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:- travel expressions
._ phrasal verbs (1)

Writing skills
ti a biographical profile

~~~~--------~ - ..
Aman trevels the world in seerch of whet he needs and returns borne lo find it,
George Moore, 1852-1933, Irish novelist

1a Complete the questions with the words in 3a Complete the reasons for travelling with the
the box.
words in the box. look at Track 1.6 on page 169 and
destinations travel journey check your answers.
abroad trip package heme broaden experience explore finel

1 What's the furthest you have travelled from home?

get meet learn (x2) see become

2 Have you ever been __ ?Where did you go to? People travel in order to ...
3 Have you ever been on a business __ ?Where to?
1 see new sights.
6 __ away Irorn it all.
4 Do you like __ holidays where everything is
2 different cultures.
arranged for you? Why / Why not? 7 __ new people.
3 __ a new language.
5 What is the longest __ you have been on? 8 __ new places.
4 themselves,
6 Do you think that __ broadens the mind? Why / 9 new skilis.
Why not? 5 __ more independent.
10 their horizons.
7 What are the most popular __ for people from 3b Work with a partner. How important are the
your country? different reasons, do you think? What are the three
most important? Why?
1b In pairs or small groups, ask each other the

, ,

Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. A traveller
• •
underwater explorer
and merchant, he was one of the first Europeans
to travel across Asia and into China. His journey
lasted 24 years.
He set out, aged 17, with
his father Nicolo and his
uncle Maffeo on their
great journey to China.
They sailed south frorn
Venice, Italy and
stopped off in the
Míddle East. They
then carried o:n
overland to Persia (now
Iran), through the
Pamir Mountains and the
Gobi Desert before they
got to Beijing, China.
At that time, China was more advanced than
Europe. They aIready had papel', so large numbers
of books were available. They also used papel' Jacques Cousteau was a French undersea explorer,
money in many parts of the empire. environmentalist and inventor. He was born in
After he got baek to Italy, Marco Polo talked Franca in 1910. When he was young, he beca me
about his experiences in China, and he wrote a fascinated by the sea, machines and film-rnaking.
book describing the riches of Asia, His written In the French navy, Cousteau began exploring
account was the first Western record of porcelain, underwater and worked on a special breathing
coal, gunpowder, printing and silk. machine which allowed divars to stay underwater
Unfortunately; not many people believed Polo's for several hours, 'I'his gave them time to really
stories and he became known as 'the man of a look around under the ocean, In 1943, he and
million lies'. He died in 1324. engineer Emile Gagnan invented the aqualung
- the very first scuba diving equipment.
In 1948, Cousteau began travelling the world's

I READING I oceans in his research ship Calypso. Cousteau

produced many films and books about his
underwater adventures, including the 'I'V series
1 What do you know about the people in the The Undersea W011d 01 Jacques Cousteau, which
pictures? Who are they? What did they do? introduced the public to the world of sharks,
whales, dolphins, treasure and coral reefs.
2a Work in groups of three, Read about one Cousteau started the Cousteau Society to protect
explorer each and complete the chart íor that ocean life.In 1989, he received a great honour:
he was made a member of the French Academy.
explorar. Tell the rest of your group about your
Finally, after a long and varied Iife, Cousteau died
explorer and complete the rest of the chart.
011 25th June 1997.

Marco Polo Cousteau Tereshkova

When born
2b According lO the texts, which explorer:
1 became interested in the sea at an early age?
2 was particularly interested in the Far Ea t?
travelled to 3 was accused of no! lelling the truth about their
Length of
journey 4 had a narne relaíed to a seabird?
Greatest S rcceived an important award?
achievement , 6 had a relationship with someone who did thc
Whallhey sarne job?
were called 7 travelled with rnernbers of their íamily?
When died 8 cared for rhe environrnentt


4c Find the past simple forms of the following

verbs in the texts. lhey are all irregular.
become begin write lead take go

5 Which one ot these statements about the past

Valentina simple is not true?
1 We use ihe past simple for finished actions that are
paraehuted out
oí over 125 in the past.
aireraft before 2 We use the past simple with the following lime
she jumped out expressions: never. al! my lite, evec yet.
of tbe spacecraft
3 We often say the exact time of the action.
Voslok 6. l'llls
unusual hobby 4 We use timeexpressions like: yesterdey, Iast week.
led 10 her selection rOl' cosmonaut training and her in 7999, ego, when I was young.
achievement of becoming the fiJ"st woman in space. _ language reference and extra practice, pages 136-137
Tereshkova was born on 6th March 1937, in western
Russia. As a teenager she worked in a textile plant
and took up paracbuting in her spare time.
