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REG No: UBB209/2017/B/D/A/40297 ;







Signature ………………………………….

Date …./……/………….



Signature ……………………………………

Date …./……/………….

I Namugenyi Aisha, do here by declare that, this report is my own work and has never been

submitted to any institution of higher learning for any award. The information in this report is

from the experience that I went through during my internship.


NAMUGENYI AISHA (UBB209/2017/B/D/A/40297)


This is to certify that I Namugenyi Aisha a student of Management Training and Advisory

Center pursuing a national Diploma in Entrepreneurship and business management, Registration

no: UBB209/2017/B/D/A/40297 did my internship training with Mayondo Engineering Works

(u) Ltd.

This report has been submitted with approval of the following supervisors.


Head of Marketing department.



Head of Accounts/ Finance.



Head of Stores department.




I dedicate this report to my parents Mr. Yahaya Mussazi and Mrs. Namukose Zaina Mussazi, my

brother Mr. Senyondo Mansuli, who supported me all through the training.

May God bless you.


I gratefully thank the Managing Director of Mayondo Engineering works for accepting me as a

trainee in Mayondo Engineering works.

I sincerely appreciate Madam Ashaba Clare, Nassazi Oliver and Mr. Ssebugwawo Dennis for the

guidance given to me during my training.

Lastly, I thank the trainees with whom I have trained with and Mayondo team for the support,

guidance and supervision they gave me during my period of stay at Mayondo Engineering



The field attachment report is result of the field training carried out in Mayondo Engineering

Works (u) Ltd from 2/01/2019 to 16/2/2019. The purpose of the field attachment was to

introduce the training center student to the practical work environment as a mandatory obligation

in regards to several recommendations from various employment bodies that graduate students.

The field attachment program was intended to enable student to developed skills and applications

of theoretical knowledge into practical situation and get more experience in the field preparation

to enter full employment in their area of specialization. Therefore, this report is giving an

overview of what transpired during the field attachment program. This report is written in

chapter and basically. Chapter shall include the background and the objectives of field

attachment, background, location, vision, and mission of the organization where the intern

carried out my field attachment.

Chapter two includes the activities that intern undertook during the field attachment for example

attending to customers, going to fields, receiving money and issuing out materials among other


Chapter three comprises of lessons learnt by the intern, for example the need for proper records

management, time management, skills for example negotiation skills, typing skills, interpersonal

skills and experiences.

Chapter four comprises of limitations and solutions, enjoyments and disappointments that the

intern faced while at the field attachment for example inadequate resources, undermining the

interns, uncooperative employees at the place of work among others

Chapter five looks at conclusions and recommendations to the training center and the

organization where the intern carried out field attachment so that they take corrective measures

on what the intern had pointed out as being the challenges that make the attachment difficult, so

as the incoming students can benefit more in the field attachment program when such challenge

are being addressed to by the training center. The students will be able to learn more from the

exercise and to get to know the relevance of field attachment while at the training center.


DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION. ............................................................................................................................................ iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ........................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. BACK GROUND AND LOCATION. .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 VISION ............................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 MISSION ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 CORE VALUES ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.6 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ..................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.0 INTRODUCTION. ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 MARKETING DEPARTMENT ......................................................................................................... 6
2.2 ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT. .............................................................................. 8
2.3 STORES DEPARTMENT ......................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 LESSONS LEARNT. ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 SKILLS GAINED. ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.3 EXPERIENCES ................................................................................................................................ 18
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 21
CHALLENGES, ENJOYMENTS, AND DISAPPOINTMENTS. ............................................................. 21
4.0 Introduction. ...................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Challenges. ........................................................................................................................................ 21
4.2 ENJOYMENTS. ............................................................................................................................... 22

4.3 DISAPPOITMENTS......................................................................................................................... 23
4.4 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 23
4.5 RECOMMENDATIONS. ................................................................................................................. 24
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 27
APPENDICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 28


1.0 This chapter covers the background of the company, objectives, mission, vision, core values

and organizational culture.


