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Doctrine of Comitas Gentium solving/approaching a solution to the choice of which of

States are not obligated to take note of foreign laws unless competing norms should govern)
imposed by Treaty
State Interest Theory
Doctrine of Pure Territoriality - When a court is asked to apply the law of a foreign State,
- Laws of every state operate within the territorial limits, and different from the law of the forum, it should inquire into the
such is binding to all subjects but not beyond those limits policies expressed in the respective laws, and into the
circumstances in which it is reasonable for the respective
Principle of Forum Non Conveniens States to assert an interest in the application of those policies
- Belief that the matter can be better tried and decided thru construction and interpretation. If the court finds that one
elsewhere, either because the main aspect of the case state has an interest in the application of its policy in the
transpired in a foreign jurisdiction, or the material witnesses circumstances of the case and the other has none, it should
have residence there, etc. Or it would not entertain the suit if it apply the law of the only interested State (e.g. lex situs rule)
believes itself to be a serious inconvenient forum, provided that
a more convenient forum is available to plaintiff; a. Functional Approach
- Aims at solutions that are “the rational elaboration
The court is to take cognizance of the case and apply and application of the policies and purposes underlying specific
domestic law legal rules and the legal systems as a whole”
- EXCEPTION: a foreign sovereign, diplomatic official, or public - Locate the concerned jurisdiction, Construct for each
vessel or property of another State is involved, or where a concerned jurisdiction a regulating rule that takes account both
state has, by treaty, accepted limitations upon its jurisdiction of relevant policies expressed through the jurisdictions
over certain persons or things domestic rules and of policies peculiar to multi-state
transactions as distinguished from wholly domestic
Exceptions to the Application of Foreign Law transactions
The enforcement of the foreign law would run counter to an
important public policy of the forum b. Comparative Approach
Where the application of the foreign law would infringe good - Led by Ernest Rabel, the method brings out the
morality as understood in the forum similarities and dissimilarities, examined their purposes and
When the foreign law is penal in nature effects, showed to what extent unification or reconciliation is
Where the foreign law is procedural in nature feasible and proposes specific solution in the context of the
When the question involves immovable property in the forum needs and requirements of a growing international community
When the foreign law is fiscal or administrative in nature
Convenient Forum Theory
Where the application of foreign law would involve injustice
- Application of foreign law in such a convenient forum, which
or injury to the citizens or residents of the forum
implies substantial connection with a given conflict problem,
Where the application of foreign law would endanger the vital must be analytically understood as an exception from the basic
interests of the State rule calling for the application of the lex fori. However, the state
should not hesitate to apply foreign law where legislative or
Theory of Comity settled judicial rules of choice of law or the policy of the forums
- This theory asserts that the application of foreign legal domestic rules require a different answer and may actually
systems in cases involving foreign element is proper because result in a greater application of the laws of other states
their non-application would constitute a disregard of foreign
The Harmony of Treatment and Uniformity of Result
Vested rights theory Theory
- Based on the concept of territoriality under which the court - If to every conflict case the court were to apply only the law of
can apply only its own territorial law. the forum, the result of the suit would depend entirely on where
it is instituted. Equal justice under the law requires that the
Local Law Theory
decision be the same wherever the claim is brought. However
- A foreign rule cannot be applied unless it has been the quest for uniformity has become more difficult since the
“appropriated” by the State of the forum and transformed into a international order envisioned by Savigny has broken up
domestic rule
Usual Method in Disposing of CoL Cases: - Dismiss the case with judgment for the defendant
- The court characterizes/identifies the legal category into -That the plaintiff relying on foreign law had failed to prove an
which the case before it falls (property, domestic relations, tort, essential part of his case
succession). Apply the proper connecting factor for that -Not to dismiss the case, but to hold that where foreign law is
category of case in order to choose the State/territorial not properly pleaded or proved, the presumption of identity or
jurisdiction whose legal system will determine the parties’ similarity arises namely that foreign law is the same as
respective rights, duties and other legal relations domestic law not to dismiss the case, but to assume that by
failing to plead or prove foreign law, the parties acquiesced in
a. Jurisdiction-selection having their controversy determined by the law of the forum
- Requires the court to apply the law of the Exception: RP court can take judicial notice evidently through
country/jurisdiction chosen by the conflicts rule, irrespective of its own actual knowledge and research whenever it has reason
the content of the particular rule of law selected (e.g. lex loci to believe it is familiar with some foreign law that is generally
contractus) known or has actually been ruled upon in cases before it
b. Rule-selection
- Emphasizes a choice between different substantive Under the traditional view, foreign law is not applied in the
rules of law in light of the policies at issue (Method of forum in the following cases:
Where its enforcement would run counter to some important If the petition is approved, there will be a rehearing two years
public policy of the forum Its application would lead to an after the promulgation of the judgment awarding naturalization
infringement of good morality in the wider sense of the term as (Sec. 1, Rep. Act No. 530)
understood in the forum
1. When foreign law is penal in nature The taking of the oath of allegiance to support and defend the
2. When the foreign law is procedural in nature Constitution and the laws of the Philippines (Sec 11, Com Act
3. When the question relates to immovable property in the 473, as amended)
4. When the foreign law is fiscal or administrative in nature Declaration of Intention
5. When the application of foreign law would involve injustice One year prior to the filing of his petition for the admission to
or injury to the nationals or residents of the forum Philippine citizenship, the applicant for Philippine citizenship
6. When the application of foreign law would endanger the shall file with the Office of the Solicitor General a declaration
foreign relations or vital interests of the state under oath that it is his bona fide intention to become a citizen
