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10th International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE2018)

Multiple Gas Sensing Platform with RFID

Cristian Gyözö Haba Liviu Breniuc
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Measurements and Materials Department
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University
Iasi, Romania Iasi, Romania
cghaba@tuiasi.ro lbreniuc@tuiasi.ro

Olga Plopa Ileana Ursu

SC Intelectro Iasi SRL “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University
Iasi, Romania Electrical Measurements and Materials Department
Iasi, Romania

Abstract—The paper presents a multiple gas sensing platform extended periods of time, without the need for maintenance
using different gas sensors built on RFID technology. The RFID work such as charging or changing batteries.
sensor consists of an electrochemical cell for sensing a gas
component, an integrated potentiostat circuit, an energy One solution that can solve these two problems is the use of
harvesting and communication circuit, a voltage monitor and a RFID technology [13,14] that allows remote communication
coordinating microcontroller. The paper presents a single cell and, moreover, the ability to feed the measurement system
type and a multiple cell type RFID sensors that can be used with through the same electromagnetic field used for
the sensing platform. The sensors were implemented using the communication.
integrated LMP91000 potentiostat and the Medusa-M2233 RFID
tag which includes the low power MSPG2233IPW20 In the case of a system using RFID technology, we are
microcontroller. An application to control the sensing platform talking about two main components: the reader and the tag
consisting of RFID sensors, RFID reader and a PC was developed being read. Tags can be passive, when all the energy needed
and tested using the gas cells O2-A2 and CO-CF for sensing for the reader and the tag to interact is provided by the reader
oxygen and carbon monoxide respectively. or, active tags that are provided with a power supply. The tags
initially provided static information stored in the tag. Newer
Keywords— WSN; RFID sensor; electrochemical cell, tags may be of greater complexity, including aside static
integrated potentiostat; gas concentration; information storage components, processing elements
(microcontrollers) that allow reading of sensors, processing of
I. In t r o d u c t io n measured values and transmitting them back to the reader, all
Numerous applications are designed to measure or monitor the energy required by the operation being provided by the
the level of various gases and exceeding limits of these levels reader. If this energy is not enough, the system can be equipped
can trigger warning alarms. with a battery to provide the needed surplus energy.
One particular method for measuring gas levels is that In this paper we present a platform for measuring several
based on the use of electrochemical cells and circuits of environmental parameters (gases) that are read using RFID
potentiostat type [1-3]. The method considers the control of technology. Gas measurements are made by means of
potential of electrodes in the gas cell by providing an accurate electrochemical gas sensors, via potentiostats, the readings
feedback to compensate changes in cell impedance during the being transmitted through the RFID connection [15]. To read
measurement [4-6]. Methods relaying on electrochemical cells data from the platform, a Nordic ID Stix reader from Nordic
and potentiostat circuits are extensively used for creating ID, compatible with the C1G2 tags, is used. The potentiostats
electrochemical biosensors for detection and measurement of that were built are using the LMP91000 circuit from Texas
biomarkers associated with different diseases [7,8]. Instruments [16,17]. These are connected to a Farsens Medusa
Development of patient self assessment, ambient assisted living tag module containing the C1G2 compatible RFID interface
and electronic healthcare applications has increased the and a Texas Instruments MSP430G2233 low power
demand for wearable chemosensors [7,9,10] for which microcontroller. In order to reduce power consumption,
different architectures have been proposed [7,9,11], including potentiostats are sequentially connected to an analog input of
those for gas sensing [6,12]. the microcontroller by means of a switch network (SN) also
controlled by the microcontroller.
Two of the problems raised by these systems are the
transmission of measured values at distance and the provision The advantage of this platform is that sensors can be read
of a power supply that allows the system to operate for wirelessly, the energy needed for measurements and
communication being provided by the reader. The distance

978-1-5386-5062-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 European Union


Fig. 1. Single cell RFID sensor.

