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2.1 Glossary of terms 2-1

2.2 Georgian place names 2-15
2.2.1 Town and village names 2-15
2.2.2 River names 2-16
2.3 Geologic time scale 2-16

APRIL 2002



AAQC Ambient Air Quality Criteria
AC Alternating Current
ACG Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli offshore oilfields, Caspian
Acheulian A stratigraphic stage name based on an early Palaeolithic
culture, for part of the European Lower Pleistocene
AEWA Afro-Eurasian Water bird Agreement) of the Bonn Convention
AGI Above Ground Installation (such as a block valve or pump
station location)
AGT Azerbaijan Georgia Turkey pipelines project - BTC and SCP
AIOC Azerbaijan International Operating Company
AIDS The disease Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
Alluvium Clay, mud, sand, silt, gravel, and other unconsolidated detrital
matter that is carried along and deposited by flowing water
Alluvial plain A flat or gently sloping tract of land alongside a periodically
overflowing river that is produced by the deposition of alluvium.
Also, wash plain, waste plain
Alternative pipeline route A considered pipeline route that deviates from the preferred
Ambient noise Ambient noise is the “totally encompassing sound in a given
situation in a given time. Usually composed of sound from
many sources near and far” (ISO 1996-1)
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
Anti-scour devices Impermeable barriers built around uphill and downhill pipeline
sections to prevent erosion
APHS American Public Health Service
API American Petroleum Institute
ASCE Azerbaijan State Committee for Ecology and Nature Resources
Utilization. Recently restructured into the Ministry of Ecology
and Natural Resources
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASNDT American Society for Non Destructive Testing
Aspect Aspect is “an element of an organization’s activities, products
or services that can interact with the environment” (ISO 14001).
See also “Impact”
Assets Property owned by a person or company, regarded as having
value and available to meet debts, commitment, or legacies
Averaging time The period of time over which measurements are averaged
A-weighting This is a frequency weighting devised to attempt to take into
account the fact that human response to sound is not equally
sensitive to all frequencies. A-weighting most closely matches
the sensitivity of the human ear to sound
Backfill crew The crew that replaces subsoil and topsoil to the pipeline
trench after the pipeline has been laid
Backhoes Excavators
BACT Best Available Control Technology
BaP Benzo-a-Pyrene

APRIL 2002

Barg Bar Gauge – a unit of pressure. Zero barg is equivalent to 1

atmosphere pressure
Baseline Existing conditions. See also “Baseline studies”
Baseline studies Studies conducted to establish the actual conditions at a
specific period in time, to enable predictive and comparative
studies to be conducted in the future in order to determine
whether there is a predicted impact. The baseline studies in
this report are primarily Environmental and Socio-Economic
BATNEEC Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Cost
BCM Billion Cubic Metres (109). Standard temperature (0 ºC) and
pressure (1 atm)
Berm An engineered (earth) bank forming secondary containment
around tanks or a screen mound or stockpile
BG British Gas
Biological diversity Variability among living organisms from all sources including,
(biodiversity) inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and
the ecological complexes of which they are part (Convention on
Biological Diversity 1992)
Block valve A valve for isolating the pipeline into distinct sections
Blowdown 1) Release of pressure from a vessel; or
2) Effluent resulting from purging of process vessels
Biochemical Oxygen Measure of how much of the oxygen is used up by organisms
Demand (BOD) in the water. BOD is the most important general indicator of
pollution for most streams
BOD5 BOD5 is a most commonly used test where BOD is determined
by measuring the dissolved oxygen (DO) level of a water
sample after 5 days and comparing it to the original DO level.
The test is generally used to identify the level of pollution in
Borrow pit A pit created to provide fill material for another location usually
involving construction activities
BOTAS Boru Hatlari ile Petrol Taşima A.Ş. (Petroleum Pipeline
Corporation established by the Turkish Petroleum Corporation)
BP British Petroleum. International energy group currently leading
work on the BTC and SCP projects
BPEO Best Practicable Environmental Option
Breccias Rock type consisting of angular fragments embedded in a
concreted finer matrix
Bronze Age Technological stage between the Stone and Iron Ages,
beginning in the Middle East about 4,500 BC and lasting in
Europe from 2,000-500 BC
BS British Standard
BSI British Standard Institute
BTC Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline, alternatively known as the
Main Export Pipeline (MEP)
BTC Co BTC Pipeline Company (operating company to be formed in
due course)
BTC Owners The companies sponsors of the BTC project (listed in the
BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Xylene
BU Business Unit
Bunding A form of secondary containment, around tanks
BVS Block Valve Station
C2+/C4/C5+ Hydrocarbons with more than two/four/more than 5 carbon