Founded in 2005, Mayondo Engineering works is a leading professional wood products

manufacturer that is based in Uganda and supplies throughout East Africa. They specialize

mainly in the production of top quality wooden doors, kitchen and wardrobes but have recently

expanded their product portfolio to include other wood products like home, office and school


Mayondo Engineering works focusing on excellence in quality for over 10 years, they are

committed to manufacturing in Uganda to international standards and are equipped with a staff

of highly trained designers and craftsmen to transfer any of your ideas into finished products. To

better serve our customers different requirements, they also custom design the manufacture of

non-standard wood items according to your specific requirements.

They have continuously grown throughout their existence and now boast of a modern production

facility fully equipped with estate of the machinery to produce only the best wood products in the

whole region.

All their products are made using kiln dried timber and only the best additional

inputs/accessories in the industry.

Mayondo Engineering works is located in kyaliwajala Namugongo Road plot 640,

Tel: +256700536944 or +256392827810



To become the leading wood products manufacturer and supplier within East Africa.

To manufacture and supply the highest quality wood products, along with related services to our

target customers by using the most advanced technology, craftsmanship and processes in order to

achieve excellence in quality, innovative designs, value for money and ultimately customer


To create mayondo brand


 Integrity

 Durability/ Liability

 Technology

 Professionalism

 Dependability

 Affordability

 Uniqueness

 Seasoned timber

 Good system/ process

 Quality natural wood


The office holds that working hours should be from 7:30am to 6:00pm except when one has

more assignments to complete at the office before the day ends.

Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable manner and observe a decent

dressing code during work hours.

Recruitment, appointment, promotion, revision of designations of employees is done by the

board of personnel which creates from time to time, can be permanent or temporary as it sees it













Mayondo engineering works mianly deals in furniture, mainly:



2. CNC designed

3. custom doors


1.Contempoary kitchen

2. Custom kitchen

3. Modern


1.Contempporary wardrobes

2. Classic

3. Custom


1. Beds, Dinning, Center tables, office and school furniture.



This chapter elaborates the activities undertaken during the entire internship training.




Orientation means a direction towards something for a specific purpose. The intern attended this

exercise that was done in the first week of arrival. During the orientation, the intern was taken

around the company and briefed about daily activities. The intern was also briefed about the

regulations and organizational policies in order to fit within the organizational environment.

During the course of the internship in marketing department she was assigned to attend to

customers, checking emails, going to fields, sending and following up on the quotations, online

marketing, making marketing monthly reports, Updating customers among other activities.

Attending to customers

The intern attended to all customers that entered the showroom to provide all the services

needed, she also attended to customers through the phone calls who got the company’s contact

from social media and provided all the services needed.

Checking emails

This was carried out every morning, afternoon and evening time to ensure there are new orders

through emails and checking customer’s responses, quotations were also scanned and sent to

customers through their respective emails.

Field visits.

The intern carried out field marketing and this was done through requesting permission from

different supermarkets and hardware’s such as Quality supermarket-Naalya and Super Deal

Hardware by giving them some commission to allow the company display its products for

different people with the purpose of creating awareness of the company, increase on the monthly

sales and create the company’s brand

Sending and follow up of quotations.

In this regard, the intern used to send the customers quotation that were issued by the accounts

department. These were usually sent through emails, Facebook and WhatsApp media, she made

follow up by calling them to confirm receipt of the quotation and to know the customer’s next

action with the purpose of showing customer care to increase on the sales.

Online marketing.

This was conducted on the official company’s pages of Facebook, website, Instagram, houzz and

Pinterest where the intern posted new pictures and inspirational quotes to attract the potential

customers and as well to maintain the existing ones. Feedback to customers’ queries was also an

activity done by the intern during online marketing.

Making a monthly marketing report.

This was done at the end of the month were all tasks regarding marketing were compiled all the

i.e. customers received, monthly sales, recommendations, and targets for the next month.

Updating customers

The intern was assigned a task of updating customers about how far their jobs have reached in

production and when to pick the job in order to prepare the final payments schedule. This also

helped the company to win trust and confidence amongst customers.


