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Further information: Temperance movement in India

In India alcohol is a state subject and individual
QUESTIONS states can legislate prohibition, but currently most
states do not have prohibition and sale/consumption
is freely available in 25 out of 29 states. Prohibition
1.COMMON LAW is in force in the states
of Gujarat, Bihar and Nagaland, parts of Manipur,
Common law is a body of unwritten laws based on and the union territory of Lakshadweep. All
precedents established by the courts. Common other States and union territories of India permit the
law influences the decision-making process in novel sale of alcohol.[9]
cases where the outcome cannot be determined Election days and certain national holidays such
based on existing statutes. as Independence Day are meant to be dry
days when liquor sale is not permitted but
consumption is allowed. Some Indian states
observe dry days on major religious
festivals/occasions depending on the popularity of
the festival in that region.

A conclusion of law is a determination by a judge
or ruling authority regarding thelaw that applies in a
particular case. ... For example,
a conclusion of law may determine that evidence
cannot be introduced in a trial, based on evidentiary
rules excluding illegally obtained evidence.

A decision of a law court or judge 5.LIABILITY:-

Any legal responsibility, duty or obligation. The
3.PROHIBITION:- state of one who is bound in law and justice to do
something which may be enforced by action.
Prohibition is the act or practice of forbidding
Thisliability may arise from contracts either express
something by law; more particularly the term refers
or implied or in consequence of torts committed
to the banning of the manufacture, storage (whether
in barrels or in bottles), transportation, sale,
possession, and consumption of alcoholic 6.MANDAMUS:-
beverages. The word is also used to refer to a
period of time during which such bans are enforced. Mandamus (/ˈmænˈdeɪməs/; lit. 'we command') is
a judicial remedy in the form of an order from a
India[edit] court[1] to any government, subordinate
Main article: Alcohol prohibition in India court, corporation, or public authority, to do (or

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forbear from doing) some specific act which that Substantive law is the set of laws that governs how
body is obliged under law to do (or refrain from members of a society are to behave.[1] It is
doing), and which is in the nature of public duty, and contrasted with procedural law, which is the set of
in certain cases one of a statutory duty. It cannot be procedures for making, administering, and enforcing
issued to compel an authority to do something substantive law.[1] Substantive law
against statutory provision. For example, it cannot defines rights and responsibilities in civil law,
be used to force a lower court to reject or authorize and crimes and punishments in criminal law.[1] It
applications that have been made, but if the court may be codified in statutes or exist
refuses to rule one way or the other then a through precedent in common law.
mandamus can be used to order the court to rule on
the applications.
Mandamus may be a command to do an 8. FRAUD:-
administrative action or not to take a particular
action, and it is supplemented by legal rights. In
Fraud is generally defined in the law as an
the American legal system it must be a judicially
enforceable and legally protected right before one intentional misrepresentation of material existing
suffering a grievance can ask for a mandamus. A fact made by one person to another with knowledge
person can be said to be aggrieved only when he or of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other
she is denied a legal right by someone who has person to act, and upon which the other person
a legal duty to do something and abstains from relies with resulting injury or damage.
doing it.


In cultures that practice Substantive law is the set of laws that governs how
marital monogamy, bigamy is the act of entering members of a society are to behave.[1] It is
into a marriage with one person while still legally contrasted with procedural law, which is the set of
married to another.[1] Bigamy is a crime in most procedures for making, administering, and enforcing
Western countries, and when it occurs in this substantive law.[1] Substantive law
context often neither the first nor second spouse is defines rights and responsibilities in civil law,
aware of the other.[2][3] In countries that have bigamy and crimes and punishments in criminal law.[1] It
laws, consent from a prior spouse makes no may be codified in statutes or exist
difference to the legality of the second marriage, through precedent in common law.
which is usually considered void.

10.LEX LOCI:l-

Fraud is generally defined in the law as an In conflict of laws, the term lex loci (Latin for "the
intentional misrepresentation of material existing law of the place")[1] is a shorthand version of
the choice of law rules that determine the lex
fact made by one person to another with knowledge causae (the laws chosen to decide a case).
of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other
The relevant rules are:
person to act, and upon which the other person
relies with resulting injury or damage.
 Lex fori
9.SUBSTANTIVE LAW:  Lex loci actus

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 Lex loci arbitri Judicial Review refers to the power of

 Lex loci celebrationis the judiciary to interpret the constitution and to
 Lex loci contractus declare any such law or order of the legislature and
 Lex loci delicti commissi executive void, if it finds them in conflict the
 Lex loci protectionis (Schutzlandprinzip) Constitution of India. ... It has the power to reject
 Lex loci rei sitae any law or any of its part which is found to be
 Lex loci solutionis unconstitutional.
 Lex situs

11.ABSOLUTE LIABILITY:- Theft, in law, a general term covering a variety of
specific types of stealing, including the crimes of
Absolute liability is a standard of legal
larceny, robbery, and burglary. Theft is defined as
liability found in tort and criminal law of
the physical removal of an object that is capable of
various legal jurisdictions. To be convicted of an
being stolen without the consent of the owner and
ordinary crime, in certain jurisdictions, a person
with the intention of depriving the owner of it
must not only have committed a criminal action, but
also have had a deliberate intention or guilty mind
(mens rea).
12.ORDER:- According to Article 1(4) of
the Consumer Protection LaW, a 'consumer' is
A court order is an official proclamation by a judge
considered to be any natural person or legal entity
(or panel of judges) that defines
to which a product or service offered on the market
the legal relationships between the parties to a
is addressed.
hearing, a trial, an appeal or other court
proceedings. Such ruling requires or authorizes the this Consumer Protection Act protects the
carrying out of certain steps by one or more parties interests ofconsumers in India against deficiencies
to a case. and defects in goods or services. It makes provision
for the establishment of consumer councils and
other authorities for the easier and quicker
settlement of consumers' disputes and related
Quo Warranto. A legal proceeding during which an matters.
individual's right to hold an office or governmental
privilege is challenged. ... Statutes describing quo 17. TORT:-
warrantousually indicate where it is appropriate.
Ordinarily it is proper to try the issue of whether a a wrongful act or an infringement of a right (other
public office or authority is being abused. than under contract) leading to legal liability.

A tort, in common law jurisdictions, is a civil

14.JUDICIAL REVIEW:- wrong[1] that causes a claimant to suffer loss or

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harm resulting in legal liability for the person who a form of written command in the name of a court or
commits the tortious act. other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in
a particular way.
Tort law in India is a relatively new
common lawdevelopment supplemented by
codifying statutes including statutes governing
damages. ... Tort is breach of some duty
independent of contract which has caused damage
to the plaintiff giving rise to civil cause of action and an official order that has the force of law.
for which remedy is available.
The judgment forms the concluding part of the civil
suit and it determines the rights and liabilities of the
18. PRIVATE NUISANCE:- parties. Basically judgment is followed by a decree
which is its operating part. Historically, there was the
an unlawful interference with the use and enjoyment
distinction between judgment and decree. Common
of land.
Law adheres to the judgment while the Equity Court
A private nuisance is a civil wrong; it is the of Law deals with the decree. But later on Judicature
unreasonable, unwarranted, or unlawful use of one's Act was passed in U.K. which merged the distinction
property in a manner that substantially interferes between judgment and decree. In U.S. also,
with the enjoyment or use of another individual's distinction between judgment and decree has lost its
property, without an actual Trespass or physical relevance but in India, the distinction between
invasion to the land. judgment and decree has still maintain its position
from the initiation of the old Code of Civil Procedure,
Section 268 of the Indian Penal Code defines 1859. The present Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
PublicNuisance as “An act or illegal omission which
also recognizes this distinction.
causes any common injury, danger or annoyance to
the people in general who dwell, or occupy property,
in the vicinity, or which must necessarily cause 22.INTERVENTION:-
injury, objection, danger or annoyance to persons
who may have occasion ... intervention is a procedure to allow a nonparty,
called intervenor (also spelled intervener) to join
ongoing litigation, either as a matter of right or at the
19.FORGERY: discretion of the court, without the permission of the
original litigants. The basic rationale for intervention
The making of a false document knowing it to be is that a judgment in a particular case may affect the
false with intent that it should be used or acted on rights of nonparties, who ideally should have the
as genuine to the prejudice of another. The term is a right to be heard.
construction of criminal law and as such is limited to
the precise definition of the criminal statute in each
jurisdiction. 23.BATTERY:-
Battery is a criminal offense involving the unlawful
20.WRIT:- physical acting upon a threat, distinct

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from assaultwhich is the act of creating Trespass to the person, historically involved six
apprehension of such contact. separate trespasses: threats, assault, battery,
wounding, mayhem, and maiming.[1] Through the
Battery is a specific common law misdemeanor,
evolution of the common law in various jurisdictions,
although the term is used more generally to refer to
and the codification of common law torts, most
any unlawful offensive physical contact with another
jurisdictions now broadly recognize three trespasses
person, and may be a misdemeanor or a felony,
to the person: assault, which is "any act of such a
depending on the circumstances. Battery was
nature as to excite an apprehension of battery";[2]
defined at common law as "any unlawful and or
battery, "any intentional and unpermitted contact
unwanted touching of the person of another by the
with the plaintiff's person or anything attached to it
aggressor, or by a substance put in motion by
and practically identified with it"; and false
him."[1] In most cases, battery is now governed
imprisonment, the "unlawful obstruction or
by statutes, and its severity is determined by the law
deprivation of freedom from restraint of
of the specific jurisdiction.
Trespass to chattels, also known as trespass to
goods or trespass to personal property, is defined
as "an intentional interference with the possession
of personal property...proximately causing injury."[4]
24.WRONGFUL CONFINEMENT:- Trespass to chattel, does not require a showing of
damages. Simply the "intermeddling with or use
Section 343 of Indian Penal Code. "Wrongful of...the personal property" of another gives cause of
confinement for 3 or more days" action for trespass.[5] Since CompuServe Inc. v.
Whoever wrongfully confines any person for three Cyber Promotions,[6] various courts have applied
the principles of trespass to chattel to resolve cases
days, or more, shall be punished
involving unsolicited bulk e-mail and unauthorized
with imprisonment of either description for a term server usage.[7]
which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with
both. Trespass to land, the form of trespass most
associated with the term trespass, refers to the
"wrongful interference with one's possessory rights
25. GRIEVOUS HURT: in [real] property."[8] Generally, it is not necessary to
prove harm to a possessor's legally protected
Section 325 of The Indian Penal Code – interest; liability for unintentional trespass varies by
Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt. jurisdiction. "At common law, every unauthorized
Whoever, except in the case provided for by Section entry upon the soil of another was a trespasser",
335, voluntarily causes grievous hurt, shall be however, under the tort scheme established by the
Restatement of Torts, liability for unintentional
punished with imprisonment of either description for
intrusions arises only under circumstances evincing
a term which may extend to seven years, and shall negligence or where the intrusion involved a highly
also be liable to fine dangerous activity.[9]

