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A Critique of the
ACI 318 Chloride Limits
D. W. Pfeifer, P.E.
Vice President
Allowable chloride limits for new concrete, as
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. outlined by the American Concrete Institute's
Northbrook, Illinois Committee 318 in its Building Code, have
been established since 1983. However, they
do not appear to be consistent with current
corrosion technology. This paper traces the
changes in the requirements for chloride ion
and suggests new limits based on the results
of recent studies. Research is urgently
needed to correlate the initiation of corrosion
with "effective or threshold chloride," as
measured by procedures that discount
W. F. Perenchio, P.E. chloride tied up in aggregate and possibly in
Senior Consultant
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
the cement paste. Studies must be made to
Northbrook, Illinois determine why the threshold chloride level is
apparently so different for deformed rein-
forcing bar and 7-wire prestressing strand.

ntil 1983, the ACI 318 Building Code ' contained no

U recommendations for limiting chloride ion contents

in new concrete, except for prohibiting chloride in
prestressed concrete in the 1963 version. However, the 1971
and 1977 codes warned against the effects of chloride in
both prestressed concrete and concrete with aluminum em-
W. G. Hime, P.E. bedments.
Principal The 1983 Code contained specific requirements for maxi-
Erlin , Hime Associates Division
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
mum water-soluble chloride ion percentages in new con-
Northbrook, Illinois crete but did not specify the test method to be used. In 1986
this section was expanded slightly to include a recommended
test method. In 1989 a different water-soluble test method
was specified. To date, there is not an ASTM water-soluble
chloride ion test method.
Despite these revisions and refinements , in the opinion of
the authors, the Code does not reflect recent advances in
technology related to corrosion of steel in concrete. Most

Table 1. Current chloride ion content for corrosion protection. Table 2. Proposed chloride ion content for corrosion protection.
Maxim um water-soluble Maximum acid-soluble
chloride ion (CI") in concrete, ch lori de ion {Cl") in concrete,
Type of member percent by weight of cement Type of member percent by weight of cement

Prestressed concrete 0.06 Prestre sed concrete or

Reinforced concrete exposed reinforced concrete exposed
to chloride in service 0.15 to moisture or chloride in
Reinforced concrete that will be service 0.10
dry or protected from moisture
in service 1.00 Reinforced concrete that
Other reinforced concrete will be dry or protected
construction 0.30 from moisture in service 0.20