When 'Iereshkova was selected for the Soviet space
programme in 1962, she became the first reeruit
without experience as a test piloto Her selectiou was
based 0)1 her paraehuting skills. 'Iereshkova was
chosen 10 be the pilot of the Vostok 6 mission. She
was given the name Chaika, Russian for 'seagull'.
The craft lifted off frorn Tyuratam Launch Centre
on 16th June 1963. It re-entered the Earth's
atmosphere on 19th June and Tereshkova
parachuted 10 the ground, landing near 7 Complete the facts below with the past simple of
Kazakhstan, In central Asia. On 3rd November the verbs in the box.
1963, Tereshkova married another cosmonaut,
They had a daughter, Elena - the first ehild born lo phe~graph lead hit pilot die fly (x 2)
parents who both went into sonae. 5a;/ br;ng expfere find díscover

1 Louise Boyd (1887-1972) explored and

pholographed (he Arctic Ocean. She also __
I VOCABU LARY: phrasal verbs (1) I over the North Pole.
2 Ferdinand Magellan __ the first expedition that
3a look al the phrasal verbs highligoted in the ___ around the Earth, between 1519 and 1522.
texts and match thern with their meanings below.
3 Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) __ potatoes and
leave break a journey return
tobacco from America to Europe.
arrive explore continuo
4 In 1992 Ranulph Fiennes __ the legendary lost
3b Complete the text with the phrasal verbs, Cíty 01' Ubor in the desert oí Oman.
We 1__ very early, before dawn, and drove south, 5 Vasco da Gama __ in India in 1524. He __
We 2__ at a service station íor petrol and a coffee. an ocean route from Portugal to the East,
After this we 3__ on driving for another three 6 Alan Shepard __ America's first manned space
hours. There were a lot of delays and hold ups. We rnission. He briefly __ into space on 5th May
finally 4 __ our destination at 2 p.m., and s__ 1961. In a later mission he __ golf batls on the
the rnain sights. We didn't c,__ until rnidnight. 1\ moon.
was a very tiriog da)'.


8 Write down the dates or years of six important
4a Look at the text you read in Exercise 2a again. events in your past. Give your list to a partner. Ask
Find six examples of regular past simple verbs, each other questions to {ind out what the dates
4b Write the infinitives of the verbs. What spelling
changes are there when we form the past simple of
regular verbs? Did you Slart primary school then?

.... _. __ ... _---------------


11ISTENING I 9a Underline the sentences In Track 1.800 page 170

that contain already and yet. Answer the questions.
6a DI Listen to
Alice Harker having an interview. 1 Which adverb (already or yet) do we use in
What kind of expedition does she want to join? negative sentencest
2 Does etready come beíore or alter the main verb?
6b Listen to the interview again. Tick (,1) the lhings
3 Where does yet come in the sentence?
that Alice has done.
•• Language reference and extra practice, pages 136-137
1 becn to most continents in tho world
2 done sorn lhing íor charity 9b Look at the sentences below. Eaeh has a
3 clirnbed in the Alps mistake with an adverb or time expression. Replace
(he wrong word/phrase with words {rom the box.
4 been to the Himalayas
5 climbed to (he top oí ¡\llount Everesr already before never this week yet
6 worked íor a managernent consultancy firm
1 Martin has yet clirnbed Mont 81anc twice.
2 We've interviewed five people for this expedition
so far last week.
7a DI VVcclk rorrns Usten to the sentences and 3 We've ever been to the Himalayas.
underline what the speaker says.
4 The students haven't passed the climbing c:ourse
1 t trsvelled / l've trsvelled up by Iraín )'eslerday. alreadv.
2 I slayed I l've sieyed in a hotel last night. S Mark and Susanna have been on a climbing
3 l visited I l've vlsited nearl)' every continenl in expedition once yet.
the world.
4 I c1imbed / i've clitnbed extensively in the Alps.
10a Choose the correct tense.
1 i've never been / I dkln't go in hospital before.
