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Jeanelle Valdovinos

ETE 310
(15 Minute video about what I need to keep in mind as important for the edTPA)

Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

● Part A: Context for Learning Information

○ School demographics
○ Student demographics
○ IEPs
○ Learning needs
○ Curriculum
● Part B: Plans for Learning Segment
○ 4 pages per lesson
○ Standard aligns to central focus and learning target
○ Standards and central focus are the same through all learning segments
● Part C: Instructional Materials Part
○ 5 pages per lesson
○ Label each according to what lesson it corresponds to ( ex. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2)
● D: Assessments Part E: Planning Commentary
○ 11 pages
○ Use entire page count = higher score
○ Lessons, assessments, and instructional materials= evidence
○ Prompts
■ More than one question
■ Break it apart
■ Be specific and descriptive when answering prompts
■ Give 2-3 examples per question
■ Use learning theories to back up answers

Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Children in Learning

● Part A: Video Clips

○ Permission Slips
○ experiences that show you interacting with children to promote language and
literacy development
○ 2 video clips
■ Clip 1 must show class/group interaction (minimum of 4 children),
■ Clip 2 must show small group interaction or interaction with an individual.
○ Video record evidence of learning for each focus child.
● Part B: Instruction Commentary
○ Analyze teaching and learning in the video through commentary prompts.

Task 3: Assessing Children’s Learning

1. Part A: Video or Audio Evidence of Learning

○ identify 2 focus children
○ Conceal all names (only 1st name)
○ Transcriptions
2. Part B: Observation Notes and Work Samples
○ Collect and analyze 3 sources of evidence related to the central focus of each
focus child. (work samples)
○ Digitalizing work samples: camera, phone, scanner
○ Transcriptions
3. Part C: Evidence of Feedback
○ Most effective when written on the work sample itself.
○ Submit feedback provided to the 2 focus children in written, audio, or video form.
○ 1 file per focus student
○ If a video is udes it should show studnets using the academic langauge.
○ Video should be 5 minutes or less.
○ 3 components
i. Identify correct and incorrect performance
ii. Identify resources to improve performance (teacher help)
iii. It must prompt student to repond (studnets corrections)
○ Formting:
i. Cite the location of the feed back on the omentary
ii. Label feed back: Student1 feedback, Student2 feedback, etc. ( if not
written on the wrok sample)
iii. Illegible writing or speech should be transcribed.
iv. Studnet response: write it and adress it on the commentary

4. Part D: Assessment Commentary

○ Summarize the learning for the class/group of children within the learning
○ Analyze the learning of the class/group and the focus children to identify
quantitative and qualitative patterns of learning.
○ Format: Graphic such as a table, chart, narrative.
5. Part E: Evaluation Criteria
○ Define and submit the evaluation criteria
○ Analyzes studnets learning and whole class
○ It can take many forms: rubric, description, right-wrong checklist, answer key, or
a combination of these.

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