2: Trespass to the Person

26.TRESSPASS:- There are three types of trespass, the first of which
is trespass to the person. Whether intent is a
Trespass is an area of tort law broadly divided into necessary element of trespass to the person varies
three groups: trespass to the person, trespass to by jurisdiction. Under English decision, Letang v
chattels and trespass to land. Cooper,[10] intent is required to sustain a trespass
to the person cause of action; in the absence of

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intent, negligence is the appropriate tort. In other

jurisdictions, gross negligence is sufficient to sustain 2.2: Battery
a trespass to the person, such as when a defendant Battery is "any intentional and unpermitted contact
negligently operates an automobile and strikes the with the plaintiff's person or anything attached to it
plaintiff with great force. "Intent is to be presumed and practically identified with it." The elements of
from the act itself."[11] Generally, trespass to the battery common law varies by jurisdiction. In the
person consists of three torts: assault, battery, and United States, the American Law Institute's
false imprisonment. Restatement of Torts provides a general rule to
determine liability for battery:[20]
2.1: Assault
Under the statutes of various common law An act which, directly or indirectly, is the legal cause
jurisdictions, assault is both a crime and a tort. of a harmful contact with another's person makes
Generally, a person commits criminal assault if he the actor liable to the other, if:
purposefully, knowingly, or recklessly inflicts bodily a) the act is done with the intention of bringing about
injury upon another; if he negligently inflicts bodily a harmful or offensive contact or an apprehension
injury upon another by means of dangerous thereof to the other or a third person, and
weapon; or if through physical menace, he places b) contact is not consented to by the other or the
another in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.[12] other's consent thereto is procured by fraud or
A person commits tortious assault when he engages duress, and
in "any act of such a nature as to excite an c) the contact is not otherwise privileged.
apprehension of battery bodily injury." In some
jurisdictions, there is no requirement that actual
physical violence result—simply the "threat of
unwanted touching of the victim" suffices to sustain 27.PUBLIC NUISANCE:-
an assault claim.[13] Consequently, in R v
Constanza,[14] the court found a stalkers threats
could constitute assault. Similarly, silence, given
certain conditions, may constitute an assault as
well.[15] However, in other jurisdictions, simple
threats are insufficient; they must be accompanied
by an action or condition to trigger a cause of
Incongruity of a defendant's language and action, or
of a plaintiff's perception and reality may vitiate an I. MEANING: In everyday usage, the word
assault claim. In Tuberville v Savage,[17] the ‘negligence’ denotes mere carelessness. In legal
defendant reached for his sword and told the plaintiff
that "if it were not assize-time, I would not take such sense it signifies failure to exercise standard of care
language from you." In it's American counterpart, which the doer as a reasonable man should have
Commonwealth v. Eyre,[18] the defendant shouted exercised in the circumstances. In general, there is
"if it were not for your gray hairs, I would tear your a legal duty to take care when it was reasonably
heart out." In both cases, the courts held that foreseeable that failure to do so was likely to cause
despite a threatening gesture, the plaintiffs were not injury. Negligence is a mode in which many kinds of
in immediate danger. The actions must give the
harms may be caused by not taking such adequate
plaintiff a reasonable expectation that the defendant
is going to use violence; a fist raised before the precautions.
plaintiff may suffice; the same fist raised behind the
window of a police cruiser will not.[19] II. DEFINITION:

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· WINFIELD AND JOLOWICZ: According to Winfield AC 562 carried the idea further and expanded the
and Jolowicz- Negligence is the breach of a legal scope of duty saying that the duty so raised extends
duty to take care which results in damage, to your neighbour. Explaining so as to who is my
undesired by the defendant to the plaintiff [Ref. neighbour LORD ATKIN said that the answer must
Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort, Ninth Edition, 1971, be “the persons who are so closely and directly
p. 45]. affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have
them in contemplation as being so affected when I
· In Blyth v. Birmingham Water Works Co., (1856) am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which
LR 11 Exch. 781; ALDERSON, B. defined are called in question”.
negligence as, negligence is the omission to do
something which a reasonable man…….. would do, 3. DUTY MUST BE TOWARDS THE PLAINTIFF- It
or doing something which a prudent or reasonable is not sufficient that the defendant owed a duty to
man would not do. take care. It must also be established that the
defendant owed a duty of care towards the plaintiff.
· In Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co. v. Mc Mullan, 1934 · In Bourhill v. Young, 1943 AC 92; the plaintiff, a
AC 1; LORD WRIGHT said, negligence means more fishwife, alighted from a tram car. While she was
than headless or careless conduct, whether in being helped in putting her basket on her back, a
commission or omission; it properly connotes the motor-cyclist after passing the tram collided with a
complex concept of duty, breach and damage motor car at the distance of 15 yards on the other
thereby suffered by the person to whom the duty side of the tram and died instantly. The plaintiff
was owing. could see neither the deceased nor the accident as
the tram was standing between her and the place of
III. ESSENTIALS OF NEGLIGENCE: - In an action accident. She had simply heard about the collision
for negligence, the plaintiff has to prove the and after the dead body had been removed she
following essentials: went to the place and saw blood left on the road.
Consequently, she suffered a nervous shock and
1. DUTY TO TAKE CARE: One of the essential gave birth to a still-born child of 8 months. She sued
conditions of liability for negligence is that the the representatives of the deceased motor-cyclist. It
defendant owed a legal duty towards the plaintiff. was held that the deceased had no duty of care
The following case laws will throw some light upon towards the plaintiff and hence she could not claim
this essential element. damages.

· In Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills Ltd., 1935 AC 4. BREACH OF DUTY TO TAKE CARE: Yet
85; the plaintiff purchased two sets of woolen another essential condition for the liability in
underwear from a retailer and contacted a skin negligence is that the plaintiff must prove that the
disease by wearing an underwear. The woolen defendant committed a breach of duty to take care
underwear contained an excess of sulphates which or he failed to perform that duty.
the manufacturers negligently failed to remove while · In Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Subhagwanti,
washing them. The manufacturers were held liable AIR 1966 SC 1750; a clock-tower in the heart of the
as they failed to perform their duty to take care. Chandni Chowk, Delhi collapsed causing the death
of a number of persons. The structure was 80 years
2. DUTY TO WHOM: Donoghue v. Stevenson, 1932 old whereas its normal life was 40-45 years. The

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Municipal Corporation of Dellhi having the control of the obstruction was still visible from a distance of
the structure failed to take care and was therefore, 100 yards, he was riding violently, came against the
liable. pole and fell with the horse. It was held that the
plaintiff could not claim damages as he was also
· In Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Sushila Devi, negligent.
AIR 1999 SC 1929; a person passing by the road
died because of fall of branch of a tree standing on 2. ACT OF GOD OR VIS MAJOR: It is such a direct,
the road, on his head. The Municipal Corporation violent, sudden and irresistible act of nature as
was held liable. could not, by any amount of human foresight have
been foreseen or if foreseen, could not by any
5. CONSEQUENT DAMAGE OR amount of human care and skill, have been resisted.
CONSEQUENTIAL HARM TO THE PLAINTIFF: Such as, storm, extraordinary fall of rain,
The last essential requisite for the tort of negligence extraordinary high tide, earth quake etc.
is that the damage caused to the plaintiff was the
result of the breach of the duty. The harm may fall · In Nichols v. Marsland, (1875) LR 10 Ex.255; the
into following classes:- defendant had a series of artificial lakes on his land
· physical harm, i.e. harm to body; in the construction or maintenance of which there
· harm to reputation; had been no negligence. Owing to an exceptional
· harm to property, i.e. land and buildings and rights heavy rain, some of the reservoirs burst and carried
and interests pertaining thereto, and his goods; away four country bridges. It wa held that, the
· economic loss; and defendant was not liable as the water escaped by
· mental harm or nervous shock. the act of God.
· In Achutrao Haribhau Khodwa v. State of
Maharashtra (1996) 2 SCC 634; a cotton mop was 3. INEVITABLE ACCIDENT: Inevitable accident also
left inside the body by the negligence of the doctor. works as a defence of negligence. An inevitable
The doctor was held liable. accident is that which could not possibly, be
prevented by the exercise of ordinary care, caution
IV. DEFENCES FOR NEGLIGENCE: In an action and skill. it means accident physically unavoidable.
for negligence following defences are available:-
· In Brown v. Kendal, (1859) 6 Cussing 292; the
1. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE: It was the plaintiff’s and defendant’s dogs were fighting, while
Common law rule that anyone who by his own the defendant was trying to separate them, he
negligence contributed to the injury of which he accidentally hit the plaintiff in his eye who was
complains cannot maintain an action against standing nearby. The injury to the plaintiff was held
another in respect of it. Because, he will be to be result of inevitable accident and the defendant
considered in law to be author of his wrong. was not liable.