During the course of internship in accounts and finance department, the intern was assigned tasks

that included among others, keeping and filing all customer’s records, daily accountability,

updating quick books, receiving money, issuing out petty cash, photocopying, banking,

Keeping and filing customer’s records

Whenever customers made orders, the intern filed and kept all the customer’s records such as the

payment receipt, quotation, payment statement, order record for future reference or


Daily accountability.

Here, the intern accounted for all the transactions that transpired every day including petty

amounts received, paid out among other transactions. This ensure proper accountability and

prevented the risks of cash misuse since cash was balanced off every end of the day.

Updating quick books

The intern entered data into QuickBooks system on daily basis. In cases of first time customers,

the customer’s files were made and the names of the customer, the money received and the

balance thereof were recorded in the customer work details. For existing customer, the intern

entered the data and updated the customers statement by recording the amount received.

QuickBooks helped the intern to communicated through financial reports the profits and losses,

budgets and pay rolls at the end of the month in order to form informed decisions

Receiving money

The intern received money from clients in the accounts counter. This was done after the price

was agreed on with the marketing team and orders confirmed. The intern ensured proper cash

counting to safe custody before receipts were made. This ensure accuracy and reduced risks of

cash fraud. in the receipt book. The intern also made a receipt to acknowledge the amount

received from clients.

Issuing out petty cash

The intern received money from the managing director to cater for small daily expenses and this

was issued out and signed for in the petty cash voucher. The small expenses included cleaning

expenses, transports cost, lunch on travel, stationery among others. The Intern ensured that the

amount issues on the petty item does not exceed UGX 100,000 as per the rules of the company

with in the accounts and finance department.


Photocopying all official documents was also done by the intern within the department. These

documents included, receipts, company manuals, invoices, customer job orders, among others,

these ensured that proper record keeping and future references.


During the course of internship with the stores department, the intern was assigned to work hand

in hand with head of stores to do stock taking at the end of the month, issuing out material to

production, making deliveries, issuing out local purchase orders, calling suppliers, making stores

requisition among other activities.

Stock taking.

Here, every beginning of the month, the intern did stock taking with the head of stores through

counting and taking records of everything in stores according to their specifications/sizes and

present it to the managing director and finance department.

Issuing out materials to production.

In this regard, the production supervisor issued the intern with job orders and material purchase

forms requesting for the materials to a specified customer, when issuing the materials, the intern

ensured that the supervisor signed against the material taken.

Making deliveries

When making deliveries, the intern used to recount when loading on the truck using a packing

list, write the quantity of the products on the delivery note where the client and the issuer-intern

signed against them to prove the total to be delivered.

Issuing out local purchase orders

Local purchase order is a commercial document that is issued to the providers indicating the

type, quantity and agreed price for the items, to give them a go ahead to provide the requirements

that they are supposed to, upon the acceptancy of their offer. This was done on a daily basis

during the time the intern was in the stores department, it also involved taking local purchase

orders to various signatories for signatures and returned them for providers to fetch. The intern

called the suppliers to pick local purchase orders which were first recorded in the outgoing

documents book before they could be signed.

Calling suppliers.

Whenever the call off order were printed out and signed for by the departments that requested for

suppliers/services, the suppliers had to be called to supply what was required as per the call off

order. And on the other side, local purchase order where printed out, signed and approved by the

accounting officer who is the secretary, the suppliers had to be called to pick their green copy of

the local purchase order

Making requisitions.

The intern used to work hand in hand with the head of stores, finance and production manager

every Wednesday to confirm which materials are needed for the jobs in production. Stores would

bring up the materials used the previous week, the materials bought in the previous week and the

remaining materials bought the previous week in order to reconcile the balance and confirm the

materials needed in the subsequent weeks. The production manager would bring in the jobs that

had been confirmed and the materials needed were compiled with stores and the finance manager

would go through it. Finally, all this is done after the stores has called the suppliers to know the

current prices of the materials.




This chapter contains the lessons learnt, experience gained and skills acquired during my field

attachment training at Mayondo Engineering Works.


Time management.

The intern learnt to keep time when reporting for work and while delivering customers item in

time which made the supervision to provide an allowance after internship completion. This was

only given to proper time managers.

Customer care.

