Pal Election in The City of Baltimore,: Pohtponrd Sate

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•riu« p a s t Nr,A*u>i*. \ Volefttilt' IOrii|Mloi» V H llnunir THE CHARLESTON !'> KI It seem» PoHtponrd Sate.

Thero are good and sufficient roa Wo learn from the Honolulu Com now, frotn tlio published notes that S T A T E O F L O U I S I A N A — Parish o f E n s t
Baton Rouge—No. 1041 and ln.'iO, Jus­
sons, why a day should bo named mereial Gazette that a new eruption passed between llio parties concerned tices Court, before P. A. Walker, i. t\,
second ward of said Parish—K. H OFF­
I! A TON ROUGE,I::::OCT. 10, 15B0. in tlio coming month for a general of the volranic mountain on Hawaii in the Charleston duel, which lead to MANN , et. al., IM . -I os if IM Wit.soN.

IT/- On Wodnemlny last, tlio Muni

Thanksgiving. Hy ancient and lion
orable custom, November is admitted follows :
has taken place.It is described as the death ol one of the editors of Ilm
M r r f u r i / , (Mr. W . 15..Tabor, JR.,)
B Y VIRTUE ol an alias commission, i*
sued in the nbove entitled atnl nurn
bored ratise and to me directed hy P. A
pal election In the city of Baltimore,
to bo the proper season, and already a On the evening of tho I lib of Au­ that the article in I ho Afcrrnr;/ at which Walker,r., in and Inrthe second ward of
took placo. Tlio struggle, will bo n vig said Parish, I will offer at public sale at,
number of the States have by mutual gust, about ID o'clock, a small light, li. Magrath took umbrage, was writ­ the Court House door of said Parish, in tho
orously oontesled one. Tlio opposing
consent fixed a day. At two or three apparently of burning boushwood or ten by Mr. Ubett. Tho latter gentle­ City of Baton Rouge, on
parties Imvo mustered up llioir full grass, was near tlio top of Mauna hon, HA'II'HIM V, t h e 1st *Iny iifNorrmhrr.
periods in tlio past history of Louisi
stropgtli, under tlio conviction Hint as which rapidly increased until the whole man finding that, a difficulty was about next, I R. r ifi, at 11 o'clock, A. M ,, of snid day,
ana, Proclamations have been issued heavens reflected ils brightness, and to grow out of bis article, oamo out all tin' liyht, tille, interest and claims of
I be city goes, *o goes tbe St ate the defendant, Joshua Wilson, in or to tbe
by the Executive for the observance of turned the night into day. So bright and acknowledged bis responsibility proiierty hereinafter setfoith and described
.—. «.<••<«
this interesting custom, and the alac was it, towards morning, that fine news­ by Inn, su, tendered to pay ami satisfy tbe
KIOT IN HALTIMORK .—To our en but, the preliminaries for tho duel had judgment, interest nnd cost in kl'o above
paper print could easily be read by tho
terprisiug neighbors of tlio Gazette, lily with which the people have com
light. It was certain that some un- been arranged, find it could not be e n t i t l e d a n d n u m b e r e d c a u s e s , t o w i t .
plied with the request, shows it to bo tisual eruption bad begun. This light, A certain lot id' ground situated in that;
who lay before us, daily tclegrapbio prevented. part of the city of B.don Rouge, laid old,
popular—having strong claims fur at continued, varying in brightness, for
news in roforetico to current events, Here arises tho question ngain "what by the late Elie H-aure&Brd, anil designated
tent ion on all our peoplo of wlintovor weeks; sometimes a dense smoky at­ on the plan thereof as lot No 4. of ftipnie
are 'wn indebted for «Inspatclies from degree of responsibility should the No. 3H, together with all the buildings and
Haltimore, in roforeneo to (lie inuni- shade of religion or polities Move mosphère obscured it wholly, but when improvements thereon.