· Butterfield v. Forrester, (1809) 11 East 60; the · In Holmes v. Mather, (1875) LR 10 Ex.261, 267; a
defendant had put a pole across a public pair of horses were being driven by the groom of the
thoroughfare in Durby, which he had no right to do. defendant on a public highway. On account of
The plaintiff was riding that way at 8’O clock in the barking of a dog, the horses started running very
evening in August, when dusk was coming on, but fast. The groom made best possible efforts to

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control them but failed. The horses knocked down 30.RULE OF LAW: The concept of Rule of Law is that
the plaintiff who was seriously injured, it was held to the state is governed, not by the ruler or the
be an inevitable accident and the defendant was not nominated representatives of the people but by the
liable. law. A county that enshrines the rule of law would be
one where in the Grundnorm[i] of the country, or the
basic and core law from which all other law derives its
· In Stanley v. Powell, (1891) 1 QB 86; the plaintiff authority is the supreme authority of the state. The
and the defendant, who were members of a monarch or the representatives of the republic are
shooting party, went for pheasant shooting. The governed by the laws derived out of the Grundnorm
defendant fired at a pheasant, but the shot from his and their powers are limited by the law. The King is
gun glanced off an oak tree and injured the plaintiff. not the law but the law is king[ii]
It was held that the accident was an inevitable
The origins of the Rule of Law theory can be traced
accident and the defendant was not liable. back to the Ancient Romans during the formation of
the first republic; it has since been championed by
29.CUSTOM:- several medieval thinkers in Europe such as Hobbs,
Locke and Rousseau through the social contract
theory. Indian philosophers such as Chanakya have
Custom in law is the established pattern of behavior
also espoused the rule of law theory in their own way,
that can be objectively verified within a particular
by maintain that the King should be governed by the
social setting. A claim can be carried out in defense
word of law. The formal origin of the word is
of "what has always been done and accepted by
attributed to Sir. Edward Coke, and is derived from
law". Related is the idea of prescription; a right
French phase ‘la principe de legalite’ which means the
enjoyed through long custom rather than positive
principle of legality. The firm basis for the Rule of
Law theory was expounded by A. V. Dicey and his
Customary theory on the rule of law remains the most popular.
law (also, consuetudinary or unofficial law) exists Dicey’s theory has three pillars based on the concept
where: that “a government should be based on principles of
law and not of men”,
1. a certain legal practice is observed and
2. the relevant actors consider it to be law 31.PREAMBLE:-
(opinio juris).
Most customary laws deal with standards of The preamble to the Constitution of India is a brief
community that have been long-established in a introductory statement that sets out guidelines to
given locale. However the term can also apply to guide people and to present the principles of the
areas of international law where certain standards document, and to indicate the source from which the
have been nearly universal in their acceptance as
correct bases of action – in example, laws ordinary document derives its authority, meaning,
against piracy or slavery (see hostis humani and the people.[1] The hopes and aspirations of the
generis). In many, though not all instances, people as well as the ideals before our nation are
customary laws will have supportive court rulings described in the preamble in clear words. The
and case law that has evolved over time to give preamble can be referred to as the preface which
additional weight to their rule as law and also to highlights the entire Constitution. It was adopted on
demonstrate the trajectory of evolution (if any) in the
26 November 1949 by the Constituent
interpretation of such law by relevant courts.

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Assembly and came into effect on 26 January 1950, livelihoods. The Government of India believed that a
which is celebrated as the Republic day in India. combined law was necessary, one that legally requires
rehabilitation and resettlement necessarily and
The Supreme Court of India originally stated in the
Berubari case presidential reference [4] that the simultaneously follow government acquisition of land for
preamble is not an integral part of the Indian public purposes. In this way in India, Land acquisition in
constitution, and therefore it is not enforceable in a India refers to the process by which the union or a state
court of law. However, the same court, in the government in India acquires private land for the
1973 Kesavananda case, overruled earlier decisions
purpose of industrialization, development of
and recognised that the preamble may be used to
interpret ambiguous areas of the constitution where infrastructural facilities or urbanization of the private
differing interpretations present themselves. In the land, and provides compensation to the affected land
1995 case of Union Government Vs LIC of India, the owners and their rehabilitation and resettlement. Hence,
Supreme Court once again held that the Preamble I think though owner of the property has not
is an integral part of the Constitution.
fundamental right over property but he has fundamental
As originally enacted the preamble described the right for compensation therefore some of the important
state as a "sovereign democratic republic", to which
the terms "Secular" and "Socialist" were later added issues surrounding the Land Acquisition will be discussed
by the 42nd Amendment.[5] below Keywords: Land Acquisition, Public purpose,
compensations, Rehabilitation and resettlement 1.
INTRODUCTION Public Necessity Is Greater Than Private
Necessity.1In the history of modern India, this doctrine
32.PUBLIC PURPOSE:- was challenged twice (broadly speaking) once when land
Abstract: The power to take property from the reform was initiated and another time when Banks were
individual is rooted in the idea of eminent domain. The nationalized2.The Constitution of India originally
doctrine of eminent domain states, the sovereign can do provided the right to property (which includes land)
anything, if the act of sovereign involves public interest. under Articles 19 and 31. Article 19 guaranteed that all
citizens have the right to acquire, hold and dispose of
The doctrine empowers the sovereign to acquire private
land for a public use, provided the public nature of the property. Article 31 stated that "no person shall be
usage can be demonstrated beyond doubt. The doctrine deprived of his property save by authority of law." It also
is based on the following two Latin maxims, (1) Salus indicated that compensation would be paid to a person
populi suprema lex (Welfare of the People Is the whose property has been taken for public purposes
(often subject to wide range of meaning). The Forty-
Paramount Law) and (2) Necessities public major EST
Fourth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to
quam.The Government of India believed there was a
heightened public concern on land acquisition issues in property from the list of fundamental rights with an
India. Of particular concern was that despite many introduction of a new provision, Article 300-A, which
amendments, over the years, to India's Land Acquisition provided that "no person shall be deprived of his
property save by authority of law"3. Land acquisition in
Act of 1894, there was an absence of a cohesive national
India refers to the process by which the union or a state
law that addressed fair compensation when private land
is acquired for public use, and fair rehabilitation of land government in India acquires private land for the
owners and those directly affected from loss of purpose of industrialization, development of

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infrastructural facilities or Urbanization of the private public interest convenience and welfare5.Thus it is clear
land, and provides compensation to the affected land indication that the legislative intent is to give wide
owners and their rehabilitation and resettlement. In the interpretation to public purpose. Recently in Sooram
democratic country, like India the importance of the Pratap Reddy and others v. District Collector, Ranga
Power of eminent domain to the life of the state need Reddy Dist and others,6 the Supreme Court stated that
hardly be emphasis. It is so often necessary for the “public purpose” includes any purpose wherein even a
performance of governmental functions to take private fraction of the community may be interested or by which
property for public use. As per the constitution of India, it may be benefited. As such Special Economic Zones
the future of India is based on the concept of social (SEZs), mines, shopping malls, factories, dams, and other
welfare4 hence for the purposes of social welfare The large scale projects have been facilitated by
power is inalienable it is based on the two maxims that expropriation of land under the Land Acquisition Act.
(a) salus populist supreme lex i.e., the interest and claim Extending land acquisition for public purpose to
of the whole community is always superior (b) industrial development involves the denial of the right to
Necessitapublic major east quam private i.e., public property, life and livelihood. The phrase power of
necessity is Greater than private interest and claim of an ‘eminent domain’ in USA is known as ‘sovereign power’
individual. The power of eminent domain has three in India and it is embedded in the articles 31-A and 300-A
essential attribute of sovereignty. First, the power of the of the Indian Constitution7.The Government of India
state to take over private land; second, this power is to believed there was a heightened public concern on land
be exercised for public ground; and third, it is obligation acquisition issues in India. Of particular concern was that
on 1 Chandrachur, Y. V. 2009. Concise Law Dictionary. despite many amendments, over the years, to India's
New Delhi: LexisNexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur. 2 Land Acquisition Act of 1894, there was an absence of a
Tripathi, P.K. 1980. "Right of Property After 44th cohesive national law that addressed fair compensation
Amendment Better Prosecuted Than Ever Before."Air when private land is acquired for public use, and fair
Journal (51). 3 Constitution of India 4 Preamble of the rehabilitation of land owners and those directly affected
constitution of India International Journal of Innovative from loss of livelihoods. The Government of India
Studies in Sociology and Humanities (IJISSH) ISSN 2456- believed that a combined law was necessary, one that
4931 (Online) Volume: 2 Issue: 5 | July legally requires rehabilitation and resettlement
2017 © 2017, IJISSH Page 9 the State to compensate necessarily and simultaneously follow government
those whose lands are taken over. Essentially it deals acquisition of land for public purposes.
with power of the state to expropriate lands of
individuals who, are not willing sellers, it is based on the
principle that interests of the whole community is
greater than individual interest. Thus property may be An arrest is the act of apprehending a person and
needed and acquired under this power for government taking them into custody, usually because they have
offices, libraries, slum clearance projects, public schools, been suspected of committing or planning a crime.
After the person is taken into custody, they can
college and universities, public highways, public parks, be questioned further and/or charged. An arrest is a
railways, telephone and telegraph lines, dams, drainage, procedure in a criminal justice system.
sewers and water systems and many other projects of

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Police and various other officers have powers of property (which is discussed here) and competitive
arrest. In some places, a citizen's arrest is intangible property (which is the source from which
permitted; for example in England and Wales, any legal intangible property is created but cannot be
person can arrest "anyone whom he has reasonable owned, extinguished, or transferred). Competitive
grounds for suspecting to be committing, have intangible property disobeys the intellectual property
committed or be guilty of committing an indictable test of voluntary extinguishment and therefore
offence," although certain conditions must be met results in the sources that create intellectual
before taking such action.[1]. Similar powers exist in property (knowledge in its source form,
France, Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland if a collaboration, process-engagement, etc.) escaping
person is caught in an act of crime and not willing or quantification.
able to produce valid ID. Generally, ownership of intangible property gives
As a safeguard against the abuse of power, many the owner a set of legally enforceable rights over
countries require that an arrest must be made for a reproduction of personal property containing certain
thoroughly justified reason, such as the requirement content.[1] For example, a copyright owner can
of probable cause in the United States. control the reproduction of the work forming the
Furthermore, the time that a person can be detained copyright. However, the intangible property forms a
in custody is relatively short (in most cases 24 hours set of rights separate from the tangible property that
in the United Kingdom and France and 24 or 48 carries the rights. For example, the owner of a
hours in the United States) before the detained copyright can control the printing of books
person must be either charged or released. containing the content, but the book itself is
According to Indian law, no formality is needed personal property which can be bought and sold
without concern over the rights of the copyright
during the procedure of arrest. The arrest can be holder.
made by a citizen, a police officer or a Magistrate. ...
There is no general rule of eligibility or requirement
that a police officer must handcuff a person who is
being arrested. Summons. The paper that tells a defendant that he
or she is being sued and asserts the power of the
34.INTANGIBLE PROPERTY:- court to hear and determine the case. A form
of legalprocess that commands the defendant to
Intangible property, also known as incorporeal appear before the court on a specific day and to
property, describes something which answer the complaint made by the plaintiff.
a person or corporation can have ownership of and n. a document issued by the court at the time a laws
can transfer ownership to another person or uit is filed, stating the name of both plaintiffand defe
corporation, but has no physical substance, for
example brand identity or knowledge/intellectual ndant, the title and file number of the case, the court
property. It generally refers to statutory creations and its address, the name andaddress of the plaintif
such as copyright, trademarks, or patents. It f's attorney, and instructions as to the need to file a r
excludes tangible property like real property (land, esponse to thecomplaint within a certain time (such
buildings, and fixtures) and personal property (ships, as 30 days after service), usually with a form on the
automobiles, tools, etc.). In some jurisdictions back onwhich information of service of summons an
intangible property are referred to as choses in
d complaint is to be filled out and signed by theproc
action. Intangible property is used in distinction
to tangible property. It is useful to note that there are ess server. A copy of the summons must be served
two forms of intangible property: legal intangible on each defendant at the same time asthe complaint