The intern also learnt different ways of handling different clients while in the marketing

department, for example some clients are really so impatient and shot tempered but these were

handled in a calm way by first listening to their complaints and then later explaining to them how

to handle a given situation, apologize then take the blame.

Confidence during communication in the organization.

The intern learnt to communicate with confidence and self-esteem through having an opportunity

to talk to different customers and going to different work sites where we met as a team so many

people and we had to introduce ourselves in order to attract them and increase sales.

Management of relationships.

The intern learnt that all employees are meant to be obeyed and given utmost respect. This

promoted good interpersonal relationships as people’s views, culture, property, and beliefs were

all respected. This also created harmony at work and displayed a good image about the

organization and individuals since managers at work were entitled to upraise their subordinates.

Records management.

The intern learnt that no records are irrelevant even after completion of a transaction between the

company and its customers or associates. The managing director stressed the keeping of all paper

work of the company because they were always needed in the future. She also learnt that

transactions lose their relevance after a period of about 5 years in order to avoid legal cases of no

evidence, original and completed records should be safely arranged and kept.

Superior subordinate relations.

The intern learnt that respecting one another in an organization especially the ones whom you

closely work with and the supervisors. This enabled the intern to have a good working condition

which was conflict free and a good working atmosphere.


The internship allowed the intern to carry out a number of activities within a given time frame

since she would be assigned multiple tasks to execute. Getting used to such a situation was an

important tool towards becoming a successful business manager as such tasks enable one to

effectively utilize scarce resources. This is evident in a way that the intern had tasks performed

in almost all the departments such as marketing, stores, finance and accounts, online business

among others.

Team work and cooperation.

The intern also learnt that one of the important reasons for forming teams is ability to share ideas

and come up with acceptable solutions to overcome different challenges and tasks. She realized

that employees worked hand in hand together with the students at the end of the day, work in

various departments was simplified, eased and accomplished as taught under the principles. This

also enhanced the mutual relationships among employees and motivated them as they shared

common goals to be achieved.

Managing conflicts.

According to management, conflicts are inevitable among people working together. This was

evidenced during internship when the employees used to have conflicts in an area of interest. The

intern learnt that one of the ways to solve conflicts in through effective communication amongst

the employees, negotiations.

Communication skills.

The intern learnt how to effectively communicate with different people in a way that she was in

position to explain to the customers what the company sells and talk for the company in most

cases. This helped the intern to build confidence and strong communication skills henceforth.

Operation of machines.

The intern also learnt how to operate different machines that are used in the office like

photocopier, scanner, and printer among others.


The intern learnt how to negotiate with suppliers basing on the quality needed by the

organization and prices offered by different suppliers. One of the things I learnt is that when

carrying out negotiation, you do not mention the price before the supplier does.

Information analysis.

The intern also got a chance of being given activities that needed analyzing information given

before you make a decision hence learning more of the information analysis.


Communication skills.

The intern gained communication skills in that I was in position to communicate to most of the

clients through the phone and made sales. I learnt so many communication methods like use of

telephones for official communication, face to face and writing communication skills when

replying clients on social media like Facebook and WhatsApp.

Computer skills.

During my field attachment, I developed the practical computer knowledge since computer use

was the major form of communication and document preparation in the departments of

marketing, accounts and finance and the entire organization as a whole. Typing skills among the

other skills also improved as I was tasked with preparation of documents like evaluation

committee minutes, preparing requisition notices, preparing the manual local purchase orders,

filling in customer’s details, updating quick books, editing of records with issues and receipt of

the customers.

Listening skills.

The intern also attained skills in listening during the practice. This was through the different

interactions I had with different personalities in the organization especially with customers where

she interacted with so many different customers of different behavior, customers with complaints

needed to be listened to so that we get a better solution.

Multi-tasking skill.

The intern gained the ability to carry out several tasks and activities concurrently. This is because

sometimes different activities would at times require accomplishment at the same time in order

to meet the set deadlines hence one had to learn to multitask. For instance, amidst the dealing

with the assignment in the office, it was necessary to attend to the clients who came to office.

Negotiation skills

The intern gained this skill through learning how to handle different customers engaged in any

negotiation in line with the environment or in relation to various situations at hand. Therefore;

different negotiations may be handled by different people.