APRIL 2002

Caravanserai An inn surrounding a courtyard where caravans rest at night

CARE Cooperative for Relief and Assistance Everywhere –
International Relief and Development Organisation
CAS Centre of Archaeological Studies
CAS Number Chemical Abstracts Service identification number, which is
unique for each and every chemical
CCCR Code of Conduct and Camp Rules
CCVT Closed Cycle Vapour Turbogenerators
CCTV Close Circuit Television
CE Caucasian Endemic
CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System
Cenozoic Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
CEP Caspian Environment Programme
cfu Colony-forming unit – used in the microbiological analysis of
water and wastewater
CH4 Methane
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CLO Community Liaison Officer
CM Caucasus Minor
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand is a test for assessing the quality of
effluents and wastewaters prior to discharge. The COD test
predicts the oxygen requirement of the effluent and is used for
the monitoring and control of discharges, and for assessing
treatment plant performance
Colluvial Rock detritus and soil accumulated at foot of slope under the
effect of gravity. See also “Alluvial” (a similar process involving
CONCAWE Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe –
the oil companies' European organization for environment,
health and safety
CP Cathodic Protection. The protection of a metallic material from
corrosion, effected either by coupling such material with a less
noble metal or by impressing a current
cP Centipoise (a unit of dynamic viscosity)
CPC Caspian Pipeline Consortium
Cretaceous The final period of the Mesozoic era (after the Jurassic and
before the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic era), covering the
span of time between 135 and 65 million years ago
CRM Community Relations Manager
CRO Community Relations Officer
CRTC Caspian Regional Thematic Centre
CS Compressor Station
CTD Crude Topped Distillate. A process to remove the light ends
from crude oil so it is suitable to use as a fuel source
Cumulative Impacts “Impacts that result from incremental changes caused by other
past, present or reasonably foreseeable actions together with
the project” (EC, 1999)
CV Calorific Value (joules/tonne or joules/m3)
C&WI Compression and Water Injection

APRIL 2002

Decibel (dB) Sound can be defined as any pressure variation that the human
ear can detect, such that the decibel is the unit of measurement
of that pressure variation
dB(A) A measurement on the decibel scale with A-weighting (see
Deluvial Material that is produced or related to, deposition during a flood
or glacial outwash event
Delta A nearly level, often triangular alluvial plain occurring between
diverging branches of the mouth of a river (adj. deltaic)
Directional drilling Drilling to deviate from the vertical in order to bypass obstacles
DIV Dutch Intervention Values – in relation to soil and water
DLN Dry Low NOx emissions
DO Dissolved Oxygen – represented either as a % or as mg/l
D&P Drilling and Production
DPI Dye Penetrant Inspection
DRO Diesel Range Organics
Dual carriageway A road of width sufficient for the passage of traffic in both
directions at a time, but with a physical barrier between
opposing directions; there are therefore two separate road
surfaces (carriageways), one for each direction. The number of
lanes can vary, but would rarely exceed four in any one
direction, and can be as low as one
Dwt Deadweight ton
ECA Export Credit Agency
E&P Exploration and Production
EAQG European Air Quality Guidelines
EAP Environmental Action Plan
EA-UK Environment Agency - United Kingdom
EBRD The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
EC European Community, now known as the European Union
EFA Education for All, part of the World Education Forum
EHRA Environmental Hazard and Risk Assessment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment - the process of collecting
data, consulting with interested parties, assessing significant
environmental impacts (positive and negative) and defining
mitigation measures
EIP Environmental Investment Plan
Eluvial 1) Composed of or relating to eluvium, fine soil material that
has been deposited by the wind; or
2) A soil horizon that has lost material through eluviation
Eminent Domain The ability to be able to compulsory purchase, if required, land
from private landowners
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EMS Environmental Management System
EN “Endangered” according to IUCN Red List categories
Eocene An epoch of the early Tertiary period, after the Palaeocene and
before the Oligocene corresponding to the period 53 to 37
million years ago
Eolian Pertaining to wind deposited sediments
EOP Early Oil Project
Epoch A unit of geologic time, longer than an age and representing a
subdivision of a period during which the rocks of a particular
series were formed