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to start the time running for the defendant to answer The exception to actus reus is when the criminal actions
. Certain writs and orders toshow cause are served i are involuntary. This includes acts that occur as a result
nstead of a summons since they contain the same i of a spasm or convulsion, any movement made while a
person is asleep or unconscious, or activities participated
nformation along withspecial orders of the court. Aft
in while an individual is under a hypnotic trance. In these
er service to the defendants, the original summons, scenarios a criminal deed may be done, but it is not
along with the"return of service" proving the summo intentional and the responsible person will not even know
ns and complaint were served, is filed with the court about it until after the fact.
to showthat each defendant was served. A summon
s differs from a subpena, which is an order towitnes
ses to appear

36.VOID:- Immovable property is an immovable object, an

item of property that cannot be moved without
In law, void means of no legal effect. An action, destroying or altering it – property that is fixed to the
earth, such as land or a house. Immovable property
document, or transaction which is void is of
includes premises, property rights (for example,
no legal effect whatsoever: an absolute nullity — inheritable building right), houses, land and
the law treats it as if it had never existed or associated goods, and chattels if they are located
happened. on, or below, or have a fixed address. It is delimited
by geographic coordinates or by reference to local
landmarks, depending on the jurisdiction.
In much of the world's civil law systems (based as
they are on Romano-Germanic law, which is also
Actus reus is the Latin term used to describe a criminal
known as Civil law or Continental law), immovable
act. Every crime must be considered in two parts-the
property is the equivalent of "real property"; it is land
physical act of the crime (actus reus) and the mental
or any permanent feature or structure above or
intent to do the crime (mens rea). To establish actus reus,
below the surface.
a lawyer must prove that the accused party was
responsible for a deed prohibited by criminal law. To describe it in more detail, immovable property
Actus reus is commonly defined as a criminal act that was includes land, buildings, hereditary allowances,
the result of voluntary bodily movement. This describes a rights to way, lights, ferries, fisheries or any other
physical activity that harms another person or damages benefit which arises out of land, and things attached
property. Anything from a physical assault or murder to to the earth or permanently fastened to anything
the destruction of public property would qualify as which is attached to the earth. It does not include
an actus reus. standing timber, growing crops, nor grass. It
Omission, as an act of criminal negligence, is another includes the right to collect rent, life interest in the
form of actus reus. It lies on the opposite side of the income of the immovable property, a right of way, a
spectrum from assault or murder and involves not taking fishery, or a lease of land.
an action that would have prevented injury to another Other sources describe immovable property as "any
person. An omission could be failing to warn others that land or any building or part of a building, and
you’ve created a dangerous situation, not feeding an includes, where any land or any building or part of a
infant who has been left in your care, or not completing a building is to be transferred together with any
work related task properly which resulted in an accident. machinery, plant, furniture, fittings or other things,
In all of these cases, the perpetrator’s failure to complete such machinery, plant, furniture, fittings and other
a necessary activity caused harm to others. things also. Any rights in or with respect to any land

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or any building or part of building (whether or not before a judge or jury retires to begin deliberation o
including any machinery, plant, furniture, fittings or n averdict.
other things therein) which has been constructed or
which is to be constructed, accruing or arising from
any transaction (whether by way of becoming a
member of, or acquiring shares in, a co-operative 40.SOVEREING POWER:-
society, or other association of persons) or by way
of any agreement or any arrangement of whatever Sovereignty is the full right and power of a
nature, not being a transaction by way of sale, governing body over itself, without any interference
exchange or lease of such land, building or part of a from outside sources or bodies. In political
building."[citation needed]
theory, sovereignty is a substantive term
Immovable property cannot be altered or designating supreme authority over some polity.
remodeled, added to, or reconstructed without
entering into an agreement with and getting The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power b
permission from its owner. Construction, alteration, y which an independent state is governed andfrom
and demolition may also be subject to government which all specific political powers are derived; the int
regulation, such as the need to obey zoning entional independence of a state,combined with the
laws and obtain building permits. right and power of regulating its internal affairs witho
ut foreign interference.
39.ARGUMENTS:- Sovereignty is the power of a state to do everything
necessary to govern itself, such as making,executin
argument - Legal Definition. n. The reason or g, and applying laws; imposing and collecting taxes;
reasons offered for or against something. The making war and peace; and formingtreaties or enga
formal oral or written presentation of such reasons ging in commerce with foreign nations.
intended to convince or persuade. The section of an The individual states of the United States do not pos
appellate or trial brief in which a party pre-sents its sess the powers of external sovereignty, suchas the
interpretation of the law. right to deport undesirable persons, but each does h
A form of expression consisting of a coherent set of ave certain attributes of internalsovereignty, such as
reasons presenting or supporting a point ofview; a s the power to regulate the acquisition and transfer of
eries of reasons given for or against a matter under property within itsborders. The sovereignty of a stat
discussion that is intended toconvince or persuade t e is determined with reference to the U.S. Constituti
he listener. on, which isthe supreme law of the land.
For example, an argument by counsel consists of a
presentation of the facts or evidence and theinferen 41.PUBLIC LAW:-
ces that may be drawn therefrom, which are aimed
at persuading a judge or jury to rendera verdict in fa Public law is that part of law which governs
vor of the attorney's client. relationships between individuals and
An attorney may begin to develop an argument in th the government, and those relationships between
e Opening individuals which are of direct concern
Statement, the initial discussionof the case in which to society.[1] Public law comprises constitutional
the facts and the pertinent law are stated. In most c law, administrative law, tax law and criminal
ases, however, anattorney sets forth the main points law,[1] as well as all procedural law. In public
of an argument in the closing argument, which is th law, mandatory rules prevail. Laws concerning
e attorney'sfinal opportunity to comment on the case relationships between individuals belong to private

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The relationships public law governs are asymmetric Legal citation is the practice of crediting and
and unequal – government bodies (central or local) referring to authoritative documents and sources.
can make decisions about the rights of individuals. The most common sources of authority cited are
However, as a consequence of the rule of
court decisions (cases), statutes, regulations,
law doctrine, authorities may only act within the law
(secundum et intra legem). The government must government documents, treaties, and scholarly
obey the law. For example, a citizen unhappy with a writing.
decision of an administrative authority can ask a
court for judicial review. Legal citation analysis[edit]

Rights, too, can be divided into private During a legal proceeding, a 'legal citation
rights and public rights. A paragon of a public right is analysis' - i.e. using citation analysis technique for
the right to welfare benefits – only a natural analyzing legal documents - facilitates the better
person can claim such payments, and they are understanding of the inter-related regulatory
awarded through an administrative decision out of compliance documents by the exploration of the
the government budget. citations that connect provisions to other provisions
within the same document or between different
The distinction between public law and private law documents. Legal citation analysis involves the use
dates back to Roman law. It has been picked up in of a citation graphextracted from
the countries of civil law traditionat the beginning of a regulatory document, which could supplement E-
the nineteenth century, but since then spread discovery - a process that leverages on
to common law countries, too. technological innovations in big data
The borderline between public law and private law is analytics.[1][2][3][4] Main path analysis, a method that
not always clear in particular cases, giving rise to traces the significant citation chains in a citation
attempts of theoreticalunderstanding of its basis. graph, can be used to trace the opinion changes
over the years for a target legal domain. [
An injunction is a legal and equitable remedy in the
form of a special court order that compels a party to Legal person refers to a human or non-human
do or refrain from specific acts.[1] "When entity that is treated as a person for
a court employs the extraordinary remedy of limited legal purposes. Typically, a legal
injunction, it directs the conduct of a party, and does persons can sue and be sued, own property, and
so with the backing of its full coercive powers."[2] A enter into contracts.
party that fails to comply with an injunction faces A legal person (in legal contexts often
criminal or civil penalties, including simply person, less ambiguously legal entity)[1][2]is
possible monetary sanctions and any human or non-human entity, in other words, any
even imprisonment. They can also be charged human being, firm, or government agency that is
with contempt of court. Counterinjunctions are recognized as having privileges and obligations,
injunctions that stop or reverse the enforcement of such as having the ability to enter into contracts, to
sue, and to be sued.[3][4][5]
another injunction.
The term "legal person" is however ambiguous
because it is also used in contradistinction to
43.LEGAL CITATION:- "natural person", i.e. as a synonym of terms used to
refer only to non-human legal entities.[6][7]

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So there are of two kinds of legal entities, human

and non-human: natural persons (also
called physical persons) and juridical persons (also
called juridic, juristic, artificial, legal, or fictitious
persons, Latin: persona ficta), which are other
entities (such as corporations) that are treated in law
as if they were persons.[4][8][9]
While human beings acquire legal personhood when
they are born (or even before in some jurisdictions),
juridical persons do so when they
are incorporated in accordance with law.
Legal personhood is a prerequisite to legal capacity,
the ability of any legal person to amend (enter into,
transfer, etc.) rights and obligations.
In international law, consequently, legal personality
is a prerequisite for an international organization to
be able to sign international treaties in its
own name.

To dispose of Personal Property owned by a

decedent at the time of death as a gift under the
provisions of the decedent's will.The
term bequeath applies only to personal property. A
testator, to give real property to someone in a
testamentary provision, devises it. Bequeath is
sometimes used as a synonym for devise.

