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Document Name: ASTM D2236: Standard Method of Test for Dynamic

Mechanical Properties of Plastics by Means of a
Torsional Pendulum
CFR Section(s):
21 CFR 177.1810(c)(2)(i)

Standards Body: American Society for Testing and Materials

Official Incorporator:
Designation: D 2236 - 70

Sta,:,dard Method of Test for


1. Scope gral part of an inertial system, thus determin-

1.1 This method covers determination of ing the frequency and rate of decay of the sys-
the elastic and nonelastic components of the tem from which moduli may be determined.
co.mplex shear modulus of plastics of logarith- These moduli are a function of temperature
mIC decrement less than or equal to 1. The and frequency in plastics and change rapidly
method is p~imarily useful when conducted at particular temperatures in the torsion pen-
over a range of temperatures and is known to dulum analysis. The temperatures of rapid
be valid at frequencies from at least 0.1 to moduli change are normally referred to as
10.0 Hi (cycles per,second). transition temperatures.
1.2 The method is intended for materials 3. Significance
that have ,tensile moduli in the range from
3.5 X 10 , to 1.4 X 106 kgf/cm 2 (5 X 104 to 3.1 The elastic component, G', and none-
2 X 106 psi), as determined by ASTM Method lastic component, G", of the complex shear
D 638, Test for Tensile Properties of Plastics. 2 modulus, G*, are two of the fundamental con-
stants of any viscoelastic material. These two
1.3 The Scope of the method does not in-
constants largely determine the dynamic me-
clude tests in a region where the logarithmic
decrement of a material is greater than a chanical performance of the material in shear
provided that the maximum rela-
value of 1. This limitation is not a function of
tively low. They are defined by the equation:
the technique, but will depend on the mass of
the particular specimen and the apparatus G* = G' + iG'I. G* is referred to as the com-
plex shear modulus, G' the elastic shear mod-
inertial member and gripping arrangement.
ulus, and G" the loss modulus of a material.
The test has been shown to be valid and useful
The ratio G" /G' is a measure of the capacity
where the logarithmic decrement is greater
of a viscoelastic material to damp mechanical
than 1 and for materials of tensile modulus up
to 3 X 104 MN/m2 (5 X 106 psi).
3.2 Plotting the dynamic elastic and non-
~ OTE 1-The values stated in U.S. customary
elastic moduli of a material versus tempera-
umts are to be regarded as the standard. The metric
~quivalents of U.S. customary units may be approx- ture provides a graphic representation of
Imate. rigidity and energy absorption as a function of
2. Summary of Method temperature.
3.3 This method can be used to locate the
2.1 This method is intended to provide a transition temperatures of a plastic, that is,
means of determining the elastic and loss
modulus of plastics over a range of tempera-
tures by a free decay technique at about 1 Hz 1 This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-

(cycle per second). A plot of these moduli is mittee D-?O on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of
SubcommIttee D-20.10 on Mechanical Properties.
indicative of the thermo-mechanical charac- Current edition effective June 12, 1970. Originally is-
teristics of a plastic. The specimen is an inte- sued 1964. Replaces D 2236 - 69.