7. These exceptions are not mutually exclusive as most of the Philippine (Section 5, Naturalization Law).
overlap each other
The period of one year is intended to give the state a
Doctrine of disparitas cultas reasonable time to screen and study the qualifications of the
- consider local concepts of morality as universally established applicant. However, even if the same is filed one year prior to
and applicable in all situations the filing of the petition for naturalization, if the filing fee was
- The situs of a thing, that is, the place where a thing is or is paid six months prior to the petition for naturalization, the
deemed to be situated. In particular the lex situs is decisive declaration produces no effect.
when real rights are involved The place where an act has been
done, the locus actus, such as the place where a contract has A person may become stateless by any of the following means:
been made, a marriage celebrated, a will signed or a tort 1. He may have been deprived of his citizenship for any cause;
committed. The lex loci actus is particularly important in 2. He may have renounced his nationality by certain acts,
contracts and torts express or implied;
3. He may have voluntarily asked for a release from his original
Nationality principle state;
Article 15 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution – “Laws relating 4. He may have been born in a country which recognizes only
to family rights and duties or to status, condition and capacity the principle of jus sanguinis ---- or citizenship by blood, of
of persons are binding upon citizens of the Philippines even parents whose law recognizes only the principle of jus soli ---
though living abroad.” citizenship by birth in a certain place. Thus he is neither a
citizen of the country of his parents.22
2 theories determine whether the place or ancestry determines
citizenship. Domiciliary theory
Jus Soli – Citizenship follows the place of Birth - a person’s private rights, conditions, and status, and capacity
Jus Sanguinis – Citizenship follows the citizenship of his are determined by his physical location. In jurisdictions
parents. adhering to domiciliary rule of determining the personal law of
a person, domicile is an important point of contact. Domicile is
The following cannot be naturalized as Philippine citizens: one of the test factors in determining the applicable law in
1. Persons opposed to organized government or affiliated with actions involving conflict of laws. While the Philippines follows
any association or group of persons who upholds and teach the nationality rule with respect to citizen’s status, family rights,
doctrines opposing all organized governments; and duties, order of succession and amount of successional
2. Persons defending or teaching the propriety of violence, rights, there are certain matters in which our courts apply the
personal assault, or assassination for the success and domiciliary rule. They are provided in the following provisions
predominance of their ideas; of law and authorities.
3. Polygamists or believers in the practice of polygamy;
4. Persons convicted of crime involving moral turpitude; Domicile of origin is received by a person at birth. It is the
5. Persons suffering from mental alienation or incurable domicile of the person’s parents at the time of his birth, which
contagious diseases; is not easily lost, and it continues until, upon reaching the age
6. Persons who, during the period of their residence in the of majority, he abandons it and acquires a new domicile. This
Philippines have not mingles socially with the Filipinos, or who new domicile is the domicile of choice.
have not evinced a sincere desire to learn and embrace the
customs, traditions, ideals of the Filipinos; Domicile of choice is also called Voluntary domicile. It is the
7. Citizens or subjects of nations with whom the United States place freely chosen by a person sui juris. To acquire a domicile
and the Philippines are at war and of choice, there must be of the fact of physical presence in the
8. Citizens or subjects of a foreign country other than the new locality and the unqualified intention to make that place
United States, whose laws do not grant Filipinos the right to the home of that person.
become naturalized citizens or subject thereof.
Constructive domicile is also known as domicile by operation of
A declaration of intention to become a citizen must first be law. It is that which the law attributes to a person because of
filed, unless the applicant is exempted from this requirement his disability to make a choice, such as when he is a minor or
(Secs 5 and 6, Com. Act. 473) suffers from mental of physical disability, in which case he
follows, as a rule, the domicile of his father. It is the domicile
The petition for naturalization must then be filed (sec 8) assigned by operation of law to persons legally incapable of
After the publication in the Official Gazette or newspaper of choosing their own domicile. These include minors and infants,
general publication, the petition will be heard (sec 9) mentally and physically disabled persons, and married women.
The revival of the domicile of origin is known as the Reverter
Doctrine of renvoi
- is a doctrine under which the court in resorting to foreign law
adopts rules of foreign law as to conflicts laws, which rules
may in turn refer the court back to the law of the forum.
It is a doctrine whereby a jural matter is presented which the
conflict of laws rules of the forum refer to a foreign law, the
laws rule of which, in turn, refers the matter back to the law of
the forum or a third state. When reference is made back to the
law of the forum, this is known as remission; reference to a
third state is known as transmission

Mutual desistment (Desistance) theory or Mutual

disclaimer of jurisdiction theory
The third way of dealing with the problem of renvoi is
desistment or mutual disclaimer of jurisdiction. The reason for
desistance is that the forum court upon reference to another
state’s law sees that such law is limited in application to its own
national and has no provision for application to a non-national.
The forum-court upon reference to another state’s law sees
that such law is limited in application to its own nationals
domiciled in its territory and has no provision for application to
nationals domiciled outside the territory. Hence, the local court
will apply local law.

Foreign court theory

According to this theory, the local court would assume the
same position the foreign court would take were the case
litigated in that foreign country. Thus, if American court applies
American law, Philippine judge should also apply American
law. If the American judge decides the same in accordance
with the Philippine law on succession, the Philippine judge will
do the same and apply Philippine law.
A problem however arises if both courts follow the same
theory. In this case, there would be no end to the case as the
courts would be tossing the law back to each other, for this
reason, some commentators have coined such terms as
“pingpong”, “revolving doors”, “a game of lawn tennis”, “a
logical cabinet of mirrors”, and “circulus inextrabilis” to describe
this theory.

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