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Science Fair

By Andres Hernandez and Natalia Fajardo


In our experiment we proved that the greenhouse gases increase the temperature in the
world. What is greenhouse effect? The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms
the Earth´s surface. When the Sun´s energy reaches the Eath´s atmosphere, some of it is
reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases.

What are the kind of greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone
and some artificial chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons.

So what we do is that in 2 icopor refrigerates we put co2 and we close very good and
during 3 days we measured the temperature. And we do a little howl in the two boxs and
whit querful put the gases in the box and clouse whit a tape.


 3 meters of aluminum
 2 balloons
 Gases of greenhouse
 2 icopor refrigerators
 2 bars of silicon
 2 meters of tape
(the hicopor refrigerator measure of width is 21 cm and of length 17 cm)

According to the amount of temperature in the box of Co2 I proved that my hypothe
sis is correct.

My hipothesis is that if I put co2 gases in the box the temperature is going to

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