obvious is the fact that the Code RECOMMENDATIONS 75 percent of the admixed chloride
allows chloride ion levels in new con- ion, with an average detection of about
The present limits for ch loride ion
crete that are well above the threshold 50 percent of the admixed ch loride ion.
content of new concrete at ages from
for supporting electrochemical corro- Based on the results of this water-
28 to 42 days , according to Table 4.3.1
sion when moisture and oxygen are soluble test, the actual corrosion
in the 1989 ACI 318, are as listed in
available. threshold was between 0.014 and
Table 1.
0.022 percent chloride ion by weight
Based on recent work, as reported in
of concrete, which translates to 0.08 to
CONCLUSIONS Refs. 2 to 4, only the limit for pre-
0.13 percent chloride ion by weight of
stressed concrete appears conserva-
The ACI 318-89 limits for water- cement for their concrete mixture.
tive. The referenced studies contain a
soluble chloride contents, given in These values , in water-soluble
great deal of information concerning
Section 4.3 of ACI 318-89, are non- terms, compare closely to those for
the threshold value of chloride for
conservative in all categories but per- externally-applied sodium chloride,
supporting cotTosion. This infom1ation
haps one, that for prestressed concrete. and the corresponding acid-so lu ble
suggests to the authors that conserva-
The limits applying to normally rein- value for the threshold as reported by
tive, yet nonrestrictive, limits for chlo-
forced concrete are concerned with Pfeifer et al. 4 the same year. T heir
ride would be as listed in Table 2.
concrete that will be subjected to vari- value was 0.20 percent, which, using
These values are reasonable, based
ous environmental conditions. the same 50 percent reduction for
on current technology, but do not un-
The limit for concrete that will be water-soluble, becomes 0.10 percent
du ly restrict the acid-so lub le chloride
"ex posed to chloride in service" is by weight of cement. Therefore, it
ion concentration in new concrete .
already at or somewhat above the appears that, regardless of the origin
Corrosion specialists and specifying
corrosion threshold. (The threshold of the free chloride ions, a similar
agencies have not yet agreed on a
is defined as the lowest level of chlo- amount is required to initiate corro-
proper method to determine water-
ride that will initiate electrochemical sion, and this amount is small .
so luble ch loride. The resu lts from
COITOSion.) The ACI 318-89 Code, however,
different methods now in use are
The limit for concrete that "will be contains limits that are not small. For
strongly influenced by the particle size
dry or protected from moisture in ser- instance , the limit of 1.0 percent
of the test sample, the temperature of
vice" allows more than seven times water-soluble chloride, if it were to
the leach water , and the length of
the threshold amount. The limit for have been introduced as an admixture,
leaching. 3•5
"other reinforced concrete construc- wou ld allow the addition of more than
tion," which presumably means that 4 percent calcium chloride dihydrate
which will neither be "exposed to DISCUSSION as an admixture when assuming the 50
chloride in service" nor kept "dry or In a recent paper,' Hope and Ip pre- percent "recovery" level for water-
protected from moisture in service," sented data on the effects of various soluble chloride. In this connection,
allows about twice the threshold level. levels of admixed calcium ch loride we have found corrosion in several
This limit almost ensures that elec- (from 0.2 to 2.0 percent calcium chlo- structures where the exposure was dry,
trochemical corrosion of reinforcing ride dihydrate by weight of cement) but the concrete had never dried out
steel, or other embedded metals, will on corrosion of deformed steel bars because of thickness or covering with
occur if sufficient moisture and oxy- embedded in concrete. Their results ti le, or other causes.
gen are available. The threshold for show that the apparent admixed calci- Extending this reasoning to the
prestressing strand has recently been um chloride dihydrate corrosion other ACI 318 categories, for concrete
found by the authors to depend on thresho ld was between 0.2 and 0.4 to be " exposed to chlorides in ser-
chemicals that may be present on percent by weight of cement. Their vice," 0.62 percent dihydrate could be
them. Accordingly, the limit for strand particular method of determining used; for "other reinforced concrete
may be far too conservative under water-sol uble ch loride contents 3 re- construction," 1.25 percent could be
some conditions. sulted in the detection of about 35 to added. Clearly, these levels of chloride