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EPCM Contractor Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management

Era A unit of geologic time that includes two or more periods
grouped together
ERA Environmental Risk Assessment
ERM The company Environmental Resources Management Ltd
ES Environmental Statement
ESD The Emergency Shutdown System
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ET Event Tree. In risk assessment, a sequence of events that lead
to an incident
EU European Union formerly known as the European Community
F Female
Fault A rock fracture along which movement or displacement in the
plane of the fracture has taken place
FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy - a pipe coating system (internal or
external) for corrosion protection
FCI-ROW Facilities and Construction and Installation Right of Way refers
to the corridor area over which pipeline construction and
installation activities take place
FDP Firewater Detention Pond
FEED Front End Engineering and Design
FFD Full Field Development
FID Flame Ionisation Detector
Field walking An archaeological survey technique comprising the systematic
recovery of artefacts
Flagging Demarcation of site/ services of particular interest or sensitivity
Flare A process system for burning gas, either waste gas or vented
for emergency relief
Flysch A graded, thinly-bedded, poorly fossiliferous sequence of
marls, sandy to calcareous shales interbedded with coarser
sandstones, conglomerates and greywackes
Fold A bend or buckle in bedded sedimentary rock or other planar
structures, usually produced by deformation
Forb A term for any herb plant that is not a grass
FSU Former Soviet Union
Fugitives (emissions) Discontinuous, diffuse, usually accidental, emissions to
FWL Fire Water Lagoon
Gabion A stone / earth filled open wire mesh container used to
strengthen river banks, steep slopes and foundations
Gale A gale is labelled as a scale 8 wind on the Beaufort Scale and
is defined by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as
a wind travelling between 34-40 knots (17-20m/s)
Gamgebeli Head of Local Authorities (Georgian)
Gauging pig A device which can be passed through a pipe to assess its
GC Gas Chromatography
GCM General Circulation Models
GCR Greater Caucasian Ridge
GCV Gross Calorific Value is the heat evolved when all of the
products of combustion are cooled to atmospheric temperature
and pressure. Measured in MJ/volume (kg, l or m3)
GGIC Georgian Gas International Company
GDP Gross Domestic Product

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GDP Real Growth Rate Growth in GDP measured at constant prices ie after price
changes have been eliminated
GEL Georgian Lari (Georgian national currency)
GGIC Georgian Gas International Company
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GIOC Georgian International Oil Company
GIS Geographical Information System - a digital process of
mapping data in layers related to a geo-referenced base
GNP Gross National Product
GPS Global Positioning System
GRDB Georgian Red Data Book – a list of rare, threatened and
endangered species in Georgia
Ground surface The temperature of/at the ground surface (as opposed to the
temperature temperature beneath the surface)
GSJ Grade Separated Junction
GT Gas Turbine
GWP Global Warming Potential
Hazard An agent or activity that may cause an impact to people or the
HACH A brand of equipment for water testing
HCFC Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons
HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling refer to “directional drilling”
HDR Human Development Report (UNDP)
HFC Hydro-fluorocarbon
HGA Host Government Agreement
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Responsible for the illness
HP High Pressure
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Hydrotest A process of testing the pressure integrity of a pipeline using
water at an elevated pressure for an extended period defined
by the relevant API pipeline code
Hydrotest fluids Fluids used in hydrostatic testing (eg water, possibly with
biocides, oxygen scavengers, antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors
and dyes)
ICP Inductively Coupled Plasma
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System
IDP Internally Displaced Person
IFC International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank
IFI International Finance Institution
IG Information Gap
IGA Inter-Government Agreement
IGE The Institute of Gas Engineers
ILO International Labour Organization
IMF International Monetary Fund
Impact (environmental) “Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial,
wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s activities,
products or services” (ISO 14001). Not always quantifiable (eg
nuisance). See also “Aspect”