5 You had I You've hac1 the right mountaineering
experience. 2 I/eft / heve 'eft school when I was 16.
6 I worked I t've worked as a consultant last year. 3 I already visited / have already visited a foreign
7b listen again and repeat the sentences. 4 f fínished I heven': t/nishecl my university
studies yet.
G R A M M A R: present perfect 5 l've known 11 knew my best (riend for the las!
and past simple ten years.
6 rve never been I J never went on él plane.
8a Look at Track 1.8 on page 170. Underline the
following. 10b Change the sentences to questions. Work
with a partner to ask and answer the questions.
1 three exarnples of the past simple + a time
expression, e.g. this week Have vou ever been in hospital?

2 three exarnples oí the present perfect + a time - Ves, I weot lo hospilal wbe» f was ten.
3 two examples of
the present perfect +a time I SPEAKING I
8b Complete the rules with present perfect or past
11 a Look at these jobs. What would you nave to
do in each one?
1 Tour assistant - París, london, Rome
1 We use the __ to tafk about flnished acrions in
a time period that continues L1pto now (with time 2 Mounlain expedition assistant - Himalayas
expressions such as this week, this year). 3 FieJd trip volunreer - Amazon
2 We use the .__ to talk about finished actions al 4 Assistant travel agent - busy travel agency
a specific past time (with lime expressions such ¿¡S
yesterday, test night, {a51year, in 1999). 11 b Work wíth a partner. You are going to see if
you are suitable for the jobs in Exercise 11a.
3 We use the __ to talk about experiences in our
lives, but we don't say when rhey happened (with Student A: turn ro pilge 158.
adverbs such as nevet, evet, already, yeü, Student B: turn ro page 16'1.
Which of the four jobs would suit you best?

u~ aCI'O,~ thc bcach. It was absolutelv 11: \-Vell, l'vc visited nCMly cvery conrincnt in h. nd, ir
lhey have 100 much tirn '. Ihey sav
t rriiying. 1can tcll youl th world, and l've done a lot of climbing, we haven't organis 'd ennLl¡(h Irip~. You
l.: VVo"'! Whal an cxpcrienccl but I've nevcr done •.II1},rhing ior ch¡¡ricy can'r wrn, C~1n you?
N: Mmm, not 10 be Iorgoucn. \ /ho's ncxt? bcíorc. 1: True, and dOl", íorgct Hans, another
,\: Hi, l'm Armando 1: I scc, HaVl2 you evcr b ecn on ;11) dis;¡c!V¡lIllilg' oí giving them a 101oí free
N: Hi, Armando. cxpcduion liko this bcíorci I mcan. this lime is that they gel into trouhle, YOl/
,\: Wha:'s lile longcsI ¡oumc}' you'vc b e» challcnging? know, Ihey do stupid thinus. Look whal
on? A: Oh yeso l'vc climbcd extcnsivcly in the happericd last rime - rcrncmber thosc
N: YOLOmean. in time? Alps and l've already taken part in six studerus who slopi ¿111nighl in the park?
A: Yeah. in time. Himalayan expeditions. but I haven'r /-!: Don't remind me! ¡\elualJr rve got a iew
N: \<Vell, l'vc travelled for íour months, thrcc climbcd la thc sumrnit of Evcrest yct. suggesuons for Ibis ncxt trip.
limes. thosc trips, r visited, erm
During 1: WcH, you've h"d rhe righl rnountaineering 1: Metoo .
... Mexico, lndonesia, India and many expcriencc, Ms Harker, So that's not a 1'1:Good. Well I think we should have more
olher south-easr Asian rountrios, like problem at all, No\\', lell me something meetings wíth the studerus beíorc Ihey
Thailand and Vietnam. 1 loved Vielnam about your last job. Ieave. An advantage oí this is Iheyó get to
- the people were so Iricndly, and the ,\: Mmll), well ... I worked as a consultant know each other a 101beuer.
íood was wonderful. BUI il was a bit noisy last year, íor a managemell! cOllsultanc¡' 1: Ye,1h. Thr1l's true. Also, i,'d be J good idea
in the streets - yOLOknow, a 101of people íirrn, running tearn-building courses. 10 give the students rnaps oí the cities
travel on mororoíkos, and you hear rhcm 1: So \Vil)' did >'OU Ieave that job? ihev vi sil. I suggest we write to the tourist
everywhere. A: That isn't reallv what I want to do. I boards and ask thcrn to send LIS some.