clear, tho sight as seen by vessels at jjublinlirr of a paper be called on to os- Terms of ,S'ale—On a credit ol twelve
eipal election in that city. Tbe tin monts havo been mado from time U sea, ÎH represented to have been grand
sumo, for whatever appears in his months from the day of sale, the purchaser
,ptt<< bail out au extra yesterday even tiuic, to have all tbe States of the con beyond description. to furnish bond with approved personal
columns ?" Certainly, it is a great security, bearing five percent inteiest from
federaoy celebrate a Thanksgiving or The seat of this eruption, which is
mg, from which we make up the fol­ interference with the liberty of the date until paid and special mortgage retain­
lowing : the same day Could this be done, it the old traditional crater of Monkua ed on tbe I'ropei i y sold until the lull and
weowoo, is on the north or northwest press—imposing nu unpleasant posi­ final payment of said bond and interest
ItAt.TtMottn, Opt H.—Tbe muuici would not be long ere it would be a
erly side of Mauna Loa, some 12,000 tion on tho editor and publisher, to thereon. H V. BA BIN
pal election i« going on amidst consid fixed custom—requiring no I'rorlaiya feet above the sen, and 2000 below the oct S, Sheriff.
hold him personally responsible for
erable oxcitement. Returns from lion for its observance. summit, and in a region rarely visited
three wards have been received, which by man Kilauea, the old upon crater, whatever ho publishes. Tho author 3|iffifll Ifltifffl.
show that, iSwann, tbe American can­ This season above all others, have is on lim opposilo side of tho mountain
of the piece at, which offenco is taken
didate for Mayor has gained largely the people of Louisiana good and suffi and some 7,500 feet lower. It is not NOT I OK
should at first, bo demanded ; where it
on tlio American vote at the last, elec­
tion. It is confidently estimated that
rient cause for Thanksgiving and a litllo singular that the old crater,
prayer to the Most High, for His kind­ should remain in just about tho same
is of a personal character, tbe author's AI,I. persons who are interested, arc
hereby notified, that the undersigned
having filed his Assessment Roll ol the
he will bo elected by four thousand state, without overflowing, while there namo can always bo had. If llio re­ parish ol Kast Baton Rouge, for the yeai
majority. Tbe Americans will doubt­ ness and mercy. For three successive
is a new veut some 7,500 higher, and sponsible editor refuses the name, then 1800, with Samuel Skolfield, Recorder, for
less carry tbe city by n large majority. seasons the State has been alllioted only about thirty miles from it,. Does examination and correction; arc hereby
and then alone, does the responsibility notified to make any legal opposition |r,
•> o'cn.ocK, P. M .—A terri bio riot is with the scourge of an epidemic, but not this show the mountain, instead of
shift to his own shoulders. In the the same, which they may have, within
now progressing throughout the city. this season we have been blessed with being ono huge boiling cauldron of the next 30 days from this date ; or tbe
Gangs of men, numbering hundreds, molten matter, is divided into two vast Charleston affair, the survivor appears same will lie returned,
general good health throughout tlio According to law. O. HACKET, As
armed with muskets, pistols, and all chambers or ducts, into some of which to havo wanted personal revenge for
length and breadth of the land. It is the water from the sea finds access, sessor
manner of weapons, have taken pos­ some other disagreement, and not the Parish of East Baton Rouge, Sept. 20th
session of various wards, and o^e fight­ true that tlio wind and the lain lias causing steam whose powerful agency 1850.
satisfaction of tho code of honor, for
ing continually ; using firearms IVee- played havoc with life and property, forces out the molten lava, while to
Direct from Ntfw York,
ly, and shooting indiscriminately at and old mother earth does not promise other chambers the water finds no ac the article, out of which tlio difficulty TTAVfôjust receiver! j>er Kxprp«« pome —r,
poisons noar them. A largo number toyfeld HR the full measure of supplies :
cess. Otherwise, how is it. possible is supposed to havo originated. Î of the fnost superior OOI<P AND KIÎ/- VwTx
of individuals are reported to have that this immense ovfliflow of lava can • » •I
yet wo find cause to rojoiee that tlio have any connection with the old crat­ KB, of the most celebrated Iiiverpoll Mak­
been already killed and wounded. DOMESTIC COMKORT3 IN INDIA.— er.'*.
