Temp Restraining Order

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DISTRICT COURT CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, COLORADO | 1437 Bannock Street, Denver. co 80202 | JOHN B. COOKE, Senator, ROBERT S. GARDNER, Senator, CHRIS HOLBERT, Senate Minority Leader, | Plains, CINDI MARKWELL, Secretary of the Senate, and | LEROY M. GARCIA. JR., Presi nt of the Senate * COURT USE ONLY * Defendans | | Case Number: 19CV30973 | Div.: 269 PROPOSED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, This matter is before the Court on Plaintiffs Forthwith Motion for Temporary Restraining Order. The Court, being fully advised and good and sufficient cause having been shown, hereby ORDERS that a Temporary Restraining Order be, and same hereby is, issued, restraining Defendants Garcia, Markwell and all other persons or entities in active concert or participation with them from taking any action as follows: ‘A. Refusing to read to read legislation, including HB 1172 in an intelligible fashion absent the unanimous consent of all Members present to dispense with such readin as required by Article V, Section 22 of the Colorado Constitution; pate PILED” Maret 12-2019-1-49-9M s Passing HB 1172 in violation of Article V, Section 22 of the Colorado Constitution by failing to read the bill out loud on two consecutive days absent the unanimous consent of all Members present to dispense with such reading. This Temporary Restraining Order shall continue until the hearing held of March 19, 2019, unless within such time, and for good cause shown it is extended or shortened. This matter is set for a preliminary injunction hearing before this Court on March 19, 2019 at 9:00 AM in Division 269. SO ORDERED Dated this March 12, 2019 BY THE COURT: David H. Goldberg District Court Judge

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