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To start out your Turner's Cube, you need to figure out how

big you want it to be, and how many cubes you want. 3 cubes
is a good number to start with. But you could make any
number. These calculations are a guideline, and an example
of how I made it. Substitute your own numbers to make your
cube unique.

To start, we had 2in x 2in aluminium stock. So the cube was

going to be less then 2 inches. 1 7/8 (1.875) seemed like a
good size to make. I wanted 3 cubes, so I took 1.875 and
divided it by 3, so I would know how big each cube will be.
1.875/3= 0.625, so the size difference between each cube will
be 0.625 (5/8). The cubes will be 0.625 (5/8), 1.250 (1 1/4),
and 1.875 (1 7/8). Now I needed to figure out how big the
bores are going to be.

When calculating the bores, you need 2 numbers. One will be

the diameter of the bore, and one will be the diameter of the
undercut. The diameter of the bore has to be smaller then the
corner to corner distance of the cube that will be contained
within, and the undercut has to be bigger.

So, for example, my smallest cube is 0.625. The corner to

corner distance on this cube is 0.884 (Pythagorean Theory,
A^2 + B^2 = C^2). So, the opening of the bore has to be less
then that, and the undercut has to be greater then that. I
made the bore opening 0.750. You can open any simple
modelling software (Google Sketch-up is nice, and its free!),
and draw your cube, and then draw some circles on it to see
what size looks good. The undercut I made 0.200 bigger, so
the diameter was 0.950. The bigger cube is 1.250, so there is
still plenty of material left.
Let's repeat the calculation for the next size. The cube is
1.250, so the corner to corner distance is 1.768.
(sqrt(2*(1.250*1.250))). The bore opening is 1.500, and the
undercut is 0.350 bigger, so 1.850. As for the smallest hole,
you can usually just use a drill bit. Again, draw some circles
and see what size would work, then pick a nice drill bit. I used

Now we need to calculate the depths of the bores. To do so,

we need to calculate the red distance, and the green distance.
(Picture #1) For the red distance, take the biggest cube
(1.875) and subtract the smallest cube (0.625) to get 1.250,
and divide that by two, since we're only working on one half of
the cube at a time. So the depth of the first bore is 0.625
((1.875-0.625)/2 = 0.625). For the second, take the biggest
cube (1.875), subtract the middle one (1.250) and divide by
two again to get 0.3125, rounded to 0.313.

Now we have all our dimensions! The cubes will be 1.875,

1.250, and 1.625. The hole in the middle is 9/32. The bores
are 0.750, 0.625 deep, with a 0.950 undercut, and 1.500,
0.313 deep, with a 1.800 undercut.

Onwards to construction!

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