J: Hi, rrn lacques, Errn ... what are the 1110st thought l'd try'it, but reallv, I want to H: Ve;¡h, why not? And how about asking the
popular destinations for people frOI11 your spend more time cliOlbing. i've bccn on students where (hey want to stay? Do they
eounlr)'? 1\\10 expcditions so íar this year. want 10 share a room in a cheap hotel.
N: Depends a Ioi on the group, lacques. but 1: OK, Ih31'S all very useíul. Now, ... or Si ay in il yOulh hosrel! There are IOt5 oi
rd say older people, SJy the over-fitties. possibilities.
¡he}' like 10 go !O lhe Canary Islands, and lesson 2.4, Track 1.10. 1: Veah, let's do that, Hans, lers ask thern
/'/,1ffy, Ingrid
young people prefer Ihailand, lo really gel and then they won't be able to complain
away Irom il all, Next question? 1-1:VI/e need lo think aboui the problems on latcr.
1: Hello Nadia, l'rn Torn. People sal' that the last trip so we don't ha ve thc sarne
travel broadens the mind. What are ones this vear, Lesson 2.5. Track 1.11.
the reasons why people travel, in your ,; Iagree wilh you, Hans, a 101went ",rong. Good morning. 11lC subject oí today's
opinión? The grollp never becamoa tearn, die! it? talk is the explorer Thor Heyerdahl. First
N: Hmrn, intercsung question, Tom. 1suppose They just didn't gel 011 with each other at oí all 1'11give you some background
there are lots oí reasons. Some want to inforrnation. before going on to fook al his
see new sights and explore new places, H: Yeah, sorne of them ended up haling each career, achievements and finally, his main
errn ... meet new people and experíence other, The problcm was that ihey didn't publications and awards.
diííerent cultures. I certainly wanted to know each other well enough before Ihey
Heyerdahl was born in Larvik in $oulhern
do all Ihose things. But I also wanted to Norway in 1914. He studiee! Zoology and
learo new skills, especiall}' social ski lis. 1: Yeah, 1 agree, it \Vas a biS prob!é?m
Geogrilphy al lhe Universily oí Oslo and
1wanted lo become more self·confie!enl. throughout lhe trip.
Ihen made his first expedilion to Polynesia
Oh, }'CS, and 1 \Vas also interested in H: Definiui?I}/. )'<:Iu kilO\\', another thing, they
(rom 193710 1938. Whi/e he \V<15 la~'ing in
learning a new language, or al least gening e!ie!n'l kno\V what to do if anything \Vent
Polynesia, Heyere!ahl bec:arne interested in
some knowlcdge oí an Asi,Jn langUJge. wrong, like. crm .. , rcmember \Vhen Ihey
ho\V the islands \Vere firsl inhabiteó. He had
No\\' mI' friend, Joanne, shc just wanted 10 lost Iheir eameras?
Ihe idea thm hllmans came with lhe oeean
earn some money while she was abroad, H: Hold on, Harr)', the}' die!n'l lose their
currents from the \Ves!.
to finance her sludies. BUl there are 10ls oí Cameras, Ihey were robbed. Bul why
die!n'l they go immee!iately 10 the police Now I'd like to look at his c •.•recr. Aiter
other reasons why people lrave!.
and reporl Ihe maller? We only heard giving up his study of Geogrilphy, he set out
T: Ho\V do }'ou mean, cxac(/}'?
N: Well, ho\\' can 1 pul it, erm ... some ¡¡boUI il a couplc oí da}'s (a ter, when it wa (O prove his theolies. How did he Jtlempl
100 (ate. 50, Ihey got no money from the to tesl his theories? vVel1. to begin Wilh, in
people IravellO, erm ... find lhemselvcs, 1
mean, 10 Icarn more about thcmsclves ane! insur.1nee company bCCr1LJSClhe)' didn't 1947 he built a mÍ! named ¡he Ko,}·TíkJ~ ¡¡ne!
repon the maltcr. Ihen with five companiol\S crossed from Pcru
perhaps beeome more independent, and
1-1: Well, they said (he>' \Vere ¡¡fraid lO go lo 10 Polynesi, in 101 days. The main idea he
¡US! generally to broaden thcir horizons.