D 2236

temperatures at which significant changes 4.3 The assembly shall hold the specimen
occur in the mobility of a polymer. These along a vertical axis which is common also to
transitions are manifested by a decrease in the two clamps so that the inertia member
G' with increasing temperature or more pre- will rotate in a horizontal plane.
cisely by maximums in the logarithmic decre- 4.4 Alternatively. the fixed clamp may be
ment. in the lower position; in this case, the upper
3.4 This test can be used to measure the clamp shall be rigidly mounted to the inertia
effects of reinforcement, or filler type or both member which shall be attached in such a way
and concentration, processing conditions and as to have a known or negligible torsional
the like on the rigidity of a polymer composite effect (see Arrangement B of Fig. 1).
especially in relationship to temperature. It is
5. Test Specimen
also a useful tool for determining the degree
of polymer crystallinity based on established 5.1 This method is intended for use with
relationships. specimens of the following sizes:
5.1.1 Rectangular Specimens: 0.38 to 2.5
4. Apparatus mm (0.015 to 0.10 in.) in thickness, 2.5 to 15
4.1 The purpose of the apparatus is to hold mm (0.10 to 0.60 in.) in width, and 25 to 150
a plastic specimen, either rectangular or cir- mm (l to 6 in.) in length (exclusive of mate-
cular in cross section, so that the specimen rial in the grips).
acts as the elastic element in a torsional pen- 5.1.2 Cylindrical Specimens: less than 7.6
dulum. mm (0.30 in.) in radius and 25 to 150 mm (l
4.2 The apparatus shall consist of the fol- to 6 in.) in length (exclusive of material in the
lowing (see Fig. 1): grips).
4.2.1 Fixed Clamp-Upper clamp (see 4.4), 5.2 The specimen shall be of such length
rigidly fixed, with space below to accommo- that at least 6 mm Cf4 in.) is held in each grip.
date specimens anywhere from 25 to 150 mm Variation in thickness throughout the length
(1 to 6 in.) long between clamps. of the specimen between grips shall not ex-
4.2.2 Inertia Member Clamp-Lower ceed ±3 percent of the average thickness.
clamp mounted rigidly to the inertia member. NOTE 2-Due to the numerous types of torsional
4.2.3 Inertia Member-May be appropri- pendulums and their varying inertia moments,
specimen size cannot be dictated. However, in
ately either a disk or a rod. The inertia mem- many cases, a specimen of 0.75 by 9.4 by 50 mm
ber shall be equipped so that oscillations can (0.03 by 0.38 by 2.0 in.) was found to be usable
be counted to determine the frequency of the and convenient. For the purpose of standardiza-
pendulum. The inertia member shall be suit- tion in the area of reinforced thermoplastics, a
specimen of 1.5 by 13 by 65 mm (0.06 by 0.5 by
ably equipped to measure the amplitude of 2.5 in.) is recommended. Dynamic results can be
the oscillations. The moment of inertia of the influenced by specimen thickness if the thickness
inertia member must be known. The total is not appropriate to the modulus of the material.
weight of the inertia member or net tension 6. Conditioning
on the upper support shall be such that it will 6.1 Conditioning-Condition the test speci-
exert a static tensile stress on the plastic speci- mens at 23 2 C (73.4 ± 3.6 F) and 50 5
men of not more than 7 kgf/cm2 (lOO psi) or
percent relative humidity for not less than 40
that load which will prevent any distortion
h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A
of the test specimen over the range of temper-
of ASTM Methods D 618, Conditioning Plas-
atures examined (whichever is the least). The tics and Electrical Insulating Materials for
gripping system shall allow for thermal ex- Testing,2 for those tests where conditioning is
pansion and contraction without distorting the
required. In cases of disagreement, the toler-
test specimen.
ances shall be ± 1 C 1.8 F) and ±2 percent
4.2.4 Weights~The rod may have weights relative humidity.
attached toward its end in order to increase 6.2 Test Conditions-Conduct tests in the
the moment of inertia for a given total weight Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 23 ± 2
of member, and these weights may conven- C (73.4 ± 3.6 F) and 50 ± 5 percent relative
iently be capable of adjustment along the rod humidity, unless otherwise specified in the
in order to vary the moment of inertia of the
member. 2 Alii ,tal Book of ASTM Standards, Part 27.

Removed D 2236

test methods or in this specification. In cases perature range should be performed in incremental
of disagreement, the tolerances shall be ± 1 C steps or at a rate slow enough to allow equilibration
of temperature throughout the entire specimen. The
(± 1.8 F) and ±2 percent relative humidity. time to equilibrium will depend on the mass of the
For measurements at temperatures other particular specimen and gripping arrangement.
than ambient, a suitable environmental cham- NOTE 5-The temperature and fre~uency charac-
teristics of plastics are well known. The rate of
ber will be employed which will completely heating (or cooling) a specimen is a frequency
surround the specimen and a substantial por- effect, so it must be treated as such and reported.
tion of the grip. It is required that a uniform In addition, the rate of change of mechanical prop-
temperature be maintained throughout the erties increases rapidly in the transition region so
that many testers have found it advisable to de-
volume of the specimen and that a control crease the rate of change of temperature and to
with a maximum variation no greater than decrease the test temperature intervals in this re-
±0.5 C be provided. gion to allow for more accurate determinations.
Such changes in rate should also be reported. Tem-
perature intervals from 5 C in the glassy region to
7. Procedure 2 C in the transition region have been found to be
7.1 Measure the length, width, and thick- convenient.
ness with an accuracy consistent with deter- 8. Calculations
mining G' with an accuracy of ±S percent. 8.1 In the calculations, use the average val-
Measure the length and diameter of cylindri- ues from the data for frequency, length,
cal specimens. width, and ratio of amplitudes. Use the aver-
7.2 Cause an initial angular displacement age value of l' in calculations. For values of IL'
of not more than 2.S deg/cm of specimen see Table 1.
length. It is important that the inertia mem- 8.2 Calculate the logarithmic decrement, d,
ber rotate in a horizontal plane. This requires as follows:
in the first place that the inertia member itself
.1 In(A 1 IA 2 )
be evenly balanced right and left of the clamp.
This requires also that the horizontal position where A I and A2 = the amplitudes (in de-
of the member not be disturbed in setting the grees of rotation) of two successive oscilla-
member in motion. tions.
7.3 The test frequency shall be from 0.1 to 8.3 Calculate the elastic shear modulus, G ' ,
10.0 Hz. It is expected that in this test the as follows:
dynamic properties will be constant for a NOTE 6-The equations given are approxima-
given frequency of testing, even though strain tions of the type equation:
rates will be different for different dimensions G' (641lIL/j,Lbt 3 )[1 + (.1~/47r2)]
of specimens. This equation is necessary for very high dam:ring
7.4 Determine the time for ten cycles or (.1 > I). The reason the term (I + (ll147r) is
omitted is due to the limit in the scope to damp-
the maximum number practical. Record the ing as described in 1.3.
average frequency to the nearest O.OSO Hz or NOTE 7-The effects of gravity and the tensile
at least three significant figures. stress on the specimen ar~ neglected. References for
7.5 Determine the amplitude, A, of 6 suc- correction factors for high tensile stress are given in
the literature. a,4
cessive cycles or the maximum number practi-
cal and record the average value of A n /A,I+l, 8.3.1 For specimens of rectangular cross
the ratio of successive amplitudes. section:
7.6 Measure and record the temperature at For G' in dynes per square centime-
test (Notes 3, 4 and 5). Indicate accuracy and ter and dimensions in centimeters (Note 6):
precision of measurement of the sample tem- G' = 64?r2[ L/1p.,bt3
perature. For G' in pounds per square inch
NOTE 3-The accuracy of the measurement of and dimensions in inches:
temperature will depend to a great extent on the
moduli of the plastic. being investigated. In regions G' (lL/lp.,bi) X 5.591 X 10- 4
where little change in modulus occurs as a function
of temperature, the accuracy of measurement can
be . ± I C. In transition regions, experience has 3 Nielsen, L. E., Mechanical Properties of Polymers,
indicated that an accuracy of measurement of at Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, N. Y., 1962,
least ±O.5 C is recommended. 4 Timoshenko, S., Strength of Materials, Part I, D. Van
NOTE 4-Preferably tests conducted over a tem- Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1955.

