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Tuscan Geothermal energy,

when underground resources
are a development leverage for
An important example of territories pursuing their own development model, which meets life quality,
conservation of the environmental and cultural heritage and new technologies, thanks to agreements
between territories and the industrial subject

DOI 10.12910/EAI2017-031

by Loredana Torsello, CoSviG and DTE2V, Riccardo Basosi, Università di Siena and DTE2V, Dario Bonciani
and Sergio Chiacchella, CoSviG

he two Tuscan geother- capacity of 915.5 MWe, produced niche and non-mass tourism flows.
mal areas, location of the about 6,200 GWh, making Italy the Until some years ago, small compa-
Italian geothermal power main geothermal power producer in nies mainly represented local activi-
plants, are in the south- Europe. ties. Sectors of these companies are
central parts of the region. Thanks Low population density, small vil- mostly represented by agriculture,
to these territories, Tuscany can be lages, geothermal power plants, ru- followed by commerce, building and
considered the world cradle of geo- ral landscapes, historical evidences manufacturing industries. The num-
thermal energy, since first experi- and poor infrastructures (roads, ber of companies operating in the
ments to use geothermal steam to telecommunications, etc.) mainly tourism and hospitality sectors was
turn on a light bulb were performed characterize the Tuscan geothermal lower and it concerned medium-low
in 1904 in Larderello, whereas the areas. This results in socio-economic market segments, even if the sector
world’s first geothermal power plant marginalization problems, depopu- is growing year after year.
(250 kWe) was installed in the same lation and unemployment, but also The territories of geothermal energy
place, in 1913. In 2015, power plants industrial specialization, high level in Tuscany can exemplarily illustrate
installed in Tuscany, with a total of know-how in specific sectors, and a model of socio-economic-cultural-

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environmental development that has characterized the surface in a won- natural forces in valleys that were
been peculiar over ages. Even today, derful way; from these guts resourc- not always so sweet and welcoming.
in this part of Tuscany millennial es, have emerged what have been a Human intervention has sometimes
memory, quality of life, beauties of vehicle for the development of these altered, plagiarized and subjugated
historical and landscaping heritage, territories and which can still act as natural resources. This landscape is
valuable natural resources from the an attraction for future investments. the result of the millennial human
bowels and the surface of the earth, A Living Laboratory, where the con- transformation to make the territo-
heritage of knowledge and experi- stant search for the right balance be- ry more suitable to the needs of the
ences constitute an unicum that de- tween natural resources, innovation, communities that inhabited it.
serves to be mentioned. technology and historic and land- It is not easy to imagine how these
It is a polychrome area with terri- scape heritage, has led the efforts of territories would be now, without
tories bound by the fil rouge of sub- local communities. industrial geothermal cultivation,
surface resources (first a history of It is difficult to imagine these lands but perhaps it is more interesting to
mines, then geothermal). The sub- as they are today without the work imagine how these landscapes can
soil that has interacted with and of the man who bent at their will the become, without pursuing the utopia
View of Larderello

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of stiffening everything in the space manage these funds. Now the Con- General Agreement on Geother-
of a postcard reserved to a few. sortium plays an important role as mal in 2007, and the implementing
an operational arm of its stakehold- Voluntary Agreement in 2009. The
Initiatives to promote the ers (14 municipalities, 3 provinces, main goal of those Agreements is to
sustainable development of 4 unions of municipalities, and propose a local development model
geothermal areas the Tuscany Region) in initiatives on issues concerning topics in line
aimed at proposing a model of lo- with the vocations and the local
In order to promote the local so- cal development in line with the vo- economic traditions of these terri-
cio-economic development, also cations and economic activities of tories.
through compensations to munici- these territories. CoSviG has promoted the creation
palities where there existed geo- Since the second half of the 2000s, of development paths involving all
thermal exploitation permits, in mechanisms to redistribute rev- economic and social actors in the
1988 local authorities of the tradi- enues of the geothermal energy territories. A roadmap for sustain-
tional geothermal area founded the exploitation were set up, in order ability was conceived from the di-
Consortium for the Development to advantage local populations but versification in production and use
of Geothermal Areas (CoSviG), also to reduce the environmental of energy from renewable sources,
also with the aim of coordinating impact of industrial activities. Geo- combined with the social, cultural
technical and financial fulfilments thermal Municipalities, the Region- and environmental peculiarities of
in charge to local authorities to al Authority and ENEL signed the the area and technological innova-

