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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography: Minimum 20 individual citations acquired from your visit to

the New York Public Library’s Performing Arts branch--MLA style (20%). You will
include a one-page summary of your experience at the library.
The goals of this project include:
 Becoming familiar with the Library of Performing Arts at Lincoln Center; this
includes getting a library card, knowing the location, and familiarizing yourself
with the resources of this library.
 Becoming acquainted with the challenges and rewards of archival research.
 Uncovering primary sources.
 Experiencing some of the work of the theatre researcher and historian.
1. Choose a topic and establish a research strategy. This must be a 20th century
American topic. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of an subject, please email
me before you do much work.
2. Be flexible, the goal is to find cool stuff—yea, I said that—cool stuff. Archival
research is different from finding books on a shelf. You may find photos, digital
materials, prompt scripts, hand written notes or letters, diaries, etc. Challenge
yourself to look for these treasures.
3. If you are given a file or a box, this is not a single source; you may find your 20
sources in one box alone.
4. Begin to compile a bibliography. Your bibliography will be NO LESS than 20
sources and include NO MORE than 2 non-scholarly websites. Suggestion: Record
the titles in accurate bibliographic form immediately.
5. You must travel to the Library of Performing Arts at Lincoln Center at least once to
do research on your topic.
6. Use MLA style. Examples:
 Kerr, Walter. “Gypsy,” Herald Tribune, New York: May, 1959. Accessed at th
Lincoln Center Library for Performing Arts, April 24, 2007. File# MWZ+ n.c.
26, 491.

 Mitchell, Ruth. “Cabaret Cast List” Harold Prince Collection: Billy Rose Collection,
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Box *T-MSS-1986-006 8-
MWEZ+n.c.28, 257.

 Photograph. After Dark. January 1978. Theatre Collection at the Lincoln Center
Performing Arts Library, Box *T-MSS-1986-006 8-MWEZ+n.c.28, 257.
7. Do further research if necessary.

While undertaking your research, you should try to find interesting primary sources,
particularly while at the Billy Rose Theatre College. Do not rely too heavily on general
references and theatre books that have broad topics. Try to uncover excellent and
specific secondary sources or relevant primary sources.

Happy hunting!

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