Better Government: Humanizing Performance Architectures

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Better Government


David M. Paschane, Ph.D.


Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010

Why do we need Better Government?

In general, our
performance record
suggests we are:

• Ineffective
• Inefficient
• Expensive
• Unaccountable
• Unsuccessful

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 2

Public attitudes are increasingly negative

Pew : Lowest level of citizens Hart : Lowest level of confidence in

trusting government Federal government

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 3

How about government employees?

Dehumanized processes,
Disempowered roles,
Chaotic value chains,
Oversized scopes,
Unaccountable leaders,
Superficial actions….

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 4

What does “Better Government” require?

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 5

A means of using transformative information

Employees aware and interacting Executives aware and disclosing

with performance realities returns on investments

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 6

What information do we need?

1. Details of work decisions, efforts, and complexity that

affect causal pathways, per employees’ purview.

2. Thorough, routine explanations of why outcomes are

caused the way they are, organizationally.

3. Measurable attributes of internal capacity and culture,

as they affect productivity and organizational strategy.

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 7

What happens when we do not meet this
information requirement?

―Mangers spread powerlessness by limiting

information —without efficacy and
influence – you arouse risk -averse rigidity
and retaliation through subtle sabotage.‖
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Harvard Business School


Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 8

Any new ideas….that sustain improvement?

 We over rely on “new” quick-fix, pre-packaged methods

 Neither change culture nor capacity to self-optimize
 Can drive systemic problems deeper into the structure
 The conformity discourages learned improvement

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 9

Alternative: Self-Optimizing Framework

 Hard work

 Takes time

 Tool agnostic

 Applied science

 Employee tested

 Incremental change People and organizational maturity

through repeatable methods,
simplified to fit the culture and
 Sustainability focused need for self-optimizing capacity
among government employees!

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 10

Bottom Line Requirements

 The Federal Government needs a reliable framework for:

 A scientific approach to understanding and improving workers’

productivity, work value and quality, and process efficiency
 Visible and verifiable evidence for determining effective actions,
costs reductions, strategic programs and effects on outcomes
 Reliable, measurable method of controlling predictable and
unplanned events that put projects at risk of failure
 Open, analytic environment for worker-based innovation in
incremental operational testing of improvements
 Authentic and visible means of identifying accomplishments within
individual and team performances on a continuous basis

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 11

Integrated Methods for
Self-Optimizing Capacity


- PASS -

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 12

What is the PASS Framework?

Performance Architectural Science Systems

 Math
 Measuring elements in the complex nexus of behavior, organization, and
systems, as work models that can be improved, incrementally

 Motivation
 Simplifying organizational awareness through recursive analyses of how
everyone contributes to the improvement in outcomes

 Maturity
 Normalizing robust awareness through multiple, integrated self-optimizing
platforms , from individual workers to customer outcomes

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 13

Value Impact of Performance Architectures

 Employee engagement…
 Awareness of causality and dependency
 Testable ways of improving workflow
 Self-reducing workflow friction
 Sustained redesigns of workers’ impacts
 Recursive, effective risk reduction

 Management engagement…
 Platform visibility on effort and processing
 Alternative, localized management decisions
 Changing work conditions and informal processes
 Workers’ development and capacity

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 14

Integrated Science and Technology Methods

Performance Architectural

Operational Research: System Integration:
Internal causality in Agile arrangement of
functions, with diagnosis of information platforms to fit
friction in work parameters recursive analyses

User Interactivity: Geographical Analytics:
Informatics for facilitating Strategic inferences for
behavioral commitment, continuous improvement to
cognitive awareness, and contextual causal factors
intuitive learning
Systems Science

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 15

PASS Overlay on Organizational Causality

Engineered analytic Inferential capacity to

Set measureable platforms, matured strategically manage outcome
baseline for to fit capacity variation in real contexts
testing decisions
and effects Organizational informatics
to heighten workflow and
causality engagement


Resources Conditions Outputs Outcomes

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 16

Maturing self-
New Capacities
OR optimization capacity

Resetting Measuring Data Structures

Improvements Strategic Functional
Alignment Capacity

Testing Testing
Incremental Performance
Changes Models

Diagnostics Demonstrations
Performance Testing
Gap General Fit

Analytic Platforms Collaborations

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 17
OR Operational Research: Transformative Questions

 Behavioral
 How do people behave under different circumstances?
 What activities trigger various responses?
 What behavior is encouraged, allowed or tolerated, or not?