March-April 1992 69
can support corrosion and should be This time-to-corrosion period for • Concrete made with chloride-soaked
rectified as soon as possible. reinforcing bar is similar to the 6 to 6 ~ aggregate, which produced 0.17 per-
Recent studies on corrosion of 7- weeks for reinforcing bar reported in cent water-soluble chloride ion by
wire prestressing strand have resulted Ref. 4. The 42 weeks (or greater) for weight of cement, and stored damp,
in the conclusion that both the time-to- prestressing strand is longer than the initiated corrosion , but the slight
corrosion and the chloride ion corro- average 19 to 19 ~ weeks reported for corrosion activity terminated at
sion threshold for the strand studied strand in Ref. 4. However, these two about 15 weeks of testing.
are substantially greater than that for studies show that prestressing strand This study showed that the 0.06 per-
deformed reinforcing bar. Ref. 4 dis- can tolerate from 3 to 5 times the cent water-soluble chloride ion con-
cusses these observations. One conclu- amount of exposure prior to the initia- tent by weight of cement shown in
sion arrived at in Ref. 4, concerning tion of corrosion, compared to de- ACI 318 is not a corrosion threshold
concrete exposed to 48 weekly cycles formed reinforcing bar. level. In fact, this research could not
of ponding with chloride solutions fol- After 48 weeks of testing in the identify reproducible chloride ion
lowed by air drying, is that: laboratory, the slabs were subjected to threshold levels for the various condi-
"Corrosion activity of unstressed natural weathering in northern tions evaluated. However, the authors
gray prestressing strand with l in. Virginia on above-ground racks. Slabs suggest that the permissible water-
(25.4 mm) cover in moist-cured con- were observed for signs of cracking soluble chloride content should not ex-
crete began when the chloride content from installation, in August 1985, ceed 0.10 percent by weight of cement
(acid-soluble) at the strand level to March 1990. Time-to-cracking was for prestressed concrete.
reached an average of almost 1.2 per- as follows: Data were submitted to the ACI 222
cent by weight of portland cement. Average task group from another long-term
This is six times greater than that de- Steel type time-to-cracking corrosion study ,t on fully stressed and
termined for gray bars. In addition, the unstressed 7-wire strand embedded in
average time-to-corrosion for these Reinforcing bar 1 to 3.5 years
concrete made with and without calci-
unstressed prestressing strands was 7-wire strand 4.4 to 5.6 years
um chloride as an admixture. This
three times as long as that measured A 1984 paper6 presented similar study began in mid-1984.
for gray bars." conclusions. This two-year study was Normal weight and lightweight con-
These data show that the unstressed done on beams containing fully- cretes were evaluated with stress-
7-wire strand was able to tolerate six stressed 7 -wire strand that had been relieved and low-relaxation, ~ in. (13
times the amount of acid-soluble chlo- cleaned with xylene. Most beams were mm) diameter 7-wire strand. The con-
ride that caused corrosion of regular steam-cured. Admixed calcium chlo- cretes were made to Pennsylvania
deformed reinforcing steel, about 0.20 ride dihydrate, up to 2 percent (about DOT specifications, except for the ad-
percent chloride ion by weight of I percent chloride ion) by weight of dition of 2.5 percent calcium chloride
cement. cement, was added to the concrete for dihydrate (about 1.2 percent chloride
Similar test results on unstressed some beams. Others made with chlo- ion) by weight of cement. Cement
prestressing strand and reinforcing bar ride-free concrete were ponded for content for the normal weight concrete
have been reported ' to the ACI Task about one year with 4 percent NaCl was 658 lbs per cu yd (390 kg/m 3),
Group Revising ACI 222-85. This solution, followed by about one year with a water-cement ratio of 0.40. The
long-term corrosion study of un- of cyclic ponding with 8 percent NaCl concretes were steam-cured, develop-
stressed reinforcing bar and prestress- solution and air drying. The following ing compressive strengths at 18 to 21
ing strand started in 1984. The speci- conclusions can be drawn from this hours of about 4000 to 4600 psi (28 to
mens were made with structural study: 32 MPa). The 34 beams produced
lightweight concrete and were similar • Under prolonged uniformly moist or were cast in June and July of 1984 and
in configuration to those used in the dry conditions, active corrosion transported to the outdoor test facility
study reported in Ref. 4. could not be sustained, even in the in October.
The test cycle was the 48 week presence of water-soluble chloride Based upon commonly observed de-
southern exposure method used in the contents as high as 0.9 to 1.0 per- tection of about 50 to 75 percent of the
studies reported by Pfeifer et al. 4 Dur- cent by weight of cement. admixed chloride by water-soluble test
ing the testing, it was determined that • In beams made without admixed methods, the water-soluble chloride
the control specimens (reinforcing bar calcium chloride, ponding with 4 or ion content of the chloride-containing
and strand) first developed corrosion 8 percent NaCl solution failed to in- concrete is in the range of 0.6 to 0.9
activity as follows: duce corrosion, even though up to percent by weight of cement, values
Average 0.36 percent water-soluble chloride that are 10 to 15 percent times the ACI
Steel type time-to-corrosion ion was found at the level of the 318 limit of 0.06 percent.
upper tendons at the two-year age. These beams have been monitored
Reinforcing bar 7.5 weeks
• Concrete made with 0.11 percent with copper-copper sulfate (CSE)
7-wire strand >42 weeks water-soluble admixed chloride ion half-cell readings, three-point linear
by weight of cement and stored polarization measurements and visual
'Kenneth C. Clear, Inc., March 12, 1991. damp did not initiate corrosion. inspection for nearly six years. The re-