D 2236

8.3.2 For specimens of circular cross sec- 9.1.5 Details of conditioning the specimen
tion: prior to test, For G' in dynes per square centime- 9.1.6 Table of data and results,
ter and dimensions in centimeters: 9.1.7 Number of specimens tested,
0' 87rIL//r'1 9.1.8 A semilogarithmic plot of the moduli
and a cartesian plot of logarithmic decrement For 0 ' in pounds per square inch
versus temperature where tests are conducted
and dimensions in inches:
at more than one temperature,
G' (IL/ /1'4) X 2.22 X 10- 5 9.1.9 Average values and standard devia-
where: tion of Gt , Ll, and G", reported to two signifi-
I moment of inertia of the inertia mem- cant figures,
ber, g. cm 2 , 9.1.10 Tensile load on specimen, and
f frequency of oscillation, Hz, 9.1.11 Date of test.
L length of specimen,
10. Precision/}
b width of specimen,
thickness of specimen, 10.1 The precision of this technique was
r radius of specimen, and determined from the results of round robins in
Il shape factor for rectangular cross sec- which 15 laboratories participated. Interlabo-
tions; values are given in Table 1. ratory precision was: for G t in the glassy re-
8.4 Calculate the loss modulus, Gil, as fol- gion, ± 7 percent; for G' in the glass transi-
lows (Note 6): tion region, ±30 percent; for Gil and Ll above
Gil (t./7r}G'
the glass transition temperature, ±20 per-
cent; and for Gil and Ll below the glass transi-
9. Report tion temperature, 10 percent. Utilizing G',
Gil, or Ll, the glass transition temperature
9.1 The report shall include the following: could be determined to within ±3 C. The val-
9.1.1 Complete identification of the materi- ues for intralaboratory precision were about
al, including name, stock or code number, half those for interlaboratory precision.
date made, form, etc., NOTE 8-The glass transition temperature was
9.1.2 Dimensions of the test specimen and determined by the point of inflection of the log 0'
the shape factor, Il, versus temperature curve or the maximum of the
9.1.3 Frequency and temperature of test, Gil or A versus temperature curve associated with
the glass transition.
9.1.4 Average rate of temperature rise
(where applicable) or elapsed time at Incre- 6 The round-robin data are on hand at ASTM Head;..
mental temperature, . quarters in Research Reports file No. RR 43:D20.

Removed 02236
TABLE 1 Values of Shape Factor. /.I.
Ratio of Ratio of
Specimen Shape Specimen Shape
Width to Factor./J Width to Factor,/.I.
Thickness Thickness

1.00 2.249 3.50 4.373

1.20 2.658 4.00 4.493
1.40 2.990 4.50 4.586
1.60 3.250 5.00 4.662
1.80 3.479 6.00 4.773
2.00 3.659 7.00 4.853
2.25 3.842 8.00 4.913
2.50 3.990 10.00 4.997
2.75 4.111 20.00 5.165
3.00 4.213 40.00 5.232



FIG. 1 Schematic Diagrams ofTorsiooal Pendulum Apparatus.


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