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2015 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM)

December 1-5, 2015 Bandung - Indonesia

Educational Game Design Using The 7 Steps for

Designing Serious Games Method
(Case Study: Mathematical Subject on Comparison and Scale Material for 7th
Grade Junior High School)
Mohammad Iqbal#1, Carmadi Machbub#2, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto #3
# School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Bandung Institute of Technology, Ganesha Street 10, Bandung 40132,Indonesia

Abstract— National educational system was riddled with many 978-1-5090-1669-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
problems both in terms of internal and external to date. Internal
issues referring to the constraints of some national education
standards among which the standard process, teachers and
education personnel standards, and competency standards. The I. INTRODUCTION
standard process has a problem that improvement mindset has not
done well in the learning process of the learning method centered In 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
on the teacher (teacher centered) into a student-centered teaching (in Ibas, 2013) in the survey mentioned that the ability of
methods (student oriented)[17]. Standard teachers and education mathematics students in Indonesia was ranked 64 out of 65
personnel have a problem of low professionalism of teachers in countries[1].
Indonesia proved in 2010 the number of teachers who meet the
qualification standards nationally only 43%[2]. Standardized
competence of graduates have problems one of which is evidenced
by the results of the 2012 survey data by the Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA), which mentions the
mathematical ability of students in Indonesia was ranked 64 out of
65 countries[1] .In addition to internal problems are also external
problems in the organization of education as the result of research
that says that as many as 600 students in grade eight and nine on
average spend 9 hours per week playing games keseluruhan.
Playing games have proven to deliver negative correlation with
academic achievement of students, if played in a long period of
time[5].In this digital era, it is appropriate that educational games
have a more comprehensive capabilities for responding the
internal and external challenges of the world of education.
Therefore the authors undertake the design and construction of
educational games vidyanusa mission 19th to study the materials of
scale and comparison using The 7 Steps for Designing Serious
Games method to resolve some of the problems of national Mathematics learning outcomes of students who are low can not
educational standards. This method begins with the analysis be separated from the use of the concept of conventional
specifications pedagogical objectives to be achieved, the selection learning models and performance effectiveness of mathematics
of model type game that will be used, the adjustment of teachers in the learning process in the classroom. Teacher
pedagogical scenario with games scenario are fun, the search of performance shall be enhanced because teachers are individuals
software components that can be used, description detail of who are in the frontline in creating quality human resources. In
scenarios, the quality control of pedagogical and determination of the hands of the teacher will produce learners who are
specifications for subcontractors and game design tools [10]. academically good quality, skills, emotional maturity, moral,
and spiritual. That way, future generations will be prepared with
produced challenges in his day. Therefore, a teacher who has
Keywords— vidyanusa, educational game, ratio and
the qualifications, competence, and dedication is needed in
scale, the 7 steps for designing serious games, thematic performing his professional duties. Problems associated with
learning, math, junior high schools, usability games qualifications, the reality shows that the quality of teachers in
Indonesia is still very worrying.

TABLE 1 learning refers to the kind of 21st century learning oriented


Number of Teachers 2.607.311 people

Not to Undergraduate (S-1) 1.496.721 people (57%)
S-1, S-2, S-3, dan D-IV 1.110.590 people (43%)

Source : Direktorat Jenderal Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga

Kependidikan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional 2010

Professionalism of teachers in Indonesia are relatively low seen

on the eligibility of teachers to teach, according to Surya
Dharma, Research and Education Ministry (2009), the input of
teachers in Indonesia is very low. Teachers who deserve Fig. 2 Active Learning Model [18]
teaching for elementary school both state and private was only
28.94%. Teachers for Junior High School state are 54.12%, B. Game Based Learning
60.99% private, teacher for state Senior High School are
65.29%, 64.73% private sector, teachers for Vocational High
Game based learning aims to achieve some learning goals. From
School state are 55.91% private, 58.26%[2].
the viewpoint of learning theory, game-based learning has the
following properties:
In addition, the learning outcomes of students who are low due 1. Provide an element of addiction and make the students learn
to the use of conventional learning methods centered on the to face the challenges that have been integrated with
teacher. Usdiyana (2010) says that "teaching is still gamification system
teachercentered with the delivery of teaching materials are
2. The purpose of learning adapted to the purpose / goal of the
informative, among others, resulted in poor mathematical skills
of students". Similarly, the fact based on survey results
IMSTEP-JICA in 2000 that learning happens on the field is 3. Learning scenario can be projected into the world of gaming
characterized by behaviors that are too concentrated on scenarios form fun
procedural matters and mechanistic, teacher-centered learning, 4. Provide freedom of exploration in playing the game
and math concepts presented in informative. According to the 5. Contain the impact of any given action
survey results, these circumstances is one of the causes of low 6. Assessment and the learning process can be done in a game
ability students' mathematical understanding (Herman, 2010) scenario

In addition, research conducted by Luluk Afifah in "The C. Comparison and Scale

effectiveness of a model reciprocal teaching by fieldtrip to the
junior high school students' mathematics learning outcomes" Definition of the comparison is to compare two or more values
mentioned that there are constraints in conventional teaching of a similar magnitude and expressed in a simple way
methods on material comparisons and scale. Comparison of the ( Comparison of a to b is expressed in : a/
maps (scale) is a matter of repetition in junior high school b or the ratio can also be expressed in the form of such fractions.
mathematics ever implanted in grade V - VI. Although it is a There are two ways to compare two quantities that by finding
matter of repetition, but there are still many students who find the difference or search results for both types of these quantities.
it difficult when faced with problems related to the development Worth ratio calculation based on the value of the unit requires
of the scale. This is evidenced by the thoroughness of the study that we first calculate the value of the unit, then perform
of students that reached 30%. Students scored an average of calculations based on the value of the unit.
only 60 to the subject of the comparison on maps (scale), this A comparison between two quantities can be simplified if both
value is still far below the standard value where the school sets these quantities have units of similar / same unit. If both these
for standard math value is quantities have a unit that is still different from each other, the
69 [4]. comparison can not be done and will be produced the wrong
value. Scale is the ratio of the distance on the image with the
II. BACKGROUND actual distance. The pictures are created by using a certain scale
to represent the real situation include maps, floor plans, models
of buildings and other large-scale images. The formula of the
A. Learning Model scale is:

The term learning model as described Joyce and Weil in Isjoni Scale = distance on the image
, the learning model is a pattern or plan that has been planned
in such a way and used to develop the curriculum, organize the actual distance
subject matter and provide guidance to the teacher in the
classroom. Of the many models of learning are active learning Fig. 3 Scale Formula
model. Active learning model is a model of education based
student. Implementation of active learning model can be seen in Scale 1: n means that every 1 cm distance on the image or map
the shape of a pyramid below. represents n cm on the actual distance [4].

