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18 Crystallizer Controls Vacuum

C. J. SANTHANAM (1970, 1985) B. G. LIPTÁK (1995)

B. G. LAKATOS (2005)

Flow sheet symbol

INTRODUCTION practice is to use supersaturation as the driving force of

concentration. The crystallization process has three basic
This section describes the control of industrial crystallizers. steps: (1) generation of supersaturation, (2) formation of
Crystallization requires supersaturation, which can be nuclei, and (3) growth of nuclei into crystals.
achieved by cooling, evaporation, vacuum cooling, dilution, Supersaturation is usually expressed as the supersatura-
and chemical reaction. The control of multiple-effect crys- tion ratio
tallizers is also covered.
Crystallization is a widely used technique in the process S= 8.18(1)
industry and is used for the purpose of purification and c′
separation of substances, as well as for the production of or the concentration difference
good-quality crystals. It is a practical method to obtain con-
centrated chemical substances in particulate solid form that ∆c = c − c′ 8.18(2)
have desirable properties such as good flow characteristics,
handling convenience, suitability for packaging, and pleasant where
appearance. c = concentration of the crystallizing substance in the
Crystallization can be carried out from solution, vapor, solution
or melt. Here, only solution crystallization is discussed. The c′ = equilibrium concentration (solubility) of the crystal-
most commonly used methods for creating supersaturation lizing substance in the solution
in the solution phase include cooling, evaporation, vacuum
cooling, dilution, or chemical reaction. The choice of the In most cases, the solubility c′ of a solute increases with
method depends on the solubility of the solute, feed solution the increase of temperature, but there are a few exceptions
composition, product specifications, and other engineering to this rule. The concept of supersolubility and the existence
considerations. of the metastable zone are useful in understanding the
Most crystallizers in industrial use operate on a continuous behavior of the crystallization process. Figure 8.18a shows
basis, but batch and semibatch crystallizers are also widely a temperature-solubility plot for a typical salt; the plot is
used to produce fine chemicals and special-effect high-added- divided into three zones: (1) stable under saturated zone, where
value materials such as pharmaceuticals, pigment, agrochem- crystallization is not possible; (2) metastable (supersaturated)
icals, or catalysts. zone between the solubility and supersolubility, where spon-
This section is devoted to the subject of controlling basic taneous crystallization is not possible; and (3) labile (super-
continuous crystallizers. It will describe the basic crystalli- saturated) zone, where spontaneous crystallization is probable.
zation techniques, while focusing on the measurement and The rate of nucleation and the crystal growth rate are
control practices used in this industry. controlled by supersaturation. The ideal process would be a
stepwise procedure, but nucleation (i.e., formation of new
crystals), because of the secondary nucleation, cannot be
THE CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS eliminated in a growing mass of crystals. The influence of
supersaturation on nucleation and growth rates is shown in
The fundamental driving force for crystallization is the differ- Figure 8.18b. Whereas the dependence of growth rate on
ence in chemical potential between the crystallization substance supersaturation is linear or moderately nonlinear, the nucle-
in the solid and liquid phases, but the common engineering ation rate increases exponentially with supersaturation.