APRIL 2002

Impact (social) “The consequences to human populations of any public or

private actions that alter the ways in which people live, work,
play, relate to one another, organize to meet their needs and
generally cope as members or society. The term also includes
cultural impacts involving changes to the norms, values, and
beliefs that guide and rationalize their cognition of themselves
and their society” (US Department of Commerce, May 1994)
Incident A definite occurrence or event
Inspection crew 1) The crew who check the pipeline design and pipeline codes;
2) The crew who radiographically or ultrasonically inspects the
condition of the pipeline and welds prior to pipe wrapping
IP The Institute of Petroleum
IPM The Georgian company IPM Ltd
Iron Age Technological time following the Bronze Age (cf Bronze Age)
ISO International Standards Organization
ISO 14000 The International Standardization Organization’s Set of
Standards on Environmental Management
ISO 14001 ISO’s 1996 Environmental Management System: Specification
with Guidance for Use
ISO 1996-1 Description and measurement of environmental noise. Part 1.
Guide to quantities and procedures
Issue An element requiring consideration and assessment for which a
policy or a specific mitigation strategy may need to be defined
ITT Invitation To Tender
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature
kJ Kilo-joule
Kg/m3 Kilo-grams per cubic metre
KP Kilometre Point
KPa Kilopascal
KPIs Key Performance Indicators
Kura The Turkish/Azeri name for the Mtkvari River
kV Kilovolt
kW Kilowatt
LAeq, T (dB) A measure of “average” sound pressure level (over a specified
time period, T). The constant level of noise that would have
provided the same acoustic energy as the actual fluctuating
sound during the same period
LAN, T The percentile level, ie the sound pressure level in dBA which is
exceeded for N% of the time interval T. eg L10 and L90
Leachate test A test to determine the potential for contaminants to dissociate
from soils
LER Local equipment room
LNAPL Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LP Low Pressure
LP Sound Pressure Level – the fluctuations in air pressure created
by sound and described using the decibel scale rather than as
LW Sound Power Level – the sound energy radiated per unit time
by a sound source described using the decibel scale rather
than as Watts
LR Low Risk according to the IUCN Red List categories
m Metre/s
M Male

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m. AMSL Metres above mean sea level

Mb Millibar
Mbd Thousand barrels per day
MBOPD Thousand barrels of oil produced per day
MPT Magnetic Particle Testing
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
Measurement time The total time over which measurements are taken (eg this
interval - Tm may consist of the sum of a number of non-contiguous, short-
term measurement time intervals)
Medieval period An archaeological time period lasting approximately 800 AD to
1,500 AD
MENR Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Azerbaijan
MEP Main Export Pipeline. An earlier alternative name for the Baku -
Tbilisi - Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline
Mercaptan The odoriser that is added to natural gas to make it easier to
detect in case of a leak
Mesolithic The archaeological l period between the Palaeolithic and the
Neolithic (12,000-3,000 BC)
Mesozoic Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
mg/eq Milligrams-equivalent (measure of water hardness)
mg/l Milligram per litre
µr hr –1 Micro Roentgen per hour. Unit commonly used in the Soviet
system for the measurement of radiation. Convert to Sieverts
according to the following formula:
1 µr hr –1 = 0.01mSv hr –1
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Miocene Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
Mitigation Measures that may reduce potentially significant adverse
environmental impacts to acceptable levels
MJ Mega joule
MLAs Multilateral Lending Agencies
MMBOPD Million barrels of oil produced per day
MMSCF/D Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
MMscmd Million Standard Cubic Metres per Day
MMSCM/H Million Standard Cubic Meters per Hour
MMSCM/D Million Standard Cubic Meters per Day
Molasse 1) Specifically a sedimentary sequence deposited during the
Miocene period; composed primarily of soft green sandstone
associated with marl and conglomerates; or
2) Generically any similar sedimentary sequence to that
described above
Mole The mole is the standard method in chemistry for
communicating how much of a substance is present. In one
mole, there are 6.022 x 1023 atoms
MPN Most Probable Number – used for microbiological analysis of
water and wastewater
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection/Testing
MS Mass Spectrometry
MSS Manufacture Standardization Society
MSSOP Maximum Steady State Operating Pressure
MT Million tonnes
MT/A Million tonnes per annum
Mtkvari The Georgian name for the Kura River (see “Kura”)