A. Requirement Analysis
Requirement analysis is the stage that aims to make the results
of the design in accordance with what is expected. Needs
analysis consists of the analysis of system requirements and Fig. 4 The 7 Steps for Designing Serious Games[10]
system requirements specification.
1. Specification of The Pedagogical Objectives Step is
B. System Requirement Analysis Below is an all about the pedagogic objective includes: learning
analysis of system requirements: objectives and learning activities. Pedagogical
1. Quality learning system objectives step discussed in detail and described more
specifically on the draft RPP Educational Game
2. High teacher capacity
Comparison and Scale. The table below is a short
3. The student-oriented teaching methods (student centered) section of the RPP Educational Game Comparison and
4. Learning media has elements of addictive and fun Scale.
5. Thematic learning model according to the kurikulum 2013
C. System Requirement Specification
Below is the specification of the system requirements: Pedagogic Level Description
Time Allocation 8 hours of lesson
1. Quality learning system Educational Game Mission comparison and scale games on the sub game
Objective 1, which has a goal to help distribute the fruits as
dessert to the NPC (Non Player Character) according
a. Games-based learning system as one of the to the dose of each request. Then the sub game 2 has
implementation of learning methods to achieve a goal to help the NPC to buy fruit because fruit
national education goals depleted stocks. Sub game 3 has a goal to help the
b. Learning media that has elements of look and feel that NPC package and incorporate fruits into fruit jars.
And a sub game 4 has the goal to find a shortcut to
is targeted to junior high school students the dam because vidyanusa people asked for help
c. Learning media designed using The 7 Steps Designing look for the stone to build the dam.
for Serious Games [10] which consists of pedagogic Learning Objective Generally the purpose of learning of comparison and
objectives, game models, scenario, storyline, support scale games is to improve the spiritual and social
aspects of attitudes, skills and knowledge of the
multimedia and game designing tool
material comparisons, comparisons with different
d. Learning media is intact and complete in maths for 6 units, proportion and scale according to the textbook
semesters or 3 years Junior Grade 7 in Kurikulum 2013.
e. Media that can enhance the knowledge of students with Learning Activity Introduction
Students logged on as a student in web
demonstrated an increase of student learning outcomes
of posttest value to the value of pretest.
f. Learning system that can help and solve the junior high Core activity
school teacher who has not met the qualifying standard To be able to achieve basic competence, students
need to perform learning activities, among others:
of eligibility as educators in the process of 1. Game: Students complete the challenge in the
teaching mathematics game with duration of 2 x 10 minutes
2. Class: Students work daily tests written and
oral (2 meetings x 40 minutes = 80 minutes)
2. High teacher capacity 3. Outside: Students doing field work as activities
outside school (2 x 30 minutes = 60 minutes)
4. Home: Students doing homework with
a. Games-based learning system that allows teachers to duration (2 x 20 minutes = 40 minutes)
5. Cyber Activity: Students participate in
teach students massive with a ratio of 1 teacher: 1000 discussion forums and social media then
students upload documents student field work in the
form of videos, photos and reports or journals
b. Games-based learning system that has an automatic into the dashboard and discussion forums. (2 x
scoring system make it easier for the teacher in the 20 minutes)
process of assessment of student learning outcomes
After students complete the challenge in the game (a
3. Thematic learning model (learning methods to student- state win, lose or give up) students are directed to
centered, instructional media that have an element of fun upload information in a discussion forum or share
and multidisciplinary) experiences.
Learning Method Game based Learning, Problem based Learning,
dan group discussion
D. Game Design Assessment a. Affective assessment: recaps cyber activity in
the discussion forums
b. Cognitive Assessment: the acquisition of the
In this section we will discuss about design and construction of challenges of mission accomplishment recaps 19
educational games using The 7 Steps For Designing Serious educational games and assessment written and
Games. There are 7 stages in the design and construction of oral daily tests by teachers
educational games [10] that is:
Pedagogic Level Description No. Image Character Gender Character
c. Psychomotor assessment: recaps cyber activity Character Name Propertis
on the activities of students in the field (home
activities and outdoor pursuits) with regard to 7 Stubborn,
material comparison and scale Male mysterious,
2. Choice of The Serious Game Model Step In this 8 Fulan Male -
design, the authors chose a model adventure game as
the standard model to design model of the game. The 9
reason for choosing this model of adventure games Fulani Female -
because students will be given the challenges in world
environment to complete several missions in several Artistic content is the images are arranged independently
locations based on storyline. The total amount of by a team of theses groups, so that the images contained not
quests / missions and each mission there are 23 belong intansi / others.
represents one kind of material of mathematics.

3. General Description of The Scenario Step is the step

to compose learning scenarios and match it with a fun Fig. 6 Educational Game Logo of Vidyanusa
story scenario that is as plot, character and location of
the mission. The word "Vidyanusa" is a combination of two words,
namely vidya and Nusa. Vidya that means knowledge and
Nusa it means island. So Vidyanusa can be interpreted that
an island or country place to gain knowledge.