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Two infrastructures owned by CoSviG: CEGLab frastructures dealing with applied research on geothermal
and Sesta Lab energy, so as to create a network of laboratories that may be
CEGLab is a centre of advanced expertise in geothermal en- SestaLab is one of world’s leading laboratory for “full scale
ergy, created by CoSviG (the Consortium for the Develop- testing” of gas turbine combustors to study the pressurized
ment of Geothermal Areas) with the help of Tuscany Region, combustion process. Acquired by CoSviG in 2014, the ex-
in order to contribute to the dissemination of innovation and perimental area’s mission has been to replicate combustor
to technology transfer for the promotion and direct use of real conditions in terms of pressure, flow and temperature
heat from underground. CEGLab is conceived as an applied since the beginning. A design based on test results allows to
research laboratory for geothermal-related issues, to perform meet final users’ need (emission, environment etc.). It is fun-
experiments and tests on prototypes and products which can damental to get new Oil&Gas and Power Generation market
contribute to improve geothermal technologies in terms of shares. The most important Gas Turbine Manufacturers have
resources and plants. It operates in synergy with other in- run a test at least once in SestaLab.

tion. Actions related to this model • creation of a centre of excellence and Slow Food Foundation for
can produce results for encourag- for geothermal energy and tech- Biodiversity.
ing/multiplying design, even private, nology transfer on renewable
consistent with the Country’s land energy sources; CoSviG’s development model, thus,
development strategy. • creation and management of allowed the promotion of the terri-
The development model that CoSviG CEGLab (Laboratory of the tory in its peculiarities and charac-
is experiencing in Tuscany is based Centre for Excellence for Geo- teristics, by the promotion and dis-
on actions to support: thermal Energy-Larderello); semination of initiatives linked to
• acquisition and management of RES, energy saving and efficiency in
• Infrastructures for tourism and SestaLab (Sesta Testing Labora- the respect of local communities and
trade sectors; tories), one of the world’s lead- their traditions and vocations.
• Restoration of some ancient villag- ing real-time gas burning labs; Besides promoting RES plants and
es, making them more attractive to • coordination of the activities energy efficiency measures through
visitors; of the Regional Technology research, innovation and technol-
• Infrastructures for generating dis- District on Energy and Green ogy transfer activities, the final aim
tributed energy from renewable Economy - DTE2V; of CoSviG is, therefore, to build a lo-
sources (wind, biomass, geother- • Infrastructures for production ar- cal development system, which can
mal): eas; result in an integrated and homog-
• wind farm (subsequently ex- • Territorial marketing projects, ter- enous growth model. Thus, actions
panded); ritorial promotion and investment related to this model can produce
• installation and remodeling of attraction; results for inducing/multiplying
installations of telescopic geo- • Support to local entrepreneurs complementary projects, including
thermal heating in urban cen- with disbursed grants and guaran- private initiatives, consistent with the
tres; tee funds for access to credit bank; strategy for sustainable development
• biomass plants for buildings not • Training Agency; and dissemination proposed by the
reached by district heating net- • Renewable Energy Food Commu- territory. In this context, CoSviG and
works; nity (the first in the world) consist- Enel Green Power signed, in January
• ICT infrastructure for innovation; ing of agrifood producing compa- 2017, an agreement to support one-
• Structures and tools for applied re- nies using renewable energy and year experimental cultivation of the
search and technology transfer on Tuscan raw materials, founded by cyanobacteria Spirulina (Arthrospira
energy; CoSviG with Slow Food Toscana platensis), in order to test techno-