from which the reading is to be made, as well as the number of The energy is harvested from the RF field of the reader and
sensors on the platform that can be read simultaneously depend is accumulated in the C capacitor of the sensor.
on the characteristics of the RFID interface including the
Voltage monitor assures that there is enough harvested
harvesting and storage circuit, the reader and the environment
energy for the sensor to be able to work. It controls the power
in which the system is operating.
supply for the microcontroller and the analogue front end.
II. Si n g l e Ce l l RFID Se n s o r The communication part is implementing the EPC Class-1
In order to create a multiple gas sensing platform a single Generation-2 protocol which allows using standard memory
cell RFID sensor has been developed. The block diagram of the access commands to control sensor operation.
generic RFID sensor for gas measuring using an
The sensor includes a low power microcontroller that is
electrochemical cell is given in Fig. 1.
used to interface the RFID part of the sensor with the
The sensor consists of an energy harvesting and electrochemical cell. The microcontroller is in charge with:
communication module, a voltage monitor, a microcontroller,
• communication with the energy harvesting and
an electrochemical cell and an analogue front end (AFE) to
interface the cell and the microcontroller. communication module using an SPI protocol;
• configuration of and communication with the
The RFID sensor is made up of already available analogue front end using an I2C protocol.
components as follows:
III. M u l t ip l e Ce l l RFID Se n s o r
• a MEDUSA-M2233 RFID tag from Farsens which
incorporates the harvesting and communication If the electrochemical cells can be located near one another,
module, the voltage monitor and the microcontroller. a multiple cell RFID sensor can be designed. The multiple cell
This tag is an EPC Class-1 Generation-2 (C1G2) sensor is based on the same operation principle as the single
RFID tag based on batteryless sensor technology. cell sensor but it uses only one set of energy harvesting and
communication module, voltage monitor and microcontroller
• one LMP 91000 integrated analogue front end for
with multiple AFE-electrochemical sensor pairs, as depicted in
electrochemical cells (integrated potentiostat); Fig. 2. This architecture is possible using the LMP 91000 IC
• one electrochemical cell for gas sensing. low power modes and the feature that allows connecting
The energy needed for sensor operation is provided by the multiple of these ICs on the same I2C bus and the possibility to
energy harvesting circuitry and a cell battery. enable or disable this communication.

Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell n

Fig. 2. Multiple cell RFID sensor.

The communication between the microcontroller and AFEs IV. P LATFORM FOR M ULTIPLE GAS SENSING
is achieved through the I2C interface. The AFE with which to The overall view of the platform for multiple gas sensing is
communicate effectively is selected by activating the given in Fig. 4. It consists of a set of RFID sensors that are read
corresponding attached MENB signal. The microcontroller
with a RFID reader connected to a PC, tablet or smartphone.
reads the response of an AFE by acquiring and converting the
voltage Vout generated by it, voltage which is input to one of In our set-up, the RFID sensors are single or multiple cell
microcontroller ADC inputs. Selecting Vout voltages is done RFID sensors based on Farsens RFID tags, LMP 91000
using the control block (Cb ) using microcontroller GPIOs. potentiostats and electrochemical cells as described in previous
A development module based on the LMP91000 circuit
was designed so it can be controlled by a microcontroller with The reader is used to send power to RFID sensors, send
the schematic given in Fig. 3. Details of these modules are commands and data to sensors and to receive data sent back by
given in [18]. the sensors. The communication between the RFID sensors and
the reader is using the EPC C1G2 protocol.
The Vref reference voltage is generated using the ultralow-
power, low-dropout regulator TSP78001 from TI. The SDA The reader is connected and controlled by a PC, a tablet or
and SCL pins are polarized with 12kD polarization resistors. a smartphone. Depending of the reader, the communication
Filtering capacities of 100nF and 10qF are provided for Vm = distance can be over 5 meters. This distance can vary based on
3.3V supply voltages, Vref reference and Vout output. Total different factors such as the characteristics of the environment,
consumption for Vref voltage generation is 2.46qA. the consumption of RFID sensor and configuration of the
reader parameters.
During the development of the multiple gas sensing
platform two electrochemical cells have been tested. o ne is the An example for computing the power consumption of the
o2-A2 electrochemical cell manufactured by Alphasense the RFID sensor with one potentiostat (single cell RFID
(http://www.alphasense.com) which is designed to measure the sensor) and about sensor calibration can be found in [18]. In
oxygen level in the air in the range of 0 ^ 25% with a response present implementation, when using a multiple cell RFID
time t90(s) <15, output current 80 ^ 120qA for 20.9% O2. The sensor, each measurement command performs measurement
second sensor is from the same manufacturer, the CO-CF from only one cell. Multiple cells are read by issuing multiple
sensor designed to measure carbon monoxide in the range corresponding commands. Further work will study if multiple
0^5000 ppm with sensitivity in the range of 55 ^ 90 nA/ppm, cells can be read, and how many, using the energy harvested
with response time t90(s)<30. from only one command.
V. Co n t r o l l i n g M u l t i p l e Ga s Se n s i n g P l a t fo r m .
T h e Se n s o r R e a d e r A p p l i c a t i o n
In order to control the multiple gas sensing platform the
Sensor Reader application was created. The interaction
between the user and the platform implies running several
steps, depending on the state the application is in.
In order for the platform to work, it must be set-up, the
RFID sensors must be configured and the RFID sensors must
be discovered and commanded.
The logic diagram of the program performing these steps is
given in Fig. 5.