Fig. 7 Educational Game Map of Vidyanusa

Fig. 5 Plot Scenario Picture of Vidyanusa In the vidyanusa educational game map, there are several
Then, the plot presents some of the main characters and locations and missions are integrated with each other by the
supporting characters (NPCs) to be able to interact within scenario so that it becomes an integral whole which has a
the game. cheerful storyline sequence. In the educational game
vidyanusa, there are several locations that will be visited by
the player in a mission such as: gardens, factories,
TABLE 3 markets, houses and dams. The following is a table details
EDUCATIONAL GAME CHARACTER OF VIDYANUSA the location of the game along with a visual form of each location
on vidyanusa educational game.
No. Image Character Gender Character
Character Name Propertis
1. Wise,
Kepala thoughtful,
Male analytical,
2 Soft, sensitive,
Aruna Female compassionate.

3 Calm, focused,
Byu Male

Relaxed, calm,
Aptana Male

5 Optimistic,
spirit, cheerful,
Chula Male

6 Energetic,
Abya Male passionate,

No. Location Location Name

1. Gardens

2. Factories

3. Markets

4. Houses

5. Dams

4. Searching for Software Components Step is the step where the process of selecting the software components that will be
5. Detailed Description of The Scenario Step is the step of detailed description of the scenario among others that describe
each scene with all the details and interactions that exist.
6. Pedagogical Quality Control Step is the adjustment phase to ensure that no part of the scenario is not appropriate and can
ensure that learners can acquire primary goal pedagogic accordance with national education goals.
enterprising 1. Before players enter 5 times for 1
worship that is the 19 missions, week
characterized by players will be given 2. Video
the appearance the initial dialog or individual
of one of the prologue to explain tasks
activities of the theme and the independentl
TABLE 5 worship as one condition of the y for 1 week.
CORRELATION GAME SCENARIOS WITH LEARNING OBJECTIVES of activities challenges that will 1 week
reported be undertaken in the minimum 3
Outside mission. video
2. Demonstrate
activities (in independent 2. Then, the player 3. Upload video
Learning Description of Game attitude in presses enter to start Cognitive
Class, Field, playing 19 missions
Outcomes Scenario accomplishing Aspects
home and in the distributed fruits consistently
the mission of
cyber world) 3. The first scene and on time
the game,
Beginning of assignments begins with a scene in 1 week. 1
scenario outside the apersepsi that is pre day at least
1. Players go to the classroom and at game scene that has one video.
website home. a goal to add and 4. Upload the
www.vidyanusa.lsk equip logic skills of file /
3. Demonstrate 2. players.
discipline in document
Players do signups solving 4. Scene 1 and 2 cognitive
register for a user describe the player tasks with
account as a student who was given the good
in the dashboard related to the
- - mission of the mission to distribute workmanshi
game, fruit dessert of p with the
3. Players logging assignments data or
watermelon to the
system then verifies outside the information
NPC as dessert.
the account and, if classroom and at as it is in the
home. Fourth scenario
appropriate, the first week of
4. Report all forms 1. Scene 3 still describe
player will be at least 3
of learning the player who is
allowed to enter into times.
activities both at given a mission to
the dashboard share the dessert 5. Students
home and perform
vidyanusa apples to the NPC as
outside the dessert. Only in this activities
1. Shows Third scenario 1. Photo prayer classroom mission there are include the
7. comparison / NPC as dessert. For 6. Calculate the through the differences in the
ratio. dessert division last ratio of the portfolio in an dose of syrup
amount of dose NPC and water
Able to simplify mission dessert equivalent of honest and demand. Each NPC
the form of a demand increases the food responsible. asks apples with into four
comparison with and comparison recipes to 5. Ability to dosage amounts and mixed drinks
two different dosage form which is bake cookies mention the different units. then
quantities and more diverse that by comparing definition of 2. Scene 4 still describe compared to
units to form a there are units, tens, the variable comparison
amount of the player who was four mixed