© 2006 by Béla Lipták

1812 Control and Optimization of Unit Operations

Concentration by customer specifications. Because very small crystals are

difficult to filtrate, dry, or handle, crystallizer design and
control usually are directed toward reasonably large crystals
by minimizing nucleation.
B Usual industrial practice involves sufficiently low super-
Labile saturation to minimize supersaturation while being adequate
supersaturated C Solubility for reasonable growth. At the same time, among others in the
zone curve
pharmaceutical industry, there is also an increasing need to
A – Cooling
produce high specific-surface micro particles. Therefore,
B – Isothermal because the desirable properties of the crystalline product
Metastable evaporation may change within wide limits, the main purpose is to control
zone C – Vacuum the crystal size distribution.
Stable cooling
The CSD, determined by the rates of nucleation and
zone growth, is influenced by the supersaturation, thus control of
supersaturation becomes the basic element of crystallizer
system control. Unfortunately, the workable degree of super-
FIG. 8.18a saturation is usually 0.5–1% so that it is so small that it is
The zones of saturation and solubility plots and the methods by hard to measure directly. Besides, the on-line measurement
which the state of supersaturation can be achieved. of CSD, although it is also possible by laser diffraction, is
restricted to slurries that contain solids at low concentration.
As a consequence, the vast majority of crystallizers use indi-
Figure 8.18b shows three regions of supersaturation, cor- rect means of control.
responding, in principle, to the zones in Figure 8.18a: (1) An important exception to this rule is sugar, in the case
metastable, where nucleation is very low and growth predom- of which the level of supersaturation can be greater than usual
inates; (2) intermediate, where nucleation becomes larger, but in industrial crystallizers, and correlations can be used to
growth is still significant; and (3) labile, where nucleation measure supersaturation directly. Estimations of sugar super-
predominates. solubilities are based on these empirical correlations.
Crystal Size Distribution
Degrees of Freedom
Industrial crystallizers usually yield a crystalline product that
has a wide crystal size distribution (CSD). This CSD affects To define the maximum number of controllers, we consider
the behavior of the product in succeeding operations such as the degrees of freedom for a crystallization system. The vari-
filtration, drying, transport, and storage, and is also defined ables are

1. Temperature and flow of the process fluid

Growth or nucleation rate 2. Temperature and flow of the cooling or heating medium
3. Level of supersaturation
Metastable Intermediate 4. Ratio of mother liquor to crystals, which can be changed
region region by varying recycles of mother liquor to feed stream
Nucleation 5. Removal and dissolution rate of fine crystals
The first principles-based governing equations are

Labile 1. Energy balance equation

region 2. Mass balance equation for the crystallizing substance
3. Balance equation for fines

Growth Because the system has seven variables and three equa-
tions, it has four degrees of freedom. Thus, the maximum
number of automatic controllers permissible in a crystallizer
Range of system, without overdefining it, is four. The exceptions are
ratio (S)
the dilution and reaction crystallizers, where the flow of the
diluent and ratio of reactants form additional degrees of free-
FIG. 8.18b dom.
The influence of level of supersaturation on nucleation and the The amount of fines can be estimated by using density
crystal growth. measurement. In crystallization operations, the density sensor

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

8.18 Crystallizer Controls 1813

(differential pressure or any other type), which gives an indi- occur, producing a large amount of fines and causing build-
cation of the amount of crystals in the crystal slurry, appears up of solids on the walls of the crystallizer.
to be an important instrument. This measurement is based on In general, recirculation rates aim at restricting the flash-
the fact that the density of the clear liquor is constant. Hence, ing at the crystallizer walls or at other boiling surfaces to
the measurement of the differential pressure between two approximately 1.7–4.5°C (3–8°F) whereas a magma-density
points in the vessel is a measure of the amount of crystals in range of 15–25% is typical, even though the exact optimum
the suspension, because any change in density is caused by depends on the particular crystal system.
a change in the amount of crystals in the crystal slurry. Various designs of crystallizers are available, but the
approaches of controlling the processes are similar. A possi-
ble control system is shown in Figure 8.18c where four con-
EVAPORATIVE CRYSTALLIZERS trol loops are involved:

This type of crystallizer produces supersaturation and, hence, 1. Feed clear liquor is fed on level control to a feed tank.
crystals, by loss of solvents induced by one of the three Here it is mixed with the mother liquor from the centri-
methods: (1) indirect heating, (2) submerged combustion, and fuge of the crystalline product.
(3) spray evaporation. The first two are the dominant types 2. The mixed liquor is fed to the suction side of the
and will be discussed here. crystallizer recirculating pump. This feed is adjusted
by a level controller. (For methods of protecting the
Indirectly Heated Crystallizers level sensor from plugging and material build-up, refer
to Chapter 3 of the first volume of this handbook.)
Circulating-magma crystallizers with indirect heating are by
3. The steam flow to the heat exchanger is on flow con-
far the most important type of crystallizers in use today: The
trol. Once the steam rate is fixed, the production rate
forced-circulation (FC) and the draft-tube baffle (DTB)
is also fixed, provided that the feed composition does
designs belong to this class.
not change.
A typical FC crystallizer is shown in Figure 8.18c. In
4. Temperature control in the vessel may be achieved by
this design the feed is introduced into the recirculation loop.
controlling the evaporator chamber pressure by an air
The critical design parameters in FC crystallizers are the
internal recirculation rate and velocity, the crystallizer hold
volume, and the speed of the circulating pump. At internal
Refinements to this basic system are possible, as an inter-
circulation less than the optimum, excessive flashing can
lock between the steam and circulating pump, or the addition
occur at the boiling surface, causing a high level of super-
of a density recorder. The magma density can also be used
saturation. If this supersaturation cannot be reduced by dep-
for control, rather than just for monitoring. In the control
osition of the solute because of the lack of adequate crystal
configuration shown in Figure 8.18d, the density controller
surface area in the suspension, intensive nucleation will

PRC Vacuum
PRC Vacuum system
system PT
PT Air
Steam PDT
FRC Centrifuge FSL
FSL Mother
Mother liquor
Feed Feed
Feed Feed tank
FIG. 8.18d
FIG. 8.18c Cascade control of crystal concentration (measured by density) by
The control of an indirectly heated circulating-magma-type crystallizer. throttling heat input.

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

1814 Control and Optimization of Unit Operations

PRC Vacuum


L/L % X
LIC Ratio
Steam SP
1 4 2
SP Centrifuge FB FB
FB Product
Mother DT
liquor FT
Feed FC Feed
tank FCV
Non- LT 2
LIC linear

FIG. 8.18e
In this control system, feedforward, dynamic compensation and selective control of the feed are added to the basic controls of a circulating-
magma crystallizer.

serves as the cascade master of the steam flow controller, and FCV-2 valve in a selective manner, they are both provided
it varies the heat input in order to keep the crystal concen- with external feedback (FB) to make sure that their integrals
tration constant. will not wind up when the other controller is manipulating
the valve.
Advanced Controls
Draft-Tube Baffle Crystallizer
Figure 8.18e illustrates how a number of additional features
and flexibilities can be incorporated into the controls of a The draft-tube baffle produces larger crystals than the FC
circulating-magma crystallizer. In this configuration the steam crystallizers under equivalent conditions. It consists of a
flow is measured and controlled on a mass basis (FIC-1) so closed vessel with an inner baffle forming a partitioned set-
that it might be directly related to the feed flow (FIC-2). The tling area, inside which a tapered vertical-draft tube sur-
density of the feed stream is used to estimate the concentra- rounds the agitator, which enters from the top or the bottom.
tion of the solute. It can also be used to signal the need to The agitator is of the axial-flow type and operates at low
increase the steam-to-feed ratio in a feedforward whenever speeds. If additional classification of the crystals is desired,
the solvent content of the feed stream rises, i.e., when it an elutriating leg can be fitted to the bottom cone. The draft
becomes more dilute. The steam-to-feed ratio is trimmed by tube is centered by support vanes to prevent body swirl and
the feedback controller DIC-3 so as to guarantee consistent to minimize turbulence in the circulating magma. Supersat-
product concentration in the crystallizer. uration may be generated by either evaporation, cooling, or
In Figure 8.18e, in order to take full advantage of the vacuum cooling.
surge capacity of the feed tank, its level is not held constant The baffle controls the crystal size by permitting the
but is allowed to float up and down. This level variation separation of unwanted fine crystals. Figure 8.18f shows the
slowly adjusts the steam flow rate (FIC-1), which in turn control of the crystal size distribution in a draft-tube baffle-
changes the feed flow set point, and thereby keeps the feed type crystallizer using fines removal and their dissolution.
tank level within limits.
The lead-lag relay (L/L) provides dynamic compensation Multiple-Effect Operation
for the time constants of the process. The valve position con-
troller (VPC-4) serves to guarantee that the crystallizer will Evaporative crystallizers are often used as multiple-effect
not be starved for steam. Therefore, whenever the steam valve systems, because such configurations improve the product
opening approaches 100%, the low-signal selector on the feed size distribution because of the narrow residence time distri-
valve (FCV-2) blocks the control signal from FIC-2 and allows butions. Different strategies can be employed to improve the
VPC-4 to reduce the feed flow as required to match the avail- product CSD. A successful strategy is, for instance, to permit
ability of the steam. Because VPC-4 and FIC-2 control the nucleation in the first stage and only growth in the subsequent