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resident of 700
Narayan Peth,
Pune411030. )
2. Smt. ______W_ __ )
age 33 years, occupation - service, )
resident of 350 Narayan Peth, )
Pune 411 030. )


ACT 1955

The petitioners abovenamed submit this petition,

praying to state as follows:
1. That the petitioners are husband and wife,
their marriage having been solemnised at Pune
on___according to the Hindu religion, vaidic rites
and ceremonies.
2. That the petitioner No. 2, prior to the marriage,
was known by her maiden name as Kumari
Kanchan, while there is no change resulted in the
6.MODEL PETITION FOR DIVORCE BY name of the petitioner No. 1.
3. That out of their wedlock, the petitioners have
got a son by name Shubham and daughter named
4. That the petitioners submit that during the
recent past, they realised that their likings,
tastes of life, temperaments, ideas, ideologies,
IN THE COURT OF THE JUDGE, FAMILY thinking, attitudes, aptitudes, intellectual
COURT, PUNE reactions, capacities, feelings, moods, habits,
AT PUNE nature and life are so different from each other
t hat it would not be possible for t hem to hit it off
Marriage Petition No. ______________________________________/ 200_
toget her in fut ure.
1. Shri ________H ___ )
5. That the petitioners have tried their best to have
age 40 years,
a reconciliation for a happy domest icit y, but they
occupation - service,

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have been very unfortunat e to bring about the Sd/- xXx

6. That the petitioners have, therefore, decided to FOR
dissolve their marriage by mut ual co nsent , and PETITIONER/S
hence, t his pet it ion.
7. That the petitioner No. 2 being in Government VERIFICATION (of
service is in a position to maintain herself as well both the Petitioners)
as the children, and she on her own does hereby
forgo the right to maint enance in respect of We, Shri H and Smt. W, the present
herself and t he children against t he pet it ioner petitioners, do hereby state on solemn
No. 1. affirmation that the contents of this petition
8. That the petit ioners do hereby declare and in paras 1 to 12 are true and correct to the
confirm that this petit ion best of our knowledge and beliefs, and so we
preferred by t hem is not collusive. have signed hereunder.
9. That t he pet it ioners submit t hat t heir Sd/- H Sd/- W PETITIONERS
marr iage was celebrat ed as well as they are
residing within the local limits of the jurisdiction Subject to the permission of the Court, as the
of this Court, and hence, this Hon'ble Court has parties shall not be allowed to be represented
jurisdict ion to try and decide t his pet it ion by legal practitioners, vide the Family Court
Act 1984.
10. That t he pet it io ner s also submit and declare
t hat t hey have been residing separately for the
Note: This topic being of great
last more than two years, and hence, this petit ion
importance, two more drafts are provided for
is maint ainable.
understanding such a very delicate subject
11. That this petition being chargeable with a fixed
clearly, exclusively and perfectly.
rate of court fee, the
same is paid herewit h.
12. That t he pet it ioners, t herefore, pray t hat -

(a)Their marriage be dissolved by a decree of

divorce wit hout passing any orders as t o the
cost s and ma int enance, and
(b)Any ot her orders in t he int erest of just ice be
kindly passed.

Pune, S d/ - H
S d/ - W

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After filling the plaint, the defendant need to

submit his/her written statement admitting or
denying the statement made in the plaint.

Written Statement


Title Suit No. 206/1010




Written Statement on behalf of the defendant .

The defendant most respectfully-


1. That there is no cause of action for the suit & the

suit is liable to set aside.

2. That the suit is not maintainable in the present

form & manner.

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Sultana care taking a pond in 6 decimals of land out

3. That the suit is barred by the principles of of 33 decimals of suit land.
estoppels, waiver & acquiescence.
d) That the suit land has been recorded in the name
4. That the suit is barred by law of limitation. of the defendant in the recent field R.S record
bearing dag no. 160.
5. That the suit is not maintainable according to
section 8 of the Specific Relief Act. e) That the plaintiff has no right, title and interest
over the suit land but filed this suit on false, frivolous
6. That the plaintiff is not the owner & and has no and vexatious ground just to harass the defendant.
possession as well neither the plaintiff has ever
possession of the suit land. Wherefore it is prayed that your honour would be
pleased to dismiss the suit with explanatory cost
7. That the statements made in paragraph 2, 4 & 5 against the plaintiff.
are the subject of records so the burden of proof lies
upon the plaintiff. .

8. That the statements made from paragraph 2-10

are false, frivolous & vicious & denied by this Verification

9. That the facts on behalf of this defendant are as Verified at Dhaka this 01 of January, 2011
follows: that thcontents of para 1-9
are true to the
a) That Mr. Abdul Awal was the C.S recorded no. best of my knowledge & belief.
1066 tenant of 63 decimals area of land of dag no.
152. Mr. Abdul Awal alienated 33 decimals of land
of dag no. 152 to the defendant by a deed of ……………………
exchange dated 16 December, 1991 bearing no.
8245. The defendant was also inducted into the
possession of 33 decimals of land of dag no. 152. Signature

b) That the defendant mutated the said 33 decimals

of land in his own name and also paid rent to the
Govt. in respect of the land in dispute.

c) That the defendant has been possession of the

suit land for more than 12 years through his
barghadar Aziul Islam & his servant Ferzena
Sultana. Azizul Islam cultivates 27 decimals of land
out of 33 decimals of the suit land and Ferzena

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relationship between workers and employers,

3.LEGAL MAXIMS the courts are unlikely to find volenti.
It is not easy for a defendant to show both elements
and therefore comparative negligenceusually
1.VOLENTI NON FIT INJURIA: constitutes a better defence in many cases. Note
however that comparative negligence is a partial
Volenti non fit iniuria (or injuria) (Latin: "to a defence, i.e. it usually leads to a reduction of
willing person, injury is not done") is a common payable damages rather than a full exclusion of
law doctrine which states that if someone willingly liability. Also, the person consenting to an act may
places themselves in a position where harm might not always be negligent: a bungee jumper may take
result, knowing that some degree of harm might the greatest possible care not to be injured, and if
result, they are not able to bring a claim against the he is, the defence available to the organiser of the
other party in tort or delict. Volenti applies only to event will be volenti, not comparative negligence.
the risk which a reasonable person would consider Consent to medical treatment[3] or consent to risky
them as having assumed by their actions; thus sports[4] on the part of the claimant excludes liability
a boxer consents to being hit, and to the injuries that in tort where that consent is informed consent.
might be expected from being hit, but does not
consent to (for example) his opponent striking him Legal principle that one who knowingly and
with an iron bar, or punching him outside the usual voluntarily consents to and takes on a risk (for
terms of boxing. Volenti is also known as a example, by participating in a potentially dangerous
"voluntary assumption of risk." sport, such as motor racing or skiing) cannot ask for
Volenti is sometimes described as the plaintiff compensation for the damage or injury resulting
"consenting to run a risk." In this context, volenti can from it. In some jurisdictions (such as UK), however,
be distinguished from legal consent in that the latter neither the knowledge nor the willingness of the
can prevent some tortsarising in the first place. For inherent risk of injury is considered assent, only a
example, consent to a medical procedure prevents written waiver of the right to claim compensation for
the procedure from being a trespass to the person,
negligence suffices. Latin for, to a willing person it is
or consenting to a person visiting one's land
prevents them from being a trespasser. not a wrong.

In English tort law, volenti is a full defence, i.e. it Volenti Non Fit Injuria: a Maxim of Law
fully exonerates the defendant who succeeds in
proving it.[2] The defence has two main elements: Volenti Non Fit Injuria is a legal maxim, used in
India, with the following meaning: No wrong is done
 The claimant was fully aware of all the risks to one who consents. That to which a man consents
involved, including both the nature and the cannot be considered an injury A man cannot
extent of the risk; and enforce a right which he has voluntarily waived or
 The claimant expressly (by statement) or abandoned. For a complete list of maxims of law
implicitly (by actions) consented to waive all (besides Volenti Non Fit Injuria), see here (include
claims for damages. Knowledge of the risk is not their meanings and uses).
sufficient: sciens non est volens("knowing is not
volunteering"). Consent must be free and Definition of Volenti Non Fit Injuria
voluntary, i.e. not brought about by duress. If the
relationship between the claimant and defendant In India and other countries, in general, a concept of
is such that there is doubt as to whether the Volenti Non Fit Injuria may refers as follows: (Latin:
consent was truly voluntary, such as the those who consent may not be injured) Defence in

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tort which prevents a person who knowingly and States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3
voluntarily assumes a risk (by, for example, (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section
engaging in a dangerous sport) from later seeking 10 (with respect to state laws). In some nations that
compensation for any injury suffered (additional follow the Westminster system of government, such
information on the topic may be found in this Indian as the United Kingdom, ex post facto laws are
legal encyclopedia). technically possible, because the doctrine
of parliamentary supremacy allows Parliament to
pass any law it wishes. In a nation with an
2.EX POST FACTO LAW: entrenched bill of rights or a written constitution, ex
post facto legislation may be prohibited.
An ex post facto law (corrupted from Latin: ex While American jurisdictions generally prohibit ex
postfacto, lit. 'out of the aftermath') is a law that post facto laws, European countries apply the
retroactively changes the legal consequences (or principle of lex mitior ("the milder law"). It provides
status) of actions that were committed, or that, if the law has changed after an offense was
relationships that existed, before the enactment of committed, the version of the law that applies is the
the law. In criminal law, it may criminalize actions one that is more advantageous for the accused.
that were legal when committed; it may aggravate This means that ex post facto laws apply in
a crime by bringing it into a more severe category European jurisdictions to the extent that they are the
than it was in when it was committed; it may change milder law.[1]
the punishment prescribed for a crime, as by adding
new penalties or extending sentences; or it may In India, without using the expression "ex post facto
alter the rules of evidence in order to make law", the underlying principle has been adopted in
conviction for a crime likelier than it would have the article 20(1) of the Indian Constitution in the
been when the deed was committed. following words:
Conversely, a form of ex post facto law commonly No person shall be convicted of any offence except
called an amnesty law may decriminalize certain for violation of a law in force at the time of the
acts. (Alternatively, rather than redefining the commission of the act charged as an offence, nor be
relevant acts as non-criminal, it may simply prohibit subjected to a penalty greater than that which have
prosecution; or it may enact that there is to be no been inflicted under the law in force at the time of
punishment, but leave the underlying conviction commission of the offence.
technically unaltered.) A pardon has a similar effect, Further, what article 20(1) prohibits is conviction and
in a specific case instead of a class of cases sentence under an ex post facto law for acts done
(though a pardon more often leaves the conviction prior thereto, but not the enactment or validity of
itself – the finding of guilt – unaltered, and such a law. There is, thus, a difference between the
occasionally pardons are refused for this reason). Indian and the American positions on this point;
Other legal changes may alleviate possible whereas in the United States, an ex post facto law is
punishments (for example by replacing the death in itself invalid, it is not so in India. The courts may
sentence with lifelong imprisonment) retroactively. also interpret a law in such a manner that any
Such legal changes are also known by the Latin objection against it of retrospective operation may
term in mitius. be removed.[11]
Some common-law jurisdictions do not permit An example for retrospective law in India is the
retroactive criminal legislation, though Karnataka Schedule Caste and Scheduled Tribes
new precedent generally applies to events that (Prohibition of Transfer of Certain Lands) Act,
occurred before the judicial decision. Ex post 1978[12] in the state of Karnataka.
facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United