comparison with decimals and 6. Able said two
two magnitude flour and given the mission to drinks is
fractions. baking quantities with
and the same distribute fruit based on case
cookies the same unit in
8. unit. Citing the dessert to the studies
example of generated the claimed provided.
comparison in number
everyday life 7. Students
Simplify the analyze the
9. data
value comparison
Mention how students / i
10. junior who
prefer to read
comparison news online
11. Troubleshooting media with
comparison with the news print
the form of media then
comparisons compare
based on case
using the units,
tens, decimals provided.
and fractions 8. Students
of the
between the
homes of
students with
each other to
7. Specifications for Subcontractor and Designing Tool Step is a development step of the game to be a product that has an
element of design, layout, interface and multimedia support to help maximize the chance of having a clear and precise
can return to the world of
gaming vidyanusa.
1. In this scene the players will
be given the task of
distributing fruits to the
TABLE 6 NPC with the basic numbers
in the form of units.
share a watermelon based
measure requested by the
No. Game Design Interface Description
1. At this interface the player 2. 3. Namely how to divide the
2. will be given a picture in the dose values NPC with a
form of the start menu of the
watermelon that has been
game. Beginning scene in Comparison Scene
which there are titles, given. Then the results of
Sharing The Fruit
themes, locations, key entry the comparison value will
and exit button. Title: be reused to find the value
Vidyanusa of fruit requested by another
Theme: Sharing the fruits NPC.
Key entry: key used to enter
the game and are willing to 1. In this scene the players will
complete the quest be given the task to make
challenges that exist in the buying and selling fruits
1. Beginning Scene game. with fruit vendors.
3. Button out: the key used to 2. In this scene the players will
be involved as a seller as
exit the quest / mission and well as buyer. In this scene
there is the value of the
number of pieces,
comparisons fruit and fruit
with a unit price kg,
numbers and rupiah.
3. The rule that the seller will
ask how many kilograms of
each buyer's order number.
Each buyer will be ordered
by using comparative
language such as 6 of total
bookings or 10% of the total
booking. Then vendor will
solve problems such
9. comparisons booking form
and provide the required
Comparison with number of apples buyer. If
Different Units Scene the number of apples in the
Buying and selling fruits request is appropriate then
the buyer will give cash
payment transaction the
seller will then calculate
how much the buyer's
expense by multiplying the
cost / kg x number of
orders. After getting the
total price then then the
seller saw nominal amount
of money from the buyer. If
the excess amount of money
buyers then sellers will give
the money back, and if the
appropriate amount of
money the buyer, the
transaction is completed.
1. On this basis the proportion
scene players will be given
the task to pack citrus fruit
and apples into a fruit jar.
11. 2. How to play is infused with
apples and oranges into a jar
The proportion Scene jar A and B according to the
Pack fruit into the jar ratio value of the capacity
measure listed on
a jar that has a number of
apple and red to orange to
orange color figures.
Players must seek the fruit
that matches the value of
the amount of capacity each
IV. jar so proportioned so all
of the final level of understanding students after learning process
fruits can be entered. The
carried out by different methods.
first players are advised to
simplify the comparison B. Usability Game Analysis
values exist in a jar and then
the value of simplification From the total of 20 students from two classes, 10 of them entered
of the jar to be used as a the experimental class and the classes are given treatment to play
benchmark to determine the the game. After playing the game, the students filled out a
amount of apples and questionnaire consisting of 15 items of questions. Points
oranges that can be entered. questionnaire aimed to assess usability. Usability assessment
Both players would be consists of aspects of satisfaction in playing the game, the
advisable to simplify the effectiveness and efficiency of the game. In essence, usability