APRIL 2002

MW Megawatt
N2O Nitrous oxide
NACE The National Association of Corrosion Engineers
Nappes A large, sheet-like rock unit that has been transported some
distance forward over other rocks, either by thrust faulting,
recumbent folding, or both
NEAP National Environmental Action Plan
Neocene Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
Neolithic Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
NGO Non Governmental Organization
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
NDT Non-Destructive Testing
NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (eg radium )
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
NREP Northern Route Export Pipeline
NSPS New Source Performance Standards (of the US EPA)
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units
O2 Oxygen
O3 Ozone
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OIEC Oil Industries Engineering & Construction
Oligocene An epoch of the early Tertiary period, after the Eocene and
before the Miocene; corresponding worldwide series of rocks
(37 to 23 million years ago)
OP Operational Phase
Open cut crossing Standard trenching technique for crossing a water body
OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Orogenic Mountain building process, or relating to the process by which
great, elongate chains of mountains are formed
OSRP Oil Spill Response Plan
OWS Oil/Water Separator
Oxygen scavengers Chemicals that convert available oxygen into an unreactive
P&ID Process and Instrumentation Drawings
PAH Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Palaeocene Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
Palaeogene Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
Palaeolithic Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
Paleocene See “Palaeocene”
Pascal A unit of pressure equal to 1N/m2
Pathway Chain of reactions associated with a particular process
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PCDP Public Consultation and Disclosure Plan
PCU Programme Coordination Unit
PDQ Production and Quarters Platform
PE Potential Evapotranspiration
PFC Perfluorocarbons
PFD Process Flow Diagram
pH Measure of acidity/alkalinity
P&ID Process and Instrumentation diagram

APRIL 2002

Pig A generic term to describe a device that travels inside the

pipeline. “Pigs” can be used for a number of purposes including
cleaning, gauging and measuring the condition within the
Pigging The process of cleaning or measuring internally the pipeline
whereby a “pig” is sent though the line to clean/ measure the
inside of the pipeline
PIN Inlet pressure
PIP Priority Investments Portfolio
Pipe jacking Construction method used on large diameter pipelines and
involves the carrier pipe being installed behind a protective
shield using a combination of normal mining techniques and
hydraulic jacks to drive the pipe forward, with the excavated
material being removed via the exposed end of the pipe
Pipe padding A layer of material placed under the pipeline used to protect the
pipeline surface
Pipe yard The area used for the temporary storage of pipe prior to spread
Pleistocene Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
Pliocene Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
PM Particulate Matter
PM10 Particulate Matter of less than 10µm aerodynamic diameter
POUT Outlet pressure
PPAH Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook (World Bank
ppb Parts per billion (109)
ppm Parts per million (106)
ppmv: Parts per million by volume
Proluvial/Proluvium Sediment being formed by turbulent streams in mountainous
PRMS Pressure Reduction & Metering Station
PRS Pressure Reduction Station
PSA Production Sharing Agreement
PS Pump Station
PVD Property Value Database
QA Quality Assurance
QRA Quantified Risk Assessment
Quaternary Geological time period: see Geological Time Scale at the end
of glossary
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
Receptor The receiver, usually a living organism, of an input, stimuli or
Reference time interval - The specified interval over which an equivalent continuous A-
Tr weighted SPL is determined
Reid vapour pressure Vapour pressure at 37.8°C corrected to 1 atmospheric based
on ASTM method D323, 1996a
Re-instatement The process of restoring the area to its prior state after pipeline
laying (includes replacement of topsoil, vegetation, fences, etc
to all disturbed areas associated with the construction of the
pipeline or pipeline facilities after their installation)
Reinstatement crew The crew that implements reinstatement
Residual impact “Residual impacts are impacts that cannot be mitigated” (IAIA
and the UK Institute of Environmental Assessment, 1999.
Principles of EIA Best Practice)

