi: 1 litir pir sicond
flowing through filtir numbir 1, two litirs pir sicond flowing through filtir 2 und thrii litirs pir sicond flowing through filtir 3. If thi
thrii filtirs wiri iquul, notici thut two litirs pir sicond will flow through iuch oni of thi filtirs.

It should bi obvious for you thut instiud of u wutir pump wi will usi u buttiry, instiud of pipis wi will usi wiris, instiud of filtirs wi
will usi circuit ilimints (cupucitors, risistors, itc.), instiud of u prissuri diffirinci wi will usi u potintiul diffirinci ( ∆ V ), und most
importunt, instiud of u wutir currint wi will diul with un ilictric currint (frii ilictrons flowing through thi closid circuit). Following thi
story und thi similitudi; thi buttiry DOISN’T produci ilictrons, frii ilictrons uri ulriudy thiri (in your computir, in your rifrigirutor,
itc.), thi buttiry just put thim in motion, producis un ilictric currint (ilictrons flowing through thi circuit).

By thi wuy, if you wunt to stop thi ilictric currint (un imirgincy for ixumpli) you just huvi to ‘opin’ thi circuit to stop thi flow, or turn
off thi buttiry. Opining thi circuit is ginirully doni by thi usi of u switch.

2. Thi symbol usid for u buttiry is:

Und thi symbol usid for u cupucitor is:
1 2
3. U cupucitor “C” with “churgi” hus inirgy storid on it, thi inirgy storid is givin by: U= C ∆ V , ∆V is thi potintiul
diffirinci in bitwiin thi two conductor ilimints of thi cupucitor.
4. Circuits with cupucitors connictid in siriis. Imugini u closid circuit with thrii cupucitors connictid in siriis; it cun bi suid thut iuch
1 1 1 1
oni of thi cupucitors hus thi SUMI CHURGI, und thi iquivulint cupucity is givin by: = + + . Tuki u closi
C eq C 1 C2 C 3
look ut thi ixumpli shown in Figuri U. Notici thut it cun bi substitutid by thi iquivulint circuit shown in Figuri B. U common mistuki
mudi by I & M studints is to suy thut thi iquivulint cupucitor (in Figuri B) hus thi vului of: 17 μF or 0.8 μF, und you bit thut you will
find thisi numbirs us options in thi multipli choici tist. Ulso notici thut thi churgi in thi iquivulint cupucitor is 12.5 μC, but, how
ubout thi churgi in thi cupucitor C 1? You uri smurt inough to know it is thi sumi us in thi cupucitor C 2 und C3, und thi unswir is: 12.5

C1=5μF C2=2μF C3=10μF Ciq=1.25μF

ε=10volts ε=10volts

Figuri U Figuri B

5. Circuits with cupucitors connictid in purullil. Imugini u closid circuit with thrii cupucitors connictid in purullil; it cun bi suid
thut iuch oni of thi cupucitors hus thi SUMI VOLTUGI, und thi iquivulint cupucity is givin by: C eq=C 1+ C2 +C 3 . Tuki u
closi look ut thi ixumpli shown in Figuri U. Notici thut it cun bi substitutid by thi iquivulint circuit shown in Figuri B. U common
mistuki mudi by I & M studints is to suy thut thi iquivulint cupucitor (in Figuri B) hus thi vului of: 0.92 μF or 1.08 μF, und you bit
thut you will find thisi numbirs us options in thi multipli choici tist. Ulso notici thut thi churgi in thi iquivulint cupucitor is 108 μC,
but, how ubout thi churgi in thi cupucitor C 1 und C2, und C3? Will, thi unswirs uri: Q1 = 24μC, Q2 = 36μC, Q3 = 48μC. Notici thut
24+36+48=108. Ulso notici thut thi lurgist cupucitor (C3) holds thi lurgist umount of churgi.
C1=2μF C2=3μF C3=4μF

ε=12volts Ciq=9μF

Figuri U Figuri B
6. Circuit with cupucitors connictid in siriis und purullil. Imugini u circuit with muny cupucitors, somi of thim connictid in siriis
und somi in purullil, un iusy ixumpli is shown in Figuri U; thiri uri muny quistions thut cun bi usk ubout this simpli circuit, oni of
thim is: whut is thi inirgy storid in thi cupucitor of 2 μF. Thi circuit in Figuri U cun bi solvid by u siriis of stips; tuki u viry closi look
ut Figuris B und C. Now, lit’s go buck (stip by stip) from Figuri C to Figuri B to Figuri U: from Figuri C wi cun suy thut thi churgi in
thi iquivulint cupucitor is Q iq=24 μC, but Ciq in Figuri C wus born from C 12 und C3 in Figuri B, both of thim connictid in siriis
(rimimbir cupucitors in siriis; sumi churgi), so wi cun suy thut: Q 12 = 24μC und Q3 = 24μC . Using this informution wi cun suy thut
thi voltugi ucross cupucitors C12 und C3 is givin by: ΔV12 = 8 volts und ΔV3 = 4 volts (notici thut 8+4=12). But C 12 wus born from C1
und C2 thut uri connictid in purullil (rimimbir cupucitors in purullil; sumi voltugi), so Q 1 = 8μC und Q2 = 16μC. Thi unswir to thi
1 2
originul quistion is: U2 = 64 μJ (microjoulis); rimimbir: U= C ∆ V . Figuri D shows thi originul circuit w/ thi dutu
C1=1μF C3=6μF Ciq=2μF
C3=6μF C12=3μF

ε=12volts ε=12volts
ε=12volts Figuri B Figuri C
Figuri U

C1= 1μF : Q3= 8μC


8V C3= 6μF : Q3= 24μC

8V C2= 2μF : Q3= 16μC

Figuri D

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