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DOK ALTERNATIBO Research and Development, Inc.

Prime School


Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Science
Second Semester – S.Y. 2018 – 2019
Name: Teacher: Coach Johnny Brillantes
Year and Section: Date:

General Instruction:
Read the given directions and questions on each part of the test carefully. Be wary of the option, choose only
the best. ONLY THE BEST. You will only get wronged and hurt if you choose the wrong ones. It is only your conscious
choice that will dictate your fate. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer on the space provided.

________1. Which of the following disciplines involved in the provision of advice or guidance in decision-making, particularly in
emotionally significant situations?
A. Coaching B. Counseling C. Preaching D. Propagandizing
________2. Which of the following core values help the client to learn new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving?
A. Adaptation B. Prevention of mental health problems C. Strong relationship D.
________3. Which of the following core values help the clients to change and to continue learning throughout their lifespan?
A. Adaptation B. Prevention of mental health problems C. Strong relationship D.
________4. Which of the following core values prevent the clients from undesirable psychological health problems?
A. Adaptation B. Prevention of mental health problems C. Strong relationship D. Variation
________5. Which of the following goals of counseling helps in developing good social interaction skills of the client?
A. Developmental B. Exploratory C. Physiological D. Psychological
________6. Which of the following goals of counseling acquires the basic foundation of learning and intellectual skills?
A. Cognitive B. Developmental C. Enhancement D. Reinforcement
________7. Which of the following goals of counseling examines options, testing of skills, and trying of new activities?
A. Developmental B. Exploratory C. Remedial D. Physiological
________8. Which of the following goals of counseling improves client’s special skills and abilities?
A. Developmental B. Enhancement C. Preventive D. Reinforcement
________9. Which of the following goals of counseling assists the clients advancing their anticipated human growth and
A. Developmental B. Enhancement C. Preventive D. Reinforcement
_______10. Which of the following goals of counseling averts the client to undesirable outcome?
A. Developmental B. Enhancement C. Preventive D. Reinforcement
_______11. Which of the following goals of counseling treats an undesirable development of the client?
A. Developmental B. Exploratory C. Remedial D. Physiological
_______12. Which of the following goals of counseling helps in recognizing that what clients are doing, thinking and/or feeling is
A. Cognitive B. Developmental C. Enhancement D. Reinforcement
_______13. Which of the following goals of counseling involves acquiring the basic understandings and habits for good health?
A. Developmental B. Exploratory C. Remedial D. Physiological
_______14. Which of the following types of counseling takes place in a casual setting by the counselor to the client?
A. Confrontational B. Depth C. Educative D. Informal
_______15. Which of the following types of counseling considered as long-term relationship dealing with the client?
A. Confrontational B. Depth C. Preventive D. Supportive
_______16. Which of the following types of counseling seeks the opportunity to show persons the way to Christ?
A. Educative B. Informal C. Preventive D. Spiritual
_______17. Which of the following types of counseling is used to stop problems before the client starts it from getting worse?
A. Depth B. Educative C. Preventive D. Supportive
_______18. Which of the following types of counseling focuses on teaching the client to unlearn the undesirable learned
A. Depth B. Educative C. Preventive D. Supportive
_______19. Which of the following types of counseling seeks to point out to the clients their actions?
A. Confrontational B. Informal C. Preventive D. Supportive
_______20. Which of the following types of counseling is most often used with people who have difficulty standing along amid
with their problems?
A. Confrontational B. Depth C. Preventive D. Supportive
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II. Matrix True or False.
Direction: For numbers 1 to 5, choose from the following options below. Write your answer on the space provided.
A. Statement 1 (S1) is TRUE and Statement 2 (S2) is FALSE.
B. Statement 1 (S1) is FALSE and Statement 2 (S2) is TRUE.
C. Statement 1 and 2 are both TRUE.
D. Statement 1 and 2 are both FALSE.

________1. S1: According to the principle of acceptance, each client must the accepted as an individual and dealt by the
S2: According to the principle of permissiveness, counseling develops pessimism and the environment shapes
according to the person.

________2. S1: According to the principle of respect, respecting an individual’s feelings is not an integral part of counseling
S2: According to the principle of thinking, the role of the counselor to think about all the forces around the client to
join the client’s thought process and problem.

________3. S1: According to the principle of learning, all the assumptions of counseling accept the presence of learning-
elements in the counseling process.
S2: According to the principle of consistency with ideals of democracy, its desire is to accept a person and want to
respect the rights of others.

________4. S1: Counseling is assistance to the persons in their behavior related counselor’s problems in which their emotions
and motivations are main factors.
S2: Counseling involves interactions in which the client accepts the responsibility of positive contribution in the
development of people’s personality.

________5. S1: Counseling is a face to face relationship with a person. This relationship is between counsellor and a client.
S2: Counseling is possible in humorous and cooperative environment only.

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