Beulah Umc: From The Pastor's Desk

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Worship God • Serve Others • Welcome All Spring 2019

From the Pastor’s Desk

We have just entered into the season of Lent. This is a time of reflection
and penitence as we anticipate the events of Holy Week. Too often we
jump ahead to Jesus’ resurrection, but it is important to prepare our “Connecting and
hearts and minds for that extraordinary event. There will be numerous
growing in love,
opportunities to prepare for Easter over the coming weeks.
hope, and peace
We are holding a study on the Gospel of John, using a book by Adam
Hamilton. I hope you will be able to attend, but if not, I encourage you through worshipping
to read along with us anyway.
God, serving others,
We will hold a Maundy Thursday service on April 18 at 7pm ET. If you and welcoming
haven’t attended this service before, it is the night we remember Jesus’
last supper with his disciples and his servant leadership as he washed the all people as we
disciples’ feet.
embrace tradition
Our Good Friday service will be on April 19 at 7pm ET. This is a and transformation.”
traditional Tenebrae service, or service of darkness, as we recall Jesus’
final moments on earth and his death on the cross. - Mission Statement
of Beulah UMC
These services are so important as they help us walk though all of the
emotions and meaning before we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter
Sunday, April 21.

Rev. Katrina
In This Issue:
1—From the Pastor’s
2-3—Lent, Holy Week, &
4—UMW & Christmas
Brunch 2018
5—Men’s Group & Church
Directory Pictures
6—Food Bank
7—Finance & Scout
8—Lent Sermon Series &

Lent, Holy Week, & Easter
The season of Lent is a time of preparation, penitence, and repentance as we prepare
our hearts and minds for Holy Week.

We will have four opportunities for worship on Holy Week:

Palm Sunday– 11am ET Maundy Thursday—7pm ET

Good Friday—7pm ET Easter Sunday—11am ET

This Lent, we will spend time studying the Gospel of John
through Adam Hamilton’s book, John: The Gospel of Light
and Life. Copies of the book are available at the church.
We hope you will attend, even if you can’t make it to
every class. If you are unable to attend the class, we
encourage you to read along anyway!

March 19, 2pm ET—Introduction & Chapter 1

March 26—Chapter 2

April 2—Chapters 3 & 4

April 9—Chapters 5 & 6

Everyone is invited to our Easter Egg Hunt!

We will be asking for donations of filled, plastic eggs closer to the date; more
information will be posted on our Facebook page and in the bulletin.

If you would like post cards to pass out to people in the community,
contact the church office.

United Methodist Women
Beulah UMC
Brunch 2018

If you weren’t able to

attend our Christmas
brunch, then you missed
out on a real treat!
Besides lots of good
food, we had many Our UMW had a very successful Christmas Bazaar
decorations that made and Bake Sale last November. The members
our Fellowship Hall enjoyed the craft days leading up to the Bazaar as
merry and bright. All of well. We earned approximately $3,000 to fund
the acoustic panels were outreach programs in our area. At our meeting in
decorated with bright February, we discussed
and shiny balls. We even new projects for 2019.
had one decorated like We are excited about
an oversized package! these upcoming events
Each of our 9 dining and look forward to
tables featured a sharing our plans with
different tablescape; we all of you.
had a music table, an At Beulah United Methodist Women, our desire is
Angel table, a “Polar to offer women an opportunity to join us for
Express” table, and many
fellowship, support, and outreach. If you are not a
more! It is our wish that member of the Beulah UMW, you are extended a
you enjoyed seeing the
special invitation to visit a meeting. Our meetings
Fellowship Hall are on the second Monday of each month at 6:30
decorated and looking pm. EST in the Fellowship Hall. You will find
very festive. Right now, dedicated women
we are planning and who donate their
working on getting the
time and resources
Fellowship Hall to support of the
decorated for Spring. Be
sure to come by and take
a look!