Typing skills.

This was gained through preparing customers details, preparing requisitions and filling in

customer’s records, drafting evaluation reports, printing documents and entering data for

customers, petty expenses from books to quick books.

Interpersonal skills.

The intern gained this skill through interacting with all officers, different employees and other

staff members within the company and exchanging different ideas with them such as asking

relevant questions, which helped me to learn more about the company and its operations.

Recording skills.

Most of my activities involved records such as keeping customer’s records, delivery notes and

keeping records of accounts for customers, so gaining skills of recording become part of me

since she worked in three active departments.

Decision making skills.

She was assigned a number of tasks like attending to customer’s complaints, replying customers

online, data entry among others which required me to make daily decisions about what to do and

what to tell customers, so i always made decisions depending on the situations and for the better

of the organization and in line with duties and responsibilities. By doing so, she gained skills.

Management skills.

The intern also gained skills in management through marketing and accounts I would handle a

customer from the beginning to the end which helped me gain management skills.

Leadership skills.

The intern also gained leadership skills through being a leader of my fellow interns in the

departments that I was attached to.


Customer care experience.

While at Mayondo Engineering Works, I worked in the marketing and finance departments

where she acquired customer care experience. This was done through handling different clients

for example, some clients were really impatient and short tempered but these were handled in a

calm way by first listening to their complaints and then later explaining to them how to handle a

given situation.

Negotiation experience.

The intern gained experience in this through learning how to handle different suppliers and

customers. She engaged in any negotiation in line with the environment in relation to various

situations at hand. Therefore, different negotiations may be handled differently by different


Typing experience.

The intern gained experience in this through preparing different documents in word program like

making requisitions, printing documents and entering data from the procumbent reference book

into the computer electronically.

Record keeping experience.

The intern gained experience in record keeping. The managing director stressed the keeping of

all paper work of the company because they are always needed in the future. Therefore, she

could keep every transaction paper for reference purposes.

Public and interpersonal.

The intern gained experience of interpersonal relations. This involves interaction with other

people within and outside the company. Good public and interpersonal relations are important

since people and companies always need each other. Therefore, she experienced working,

relating as well as interacting with different people who had different skills, culture, attitude,

potential and work in various companies.

Communication experience.

The intern gained experience of managing official phone calls whereby she was able to improve

on my business communication skills as she was handed the responsibility of receiving,

answering and transferring phone calls to required suppliers and customers. She had to answer

phone calls the right way as failure to do so would lead to misrepresentation of the company.

Preparation of a procurement plan.

Experience of developing a procurement plan was yet another achievement. She had a chance of

getting to know how a procurement plan is developed through the guidance of the senior

procurement officer.

Analyzing technical problems.

She also got experience of analyzing technical problems especially in the area of my study and

she had to come up with the solutions the problems that usually arose. For example, in cases

where a customer would come in with a complaint, she had to analyze the situation before taking

action hence, experience in analyzing technical problems.

Machine operating.

The intern gained experience on how to operate machines such as the computer, laser jet printers,

using self-inking stamps and many more office gadgets which she had never used before. This

enabled me appreciate internship as a process since it brings out new experiences and enable

turning of theory into practical thus gaining skills.

Writing reports:

The intern gained experience in report writing, for purposes of assessment and determining the

level of accomplishment of activities in the organization, the writing of reports was paramount

and this was done on a weekly basis before submitting the attendance sheet.



4.0 Introduction.
This chapter contains challenges, disappointments and enjoyments during my internship.

4.1 Challenges.
High transport costs

The intern experienced this challenge since she had to move to the company everyday while

incurring a lot of transportation costs yet in the morning the transport is high and I had to reach

on time every day since the gate was always closed by 7:30am.

The uncooperative employees.

Some workers seemed to be aggressive, selfish and unwilling to share their work related ideas

and views due to their fear of we, the interns performing better than them as they may lose their

jobs. This therefore gave me a challenge of getting limited information from such people

however she tried to befriend them so as to learn more.

Limited time for internship.

