PTS SKI KLS 8 English

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Choose the right answer!

1. The founder of Ayyubiyyah dynasty is...
a. Muhammad b. Shalahuddin Al c. Al Muiz d. Najmuddin bin
Abduh Ayyubi Lidinillah Ayyub
2. The name of Ayyubiyyah dynasty is taken by...
a. Asaduddin b. Nuruddin c. Najmuddin d. Al Adidi
Syirkuh Zanki Bin Ayyub Lidinillah
3. Region of Ayyubiyyah dynasty is...
1. Mesir 2. Mekah
Syiria Madinah
Yaman Yaman
Palestina Damaskus
Yerussalem Iskandariyah
3. Irak 4. Irak
Iran Persia
Palestina Syiria
Afganistan Maroko
Damaskus Tunisia
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
4. Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi is from...
a. Qurays b. Baduwi c. Kurdi d. Khajraj
5. The westerner called nickname of Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi as...
a. Saladin b. Saphadin c. Aladin d. Al Ikhsyd
6. In Damaskus, Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi learn Teologi Sunni during ... years
a. 10 b. 11 c. 15 d. 5
7. Nuruddin Zanki is a governor from ...
a. Madinah b. Persia c. Suriah d. Iraq
8. Nuruddin Zanki promote Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi as head of garnisun in ...
a. Yaman b. Iskandariyah c. Bagdad d. Balbek
9. The life of Shalahuddin is full of fight and war, especially in ...
a. Abbasiyah b. Salib army c. Umayah d. Barbar force
dynasty dynasty

10. Because of the legacy in help Mesir, so khalifah Al Adid promote Asaduddin Syirkuh
a. Prime b. Governor of c. State d. Head of
minister Damaskus secretary Garnisun
11. To help Mesir, Nuruddin Zanki delegate his commander, the name is...
a. Najmuddin b. Imaduddin c. Asaduddin d. Syawar
Ayyub Arselan Syirkuh
12. Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi promote as prime minister of Mesir after died of…
a. Asaduddin b. Khalifah Al c. Najmuddin d. Imadud Daulah
Syirkuh Hakim Bin Ayyub
13. When Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi as prime minister of Mesir, his age is … years old.
a. 30 b. 32 c. 34 d. 35
14. As a what Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi in 27 years old …
a. Commander of b. Prime minster c. soldier d. Khalifah
15. The young brother of Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi as a leader of military expedition force to
Mesir is ....
a. Al Adil 1 b. Al Mu’ajam c. Al Aziz d. Al Kamil
16. Saphadin is the nickname has given by Salib army to...
a. Shalahuddin Al b. Al Malik Al Adil c. Al Malik An d. Nuruddin Zanki
Ayyubi Saifuddin Nasir
17. What is the city cause Al Kamil insulted by the people because he return the city to the
a. Damaskus b. Yerussalem c. Bagdad d. Syiria
18. In Februari 1229 M. Al Kamil agree on peace with Frederick II during...years.
a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25
19. What is the cause death of Al Adil in prepare Salib war 5th...
a. Because killed b. Old and sick c. Lack of food d. Fight with Al
20. Ayyubiyyah dynasty established since ...
a 359 H / 970 M b 570 H / 1174 c 365 H / 974 M d 1280 H / 1882 M
21. Salahuddin Yusuf Al-Ayyubi was born in Tikrit Irak on...
a 1135 M b 1136 M c 1137 M d 1138 M
22. After destroy fatimiyyah dynasty, salahudin change the religion oriented from teologi
Syiah to....
a Khawariz b Suni c Ahlusunah wal d Mutazialah
23. Al-Muazam Turansyah lead ayyubiyyah dynasty in Mesir on....
a 1249-1250 b 1250-1255 c 1245-1250 d 1239-1250
24. Before died, Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi give the throne to his heir, the heir is...
a His son b His son and his c His brother d His uncle
25. At the time of Ayyubiyyah, Al-Malik lead in...
a Damaskus b Mesir c Syiria d Aleppo
Answer the question!
1. Write three famous king of Al Ayyubiyah dynasty!
2. Write the regions that was succesfully lead by Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi!
3. To fight the syria and palestine army, Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi set up Benteng Kairo on?
4. Explain what was done by Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi in establishing the Ayyubiyyah dynasty!
5. Explain the process of the transition of power from the Bani Fatimiyyah to the Ayyubiyyah!

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