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Analysis of FinTech Data

Assignment #1
Download the data from the following link.
NOTE: Use all available resources to solve the problems. You can find a solution to most of the coding
problems from the Internet. Google it, if you are stuck in the middle.
Q1. Load the data to your R system. How many variables and observations are in the data?
Q2. How many are currently employed? How many are self-employed among the currently employed?
Q3. What is the average monthly income of the whole sample? What is the average monthly income of the
currently employed?
Q4. Generate the histogram of “loan_amount.” Can you find some interesting patterns from the graph? Can
you guess the reasons why the graph has the shape?

Q5. Replace the value of “friends_facebook” to NA if the value is 0. What is the average number of
Facebook friends of applicants who have the account on Facebook?

Q6. Generate the scatterplot of “month_of_service” and “credit_score.” Can you find any relationship
between them? What about “monthly_income” and “credit_score”? Confirm the relationship with the
correlation test.

Guideline for Assignment 1:

Submit the answer sheet and R-code used for the analysis to the course Blackboard. Please include your
student number and name in the header of the document. Make your answer sheet formatted as follows:
Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced only (not 1.5), 1-inch margins all around 8.5 x 11-inch
paper (or A4). Your answer sheet should not exceed one A4 page. The due is Oct 8, 23:59 PM.

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