Fig. 3. Schematic of develpment module based on LMP91000.

After starting the application, we must connect to the
reader. The reader is connected to one of the PC's USB ports.
In the next step, the application must discover the sensors in
the reader area. The sensors found will be put in a list displayed
in the application window.
Depending on the measured environmental parameters, the
platform must be set up first, meaning that the parameters of
the sensors must be set to the desired values. once these
parameters are selected using the GUI, the resulting
configuration can be stored in the user memory of the sensor
RFID tag. This means that if the sensor structure or parameters
are not changed, next time when the platform is used, the
configuration for each sensor can be retrieved from the user
memory (UM) of the RFID tag part of the RFID sensor.
Configuration values set in the UM can be the values needed to
Fig. 4. Platform for multiple gas sensing. set-up the analogue front end of the sensor but also values for


Fig. 5. Logic diagram of the application.

configuration of the microcontroller peripherals (ex. A/D and the C # language and is based on the use of the NUR API
converter). Beside these values, we can store in the UM the libraries for interaction with the NordicID Stix and oxyPlot
type of electrochemical cell, calibration values etc. reader for displaying graphical data.
Next step is configuring the sensor with the configuration At logic level, the application includes 3 main modules
values stored in its UM. This configuration will be done at the denoted as Nordic, Medusa andMainWindow.
beginning of the measuring process and will be done for each
The Nordic module includes initialization and interaction
sensor, before starting the measurements. The configuration
functions with the NordicID Stix reader. The Medusa module
values can be modified at any time using the graphical
features the functions that allow reading and writing tag-type
interface. Measuring process will be stopped before any
sensors made based on the Farsens Medusa module. The last
configuration step.
module implements the application's graphical interface
Once the sensors are configured, the measuring process can allowing the user to interact with the tag-type sensor through
start. We can select any of the discovered sensors and send standard interface elements: simple or radio buttons, text fields,
commands for triggering the measurement and recovering the lists, etc.
measured data.
The interface of the application is shown in Fig.6. In this
The configuration of the sensor and the requests for figure the application interface groups are identified in order to
performing the measurements and return the data are better understand its operation.
performed using the EPC C1G2 protocol.
These groups and their functionality are:
Gas parameters can be read in single read mode or in
continuous mode. When the platform is in continuous mode, 1. Connection to the RFID reader - establishes the
reads are performed at equal intervals of time with a maximum connection between the reader and the computer on which the
speed depending on the number of sensors which are read, application is running. In our case, the NordicID Stix reader
communication speed between microcontroller and AFE connects to one of the PC's USB ports.
device (I2C protocol), communication speed between the EHC 2. Discovering tags - there may be several tags or tag-type
device (SPI protocol), RF communication speed etc. sensors in the reader's action area. By clicking this button, we
issue the command for getting the list of tags/sensors that the
The Sensor Reader application was created based on
reader has discovered. This list will be displayed in region 8.
application examples from Farsens using the .NET package