APRIL 2002

Residual noise “The ambient noise remaining at a given position in a given

situation when one or more specified noises are suppressed”
(ISO 1996-1). See also “ambient noise”
Restoration The process of restoring the area to its prior state after pipeline
RH Relative Humidity
Richter Scale A logarithmic scale ranging from one to nine that expresses the
magnitude (Richter magnitude) of an earthquake based on a
measurement of the amount of energy dispersed during the
event (named for Charles F. Richter)
Rip-rap Large stones blocks from a quarry and which are placed on a
riverbank to prevent erosion. The stones are sometimes
embedded in concrete
Risk The likelihood of an impact
ROW The corridor area required for the construction and installation
of the pipeline See also “FCI ROW”
RSK The company RSK Environment Ltd
RTU Remote Test Unit/remote telemetry unit
Safety Factor A multiplier that is used to ensure that the maximum design
load or capacity falls below the maximum value that could be
sustained by a pipeline system component or structure without
Sakrebulo Council for each group of villages in Georgia, operating as a
local parliament
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Scoping The process of identifying the key environmental and social
issues in the development of a project and seeking agreement
with interested parties in how these are to be addressed in the
EIA and SIA process
SCP South Caucasus Pipeline (previously termed Shah Deniz Gas
SCP Partners The companies who sponsor the SCP project (ANS, BP, LUK
Agip, OIEC, Statoil, TFE, TP, and Unocal)
SCP Owners See PCDO
SDGP Shah Deniz Gas Pipeline (see also SCP)
Sensitivity 1) The ability of a device or organism to respond to external
stimuli; or
2) The degree to which a device or organism is affected by a
particular stimulus
Shah Deniz Group The group of partners generally based upon the partners in the
Shah Deniz PSA, brought together to accomplish the export of
Shah Deniz gas to Turkey in fulfilment of the agreement
between SOCAR and BOTAS
SIA Social Impact Assessment - the process of collecting data,
consulting with interested parties, assessing significant social
impacts and defining mitigation measures
Sierozem A group of soils found in cool to temperate, arid regions that is
brownish grey at the surface with a lighter layer below, which
based in a carbonate or hardpan layer
Sm3 Standard cubic metre
SMP Social Management Plan
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
SOCAR State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic

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Solonetz A group of soils that occur within grassland and parkland

regions and consist of an upper hard surface that changes into
a prismatic or columnar horizon underlain by saline/ calcareous
Source The point or place from which something originates
Special sections Discrete pipeline sections where additional safety/
environmental protection/construction techniques are required
SpC Specific Conductance – a measure of how well water can
conduct an electrical current. Measured in ohms or, more
recently, siemens per unit of length
Specific noise level - The equivalent continuous A-weighted SPL in dB at the
Laeq,Tr measurement position produced by the specific noise source
over a given reference time interval, in integer units
Specific noise source The noise source under investigation for assessing the
likelihood of complaints (usually measured as LAeq, T) Defined in
ISO 1996-1 as “a component of the ambient noise which can
be specifically identified by acoustical means and may be
associated with a specific source”
Spent catalyst Waste catalyst in which the active component has been fully
SPL Sound Pressure Level
Spoil Any type of material removed during excavation that is typically
stored temporarily before replacement or disposal
Spot backfilling Replacing the excavated material as soon as practicable
Spread 1) All the personnel and equipment necessary to carry
construction; or
2) The area covered for a given length by construction
Spread technique The technique employed for pipeline construction whereby
several different sequential construction phases may be in
process at one time along the pipeline length
SPSS Standard specialist software designed to assist in the analysis
of data gathered through interviews and questionnaires
SSC Suspended Sediment Concentration. Measured in mg/L
SSL Suspended Sediment Load. Measured in %
SSM Start-ups/Shutdown/Malfunction
SRB Sulphate Reducing Bacteria
ST Short-term
Stakeholder Stakeholders are “those people who are directly and indirectly
affected by a project and other interested parties who have the
ability to influence a project’s outcome, positively or negatively”
(IFC, 1998)
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
Steady noise Noise that gives fluctuations over a range not more than 5dB
on a sound level meter set to frequency weighting “A” and time
weighting “S”
STP Sewage Treatment Package
Stringing crew The crew that brings pipe sections from the pipe yard and lays
them out along the Right Of Way ready for welding
Sv Sievert – measure of radiation. 1 Sv = 1J/kg
SVOC Semi Volatile Organic Compounds
Subsoil The part of the soil that lies below the topsoil. Also referred to
as “undersoil”. Also see “topsoil”
Survey crew The crew that undertakes the initial topographical and
alignment surveys of the pipeline route