suits of these tests at the end of this rosion protection layer on the strand. Those limits, 0.06, 0.10 and 0.15 per-
time are summarized below: In an attempt to evaluate the degree of cent, are proposed by the authors to be
1. Significant corrosion has not oc- protection, specimens were added to 0.10, 0.10 and 0.10 percent, respec-
curred on any strand. There are no sig- this study which co.ntained strand sub- tively. The 1977 ACI 201 report did
nificant differences in half-cell poten- jected to ultrasonic cleaning by the allow a "no limit" for the "dry con-
tials between chloride-bearing and supplier. This was not found to change crete" condition. The authors' pro-
chloride-free concrete beams, and 93 the performance of the strand signifi- posed limit of 0.20 percent for "dry"
percent of all half-cell potentials are cantly. We suspect that cleaning with concrete is, as noted previously, based
less than -200 mV CSE. xylene, as done in the 1984 study," upon corrosion damage observed
2. No difference in corrosion activ- was also unsuccessful in removing inside of buildings, where the current
ity exists between stressed and un- these materials. 1.0 percent limit in the ACI 318 Code
stressed strand. The average half- Another problem has been caused or possibly the "no limit" suggested in
cell potentials are less than -200 mV by the chloride limits imposed by ACI 1977 by ACI Committee 201, and
CSE on beams with chloride-bearing 318. In many interior areas of the agreed to by ACI Committee 222
and chloride-free concrete. United States and Canada, the naturally (Corrosion), was utilized by contrac-
3. The half-cell potentials indicate a occurring aggregates contain chlorides tors and engineers.
substantial decrease in the half-cell that are released in acid-soluble tests, Clearly, the problems that have
potentials from age 2.2 to 5.7 years. and may be released in some water- developed because of the ACI limits
The 22 fully-stressed beams with cal- soluble tests, but do not become avail- for chloride (whether too low or too
cium chloride had average potentials able to support corrosion in concrete. high) indicate a need for revision.
of -161 mV at age 2.2 years. The four The Hope and lp paper 2 and work Eventually chloride limits should be
unstressed beams with calcium chlo- done in the authors' laboratories5 have based on laboratory evaluations of
ride had average potentials of -129 shown that such chlorides borne in corrosion thresholds by established
m V at the same age. These potentials certain aggregates can release two to methods, combined with a water-solu-
decreased to -73 m V and -45 m V, three times the limits prescribed by ble test method that will produce
respectively, at 5.7 years. ACI 318 in water-soluble (and acid- results that correlate well with the
4. No visual evidence of corrosion soluble) determinations, yet will not initiation of corrosion in these tests.
has been observed. cause corrosion in standard laboratory However, this test has not yet been
5. The linear polarization data pro- tests because they have not been pul- described. Therefore, the authors pro-
duced the following conclusions: verized. Indeed, these aggregates have pose that the acid-soluble chloride
a. The prestressing steel had low been used successfully for many limits suggested herein be used until
corrosion rates. decades without problems, yet they the necessary definitive data have
b. No corrosion damage should be ex- would now be rejected for use in new been developed.
pected in chloride-free concrete. construction by the ACI 318 Code The authors believe that ACI 318
The Ref. 4 study determined that requirements. should revise its limits for chloride
commercial strand wires are coated The authors' proposed chloride ion contents of new concrete to reflect
with zinc phosphate, calcium stearate, content limits for out-of-door rein- current technology, and to include a
and other lubricants during the draw- forced and prestressed concretes are reasonable but not restrictive factor of
ing process. These materials are diffi- similar to those contained in the 1977 safety within them. The authors
cult to remove and apparently impart ACI Committee 201 (Durability) re- welcome and encourage discussion of
an unintentional "serendipitous" cor- port, Guide to Durable Concrete. this paper.

l. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code 3. Hope, Brian B., Page , John A., and Washington, D.C., April 1987, 126 pp.
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete," Poland, John S., "The Determination 5. Pfeifer, D. W., and Scali, M. J., "Con-
1963, 1971, 1977, 1983 [1983 revised in of the Chloride Content of Concrete," crete Sealers for Protection of Bridge
1986] and 1989, American Concrete In- Cement and Concrete Research, V. 15, Structures," NCHRP Report No. 244,
stitute, Detroit, MI. No. 5, September 1985, pp. 863-870. Transportation Research Board, Wash-
2. Hope, B. B., and Ip, A. K. C., "Chloride 4. Pfeifer, D. W., Landgren, J. R., and ington, D.C., December 1981, 138 pp.
Corrosion Threshold in Concrete," Ma- Zoob, A. B., " Protective Systems for 6. Stark, David, "Determination of Permis-
terials Journal, American Concrete In- New Prestressed and Substructure Con- sible Chloride Levels in Prestressed
stitute, V. 84, No. 4, July-August 1987, crete," Final Report No. FHW A/RD- Concrete," PCI JOURNAL, V.29, No.
pp. 306-314. 86/193, Federal Highway Administration, 4, July-August 1984, pp. 106-119.

March-April 1992 71

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