letnatid necessary for life, health ami er. But it is impossible to look with­ AISO,
MORK FUMAI,E 'I KAFTTKUS ron THIS The Courier dm Etala Uni» extracts Vest, Fob ami Gtinrrl obfllns, CJImtHalns ami
happiness, is entirely adequate to the in this vast mountain and see its inter­ N*»cklnses, of superior '|ualities ami of the latent
WEHT .—Kx-Gov. Xlado of Vermont,
nal structure, and we aro only left to from tho Ovorland Singapore Free Btylea abfl patterns.
tlio indefatigable, lately passed through supply. Man is loo apt, to forgot the A liSO,
conjure. Press tho following intelligence, which Oameao ami Moaalo Br^aafpiries and Flaring«-
»Springfield. Mass., with another de great truths connected with his origin From the new crnter, tho descent may servo to measuro tho immense AJLSO,
»achment of his army of Vermont fe­ Iiis absolute dependence upon the being very rapid, the lava stream roll­ A choice assortment »if Sleevebuttons,
male teaehos, designed to follow up natural provision for social happiness
A M I )
mercy of an unseen band that holds ed down very quick and seems to have
the assault upon tlio ignorauco of tlio existing in the Isle of Java : Î..lilies ami Oenllempn's Gold I'enholrWs.
West. There were twenty-five in this up tlio universe of things, if prospeii- reached the plains lying between Tbf above mentioned artlcl*»« will be «old at
Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea in a few There has been a quantity of violent very moderate prices, for ('ANIf, af I wish to do
company, going to Illinois, Indiana, ly attends his every movement. In business on small profllp «od epilölk snles.
hours. Here its progress was slower deaths and serious accidents of lute, THEODOHK OOIJJMANN.
Missouri and Iowa, and they swell the his prido and pomp, lie would entirely but still fast until it reaches tho forests. caused as much by lightning as by Watchmaker nnd Jeweler,
total who have thus gone out under Harney House Ka«ement.
forgot that he is absolutely as much These forests form a belt around the wild^beasts. Tbe crocodiles have eat Haton Hollge, La.
Gov. Slade's auspices to 460. up a great number of persons. On
dependent on tlio corn crop, for bis mountains, and generally begin from FOUND.
We never hear any complaint 25th of March, at 10 r, M , a caiman
life, as his own horso or mule. A two or four miles from the soa and ex­
against this sort of "emigrant«" tfo
the West, and we aro inclined to tlio short harvest now and then reminds
tend up tho sides ol tho mountains seized by tlio thigh a citizen of 1'rins- O
N THF: iVTANf) used by the American Party n
f»'w nights ago— (on the occasion of Col. l'oml'a
from 20 to "0 miles. Thoy aro like elaoy who was seated in tho evening ppenkfng) a gold thimble, nod a string of beads.
The owner can have them by calling at thin office
opinion that tlio people out there— him of it. Thero can be no objoction all tropical forests, almost impenetr­ on the steps of bis house. Tho man and payirnr for this advertisement. [oct-7-tf.
particularly tlio old bachelors —ratlior
urged by .low or Gentilo to the ob­ able to man or boast, and from a tem­ clung to them desperately, uttering
like to havo them come. If strict in­ loud cries, and successfully resisted DISUNION!
quiries wero made, wo doubt not that servance of a Thanksgiving—tlio very porary check to tho stream of lava
from tho craters. tbe beast's efforts to drag him in the rpHE UNION ofthe Firm of W. E. Tun
around a goodly number of these four savage himself, on tlio wild plains of JL nard ft Co , was dissolved on the 1st
Tho molten s'rcain, as it burst from water. A crowd soon gathered, be­ of lan'y. last. All persons indebted by
hundred and fifty Vormout young tlio West, could join in the observ­ the new opening, and roll down the fore whom tho monster withdrew.—
Note or Book account, are earnestly re-
ladies, sundry half-and half iittlo Ver ance of sucli a day. Tlio good effect- precipico and over lingo rocks, must Near Batavia, an alligator caught a ipiesled to call at the office of the Subscri­
monter« would be discovered to elus native, who was drawing water from ber during the present month (October)
politically, on our heterogenious popu­ havo been a magnificent sight. When
ter. ( <reat country, this.
