What Is Your Favorite Holiday?

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En semana santa las personas celebran la muerte y resurrección de Cristo.

Ellos suelen recorrer

siete iglesias y hacen alfombras de arcilla en la Plaza de Armas. Ademas que hacen una
procesión con velas por la muerte de cristo.

En la mañana temprano las personas se quedan en la Plaza de Armas para ver quemar los
castillos y despues van a la catedral para ver el altar de Cristo resucitado. Yo disfruto esta fiesta
porque puedo comer siete platos tipicos, bailar y cantar en la plaza de armas compartiendo
tiempo con mi familia.

What is your favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday is Easter in Ayacucho. It is very well-known
When did this take place?
It takes place from April 14 to April 20.
Why the people celebrate this holiday?
In Easter people celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ.
How do people celebrate?
They usually go through seven churches and make clay carpets in the Plaza de Armas.
In addition, they make a procession with candles for the death of Christ.
In the early morning people stay in the Plaza de Armas to see the castles burn and
then go to the cathedral to see the altar of the risen Christ.
What do you enjoy most about this holiday?
I enjoy this party because I can eat seven typical dishes, dance and sing in the Plaza
de Armas sharing time with my family.
Which are the typical Easter dishes?
We usually eat corn soup, fish suck, purple mazamorra, wheat porridge and rice
But this year my family would rather goes to Ayacucho again. To celebrate my cousin's

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