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

8.18 Crystallizer Controls 1815


Vacuum system

Air FDS – Fines

density sensor
SDS – Slurry
density sensor

Fines removal

FT dissolution Crystalline
FRC product

FSL Feed
Set point

FIG. 8.18f
The crystal size in a draft-tube-type baffle crystallizer can be controlled by removing and redissolving the fines.

stages. A simplified control scheme on a triple-effect unit is In developing the overall control system, both auxiliaries
shown in Figure 8.18g. and safety interlocks must be included and designed to meet
This complex system has three important features: the requirements of the Fire Insurance Association (FIA).

1. Level in each unit is an important process variable, PIC

because it determines the residence time. Level is usu-
ally controlled by throttling the makeup of the mixed PT Vacuum
Air system
2. Steam flow to the first unit is usually on flow control.
3. Feed enters the feed tank on level control, where it is I LT II LT III LT
mixed with the mother liquor from the centrifuge of
the crystalline product. Temperature control in the last LIC LIC LIC
unit is obtained by pressure control of the air bleed. Cond Cond Cond

In these control systems, density recorders can also be used.

If boiling point elevation is sufficiently large, the detected
density can also be used to directly control the effluent liquor
concentration, as was the case in Figure 8.18e.

Submerged-Combustion Crystallizers Steam Centrifuge

Submerged-combustion crystallizers are used on corrosive Product

applications or in cases where the salts have inverted solubility.
One possible control configuration is shown in Figure 8.18h. tank
Here, the clear liquor is fed under flow control, while the
burner fuel gas can be under either flow or pressure control,
in which case a bypass controls the flow of combustion air FIG. 8.18g
to the burner. The basic controls of a three-effect crystallizer.

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

1816 Control and Optimization of Unit Operations

Burner FRC
Air products FT Coolant
Burner Feed inlet
Fuel Stack

FRC Product M
FT slurry Coolant Product
Feed outlet outlet slurry

FIG. 8.18h
FRC Set point TRC
Submerged combustion-type evaporator crystallizer.