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In this creation of god, who knows what is going to of the rule of law as it applies in a free and
happen the next day? It is settled principle that for democratic society. At this point of time question
the action one is going to get the reaction but comes in the mind that is ex post facto law is law? If
nowhere in any document or any scriptures is the it's not a law then what is the mechanism for
action defined. Certain actions of man in one era are protection against such laws.
considered good and in another bad. Certain actions
are considered to be legal at one time and illegal at
Moral objections against ex post facto laws?
another. It is this inconsistency in man to decide
what is good and bad that has become the reason Suppose a person does an act in 1990 which is not
to have immunity from ex post facto laws. An act then unlawful. A law is passed in 1992 making that
that was thought innocent at one time is no longer act a criminal offence and seeking to punish that
innocent today but is illegal. These changing person for what he did in 1990. Or suppose,
circumstances have lead to wrongful punishment of punishment prescribed is increased in 1992 to
many innocent individuals. For what reason and imprisonment for a year, and is made applicable to
how the ex post facto laws are justified and if not the offences committed before 1992. These both are
then what is the remedy for protection against such the examples of the ex- post facto laws. Such laws
ex post facto laws. How the Supreme Court the final are regarded as inequitable and abhorrent to the
pedestrian of the justice has played its role in notions of justice.
providing the protection against ex post facto laws?
All these questions have been answered by this
paper. This paper deals specially with the Indian
scenario in providing protection against ex post Safeguards against the ex post facto laws:
facto laws.
The moral objection to ex post facto law is not
founded on constitutional pragmatics but on the
most fundamental demand of the rule of law that a
Is Ex post Facto Laws are Laws? person is subject only to established and known law.
Accordingly, Art 15(1) of the United Nations
An ex post facto law (from the Latin for from Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
something done afterward) or retroactive law is a condemns laws that hold a person 'guilty of any
law that retroactively changes the legal criminal offence on account of any act or omission,
consequences of acts committed or the legal status which did not constitute a criminal offence, at the
of facts and relationships that existed prior to the time when it was committed or impose a heavier
enactment of the law.[1] According to me ex post penalty than the one that was applicable at the time
facto laws are laws that, retrospectively increase when the criminal offence was committed'[2]
punishments for existing offences, Laws that do not
directly punish persons but which create new
liabilities for past conduct as judicially determined,
Laws that retrospectively remove defenses or Indian Constitution and ex post facto laws:
exceptions to civil or criminal liability. Generally
Article 20(1) of the Indian constitution provides
speaking, ex post facto laws are seen as a violation
necessary protection against ex post facto law. Art.

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20(1) has two parts. Under the first part, no person protection given to persons who are charged with a
is to be convicted of an offence except for violating crime before a criminal court. The word 'penalty' in
'a law in force' at the time of the commission of the Art. 20(1) is used in the narrow sense as meaning a
of the act charged as an offence. A person is to be payment which has to be made or a deprivation of
convicted for violating a law in force when the act liberty which has to be suffered as a consequence
charged is committed. A law enacted later, making of finding that the person accused of a crime is
an act done earlier (not an offence when done) as guilty of the charge.
an offence, will not make the person liable for being
convicted under it.[3] The second part of Art. 20(1)
The immunity extends only against punishment by
immunizes a person from a penalty greater than courts of a criminal offence under as ex-post-facto
what he might have incurred at the time of his law, and cannot be claimed against preventive
committing the offence. Thus, a person cannot be detention, or demanding a security from a press
made to suffer more by an ex-post-facto law than under a press law, for acts done before the relevant
what he would be subjected to at the time he law is passed. Similarly, a tax can be imposed
committed the offence.[4] What is prohibited under retrospectively.[7]Imposing retrospectively special
rates for unauthorized use of canal water is not hit
Art. 20(1) is only conviction or sentence, but not
by Art. 20(1).[8]
trial, under an ex-post-facto law. The objection does
not apply to a change of procedure or of court. A Art. 20(1) does not make a right to any course of
trial under a procedure different from what obtained procedure a vested right. Thus, a law which
at the time of the commission of the offence or by a retrospectively changes the venue of trial of an
court different from that which had competence ate offence from a criminal court to an administrative
then time cannot ipso facto be held unconstitutional. tribunal is not hit by Art. 20(1).[9] A change in court
entitled to try an offence is not hit by Art. 20(1).[10]
A person being accused of having committed an
Similarly, a rule of evidence can be made applicable
offence has no fundamental right of being tried by a to the trial of an offence committed earlier.
particular court or procedure, except in so far as any
constitutional objection by way of discrimination or In order to punish corrupt government officers,
violation of any other fundamental right may be parliament has enacted the preventive of corruption
involved.[5] Act which creates the offence of criminal
misconduct. S. 5(3) crates a presumption to the
effect that if the government servant for corruption
has in his possession property or assets which were
wholly disproportionate to his known sources of
Verdicts of Supreme Court and Ex Post Facto
income and if he cannot explain the same
Laws: satisfactorily, then he is guilty of criminal
misconduct. S. 5(3) was challenged before Supreme
Supreme Court of India has played an important role
Court in Sujjan Singh v. State of Punjab [11] vis-à-
in exploring as well in interpreting the doctrine of ex- vis Art. 20(1).
post-facto law. Apart from above mentioned cases
there are several cased in which apex court has It was argued that when S.5(3) speaks of the
dealt with the questions regarding operation of such accused being in possession of pecuniary
laws. In R.S.Joshi v. Ajit Mills Ltd [6] Supreme Court resources, or property disproportionate to his known
sources of income, only the pecuniary resources or
said that Art.20 relates to the constitutional
property acquired after the date of the act is meant.

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To think otherwise would be to give the Act old rules were deemed to be the rules under the
retrospective operation and for this there is no new Act as well. As these rules had been operative
justification. The Supreme Court rejected the all along and did not constitute retrospective
contention that to take into consideration the legislation, an offence committed in 1955 could be
pecuniary resources or property in the possession of punishable under them as these were factually in
the accused, or any other person on his behalf, existence at the date of the commission of the
which are acquired before the date of the Act is in offence.[12]
any way giving the Act a retrospective operation.
The court explained the position as follows: the When a late statute again describes an offence
statute cannot be said to be retrospective because a describes an offence created by a statute enacted
part of the requisites for its actions is drawn from a earlier, and the later statute imposes a different
time antecedent to its passing. punishment, the earlier statute is repealed by
implication. But that is subject to Art. 20(1) against
The court also rejected the contention that S. 5(3) ex-post-facto law providing for a greater
crates a new offence in t he discharge of official punishment. The later Act will have no application if
duty. According to the court S. 5(3) does not create the offence described therein is not her same as in
a new offence. The court stated further: it merely the earlier Act, i.e., if the essential ingredients of the
prescribes a rule of evidence for the purpose of two offences are different. If the later Act creates
proving the offence of criminal misconduct as new offences, or enhances punishment for the same
defined in S. 5(1) for which an accused person is offence, no person can be convicted under such an
already under trial…when there is such a trial which ex-post-facto law nor can the enhanced punishment
necessarily must be in respect of acts committed prescribed in the later Act apply to a person who
after the prevention of corruption Act came into had committed the offence before the enactment of
force, S.5 (3) places in the hands of the prosecution the later law.[13]
a news mode of proving an offence with which an
accused has already been charged. Further, what Art. 20(1) prohibits is conviction and
sentence under as ex-post-facto law for acts done
A person can be convicted and punished under a prior thereto, but not the enactment or validity of
'law in force' which means a law 'factually' in such a law. There is, thus, a difference between the
existence at the time the offence was committed. A Indian and the American positions on this point,
law not factually in existence at the time, enacted whereas in America, an ex-post-facto law is in itself
subsequently, but by a legislative declaration invalid, it is not so in India. The courts may also
'deemed' to have become operative from an earlier interpret a law in such a manner that any objection
date (by a fiction of law), cannot be considered to be against it of retrospective operation may be
a law 'factually' in force earlier than the date of its removed.[14] In lily Thomas v. Union of India[15] it
enactment and the infirmity applying to an ex-post- was argued that the law declared by the Supreme
facto law applies to it, the reason is that if such a Court in Sarla Mudgal could not be given
fiction were accepted, and a law passed later were retrospective effect because of Art. 20(1); it ought to
to be treated as a law in existence earlier, then the be given only prospective operation so that the
whole purpose of the protection against an ex-post- ruling could not be applied to a person who had
facto law would be frustrated, for a legislature could already solemnised the second marriage prior to the
then give a retrospective operation to any law. date of the Sarla Mudgal judgment[16].