2/2017 | Energia, ambiente e innovazione 51


economic sustainability conditions • business matching/matchmak- Sustainable exploitation of

to produce, in a geothermal environ- ing, promoting matching among geothermal resources
ment, this microorganism used in economic players, in activities for
nutraceutics. Cultivations are using technology innovation and for the Geothermal plants provide a signifi-
waste heat and CO2 from a geother- adoption of strategies for market- cant contribution to the electricity
mal power plant and are monitored ing and to approach to new mar- balance from renewable sources in
by properly trained technicians. kets; Tuscany. However, this electricity
This staff will be available to subjects • creation and enhancement of conversion is not exempt from envi-
wishing to enter this sector, once the know-how in the reference sec- ronmental drawbacks. Thus, there is
experimentation is completed. The tors; a need for the development of appro-
final aim of this project is indeed to • searching for funds for innovation priate technologies to reconcile the
make these territories more appeal- in regional or European funding geothermal electricity plants with
ing to companies intended to invest programmes, through ESCOs, fi- the renewable nature of the energy
in these territories using locally avail- nancial intermediaries, etc. resource.
able resources, as well as to expand Geothermal energy should be con-
the production chains that geother- The DTE2V acts, therefore, as a sidered globally as a renewable re-
mal heat can support. bridge between research and com- source, the use of which contributes
panies, in order to promote their in- positively to the energy and envi-
From the promotion of local novation capacities and competitive- ronmental balance of the countries
resources to the promotion of ness in the market. where it is cultivated.
sustainable energy and energy The Technology district acts in 4 dif- In Italy, according to a leading his-
efficiency at regional and ferent technical-scientific areas: tory of experience and expertise in
international level
using this resource in its various as-
• Introduction of the liquefied natu- pects and with the different features
In order to promote the use of ral gas (LNG) as a new energy car- it manifests itself, fears and rejection
sustainable energy and energy ef- rier; have grown in recent years. Whilst
ficiency, CoSviG also carries out • Increasing the penetration of the believing that geothermal a renew-
several activities at regional and in- electricity carrier; able and strategic energy source for
ternational level. • Increasing the production of en- our Country, can be cultivated in a
In this connection, CoSviG has co- ergy from renewables, with focus context of sustainability, the problem
ordinated the Innovation Pole on on geothermal energy, its direct of environmental impacts improve-
Renewable Energies and Energy Sav- uses and integration with other ment should be addressed. The des-
ing (PIERRE) and is now the man- renewables and energy efficiency tiny of geothermal energy cannot be
aging body of the Technology Dis- measures; left in the hands of business ventures
trict on Green Energy and Economy • Interconnection of systems, such or local committees. The property
(DTE2V) of the Tuscany Region. as electricity grid, electrical and of the geothermal resource – a pub-
The DTE2V is a regional technology thermal systems, hydraulic and lic good – belongs to the territories
district grouping about 80 subjects electrical systems. where it manifests itself. If used well,
among companies, laboratories and
it can directly and indirectly create a
research centres (as well as univer- At international level, CoSviG and development driver in vast areas of
sities) working in the energy and part of its territories, with their a country. Acceptability problems
green economy sectors. Its main aim long-standing experiences, par- related to this source of energy - at
is to increase the competitiveness of ticipated in Geothermal Commu- least the use of high and medium
Tuscan companies working in the nities and GeoDH: two projects temperature – partly derive from
latter sectors, through: co-founded by the European Com- an industrial past, where, although
mission and aimed at promoting within regulatory constraints, the
• technology dissemination, fore- the use of geothermal heat in dis- occupational data was prevalent in
casting changes in the reference trict heating and other systems such relation to environmental issues.
sectors; as heat pumps. The Tuscan Region, where the main

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geothermal potential is concentrat- Conclusions This model, built around the indus-
ed, has also moved not to vanquish trial use geothermal energy, can be
the great work it has done since the The development model being ex- exported to other territories character-
1990s to ensure a correct and sus- perimented in Tuscan geothermal ized by the exploitation of important
tainable use of this resource. areas is based on efforts to foster a locally available resources, in order
In order to not to give up definitively sustainable way to develop territo- to generate a source of opportuni-
a resource that can be decisive in fu- ries characterised by geothermal en- ties for both business actors and local
ture energy and environmental bal- ergy, and where geothermal energy communities, and with the final aim
ances, alongside the development of can be helpful to local communities of promoting a development system
technologies that will ensure more and at national level. Indeed, a natu- that meets the criteria of sustainability.
efficient use of geothermal energy, ral resource, if well managed, may
strong sharing paths are needed to represent an important development For further information,
choose plant locations and in the au- driver, rather than a source of nega- please contact:
thorization procedures. tive externalities.

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