Men’s Group
The Beulah United Methodist Men’s Group was formed in the latter part of last year
with “Dedication to God, Church and Community through Fellowship and Service” as
its purpose. The group is open to all men who wish to share in the organization’s
purpose. You do not have to be a member of the Beulah United Methodist Church to
participate. Meetings are informal without a rigid leadership structure or set dues.
Instead, members are asked to participate in the leadership of the group on a rotating
basis and to contribute, as they are able, to the costs of the organization. Meetings are
usually held the third Monday of each month at 6:30 EST in the Parsonage. Again, there
is no rigid structure, so meeting dates may vary depending on the program for any
evening. Watch the Church bulletin for announcements or place your name on our
email list. Just text or email your contact information to hughod! or text to
334-559-3785. In addition to regular meetings, the group participates in work parties
and events to assist the church, its members and the community with their needs.
Also, this year we plan to have “get togethers” at restaurants, sports events or cook
outs. If you are looking for a great group of men to hang out with, I encourage you to
come to one our
meetings and check
us out. It’s a great
way to get to know
other men in the
church, enjoy good
fellowship and be of
service to others.

Food Bank News

Food Bank Dates:

(10-12am ET)
March 19 April 2 April 16 April 30
May 14 May 28 June 11 June 25

Food Truck Dates:

(2:30pm ET)
April 3 May 1 June 5
Mercy Medical & BUMC offering Flu Shots, Nov. 2018

The Food Bank continues to be an important outreach in the Beulah community. From October
through February, the Food Bank averaged serving 62 clients with an average of 21 pounds of food on
each Food Bank Tuesday. That amounts to a total of 1,302 pounds of food distributed during the
period of October through February. Our church Love Fund spent $2,231 purchasing food from the
East Alabama Food Bank during that same period. Beginning in January 2019, our costs increased
due to having to pay for fresh vegetables, fruit and some bread items that have in the past been free.

The Beulah Food Bank received a large amount of canned goods and non-perishable items donated
by Beulah Elementary School during their annual food drive. Thank you to all the volunteers who
helped sort and shelve the items. A big thank you to Angie Ward and Jose Melendez for loading the
items and getting them delivered to the Food Bank.

On November 13, 2018, we were able to purchase and distribute hams to our clients for
Thanksgiving. On our Food Bank distribution date before Christmas, we were able to gift each of our
clients with a large umbrella imprinted with the Beulah UMC logo. There are about 10 of the
umbrellas left. If anyone would like to purchase one of these umbrellas, they are available for $12.

On November 27, 2018, we partnered with Mercy Medical to offer flu shots, free of charge. Some of
the clients who received a flu shot had never received one before.

Beulah Baptist Church is a dedicated supporter of our Food Bank mission. They send a quarterly check
to help purchase food and every month they send food items they collect to add to our donated
pantry. If you have friends and/or family at Beulah Baptist, please let them know how much we
appreciate their faithful support.

If you are interested in working at the Food Bank, please contact Angie Ward, Linda Dicks or Genie
Yielding. You can also leave a message at the church office and it will be forwarded to us.

The Finance Team thanks you for your continued

Baptism of the Lord Sunday, January 2019

generosity in your giving to Beulah UMC. We place
paramount importance on the use and accounting of the
funds entrusted to us. We are pleased to report again,
that we received a clean audit by Richard Young, CPA with
no material exceptions.
We have 4 primary ways you can give:
 You can give in the offering plate on Sunday morning.
 Talk with your bank! Most can set up your account to
automatically mail us a check on a recurring basis.
 Through the “donate” button on our Facebook page.
 Securely online through our website:

For the year Ending 12/31/2018 (Audited)

GENERAL 144,462.35 151,749.94 132,981.45

BENEVOLENCE (LOVE) 7,683.08 7,890.52 3,518.90
BUILDING 7,960.00 10,990.00 23,610.55
SCHOLARSHIP 3,700.00 2,000.00 12,426.34
PASTOR 50.00 204.58 1,361.39
EARMARKED 942.10 942.10 0.00
TOTAL 164,797.53 173,777.14 173,898.63

2018 BUDGET 158,650.00 190,873.00

Scout Sunday
We are so thankful that
Boy Scout Troop 219
joined us for worship on Scout Sunday,
February 17!

Contact Us
Church: 5165 Lee Road
270, Valley, AL 36854

Church Office: 5051 Lee

Road 270, Valley, AL

Outreach Center: 5284

Lee Road 270, Valley,
AL 36854

(334) 745-4755
Trustees Report
The trustees have been hard at work, keeping up with regular
maintenance around the church and planning for the future! If Find us on
you see anything that needs the attention of the trustees, please facebook at:
contact Bill Ward or the church office and let us know. BeulahUMChurch

Worship God • Serve Others • Welcome All


5165 Lee Rd 270 HERE
Valley, AL 36854

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