Reservoir Geomechanics-Chapter 02

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Chapter Two: Pore Pressure at Depth in

Sedimentary Basins

• Pore Pressure and the Overburden Stress
• Reservoir Compartmentalization
• Development of Overpressure
• Pore Pressure Measurement and Estimation
•Deviations from “Normal Compaction Trend (log)
•Calibrated Compaction trends (log and core)
•Empirical Vp, Vs (Seismic Vint with/without Core)
Definition of Pore Pressure

Figure 2.1 – pg.28

Overpressure at Depth

Monte Christo

Figure 2.2 – pg.30

Pore Pressure Variations with Location and Depth


Figure 2.3 – pg.31

Variations in Pore Pressure Within Compartments,
Each With ~Hydrostatic Gradients

Figure 2.4 – pg.32

Oil and Gas Production and
Coastal Subsidence

Golden Meadow Fault


(After Morton et al., 2002)

Gas Fields in Southern Louisiana

Figure 2.10b – pg.39

Severe Depletion Within Compartments

Figure 2.10a – pg.39

South Eugene Island

Figure 2.5 – pg.33

Figure 2.6 – pg.34
OI Sand

Figure 2.7 – pg.35

Variations of Pressure with Depth

Figure 2.8 a,b – pg.36

Production-Induced Pore Pressure Variations Within
Overpressure at Depth – Gradients > δSv/δz?

Monte Christo

Figure 2.2 – pg.30

True Gradients vs. Apparent Gradients
Mechanisms of Overpressure Generation

Disequilibrium Compaction Aquathermal Compaction

(compaction and (temperature increase)
porosity loss due to
burial is faster than fluid
flow and pressure Mineral diagenesis
equilibrium) (dehydration reaction
such as smectite to
Tectonic Compression illite)
(rapid increase in
tectonic loading) Hydrocarbon maturation
(volumetric expansion
Hydrocarbon column heights of kerogen to oil/gas)
(buoyancy of oil and gas)
Figure 2.6 – pg.34
Diffusion Times and Distances
Compaction Disequilibrium in Shales

(φβf + βr )ηl
l 2 2
τ= =
κ k
Equation 2.2 – pg. 41

log τ = 2 log l − log k − 16

Equation 2.3 – pg. 41
1-2 km distances

S hal 2001
M l.
GO n et a
Pore Pressure in Wells in a Field in the
Northern North Sea
40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54
2600 2600

Pore Pressure in Wells in a Field
in the Northern North Sea B
2800 E 2800

3000 J 3000

3200 3200

Pore Pressure
3400 Gradient 3400

3600 3600
40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54
Pore Pressure (MPa)
Variations of Pressure in South Eugene Island

Figure 2.8 a,b – pg.36

Illustration of the Centroid Effect

Figure 2.12 – pg. 43

Shale Porosity as a Function of σv

Figure 2.13 – pg. 46

Comparison of Compaction Trends for Shales and Sands
Estimating Pore Pressure 1.
Overpressure Results in Undercompaction
(Abnormally High Porosity) at Depth

Figure 2.14 – pg.48

Empirical Methods for Determining Shale Pore Pressure from Sonic Data

⎛⎜ 1 - ϕv ⎞

P = Sv - (Sv - P
)⎝ 1- ϕn ⎠
x is an empirical coefficient
ϕ v = porosity from shale travel time
ϕ n = porosity from normal trend

M. Traugott (unpublished)
Empirical Method for Determining Shale Pore Pressure from Resistivity Data

⎡ Sv ⎛ Sv Pphydro ⎞ ⎛ Ro ⎞ 1.2 ⎤
P =z
−⎜ − ⎟
p ⎢z ⎝ z z ⎠ ⎝ Rn ⎠ ⎥⎦

Ro = observed shale resistivity
Rn = expected resistivity from
normal trend

M. Traugott (unpublished)
Potential Problems with Using Compaction Trends

Figure 2.18a – pg. 54

Shale Compaction Trends-Mahakam Delta, Indonesia

Figure 2.18 b – pg. 54

GMI Joint Industry Project with Permedia Research Group

Joint Industry Project (JIP)

Pore Pressure Prediction Project

Develop an integrated system for pore

pressure prediction from seismic velocities,
basin modeling, and well log analysis.
Based on the 3D visualization and basin
modeling system of Permedia Research Group
and GMI’s workflow for seismic based pore
pressure prediction.

ƒ First workshop held October 29 in Houston with 
participation from 6 operators.
ƒ Exxon‐Mobil and Amerada Hess have 
committed to participate.
ƒ Planned start date Jan. 1, 2009

page 32

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