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What will you do in your vacation? --- How long will you work?

I will work in my vacations, I must do practices of work in Cerro Verde, so I will be by six month
and it is posible to the company renew the contract and Iwill might to stay by one year. I must
not go drunk, because the company could suspend me or even fire me.

What career did you study? ---- Will you work alone?

As I studied maintenance of heavy machinery it is very probable to I work in a mechanical

workshop and not an office. We are 18 people of my career and the rest there are 32 people of other

Did you work before? -----What are the duties of your work?

As we don’t have experience we are practitioners, so we will do simple activities as make

inventory of tools and clean, but the company will provide us courses as trabajos en alturas,
trabajos en espacios confinados, LOTOTO and operation of different machines. I had better
pass the courses to have more oportunities here and the foreign.

So we will be able to do more activities and earn more money, also we could get a driver’s
license to drive in the mine.

The enginner said everybody could go the foreign if nobody has an accident. So if I travel, I will
apply for a passpart and visa.

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