 Organizational
 What official/unofficial roles affect groups?
 How are formal/informal processes sustained or changed?
 What inertia is tolerated or challenged?
 How do groups form and self-preserve, and resist interference?

 Systems
 How are interdependent commitments sustained or broken?
 What affects the capacity to transform or utilize information?
 What drives the cultural constructs that bound systems?

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 18

SI System Integration: Organizational Informatics

 Platforms (device apps, web apps)

 Researched and engineered to fit operational needs of workers

 Tested in workers’ purviews and skill sets

 Enable understanding of the usefulness and meaningfulness of work

 Align to organizational pursuit of desired outcomes

 The new normal is informatics (e.g.,

Cognitive-Information Interactivity

Aggregate Effect Inferences Adaptive Knowledge Responses

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 19

UX User Interactivity: Normality of Informatics

 They…
 Inspire employees’ engagement
 Enhance communication value
 Simplify useful analyses
 Sustain adaptive diagnostics
 Reveal employee innovations
 Emphasize incremental achievement
 Attract the emergent workforce

 Most importantly, they create valuable feedback loops…

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 20

UX User Interactivity: Evolved feedback loops…

Slow, search and find methods High-speed, recognition of the

of dated conclusions end-game while working

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 21

UX User Interactivity: Organizational Development

Architect major decision

Cooperative Management Research
platforms on causal pathways

Executive Management Strategy Reliable causality models for

adjusting capacity to targets
Trade-offs in performance by
Chief Management Decisions
alternative work pathways

Throughput capacity calibrated

Team Capacity Maturity
against comparative performance
Self-monitoring applications for
Repeatable Individual Operations
innovative tests of improvements

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 22

Leadership: PASS centers on the “Emergent CIO”

Leading informatics to humanize Opposing “big project” solutions that

technology and democratize innovation don’t fit the workers’ growth mindset

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 23

What happens when we
lead organizational informatics?

―A growth mindset yields the best

results in productivity.‖
Carol Dweck
Stanford University Psychology


Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 24

Nexus of performance science, IT, and governance

Scoring the Federal Government :

0 = Activities related to IT or governance, but not affecting performance
10 = Organizational informatics sustaining improvement in performance

 FEAA = 1. Operational definitions; not used to change performance.

 PART = 3. Sound principles; not targeted at inner workings of programs.
 = 4. Elicits ideas; not embedded in incremental operations.
 TechStat = 5. Presents indicators; not setting parameters to discipline rigor.
 Green IT = 7. Baseline platform for evidence-based decisions in energy use.
 GI Bill = 8. Recursive analysis to quickly reset teams/work in an agile SD.

 A shared service for Performance Science would help Federal CIOs, CFOs, CPOs
leverage the value of maturing , humanized, Performance Architectures.
Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 25
1. Support CIOs use of the Better Government in the 21st Century!
PASS Framework.

2. Apply PASS to high

priority goals and critical IT

3. Test basic organizational

informatics in the causal
pathway to goals.

4. Build interactive,
humanized portals to view
improving work models.

5. Integrate performance
architectures to sustain
visibility on the streamlining
effort from Federal policy to
serving constituents .

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 26

Culturally, informatics change the rules of
individual innovation, thus Better Government

―Hell, there are no rules here - we're

trying to accomplish something.‖
Thomas A. Edison
American Inventor

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 27

Engaging Government Employees in Better Government…

Promoting the PASS Framework, Organizational

Informatics, and the Growth Mindset on the
international LinkedIn Better Government forum

DC Metro Other States


For more information, contact Dr. David Paschane at 202-256-5763

Dr. David M. Paschane, © 2010 28

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