FIG. 8.18j
The controls of a cooling crystallizer that is cooled by a liquid

In principle, cooling crystallizers operate at atmospheric

pressure, and their heat is transferred to a cooling medium process takes place in the tubes. Usually several scraped-
or to air by either indirect or direct contact. surface tubes are used in series.
There are many types of cooling crystallizers, but the The control system operation is as follows:
majority falls into three categories: (1) controlled-growth
magma crystallizers, (2) classifying crystallizers, and (3) direct- 1. Clear liquor is fed under flow control. Because the
contact crystallizers. residence time in the tubes is large and because it is
required in order to obtain the required crystal size, prod-
uct quality-based feedback control from the product out-
Controlled-Growth Magma Crystallizers let is not practical. Yet, in some applications, feedback
A variety of cradle crystallizers and scraped-surface units control with dead-time compensation has been applied.
belong to this category. The cradle types are used in small 2. In Figure 8.18i, liquid refrigerant enters under level
applications and involve little instrumental control. The var- control and leaves the system as a vapor under pressure
ious scraped-surface crystallizers are used in crystallization control. In other applications, the refrigerant liquid is
introduced under flow control provided by a metering
from high-viscosity liquors or in open-tank crystallizers, as
pump. Both two- and three-mode controllers have
coolers to induce nucleation. Two designs of controlled-
been used to provide pressure control.
growth magma crystallizers and their controls are shown in
Figures 8.18i and 8.18j. In Figure 8.18i an evaporating refrig-
In other cooling crystallizer applications, liquid coolant
erant cools the shell of the unit, while the crystallization
is used as the heat transfer fluid. Figure 8.18j illustrates the
control system of such a unit, where the cooling fluid flow
is controlled in cascade by the outlet temperature of the
product slurry.
outlet Classifying Crystallizers
PIC In the Oslo “Krystal” cooling crystallizer the supersaturation
Liquid is generated entirely by cooling. In this design the feed is
PT refrigerant introduced into a circulating loop, which is also being cooled.
inlet The control configuration for a cooling-type classifying crys-
tallizer is shown in Figure 8.18k.
The functions of the control loops are as follows:
FRC LT 1. Flow control of feed liquor is provided to maintain con-
stant throughput.
FT Product
2. Flow of coolant is controlled in cascade to maintain
Feed the outlet temperature of the process fluid at the outlet
FIG. 8.18i of the heat exchanger. One refinement is to interlock
The basic controls of a refrigerant-cooled crystallizer. the coolant flow with the circulation pump motor.

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

8.18 Crystallizer Controls 1817

Set fication in a cooling crystallizer. Here, the cooling occurs

FSL point through a jacket under cascade control. The undersize frac-
tion of crystals leaving the hydrocyclone with the mother
Coolant liquor is returned to the crystallizer. Such operational con-
outlet figuration is very effective to control the size of the crystals,
Overflow but it also has a tendency to cause steady-state oscillation.
To minimize such oscillations requires more sophisticated
Coolant DR control systems.
inlet LIC Recycle
PDT tank
LT Direct-Contact Crystallizers
FRC Product to LIC In such units, the coolant is an evaporating refrigerant or
centrifuge brine, and it is in direct contact with the process slurry. Basic
FT control methods are similar to those in controlled-growth
Feed liquor Mother crystallizers (Figure 8.18i). These involve constant feed rate
liquor and flow controls of the evaporating refrigerant, based on
process fluid outlet temperature or on tank level.
FIG. 8.18k
The controls of a classifying crystallizer with external circulation
for cooling.
3. Overflow from the crystallizer is on level control. Dif-
ferential pressure-type level measurement is accept- In vacuum crystallizers, heat input to produce adiabatic evap-
able for this application. oration comes entirely from the sensible heat of the feed liquor
4. Mother liquor outflow from the recycle vessel is on and from the heat of crystallization of the crystalline product.
level control. Thus, supersaturation is generated by a combination of cool-
ing and concentrating the liquor. The forced-circulation and
Figure 8.18l illustrates a design that improves the crystal draft-tube baffle crystallizer designs are both used in this
size distribution of the product by providing external classi- operation mode.


Air system
Set point




Feed Feed

FIG. 8.18l
The controls of a jacketed cooling crystallizer with classified product removal.

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

1818 Control and Optimization of Unit Operations

PIC the coolant outlet. This vacuum indirectly controls the process
PT temperature.
The control system consists of (1) feed flow control, (2)
Steam product removal control based on level measurement, and (3)
temperature control accomplished indirectly by manipulation
Water of jacket coolant. Use of suspension density recorder and
other refinements can also be used.