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Suspended solids The amount of solid material held in suspension by the energy
of water in a stream, river or discharge
Sweet natural gas Natural gas, which has a low sulphur content
Synergetics Social Assessment Company based in Baku
TACIS Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent
States. The TACIS Programme was launched by the EC in
1991 and provides grant-financed technical assistance to 13
countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia
TCN Third-Country National – someone from outside Georgia or
different to the host-nationality of the contracting company to
whom they are employed
TDS Total Dissolved Solids. Measured in mg/l
TEG Thermo-Electric Generators
Temperature The level of heat energy of the atmosphere as measured by a
thermometer and expressed on a given temperature scale,
usually Celsius or Fahrenheit
Tertiary The geologic sub-era or period of the Cenozoic era extending
from the end of the Mesozoic era to the beginning of the
Quaternary period, extending from 63 million to 1.6 million
years ago
TMP Transport Management Plan
Topsoil 1) The top portion of agricultural soil, usually richer in organic
matter than the subsoil (Agronomy);
2) The surface layer of any soil (Geology)
TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
TPAO Turkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortakligi (Turkish Petroleum
TRACEACA Transport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia
Transboundary impact Transboundary impact is “any impact, not exclusively of a
global nature, within an area under the jurisdiction of a Party [to
this Convention] caused by a proposed activity the physical
origin of which is situated wholly or in part within the area under
the jurisdiction of another Party” (Convention on EIA in a
Transboundary Context, 1991)
Transformer rectifiers Equipment to transform high voltage AC to lower voltage DC
Trenching The process of excavating the trench for the pipeline
Trenching crew The crew that implements trenching
TSS Total Suspended Solids
True vapour pressure Crude vapour pressure at pipeline input temperature
TV Television
Tuff A compacted or consolidated deposit of pyroclastic material
composed of volcanic ash and dust
Turbidity Turbidity is a unit of measurement quantifying the degree to
which light travelling through a water column is scattered by the
suspended organic (including algae) and inorganic particles.
From environmental point of view, the series of turbidity-
induced changes that can occur in a water body may change
the composition of an aquatic community. Turbidity of
measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) or Jackson
Turbidity Units (JTU)
UAE United Arab Emirates
UHC Unburned Hydrocarbons
UK United Kingdom
UKAS United Kingdom Accreditation Service
UN United Nations

APRIL 2002

UNAIDS Joint United Nations programme on AIDS/HIV

UNDHR United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNHCR United Nations High Commissionaire for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
URS The company URS Corporation Ltd (formerly URS Dames &
USA United States of America
US$ United States Dollar
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
US Ex Im United States Export Import Bank
VA Valuation Audit
Vapour pressure The pressure at which a liquid turns to a gas
VHF Very High Efficiency
VLCC Very Large Crude Carriers
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
WBG World Bank Group
WBH Water Bath Heaters
Welding crew The crew that welds the pipeline sections together
WHO World Health Organization.
WMP Waste Management Plan
Wobbe index The ratio of the corresponding calorific value of gas per unit
volume and the square root of its density under the same
reference conditions. The Wobbe index reflects the gas/air
relationship and combustion characteristics that express the
heat impact which a burner is exposed to during combustion
Working width The area within which the pipeline installation takes place,
including topsoil and subsoil storage
Wrapping crew The crew that wraps the pipeline (normally at joints) with anti-
corrosion tape, FBE epoxy or other surface coating prior to
testing and acceptance
WREP The existing Western Route Export Pipeline operated by AIOC
between Baku, Azerbaijan and Supsa, Georgia
WREPG The Georgian section of the WREP

APRIL 2002


2.2.1 Town and village names

Gardabani District Marneuli District
Jandari (G) Marneuli Town
Nazarlo Jandari (M)
Gardabani Town Tsalka District
Akhali-Samgori Imera
Rustavi Bashkoi
Akhtagla Akhaliki
Karatagla Shapar-Haraba
Krtsanisi Shipiaki
Kumisi Beshtasheni
Birliki Tsalka
Tetritskaro District Tsintskaro
Akhali-Marabda Ashkala
Dzveli-Marabda Jinisi
Kotishi Gumbati
Khaishi Avranlo
Patara-Durnuki Kizil-Kilisa
Didi-Durnuki Ozni
Tsintskaro Rekha
Kosalari Khando
Tetritskaro Town Akhaltsikhe District
Chivschavi Tiseli
Ipnara Tkemlana
Jigrasheni Atskuri
Ivanovka Agara
Akhalsopeli Sakuneti
Borjomi District Klde
Tabatskuri Suburb of Akhaltsikhe
Bakurianis Andeziti (Andezit) Akhaltsikhe Town
Tsikhisjvari Tsira
Borjomi Tskruti
Kodiani Skhvilisi
Dviri Vale Train Station
Sakire Vale
Tadzrisi Naokhrebi

APRIL 2002

2.2.2 River names



APRIL 2002

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