the selected category, and the scaling to the current size is done
Since the representation is one with memory, the scaling for
the largest parameter will kept. To avoid this, data reading can
be interrupted and restarted for the desired parameter; in this
case the scaling is most appropriate for current values.
The values displayed are not function o f time but o f
measurement number. If the computer does not run other
applications that interfere with this application, it can be
assumed that the time interval between two different
measurements is the same. For better accuracy, when saving
data in a file, besides the measured and calculated values, the
timestamp o f the measurement is also recorded.
In the actual version o f the application, data is displayed
Fig. 6. Application interface. only for one sensor at a time. In order to display data for one
sensor, the corresponding sensor must be selected in the
3. Sensor Reading - In this group there is a button for discovered RFID sensor list. One must know the EPC of the
reading a tag or sensor based on tag. sensor in order to select it in the list. In Fig. 7 is depicted the
4. Parameter reading - With this button, the values of the interface of Sensor Reader application after the connection to
configuration parameters can be read. These parameters have a the reader has been done and the command to discover RFID
fixed location in user memory and are set within the tags was issued. There were discovered 4 RFID tags, two
application. The parameter value which is read from UM will corresponding to the RFID sensors (first and the last in the list)
be displayed in the text field labelled "Param Data String". and two static RFID tags.
5. Writing parameters - using this button, is possible to
In Figs. 8-10 are shown screen captures of the interface
write the new values for parameters considered in the
with oxygen sensor selected for the cases when voltage, current
application into the UM. The value o f the new parameter is or O2 concentration respectively were selected for display. In
entered in the text field under the button. Fig. 10 was captured the case when the air from the lungs was
6. Save data to disk - in addition to displaying measured exhaled over the O2-A2 sensor.
data, the application offers the possibility to save them in a
Comma Separated Values (csv) file for later processing or
display. Pressing this button will open a window for selecting
the file where this data will be saved.
7. Tag information display area - this region is initially
used to display the list of tags/sensors discovered by the
reader, in order to allow selection o f the tag or sensor tag to
interact with. This area is also used to display the data in
graphical format.
8. Select the displayed data category - the current
application allows one to display multiple categories of data.
One can display the primary data read from the sensor or
calculated values for data derived from the primary data. As
an example, for the A2-O2 sensor we can display the current Fig. 7. Two RFID sensors have been found (first and last in the list) and two
applied to the WE electrode or the oxygen concentration. static tags.
In the current version, the following information will be
displayed in the text box of the sensor read sensor: read code
from the sensor, the voltage value corresponding to the data
read from the sensor, and the values calculated for the
potentiostat working terminal current and the gas
concentration. The code read from the sensor is displayed to
confirm that the values read from the sensor are correct or that
they correspond to a correct operation. Reading, for example,
the 0xFF-0xFF code on the sensor may indicate a malfunction
o f the potentiostat or a communication problem with the
module microcontroller.
The category o f graphical data is determined using the
radio buttons in region 7. The text indicating the size and unit
o f measure on the ordering changes automatically according to
Fig. 8. Displaying Vout voltage from the first sensor.

In actual version of the Sensor Reader application the user Ac k n o w l edg ment
must know the ID o f the sensor for which data should be This research has been supported by the NANO-
displayed. In a future version, the application will identify the ELCHISENS Project/Operational Program of ANCS under
type of RFID sensors based on the information stored in user grant ID 1571, SMIS 44011, nr. 620/30.12.2013 and NANO-
memory of the RFID tag. Based on this information, the list of IMUNELCHIM-PLAT Project/Competitiveness Operational
sensors will be provided to the user which will select the Programme 2014-2020, under grant ID P_37_766, SMIS:
desired sensor. Multiple graphics will be used to display 103847, nr. 68/08.09.2016.
simultaneously data from sensors selected by the user.
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