In reaction crystallizers, crystallization is associated with a
chemical reaction that usually produces the solute directly.
LIC Sump
Chemical reactions between two components, however, may
also produce some diluents, in turn causing “salting-out.” In
a reaction crystallizer, once the reaction mixture is saturated
with respect to the crystallizing substance, the reaction rate
would determine the rate of supersaturation. In some cases,
the heat of exothermic reaction may be used in evaporating
the solvent, thereby producing additional supersaturation dur-
ing the course crystallization.
A control configuration for a reaction crystallizer is shown
Feed Feed
in Figure 8.18o, where one of the reactants is fed into the
LT FT crystallizer in the gaseous phase while the second reactant is
fed in the form of aqueous solution. Here, the aqueous solu-
FIG. 8.18m tion feed is on flow control, the total liquid feed is on level
Draft-tube-type baffle crystallizer, provided with vacuum control control, while the gaseous reactant is added on pH-cascaded
and mother liquor recirculation. control. The pH metering lines should be continuously
flushed when this system is used.
In the case when both reactants A and B are liquids, they
The control strategy for a draft-tube baffle crystallizer can be charged into the crystallizer under ratio control to
with vacuum cooling is shown in Figure 8.18m. Here, the maintain either the stoichiometric or any other predetermined
vacuum is on control with steam jet ejector. Air bleed is on ratio of these reactants. As shown in Figure 8.18p, the total
pressure control, and both the steam and water supplies are
on automatic control, which allows achieving the minimum
cost of utilities. system
Another control configuration is shown in Figure 8.18n. PRC
Here, the vacuum in the crystallizer is maintained by throttling PT
pHIT Air
PT FRC Sparger LT
FT Water
Coolant Feed Gaseous
outlet ammonia
Coolant FT Aqueous
inlet LIC Crystal acid
Product magma to
LT slurry dewatering

FIG. 8.18n FIG. 8.18o

Draft-tube baffle crystallizer with combination of cooling and vac- The controls of a reaction crystallizer that is utilizing both gaseous
uum control. and liquid reactants.

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

8.18 Crystallizer Controls 1819

Vacuum system





% FT
slurry to
B species Ratio SP
Feed A Species
tank LIC

FIG. 8.18p
Reaction crystallizer controls provide ratio control of the reactants A and B.

flow into the reactor crystallizer can be on level control and because of the phase changes and because of the dispersed
the temperature can be controlled by bleeding in air to adjust nature of the crystalline product, strong interactions exist
the pressure. between the process variables. Because of the complex,
multiple-input/multiple-output nature of this process, the
control system development should be based on a step-by-
step analysis.
Pilot plant studies are often recommended, because
The control requirements of crystallizers are also a function
small variations in the feed liquor compositions can have
of the equipment associated with them. There are four sub-
tremendous influence upon nucleation and crystal growth.
systems whose control should be considered in particular:
Also, minor differences in operating conditions can produce
1. The feed system, including the feed liquor, recycle, and crystals showing significantly different properties. The de-
wash streams. veloper of a control system should take these factors into
2. Vacuum control to maintain predetermined pressure in consideration.
the system as a common means of crystallizer temper-
ature control.
3. Dewatering system control. This includes filters or
centrifuges. Bibliography
4. In the case of external classification equipment, in
Bamford, A. W., Industrial Crystallization, New York: Macmillan, 1966.
order to improve the crystal size distribution of the Mullin, J. W., Crystallization, London: Butterworth & Co., 1972.
product, hydrocyclones, vibrating screens, and other Nyvlt, J., Industrial Crystallization: The Present State of the Art, Wienheim:
external classification devices can be used. Verlag Chemie, 1978.
Perry, R. H., and Chilton, C. H., Chemical Engineering Handbook, New
York: McGraw-Hill.
CONCLUSIONS Randolph, A. D., and Larson, M. A., The Theory of Particulate Processes,
New York: Academic Press, 1988.
In this section some of the common methods of crystallizer Tavare, N. S., Industrial Crystallization. Process Simulation, Analysis, and
Design. New York: Plenum Press, 1995.
control have been outlined. In the crystallization process,

© 2006 by Béla Lipták

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