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Allie Hawley

PEH 362 Health Lesson Plan

Grade: 2nd
Topic: Stress management
Length: 11 mins
Objec=ves (SLOs)
• The student will understand what stress is.

• The student will be able to iden<fy and implement stress-bus<ng techniques.

• The student will be able to use goal-seBng skills to enhance health.


NC Essen<al Standards Health Educa<on

2.MEH.1 Understand the rela<onships among healthy expression of emo<ons, mental health, and
healthy behavior

2.MEH1.2 Summarize behaviors that help avoid risks

Na<onal Health Educa<on Standards

Standard 1:

S1.E7 Balance: Children should be able to balance on different bases with the different
body shapes as well as different levels. They should also be able to balance with
s<llness and support in an inverted body posi<on.

Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-seBng skills to enhance health.

6.2.1 Iden<fy a short-term personal health goal and take ac<on toward achieving the

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to prac<ce health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or
reduce health risks.

7.2.1 Demonstrate healthy prac<ces and behaviors to maintain or improve personal


7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Type of Descrip=on of ac=vity M a t e r i a l s / Key Teaching Points
ac=vity/=me Organiza=on (Cues)/Management

Engage and Raise your hand if you have ever felt worried about Students at desks Signal for bringing
Focus something? Afraid that something bad might happen aRen<on to teacher
to you? (clap once if you can
2 minutes hear me…)
This is what we call stress. It’s something that
happens inside our brains that makes us think we are
in danger, even if we aren’t. Everyone on the whole
planet feels stress at some point in their lives, and it
doesn’t feel good.

Can anyone describe to me how your body feels when When I say go, get
you’re worried (stressed)? up, quietly push in
your chair, and move
Today we’re going to learn some “stress-busFng” to your spot on the
techniques that you can do when you feel worried. carpet.

Transi=on: Have students move to carpet.

T e a c h e r 1-Yoga Carpet/
Directed/ Watch: hRps:// Students criss-
G u i d e d v=5XCQfYsFa3Q cross applesauce
Prac=ce (Pause video aaer every pose is demonstrated) on carpets/
Students doing
6 minutes Do each pose for 10 seconds the yoga poses/
Poster board and
Follow up: How does everyone feel aKer doing those markers
poses? Does your body feel more relaxed?

Can someone please come up and add “Yoga” to our

stress-busters list?
G u i d e d Transi=on: Have students move back to their desks. Poster and
Prac=ce markers
1 minute
Breathing is a great stress buster. You can inhale
good and exhale bad.

We’re going to learn a breath called the dragon

breath. It’s going to look silly.

When I say go, breathe in as much as you can, and

breathe out like a dragon blowing fire.


Do it two Fmes.

Lets add Dragon breathing to our list of stress


Closure Poster and Signal for bringing

Can anyone give me another idea of a way we can Markers aRen<on back to the
2 minutes get rid of our stress that we can add to our stress- teacher (clap once if
buster poster? you can hear me…)
Raise hand to talk.
Exercise, ea<ng healthy foods, and sleeping

Today we learned about stress, and ways we can get

rid of stress in our lives.

Thumbs game:

Thumbs up if you feel relaxed aKer our exercises

Thumbs middle if you feel a liRle beRer aKer our
exercises today.
Thumbs down if you don’t feel any different from
when you entered the classroom.

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