The internship period was only lasting for two months so the time was not adequate to enable me

understand all the processes and activities that were being implemented in the three departments

since am an entrepreneur and had to work in different departments.

Learning many aspects at ago.

Learning so many things at a go during the first weeks of my practice, she found this as a

challenge since she wanted to learn quite a number of things in a short time.

Adapting to the new environment.

Adapting to the new environment was a challenge. Getting to know the place and acclimatizing

myself to the whole environment took me a while and in some way hindered the execution of my

duties in the first period.

Time management.

Managing time at the office was a challenge because we were required to report early at the

office at 7:30am the gate could be closed yet I was leaving very far from the company.

Team work.

In the due course of my internship training at mayondo engineering works, I enjoyed working in

a team with highly respected officials and employees.

Learning from supervisors.

While carrying out my field attachment training at mayondo engineering works I enjoyed

different lessons from supervisors.


I enjoyed interacting with a number of officials from different departments like the accounting

department and this strengthened my interpersonal and communication skills.

Meeting new people.

Under this, I enjoyed meeting and interacting with highly respected and honored officials people

like the Managing Director Crest Foam, Chairman Uganda Manufacturers Association and other

respectable people.

Less involvements.

Less involvements in the major and most important activities like giving salaries and bidding,

this disappointed me.

Limited interaction

The intern was ever busy with my heavy work load thus having limited time to interact with

other employees in the department.


The period she was attached to the office of Mayondo Engineering Works (u) Ltd for my field

attachment was paramount to my understanding of the practical world and how business is

conducted. she understood the nature, ownership and values of the organization. Field

attachment introduced me to the organization in that I had to know the organization very well

and learnt how employees do their individual work

During the field attachment program, I encountered challenges and other limitations which are

barriers to learning and also to the organization for it to perform its activities. For example,

inadequate information about the bidders, undermining of interns, the uncooperative employees

at the place of work, though I came up with the solutions to the above mentioned challenges.

While at work there were also enjoyments and disappointments, some of which were from the

students or sometimes they were organization based.

There were also times of enjoyment which were important to an individual as they created a

good environment for the person to work, increased productivity in the due course since they

were good times.

All in all, the field attachment was a learning point for me as I gained the experience required in

the field and also gained the skills to fit me in the working environment after school.

The internship training was helpful in that I gained a lot of skills and knowledge and this was

because of cooperation with staff and fellow interns during the training, l managed to practically

apply what had been learnt in the lecture board room into the actual field through participation in

different activities in different departments and offices as I was able to achieve lots of ideas,

skills and knowledge and have all exposure to the work environment.

In conclusion, this training was very beneficial to both the internee and the organization despite

the challenges encountered during the training as mentioned in my report.

The institutions should continue this exercise so as to improve on the student’s exposure to the

real field work experience.


To the organization. (Mayondo Engineering Works)

Improve team work.

Team work should be improved most especially with the interns which will be the only way they

will achieve skills and even learn more from their training thus preparing them for life after

training or school.

Customer satisfaction

I recommend that the organization should always care first about customer’s satisfaction through

delivering the products in time.

To the training center (Management advisory center)

Emphasis on external training

The Training Centre should continue to emphasize more on external training for its students to at

least more and more exposed to the part of the course.

Supervisors feedback.

The Training Centre facilitators or supervisors should have constant feedback from their students

to whom they are allocated. This will help the supervisor to know his or her student’s

weaknesses and the challenges she or he faces. The student will easily be helped with the close

relationship with the supervisors.

To the student hoping to go for internship.

Good behavior.

Organizations have got different units or departments with different classes or kinds of people of

different races with different behavior, so you have got to behave professionally and respect

everyone regardless of their social class, origin and behavior.


Be persistent, persevere and avoid negative attitudes towards work, always be willing to learn by

showing eagerness and determination as well as yearning for more.

Mr Senyondo Mansuli

Managing Director

Mayondo Engineering Works


Madam Nassazi Oliver

Production Manager

Mayondo Engineering Works


Appendix I: The industrial training assessment form for field or onsite supervisor.

Appendix II: Photos of field attachment in marketing department

Appendix III: Drawings in the workshop helping sanding department

Appendix IV:


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