it first appeared it was seen thus flow­ the river, by ono of bis ancles. The and settle by Cash or approved paper, all
lation by naming and observing a day unsettled accounts of the firm on the 1st of
THE OASM SYSTEM .—From time to ing like a river, but after a few days man was fortunate enough to escape. Nov., will be placed in the hands of Proper
of gotioral Thanksgiving throughout
t ime, efforts have boon made to prove the crust cooled and tho lava flowed In tbe district of Batuvirap, a tiger Officers for summary collection.
tlio Union, cannot bo lightly estima­ beneath. sprang on a man passing through a oct5. W. F. TUNNARD.
that the cash, is tbe only Christian piece of jungle, and killed him before
ted. Now, that national prido and (;»ll«'Knte Institute of Haton lionne.
system. Could our merchants and A STORMY AND STIRRING CONCERT help came. There wore fifteen wounds TUB exercises nf Hie Iriafcitnte will commence im
prejudice iw aroused and there is a dis­
trades people bo convinced of the fact, IN LONDON .—On tho evening of tho In his neck, end five in other parts of Montlny the 29th cf October Instant.
position to clanishnesH in the commu­ 18th ult., tho celebrated .Julliengave his body. A farmer in that district octnlier-liil. W. II. N. MAORITDKR.
they would secure to themselves ben­
nity, it would do much to soften down ono of bis monster concerts at tbe Sur­ watching his growing crops, was car­ I t i m C B TO SPOUTSMKim.
efits only outcquallod by the advan­ political aspority; for though there bo rey Gardens iti London, M'mo Alboni ried olT by a tigress. An undevoured i
t!8T received nt I/onvBiKn'n OUI. dluiap Shire
down IMWII , ni> assortment of good double
tages, which would accrue to tlio com­ distinctive features of nationality pecu­ making her last appearance for the half of his body was subsequently re­ barrel (tans to sell chenp. [oct-4 Im.
munity. The credit system, so per­ season, assisted by M'mo Gassier, on covered. From Juno, 1854, to April,
liar to every nation and every climo, To 'Planter*,
tlio occasion. Tho price of admission 1856, the tigers killed moro than forty r PHK MNf)KIt8l(JNKI> has on hand and for sale,
nicious to the very best interest of tbe still the whole race of man, is of but was only ono shilling, and thero was peoplo in the residency of Kravrang, 1 n superior quality of Russets.
community ; can only bo broken up, October 8- f. R. I,. HENDERSON.
ono family. an immonso audience. But on arri­ notwithstanding tho inhabitants slau­
by the merchants themselves, making ving, all sorts of extortions were prac ghtered one hundred and twenty-three Have You Heard the îlewHT
a proper difference between cash ticcd by I he ticket lakers, in tho shape of tho animals in the same time. Tho IF NOT, call around at the CAPITOL
0^=" A letter lies on our tabic, from
of charges for seats for tho thronging torrents of Sarabaya had carried away JL SHOE STORE, and you will find there,
paying customers, and tboso who a Cincinnati houso directed to tbe housands. a great assortment of Boot», Shoes, Slip­
This gavo groat disgust, three people and drowned two. pers. Oaiters, Bootee», be., of everv des­
I HI y on a credit. When the cash sys­ " Gas Company, Baton Rouge." There and tho result was .lullien, and all bis cription. These goods have just been re­
tem, isonee fully established, themcr- aro so many gas companies—gassing peoplo, including tbe great contralto, DECREASE OF THE LEOAI, FRA­ ceived, and will ho sold at very small
cbant can tell, how his pecuniary wero sadly annoyed throughout tbe TERNITY IN ENGLAND .—Tho London profits. Ladies and gentlemen give us a
all round us ; we know not, how to dis­ call. R. L. HENDERSON,
affairs Rtand, and will not bo contin­ whole concert. The audience insisted
pose of the epistle. In respect of gas, upon having "their money's worth," Globe announces that thcro aro no less
Near corner of Lafayette and Laurel st.
ually iti dread, of not being able to than 40 sets of chambers now to lot
tho city is very abundantly supplied, and encorcd every piece in tho pro­
meet, bis engagements. Undor such gramme. Tho portly meastro endeav­ in tho Tnnor Temple and 83 in tbe FRESH MEDICINES
and yet, three ordinary tallow candles AT
a system people would soon learn to ored to sleani the torrent, but iu vain. Middle Temple, and that tho entries
will give more light than all of them B. JOURDAN'S DRUG STORE.
buy, what they want ; and not what Do what ho would the audience would of students are about one-fifth of what r PHE undersigned is constantly receivine;
together. Tho few glimmering rays, havo their way, and, in effect, tbe bill they wero ten years ogo. The calls 1 new supplies of Fresb Medicines, Pa­
they do not want.
