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Hello. This is Teacher Alvy from 51talk. Welcome to my classroom!

Hi Good evening! My name is ALVY! What’s your name? Emma, Nice to meet you Emma. How are you?
That’s Great! I am good too!.

Are you ready for this lesson? Yes teacher!. Alright! But before that, I want you to listen and eyes on
teacher. Okay?Okay.(clap)Very good Emma.

So lets get started, for our lesson today, we are going to talk about what Animals do you like?

So, in this lesson, you are going to learn how to say the animal you like and learn the “ you
like?” Sentence pattern and practice” the I like” sentence pattern. Practice the sound of letter A.

So I want you to look at the picture, look at this picture, what can you see? What can you see? Yes, very
good, I can see an elephant, giraffe, a snake. Okay, say, I can see an elephant, a snake, a giraffe. Good
job! So, do you like elephant? Do you like giraffe? Do you like snake? Oh me too, I don’t like snake. Okay
so good job Emma.

Okay! So, let’s sing a song. We are going to sing the song Moo, MOO, do you know this song?No.
No. okay teacher is going to teach you how to sing this song. Okay?
Now, I want you to listen and watch teacher, this is how we sing it,

Moo, moo! Look at the big cow.

Oink, oink, Look at the big pig.
Bow-wow. Look at the big dog.
Moo, moo!oink oink Bow-wow!

Okay, let’s sing it together, are you ready? Alright! Lets sing. Yehey! That’s so cool Emma! Because of
that, this is for you, a big heart.

Okay, now, since we are done with this song, lets now go to the next page. Okay? Okay, here we go
Emma, now, lets begin our lesson, we are going to say Leeeets Goooo!

Alright Emma, we have 2 keywords in this page, lets say ANIMAL, okay good, one more time, ANIMAL.
Okay lets say our second word, HIPPO, very good, one more time HIPPO. Alright! Wonderful Emma.
Now, we are going to read our sentences here, okay? Okay, what animal do you like? I like the Hippo.
Wow! You read the sentence Emma that was amazing. Hmm. Can you tell teacher, what can you see in
this picture? What’s this one Emma? It’s a hippo. Yes, that correct! it’s a HIPPO. Well, because you are
so good here Emma, teacher would like to give you, a Flower. Yehey. This flower is beautiful as you

Now, let’s learn more, okay? Okay, here we go, lets now read about a giraffe. Now, let us read the 2
sentences here, what animal do you like? I like the giraffe. Wow, thats great Emma! So do you like
giraffe? Giraffe have long neck.

Okay, lets go here to the next page, ready? Okay, I want you to look at the picture, what animal is this
Emma? It’s a snake. Yes, that’s correct, it’s a snake. Lets say it one more time, it’s a snake. Wow! Very
good! we also have here 2 sentences, I want you to read after teacher, what animal do you like? I like
the snake. One more, what animal do you like? I like the snake. Nice one Emma. So Emma, do you
like Snake Emma? No. Oh me too, I don’t like snake because snakes are scary!

Okay, let’s learn more, Emma Let’s look at the picture. What is this? Its an elephant. Yes! Its an
elephant. Lets say it again, its an elephant. Do you like elephant Emma? Yes, so are elephants big or
small? Yes, elephants are big. Great job Emma!

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