A slightly different situation is presented by the However, Supreme Court rejected the contention
following fact-situation. A law was made in 1923, arguing that it had not laid down any new law in
and certain rules were made there under. The Act of Sarla Mudgal. What the court did in that case was
1923 was replaced in 1952 by another Act, but the only the law which had always been existence. It is

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the settled principle that the interpretation of a In business, modus operandi is used to describe
provision of law relates back to the date of the law a firm's preferred means of executing business
itself and cannot be prospective from the date of the and interacting with other firms.
judgment because the Court does not legislate but
The term modus operandi is most commonly us
only interprets existing laws. ed in criminal cases. It is sometimes referred to
byits initials, M.O. The prosecution in a criminal
case does not have to prove modus operandi in
Indians are blessed against the application of ex anycrime. However, identifying and proving the
post facto law as Indian judiciary has provide modus operandi of a crime can help the prosecu
protection and a strong safeguard against ex post
tionprove that it was the defendant who committ
facto laws and Indian Constitution is itself a law ed the crime charged.
against such laws. I am of the opinion that in those
countries where such protective clause has not Modus operandi evidence is helpful to the prose
been incorporated in its constitutions they have cution if the prosecution has evidence of crimes
problems provided their judiciary is not taking the committed by the defendant that are similar to th
same in to consideration. I personally believe that e crime charged. The crimes need not beidentica
Indian Judiciary has completely justified the l, but the prosecution must make a strong and p
application of Art. 20 (1) of the Constitution of India ersuasive showing of similarity betweenthe crim
which also reflects in the pronouncement of the e charged and the other crimes. The prosecution
Supreme Court verdicts. At the same time Supreme may introduce evidence from prior orsubseque
Court has also use some of them to provide justice nt crimes to prove modus operandi only if the ot
to the victims also. So it can be concluded that in her crimes share peculiar and distinctivefeature
India every action if legally and justifiably defined s with the crime charged. The features must be u
and so what today morally wrong in Indian will be ncommon and rarely seen in othercrimes, and th
morally wrong forever provided it is according the ey must be so distinct that they can be recogniz
principle of natural justice. ed as the handiwork of the sameperson.
For example, assume that a defendant is on trial
3.MODUS OPERANDI: for armed Robbery. In the robbery thedefendant
is alleged to have brandished a pistol and ordere
A modus operandi (often shortened to M.O.) is d the victim to relinquish cash andvaluables. As
someone's habits of working, particularly in the sume further that the defendant has committed a
context of business or criminal investigations, but rmed robbery in the past bybrandishing a pistol
also more generally. It is a Latin phrase, and demanding cash and valuables. A prosecuto
approximately translated as mode of operating.[1] r might be able to introducethe evidence into tria
l to show the defendant's motive, intent, or state
The term is often used in police work when of mind, or to identify theweapon used in the cri
discussing crime and addressing the methods me. However, the prosecutor could not argue to
employed by criminals. It is also used in criminal the judge or jury that therobberies were so simil
profiling,[2] where it can help in finding clues to ar as to demonstrate that it was the defendant w
the offender's psychology.[3] It largely consists ho committed thatparticular robbery, because it i
of examining the actions used by the individuals s not unusual for a robber to brandish a pistol a
to execute the crime, prevent its detection and nd demand cashand valuables in the course of a
facilitate escape.[1] A suspect's modus n armed robbery.
operandi can assist in their identification, Now assume that a defendant is charged with ro
apprehension, or repression, and can also be bbing a movie theater that was showing themovi
used to determine links between crimes. [4] e Showgirls and that the defendant was wearing

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a glittering, flamboyant Las Vegas-

stylecabaret costume during the robbery. Assu
me further that the prosecution has evidence tha
t thedefendant, while dressed as a Las Vegas da
ncer, has robbed other movie theaters showing t
hemovie Showgirls. The prosecution could intro
duce this evidence into trial to prove modus ope
randiand show that it was the defendant who co
mmitted the crime, because the method of arme
drobbery used in the crimes was both similar an
d distinctive.
When offering evidence to prove modus operan
di, the prosecution does not have to proveBeyon
d a Reasonable
Doubt that the other crimes occurred. Rather, th
e prosecution simplymust present sufficient evi
dence to show that the act took place and was c
ommitted by thedefendant.
4.UBI JUS IBI REMIDIUM:- "The act itself does not constitute
There is no wrong without a remedy. guilt unless done with a guilty
"Whenever the common law gives a right or
prohibits an injury, it also gives a remedy. This maxim is important for the determination of
criminality of an act or omission. It means that act
"If a man has a right, he must, it has been observed,
does not make a man guilty unless his intention is
have a means to vindicate and maintain it, and a
remedy if he is injured in the exercise and so. The maxim contains a good deal of truth, as
enjoyment of it, and, indeed, it is a vain thing to there could be no crime without the presence of the
imagine a right without a remedy, for want of right guilty mind.
and want of remedy are reciprocal." It has been observed that, “the maxim is bedrock of
the English Common Law of crimes and it amounts
to no more and no less than that all crime is
characterized by and necessarily involves, some
form of culpable intentionality”.:

Or according to Stephen as observed in R. v.

Sheppard, it means “no more than that the definition
of all or nearly all crimes contains not only an
outward and visible element, but a mental element
varying according to the different crimes”. It may be

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said that the two important elements of crime criminal whether there has been any
intention to break the law or
examined from the view point of the offender are— otherwise to do wrong or not.
"The legislature has power to make the
(i) Conduct on his part or act or action which bare doing of a particular act a
constitutes the physical act which is objective; and crime, no matter how innocent from a
mental point of view the doer of it
may be; in such a case the doer must
(ii) A guilty state of mind or a mind which is blame- be held to be a criminal."
worthy, which is the subjective element usually
inferred from either—
(a) The facts and circumstances of the case; or An overwhelming, unanticipated, and unpreventable
event, usually caused by a natural force, the
(b) On the basis of the proposition that a man occurrence of which may exempt a party from
intends the natural consequences of his act. performing the obligations of a contract. Also
called force majeure .

Vis major is a Latin term meaning "superior force,"

"The maxim is sometimes said to be a describing an irresistible natural occurrence that
causes damage or disruption, and is neither caused
fundamental principle of the whole
by nor preventable by humans, even when
criminal law, but I think that, like exercising the utmost skill, care, diligence or
many other Latin sentences supposed to prudence. Examples include hurricanes, tornadoes,
form part of the Roman law, the maxim floods and earthquakes. The terms "act of God" and
not only looks more instructive than "force majeure" are used in the same way as vis
it really is, but suggests fallacies major. These terms are commonly used in contracts
which it does not precisely state. It to exclude one or both parties from liability and/or
fulfilling their contractual obligations when events
is frequently, though ignorantly,
beyond their control occur.
supposed to mean that there cannot be
such a thing as legal guilt where BREAKING DOWN Vis Major
there is no moral guilt, which is Vis major or force majeure clauses are standard in
obviously untrue, as there is always a many contracts, and exempt the contracting parties
possibility of a conflict between law from fulfilling their contractual obligations for
and morals." reasons that could not be anticipated or are beyond
their control. In commercial contracts, vis major can
"Ordinarily ... mens rea is an essential also apply to actions undertaken by third parties that
ingredient of a crime. But when the neither party to the contract can control, such as
legislature expressly declares an act failure by a supplier or subcontractor to perform.
to be criminal, the question of The term can also apply to events such as war, riots
intention or malice need not be or strikes. Whether or not events caused by humans
considered except as affecting the (such as war or riots) are included in vis major may
quantum of punishment. A statute may depend on the legal jurisdiction under which the
be so framed as to relate to such a contract is signed. Because there can be different
subject-matter and make an act interpretations across jurisdictions, it is often the

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case that contracts — especially at international as security for the payment of compensation for
level — will specifically define what is covered under damage caused by it.
a vis major clause.

Often, the parties will simply be suspended from 8. Qui facit per alium facit per se:-
performing their obligations during the course of the
vis major, if it is an event that has a finite duration Qui facit per alium facit per se is a Latin legal term
and that does not permanently affect the ability to that means, "He who acts through another does the
deliver on the contract. act himself." It is a fundamental legal maxim of
the law of agency.[1] It is a maxim often stated in
Events Vis Major Does Not Cover discussing the liability of employer for the act of
Because vis major is intended to exclude employee in terms of vicarious liability."[2]
unforeseen and unpreventable events, it does not According to this maxim, if in the nature of things,
cover negligence or malfeasance, and neither will it the master is obliged to perform the duties by
cover normal and expected natural events. (For employing servants, he is responsible for their act in
example, a hurricane would fall under vis major, but the same way that he is responsible for his own
normal seasonal rainfall would not.) acts.[3]
Insurance contracts often exclude coverage for The maxim is a shortened form of the fuller 18th-
damage caused by vis major, such as tornadoes, century formulation: qui facit per alium, est perinde
hurricanes, earthquakes and floods. These events ac si facit per se ipsum: "whoever acts through
can sometimes be insured against with a rideror another acts as if he were doing it himself."
separate, specialized policy. A finding that an Indirectly, the principle is in action or present in the
adverse event was caused by vis major can also duty that has been represented by the agent so the
exempt a defendant in a lawsuit from liability. duty performed will be seen as the performance of
the agent himself. Whatever a principal can do for
himself, can be done through an agent. The
7.DISTRESS DAMAGE FEASANT:- exception to this maxim would be acts of personal
Distress damage feasant is a common law self-
help legal remedy whereby a person who is in
possession of land may impound a chattel which is
wrongfully on that land to secure the payment of
compensation for damage caused by it. [1] It is part of deemed incapable of forming the intent to commit a
the law relating to distraint. In some cases the party crime or tort, especially by reason of age (under ten
also has the right to sell the chattel. The chattel may years old).
be inanimate, or it may be an animal or livestock. [2]
Children below the age of ten are not deemed
The remedy principally relates instances criminally responsible in the legal system of England
of nuisance, and was often exercised in conjunction and Wales. Doli incapax is the rebuttable
with certain strict liability torts, such as liability under presumption of criminal law that a child aged 10 or
the rule in Rylands v Fletcher or cattle trespass. In a over is incapable of committing an offense.
number of instances, the exercise of the remedy has
now been curtailed by statute. Incapable of criminal intention or malice; not of the
A self-help remedy that permits a possessor of land age of discretion; not possessed of sufficient
to impound a chattel which is wrongfully on his land discretion and intelligence to distinguish between