value of apples and oranges assessment consists of an assessment satisfaction, effectiveness,
are fit to be in accordance and efficiency [15].
with the value of
simplification of the From the the results table filling out the questionnaire, can be
capacity of the jar. calculated an average score in every aspect. For the calculation of
1. In this scene the players are the average score of each aspect can be found in Appendix E.
given the task to find a Summary of the results of the analysis of each of these aspects
shortcut to the construction include usability parameters as calculated using a Likert scale
site of the dam because the
residents ask for help to the exist in the following table.
player to be woken up a dam
that rice farmers have more TABLE 7
supply from the dam.
2. The rule that is a player Assessment Aspect Score Average
would draw distance Satisfaction 80 %
instructions that exist on the Effectiveness 83 %
edge of the floor plan to the Efficiency 73,13 %
15. dots of yellow light. The
Scale Scene instructions distance is the
From the analysis we calculate a single metric for usability of
Looking for Shortcuts distance in plan derived
educational games comparison and scale is obtained by the
Towards Dam from the value of the actual
distance divided by the
value of the scale on the Usability% = (Satisfaction + Effectiveness + Efficiency) / 3 x
floor plan. If the value of the 100% = (80+ 83 + 73.13) / 3 x 100% = 78.71% From the equation
distance in the sketch has above, we can conclude that the value of
been obtained it is then the usability for educational games and scale ratio is 78.71%
player will draw distance
instructions are intended to
C. Understanding Cognitive Testing Levels
light yellow.
IMPLEMENTATION Analysis of students' understanding of the material conducted
through a trial pretest and post-test on the control and
A. Implementation Testing experimental classes. Here are the results of the pre-test and post-
test control class.
Implementation of educational games Vidyanusa trials
carried out by dividing the students into groups of two
classes, namely the experimental class and control
class. Control class is a class that is not given treatment Pretest Posttest
by learning methods using conventional methods while No Name Score Score
the experimental group was given class treatment with Alvian Akbar 20 75
the learning method uses game based learning method. 1.
To start the process control class and experimental class Amelia Sintani 16 56
is given about the pre-test to determine the size of the Arief Rachman Hakim 55 84
initial level of student understanding. After students 3.
perform pre-test, the students in the control class geared Asri Septiani 14 79
to the learning process in the conventional kurikulum Bayu Teguh P 28 70
2013, while the students in the experimental class make
Dandi Ramadan 30 75
learning through educational games Vidyanusa .. To the 6.
end, the students in the control class and experimental Dede Rianto 10 90
work on the problems of post-test for determine the size
Pretest Posttest experimental class, obtained p-value or P (T <= t) two-tail that
No Name Score Score states the maximum value for the material and scale ratio less
10. Fitri Wiliyani 56 64 than 0.05 level, indicating 0.000295546 number or rounded to
Mean 31,6 71,9 0.0003. So the conclusions that can be drawn is Ho rejected, that
there is a difference between before and
after the treatment using a game that becomes more
TABLE 9 improved learning outcomes.
8. Rahmat Solehudin
49 64 lessons in 6 meetings to 8 hours of lessons in 4 meetings.
Viki Yulistio 38 62 4. From the calculation of paired-t test was performed in the
5. Viewed from the standpoint of equality element of satisfaction,
efficiency and effectiveness of the game, we can conclude that
Pretest Posttest the value of usability for educational games and scale ratio is
No Name Score Score 78.71%.
Ana Sheli 10 50
Ananda Febriyanti 14 60
Andri Febrian 20 55 My appreciation for the staff and faculty STEI ITB for the
Anisa Nuryanti 10 65 wonderful opportunity to learn and expand horizons of new
4. knowledge. Special thanks to Mr. Prof.Dr.Ir.Carmadi Machbub
Aris 25 70 and Mr. Dr.Techn.Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto for direction in
18 58 completing this paper.
6. Bagus Kurniawan
7. Dea Kusita Juliana
14 20
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