San Agustin Personal Narrative-2

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San Agustín Archaeological Park

Hello my name is Diego Alejandro Cosma I am going to narrate

you an expectacular adventure, one day we were with my family
calm at the house and my mom said: “Do you want to see a
historical place were indigenous come let’s go to San Agustín
Archaeological Park is a place were you can see sculptures of
something that pass on the past. I was so happy to go touring
the San Agustín Archaeological Park and visiting the site where
the Magdalena River does not exceed 3 meters in width that
was some information we learned in socials. When we arrived,
we said to our mom let’s go to visit all Huila, but my mom said
no we only came to see the sculptures. When we were going to
San Agustín Archaeological Park my mom said that the most
representative figures of the park were the "double me “that is
was my favorite sculpture.
Its representation of a warrior or guardian carved in stone in
then naturist style. The double me represents a trilogy,
composed by the frontal, with feline mouth, which is protected
by a double zoomorphic "that covers the head, at the time" that
is described in the back and that unfolds in another figure with
scales "
When we arrived to th park we saw all many things all was
nature, we wanted to go running ton San Agustín sculptures we
thought all was symbolic power is integrated into the masculine
and feminine, being a symbol of a magical power of a shaman
and yes it was true. The "eagle with a snake in its claws" was an
sculpture we saw there another thing we saw was an important
symbol of creation, related to the political hierarchy and symbol
of power ."El Partero (also called El Obispo)" It was an enormous
effigy of four meters in height and several tons of weight that
receives a child we also saw an sculpture that represents life ."La
Fuente de Lavapatas" that consists of a complex labyrinth of
channels and pools carved in the stone bed of the ravine where
in high relief the representations of snakes, lizards,
salamanders, iguanas, chameleons, frogs and turtles mixed with
faces and forms are combined human. Something we enjoy the
meals such as the fishes (Bagre Pintado, mojarra), Asado
Huilense, Arepa, Cuy Asado and many more food you eat mean
while we were in San Agustín. Also enjoy Fiestas de San Agustín
as a National Encounter of Culture. I recommend this place
because when you visit San Agustín, you can find so much
activities for all tastes, which will make your trip an unforgettable
experience. Obviously, we go in October because every year in
the inhabitants of San Agustín take to the streets to celebrate
their roots with elements indigenous to their culture. It was so
good that trip and we came happy to Bogota.

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