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Hans Christian B.

MS Management Engineering

MIS Management at First National Bank

1. What are the strengths of FNB?

FNB implements project management strongly. They have a very good flow of handling
project proposals. Proposals will go through an extensive process of reviews, approvals
before it will become an official project that the management will allow. Committee is
made to review project proposals, which will be prioritized and how are those project
proposals will be ranked. Also, the process flow of their Proposal Life Cycle is very well
designed to filter out the projects that will be approved and rejected.

2. What are the major weaknesses of the company?

What John Hart proposed is for the betterment of the company. He had an extensive
experience with Corporate Banking Division which he saw that improvements can be made
on the current corporate marketing effort of the bank. He proposed to have a corporate
database which was eventually approved. Upon the implementation of the project,
departments involved don’t want to cooperate since it was not their project and it was John
Hart’s. Also, they are not open to change and thought that the project would only give them
more work; consolidation of current data is needed to be transffered to the new database.
Also, manpower assigned to the project was insufficient to the point that Jim Gunn, the
project manager, took most of the workload to himself. Most of the weaknesses of the
company is on the people not cooperating and are not open to change that will not benefit
3. What is the major problem mentioned above.

People are

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