Cloud Computing - IT60020

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Date: 22-APR-2016 AN, Time: 3Hrs, Full Marks: 60, Deptt: IT/CSE
End Spring Semester Examination 2016
Sub. No.: IT60020 Sub. Name: Cloud Computing

Answer ALL Questions

[Answer all parts of the same question together. Assumptions, if any, should be clearly mentioned]

Question 1: [2 + 3 + (4 + 3) + (4 + 3 + 1) = 20]

A. Mention the differences between an RDBMS and Hadoop platform?

B. Consider the following scenario: In a MapReduce framework consider the following HDFS block
size is 64 MB. We have 3 files of size 64K, 65Mb and 127Mb. How many blocks will be created
by Hadoop framework?
C. Write the pseudo-codes (for map and reduce functions) for calculating the average of a set of
integers in MapReduce.
Suppose A = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) is a set of integers. Show the map and reduce outputs.
D. Consider "n" to be the number of web pages crawled from the entire Internet. Let a string having
"m" distinct words are given as input to search engine (say, Google search engine). Each of these
words occurs "f" times in a web page (on the average). Assume Google has "P" processors which
take "c" time to read one word from GFS.
a. Find the overhead if these processors work in parallel as both mapper and reducer.
b. How much efficient is MapReduce implementation?
c. Justify whether this implementation is scalable or not.

Question 2: [(2 + 3x2) + 3 + 9 = 20]

A. What is the difference between XML and HTML? Explain (with examples) the following concepts:
(i) XML Tree, (ii) "Well formed" XML, (iii) "Valid" XML
B. Explain the basic architecture of web service.
C. A bus service provider, APNA-TOUR Service (say,, provides booking and
cancellation of tickets related services to its customers. The payment can be done through a
payment gateway, APNA-ePay ( Following functionalities are provided by
APNA-TOUR Service: (i) GET-BUS-INFO (For retrieving <date, time, bus-id, source, destination,
seats available, amount>; (ii) BOOK-BUS-TICKET (For booking a seat based on <booking-id,
date, time, bus-id, source, destination, amount»; (iii) CANCEL-BUS-TICKET (For cancelling a
booked ticket based on <booking-id>, (iv) MAKE-PAYMENT (For making the payment through
credit/debit card based on <booking-id, amount, credit-card/debit-card number». Show a web
service implementation for APNA-TOUR service provider (clearly mention the SOAP, WSOL,
UOOI components).

1 I 2
Question 3: [3 + (3+4) + 2 + (2+3) + 3 = 20]

A. Compare client-server model and cloud-computing model

B. Define virtualization. Enlist at least four difference between traditional virtualization and Cloud
C. Enlist any four cloud computing security risks recommended by Gartner.
D. What are the two steps of a co-residency based attack model? How does an adversary check if its
instance and a target instance are residing on the same physical machine?
E. Whether security can be realized through virtualization? Justify.


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