—. „ to be met with, noy and then, are so was fairly played twice over to the end. to the bar have fallen o/F to a mere tent Medicine», Perlumeir, turpentine,Var­
FIRES.—A large tbe occuaed in nothing, compared with what thoy nishes, etc.. etc. B. JOURDAN,
clouded by the darkness and gloom By that time every body was tired to
Lou'svilie, on the 8th inst. The Br*"- death, maestro, contralto, soprano, or­ wero formerly. Where-as the Middle FOH SALE CHEAP.
of prejudieo, that after they aro con-
chestra, audience and all—and so the Temple used to call a few years ago
falo and Queon City Mills were con­
trated by an achromatic lense, a row ended. from 120 to 125 or 130 a year, 20 is T
WO I.OTSofgronnd.with the improve-,
menli) thereon consisting of a dwell­
ing bouse, with five good rooms, a front j'î
sumed. Loss estimated at $00,000- now about tbe average, and even this gallery, a large ld rhcn with Heivants XJ.
dark lantbern gives moro light. What
On the 20th ulto., a very large fire oc­ BEET ROOT COFFEE .—Cut dry beet number show symtoms of disease. rooms, a good well and a large building, formerly
a cheap commodity gas is ? It does occupied as a c»ope-'s shop, being on the Barne
curred in Pjti«burg. Upwards of for­ root into very small pieces, then grad­ premises lately owoed by N. Michel,cooper, in Cat
not cost as much labor, as pumping WASTED TO H I R E . fish town. The Improvements are only si* year»
ty houses Were destroyed and seven­ ually heat it in a close pan over the old, and In good order. Terms very liberal.

ty familjg«' rendered homeless. Tbe

wind into a bellows organ. Tt is gen­
fire for about fifteen minutes. Now
GOOD house servant. One who can wash arid
iron. Enquire at thin office. [oct-10-3t. Apply to
erated by the simplo and involuntary VAIL & PERSAC.
houses consumed wero frame—mos 'y introduce a Iittlo sweet fresh butter To Rent.
respiratory organs of the human frame. and bring it up to tho roasting heat. DAGUERREAN ARTISTS,
one bLory high and occupied by the
poor and latwfring classes. Ilence, al­ A great political speaker may gener­ Tho butter prevents the evaporation HEROMAN S BUILDING, F
OUR convenient Rooms suitable for.
Attorney or Physician's Office on ]'S«|
the second floor of the Brlclc Building jjl
Corner of Main ami Florida sliMls. corner of St. Ferdinand and Africa S t s . , ü ^
though the vn'ue of the property WPS ate and use a thousand cubic feet in a of the sweetness and aroma of the beet (£7" Pictures taken in tbe very best style if application is made soon. Apply to the undes-
root, and when fully roasted it i.? taken of art, any size desired. [oct-8. signed. [3ep-5tf. If. V. BABIN.
not very great, the calamity is one half hour, to enlighten the obsurity of
out, ground, and used like coffee. A
generally deplored by the citizens, and tbe public mind, and the public mind beverage made of it is cheap, and, no H t c e l ï f d per late Arrivals. FOR SALE
raoasn-es of rc'ief have been entered gains just about as much as the atmos­ doubt, as good for the human system 1 AA ®AGS Liverpool Salt, in fine order ;
ANEORO WOMAN, about 30 years of age.—
A good House Servant, Washer and Ironer
l U v 00 Bbls. Crescent Mill's Superfine For particulars enquire at the Comet Office l
in'n phere looses— nothing. as coffee or chicory. Flour. |sept!) 1 BARBEE i t BENJAMIN. sept 1 '51.

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