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I l l t h s r ; l l r r¡,3' l f " , * * " a 1 l r t l S

Flfi-hcrad". ;ffi
Nanre ....o0,*, (-irnnn

ri r.rs"{'E¡{tNü.JA
l,isten ancl ¡natchthe revielvsto the Eenre$.
Itio¡:ic _.J _ *
Rt:¡r*alríi*"r{ i: *reriies
S c i - F iF i i m s

The ftiddle
The t¡fiddleis un Americansitcotn teievisionseries, ciring on ABd since
Septatnber30, 2009. The serl¿s features Frsnces',Frcnkie,'l4eck
Heston),o working-clcss. Midwesternwomünand her husbandMike Heck {Neil
Flynn),who live in the smolifictionol town of orsan, rndicns.They are the
pcrents of three ehildren,Axl (chorlie lAcDernrctt),sue
{Hdensher), and
Brick (Atticus shoffer). The series wcs piekedup for o full secsonpf 24
episodes nfter airingjusf twc episodes.
The third sedsonpr"emiered with a l-hour episodeon $eptember 2r,2011. On Moy 10, ?erz, AgC
renewedfhe showfor o fourf h s¿oson. whichpremiereswith s one*hourspecíolon september ?6, ?Ol;-.
Axl. the oldest,is the rebelliousteenageson.He usuollyúppeorsot home
weoringonly boxer shorts
very !ozy'A handsomeand confidentteen,he is a schoalstar othlete but is not agaodstudent"
sue. the middle chifd and only daughter, she is very shy. she is alwoys
trying to join school

he is showndeciphering
c book.
: g. T
I f:l t
of scenorios.
rhefamity * I
.s T,::::,::-:1,-_]h._1'01'. tn q
taciddleelcss. The parents are middle-aged.The setting is middle America,
iepicting its charocfers with sfondandincomes,eciucotionond rnoderafely

2) Rsap-rNG
L .:l
¡r. F'indin the text:
r The oppositeof em¡:ty. r Tlie oppositeof'hard-working
e A piecertf,c,icrihing r ¡\ synonynro1'timid.
b. Re*d the text ñntl a*swtr thcsequestians.
a) ls rhe sitrr.r,'
set in a real city?

rtl -'rÍi¡i¡i i.t'rn;¡nüt¡'r i¿tn¡rs;ri

b) Wiratis Sue'sprobiern"
c,lWhatis Bric.k'shobtrv'l

Are thesestaten¡enÉs frue or false?If felse.provide evidencefrcnr the text.

l. Axel hatessports._
2. Brick is a very popularboy __

Ei -eqrnpldejlle,feils'Hul_g
Kind of'prrlgrfim:
Ít¡,ttnn{rotth.ll, llrut{ l'-ulch¡lk urul lon Rrennun




4) -vo(AB_u_IÁRY
a. l.-ookat the proqrammedescriptions
below.Whattypeof prograrnrnes

\s]t)0)lrll='s -- sc]al]D ,omie:l.,, - ,,.,.U,n

lDFoglta¡nXl|lil,e t,tt16l-


Ni*cl Srnitlr lrr¡ststhe sliorv q.ith a diffelenr:e. Jhere

I{¿*cld lt:lls l¡¡:t'cis cxl.ilj' n4lai he tliirlis cl'
,r.l-lir'.- .orliestaits b't n¡lc of trrem ;rirearJyhrr¡s.s
lrr-t'' A*na is rr:lnct'arlt fo 'evelal tletails .f' tltc'
dic ;i'si,le's" yciir.jiib is l giressl'hii:lr .ur*!
inr:irienl at the cli.rlrancl Susan cleli.:ndsEIv"


l,Iiurr:lresfcr'l initi:ii. rs icnvh.q ri.recctrpetitiol.

[r. Matcheachwcrd with its correspanding

a. str-¡nts * not filmed in a studio.
b script ____e filmlmeil,i* $eIin the past
c. c0$tumedlama *__ clanget'ons
¿rction ltke car chases
d" on location a film befirreit is edited"
e. trailer a shortfilm/mov"ie
__*** a newfilm.
macleto ach,'ertise
f. the rushes a writtentext r¡fa play.film/movie,broadcast,

i-'r.rf l.[¡¡i.i Icm¡nrl r \hn¿lsi Priginr I


repe3trun peal.--tlme openingeprscde narrated

hrghlrghts cornrnerrtanT

ft" (in a selies).

: il:r. fir'slj)l'ogt'amnie
ir. : the time af da¡,when tncst ¡reoplewatchTY.
c. : a riescriptionof the matchas it happens.
: a seriesof progranrmesthat a¡r not beingshou,non televisir:nf¡rr the first time.
: the,qtol]told b,vtliisperson.
lt : not the whr:Jematch,but ail the i.xciting,

2. W¡-¿tds=p-epde-thrnhsf-td-tspkat$re$p¡ái!*low-tltal¡lex¡lqlY-I-qÉh€runlhe.cürrqqfjlap-s-Jn
v seiective relaxins inftirmative entertainins mind-mlmbinc

I thirlK T\ is r'C¡'r' lt/iFL^¡,r i+,^,o .",^"1'l^'+ l,^^,.,.,,hn¡,.,n

. . r y r l r r u r r l , 1 . ,v v u v r w r . r r { i l L1 K i r ( r v i r , . r , l ¡ arrt i - r Sg O i n g O n i n t h c w O r l f l ,

Vcii liave io l¡c _ __.aboilt ivhatycrirw¿iLch.lf'.yciiwatcllevervthing.y'orr'llgo rnail.

ü. t flnd'tY .{ftr.¡'alongda.1'at
it takes¿ln'a'i'all
the stress.It'salso
. I laLrgh.cry and eniol'mvsel{u'atchingfii.
d. It's totallSr let 1'outhink. it's chervinggum for the e"yes.
. lt ¿ioesn't Perople
watch fi/ all day are stLrpidcoLtchpotatoes.

s.wKlING ;*1ñ
Wrife on TWO of,llre fallowine tonirs:
a. Write a review of n TV series.
\} [r" Write the rcview of a filnl"
c. Write nbouf your famous actor rr acfr:ess.

F\.ofrI l¿ri¿ f;e¡n¿ndl l...li¡n¿::r;i Pdg¡ri¿+

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