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right and wrong to the extent of being criminally Culpability is required for criminal law to be imposed
responsible for his actions. Dolus auctoris non nocet and this (culpability) is generally assumed to be
successor! The fraud of a predecessor prejudices nor present. The culpability may be escaped through
his successor.Dolus circuitu non purgatur. Fraud is excuses as insanity or duress. Every person who
not purged by circuity. Bac. Max. 4; Broom, Max. has the ability to exercise reason and who can
22S. Dolus est machinatio, cum aliud dis- simulat distinguish between right or wrong has to bear the
aliud agit. Lane. 47. Deceit is an artifice, since it responsibility of the wrong that he did while causing
pretends one thing and does another damage to another person.
The damage caused by a minor can be just as real
Doli Incapax is a Latin term that means “incapable as that of a grownup but before coming to a
of doing harm”. This term has been used to describe conclusion or trying a minor same as that of an adult
a presumption of innocence for children in Criminal a general test needs to be performed to ascertain
law in most countries. the child has adequate understanding of the likely
The basis of this presumption lies in the theory of consequence of the act.
Criminal responsibility. Theory has been built upon Any contributory negligence by a child is to be
the theory that a person should be held criminally judged by the standards of a child and not as per
responsible only for acts he intends to commit. the criterion of reasonable adult.
In the Indian Criminal Procedure, Doli Incapax
recognizes that there is a line (age line) below which
children are not truly capable of criminal behavior
because they are incapable of the requisite moral
Latin term literally meaning condemnation without
and cognitive process. In the Indian Criminal
injury. Simply translated, the term would mean
procedure this line is 7 years of age.
“injury with no damages.” Damnum sine injuria
Criminal Procedure (CrPC) also provides for
refers to a legal situation in which plaintiff’s right is
presumption of innocence in favor of children above
not respected by another but where the breach of
7 and under 12 years of age. In this case, if the
plaintiff’s right does not cause damage, or at least
prosecution can procure evidence and prove
not a calculable or admissible damage. A finding of
contrary then even a child below 12 years (12-7yrs)
damnum sine injuria can be the basis for a finding of
can be prosecuted. This immunity is termed by
nominal damages. Thus in cases of damnum sine
scholars as “qualified immunity”.
injuria the injury is de minimis, i.e. too small to be
The age of absolute responsibility is lowered in India
remedied practically at the law. In such cases the
from 14 to 12 years. 18 years has been fixed as the
plaintiff will have a satisfaction remedy of nominal
ordinary period for attaining majority.
damages - which are also called symbolic damages.
From 14 to 18 years a child is liable only if he has
an insight into both the legality and punishability of Maxim refers to the established principles and
the act. prepositions. That is the general rules or principles

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or guidelines laid down and which are to be followed Mogul Steamship Co. Vs. McGregor Gow and Co.[4]
by the general public. Maxims are very useful, as In this case number of companies trading in steamships,
with the help of this particular point of law can be combined their hands with the intention to drove the
understood clearly and precisely and also used for plaintiff’s company out of the tea-carrying company, by
reducing and offering assistance at a reduced price. It was
the proper solution of the cases. Maxims are very held that the plaintiff has no cause of action as no legal
widely used in various branches of law and so in the right has been infringed by the other companies.
law of torts.
Ushaben vs. Bhagyalaxmi Chitra Mandir[5]
As the law is a difficult subject having various In this case, the plaintiff pleaded before the court of law
interpretations, rules, and principles. It is therefore to issue a permanent injunction order on the film named,
considered necessary to have these combinations of “Jai Santoshi Maa”. According to her, the film hurt the
religious feelings of the plaintiff. It was observed that
various Latin and French words to be used for much
hurting of religious sentiments did not result in any legal
clearer understanding. However, the only difficult part of injury, and also that other then the plaintiff no other
the use of these maxims is that they have to be applied person feelings were hurt. Therefore it was held that the
with full precaution. The person using these maxims has defendant was not liable.
to make sure that whether the case in which it is applied
has its application in the same manner, or whether it is an 11. INJURE NON REMOTA CAUSA SED
exception to the general rule, as any alterations of any of
these maxims would be dangerous. PROXIMA SPECTATUR

Damnum Sine Injuria, the literal meaning of the word In law the near cause is looked to, not the remote
refers to loss or damage in terms of money, property or one.
any physical loss without the infringement of any legal
right. It is not actionable in law even if the act so did was Causa proxima, non remota spectator is a Latin
intentional and was done to cause injury to other but
phrase. It means ‘the immediate, and not the remote
without infringing on the legal right of the person.
cause is to be considered.’ This is a maxim of
This can be better explained in the following case: causation that is applied both in marine and general
insurance. Pursuant to this principle, the cause
Gloucester Grammar School Case[3]
nearest in the order of causation, without any
The defendant was the schoolmaster intentionally opened efficient concurring cause to produce the result,
the school in front of the plaintiff’s school, causing must be considered as the direct cause. For
damage to him. As due to an increase of competition the
plaintiff has to reduce their fees from 40 pence to 12 example, if a ship foundered during a storm, the
pence per scholar per quarter. It was held that even cause of her loss was considered bad weather
though the plaintiff has suffered harm but there was no conditions, regardless of any other factors that might
infringement of any legal right, therefore, the defendant have contributed to her foundering
can’t be held liable.

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compensate the victim. The amount for compensation can

12.INJURIA SINE DAMNO:- even be rs. 5. However, where the violation of a legal
right is owing to mischievous and malicious act, the
Injuria Sine Damno is a legal maxim, which means that number of damages so fixed can be increased as done in
injury or loss or damage so caused to the plaintiff without case of Bhim Singh’s case.
suffering any physical injury or damage. It is a Latin
term, where ‘Injuria’ refers to injury ‘Sine’ refers to
without and ‘Damno’ refers to a property or any physical 13.EX OFFICIO:-
loss, therefore the term refers to ‘injury suffered without
actual loss’. Here, in this case, the plaintiff doesn’t have by virtue of one's position or status.
to prove the damages so suffered, he only has to prove
that there is some legal damage suffered by him, that is An ex officio member is a member of a body (a
the action so brought is actionable per se. Like for board, committee, council, etc.) who is part of it by
example, where A roams around B’s house without any virtue of holding another office. The term ex
justification then, in that case, there is a violation of the officio is Latin, meaning literally "from the office",
legal right of B and therefore this maxim is applicable. and the sense intended is "by right of office"; its use
dates back to the Roman Republic.
This maxim is well explained in the case Ashby vs. According to Robert's Rules of Order the term
White[1]where the plaintiff was a qualified voter at a denotes only how one becomes a member of a
parliamentary election, while the defendant who was a body.[1] Unless specifically stated in regulations or
returning officer in election wrongfully refused to take a bylaws, the rights of an ex officio member are
vote of the plaintiff. Although the plaintiff didn’t suffer exactly the same as other members.[2] Participatory
any loss by such wrongful act as the candidate he wants’ rights of ex officiomembers may or may not be
to vote on the election, the legal rights of the plaintiff limited by the body's regulations or bylaws. In some
were infringed and therefore the defendant was held groups ex officio members may frequently abstain
liable. from voting.

Another leading case is of Bhim Singh vs. State of J. & For profit and nonprofit use[edit]
K[2]., here in this case the petitioner was an M.L.A. of J. Any ex officio membership (for example, of
& k. parliamentary assembly. While he was going to committees, or of the board) is as defined by the
attend the assembly session, police there wrongfully nonprofit association's bylaws or other documents of
arrested him. He was not even presented before the authority. For example, the bylaws quite often
magistrate within the stipulated time. Resultant was that provide that the organization's president will be ex
the person was wrongfully deprived of his legal right to officio a member of all committees, except the
attend the meeting and moreover his fundamental right nominating committee.
i.e. art 21 of the constitution was also violated. It was
held that the respondent was responsible, and the Holding a position or membership due to the power
petitioner was liable to receive Rs. 50,000 from the or influence of one's office, and not by election or
defendant. appointment. A chairperson, for example, can be an
ex-officio member of all board appointed
In case o Injuria Sine Damno the loss suffered is not any
physical loss but due to the violation of legal right. committees. Such positions and their attached
Therefore, damages received by the aggrieved party is voting and other privileges are detailed in the bylaws
because of some kind of loss is being suffered, and hence
the amount for damages are determined just to

A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers

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of the organization. Latin for, because of one's The first principle of natural justice consists of the
rule against bias or interest and is based on three
office. maxims:

No man shall be a judge in his own cause

Justice should not only be done, but manifestly and
14. NEMO IUDEX IN CAUSA SUA undoubtedly be seen to be done and
 Judges, like Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion.
Nemo judex in causa sua (or nemo judex in sua Nemo Judex In Causa Sua is popularly known as the
rule against bias. It is the minimal requirement of the
causa) is a Latin phrase that means, literally, "no-
natural justice that the authority giving decision must
one should be a judge in his own case." It is a be composed of impartial persons acting fairly,
principle of natural justice that no person can judge without prejudice and bias. According to the ‘Lectric
Law Library’s Lexicon, “Any mental condition that
a case in which they have an interest.[1] The rule is
would prevent a judge or juror from being fair and
very strictly applied to any appearance of a possible impartial is called bias. A particular influential power
bias, even if there is actually none: "Justice must not which sways the judgment; the inclination or
only be done, but must be seen to be done" propensity of the mind towards a particular object. It
may be ground for disqualification of the judge or
juror in question.” It is also defined as, “A
The legal effect of a breach of natural justice is predisposition or a preconceived opinion that prevents
normally to stop the proceedings and render any a person from impartially evaluating facts that have
judgment invalid; it should be quashed or appealed, been presented for determination; a prejudice.” But
we have to keep in mind the observations of Justice
but may be remitted for a valid re-hearing. Frank of United States in re. Linahan : “If, however,
bias and partiality be defined to mean the total
Natural justice is a concept of common law and absence of preconceptions in the mind of the Judge,
represents higher procedural principles developed by then no one has ever had a fair trial, and no one ever
the courts, which every judicial, quasi-judicial and will. The human mind, even at infancy, is no blank
administrative agency must follow while taking any piece of paper. We are born with the predispositions
decision adversely affecting the rights of a private and the process of education, formal and informal,
individual. Natural justice implies fairness, equity and create attitudes which precede reasoning in particular
equality. In a welfare state like India, the role and instances and which therefore, by definition are
jurisdiction of administrative agencies is increasing at prejudices.”
a rapid pace. The concept of Rule of Law would lose
its validity if the instrumentalities of the State are not
charged with the duty of discharging these functions 15. Necessitas Publica Major Est Quam
in a fair and just manner.
Privata Law and Legal Definition:
The principle of natural justice encompasses following
two rules:
Necessitas publica major est quam privata is a Latin
Nemo judex in causa sua – No one should be made a maxim which means ‘public necessity is greater
judge in his own cause or the rule against bias.
than private’. Necessary requirements of the public
Audi alteram partem – Hear the other party or the good are stronger than private. Law impose upon
rule of fair hearing or the rule that no one should be
condemned unheard. every subject that s/he must prefer urgent service of
the country than his/her. Public necessity always

A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers

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prevails against private necessities. When applied to

criminal law, a man’s necessity to preserve one’s life
will be defeated by state’s necessity to preserve law
and order. This maxim also applies to civil matters.
Nations development purpose necessitates the
acquisition of private property, which may affect and
prevail over individual necessity of ownership





1)Whoever is authorized to establish the law is

authorized to interpret it.”A maxim meaning that the
most authoritative interpreter

2)It is for him who made the law to construe it.

3)Latin, meaning He who owns the soil owns it up to

the sky and to its depth

A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers

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