One thing's for sure, Torn, if you lrave! the poi ice - Ihey didn'l think tho poi ice \Vanted to prov was Ihat Ihe cl/hures of the
ancienl \Vorlc! \Vere linkcd bv sailor, who
a long \Val' from home, for a long lime, would spcak El\glish.
you're a difíercl1l person when you relurn. 1: Thal was prelly stupid, surely. lols oí eould cross occallS, A(ter th~ tlcees oí Ihe
Kon·TIki expedilion, Heyere!¡,¡hl onlinucd
It makes you into a ... peoplc speak English there no\\'. Vou know,
the stlldenls got on my n 'rves al times to trave!. He organised th~! NorwegiJn
lesson 2.3. Track 1.8 - they \Vere always cOll1plaining. Th' Jrchaeologicill expedilioll 10 the Gal;¡pagos
/nlCrviewer, lIfice accommodalion W,15 lIO good, the hotcls Islancls in 1952, bcíore leólding all e:-:pcdition
1; Aliee Harker? Come in. Have a seat. were íor business peol>le, no! s(udents. f 10 Eas(Cr I IJnd írolll 1955 (O 19"6. In
A: Th,lI1k yOLJ. mean, il was rubbish. The hotcls \Vere fine. addition 10 this, during 1969 a"dl ( 70 h(l
1: Thanks iOr coming in today. Can 1 get you in mI' opinion. ,\nd you know whi1t rcall)' sailed I\VO more r¡¡ilS, Ra J "nd gil 2, "ero;;.
a offec? upset me, H¡¡rry? Ihe I\tlanli to sho\\' lhat ¡¡n¡;icnl Eg plian'
A: No lhanks. l've haó t\Vo cups this morning. 11: Yc,:¡h? hacl onta I \Vilh Soulh :\merica.
1: OK. Die! you have a good journey hore? 1; '!l\ey s¡¡id we tri el to do too n\lKh duríng What \ViII He)'crd"bl be relllQmbcrt!d for?
A, Ves, Ihanks. I lrav lIed up by train Ihe lrip. 'Ole}' e!idn'l have ellol/gh free Well. 1110S1 peopl beli 've his grcale~t
yesterday and 1 staycd in ¡¡ hOlel last night. lime. ,1 hievcll1cll( W;lS (he Kon· TIki Expeclition.
I'm al¡;hing a Irain ha k at half pasl 11: Well, \Ve IiIlkcd aboullhal beforc w> l'iowever, , 11 hi t"xpedilions and ideas
eleven. wen!, ho\\' Illuch (ree (ime 10 give Il\enl. h¡¡el 1\ gre:l\ inílucnce on anlhropoloS>' ;lnel
1: 11, righl, we'd bett '1 bcgin Ihen. You'vc Therc are rgumenl for alld Jgainst, aren'l ••reha olog)', M ving (In 10 his plIbli .1li ns,
appli 'd for a pla e 011 tI! ' 'SherpJ Tensing' Iherel On Ihe onu hand, giving Ihem .1 101 lhe mQSI ían'Ol!> \ ere 111" Kon·/iki
,;xpeditioll. Why do you want lO go on Ihis oí (rel! ¡¡me is good - lh 'y h,lV(' .1 chane· fxp~'((ilion, in 1946, (he R,I E.xpc·d/iiOI1" in
<!xpcdilinn! 10 explore places lhey visil. On Ih ' other 1970 and Tlw TiWis Expeditioll, in I tlO.


Find sotneone:

1 who has bcen abroad more than fivc 9 who has becn in lave more than three
times. times.
(Fitul. out tlie [irst [oreigii couritry (Fuid out wlw he or slie [irst (ell in
he or slie oisited.) lave ioitli.)

¿ who h nrl ;¡ liol idny job w ho n hc/shc l O w ho hns bccl1 Lo univcrsit.y.

a studcnt.
\01/0.5 (Fiiul. o u.t. uilicre a n.d iuliai he al' slie
(Find out ioliere he 01" slie uiorhed cuul s t u.died.)
uiluii he 01" slie dicl tliere.)

11 who mct his/her partncr (luisbarul,

~l who has evcr rcad a bouk by G rn lia m uu]«,·icnd, ct.c.) lcss í.hun Iivc
Grccne. ycars ago.
(Fiiul out what it. uias called and (Fin.d out iohere iliey met.)
urluit he al' slie tliou.gli! o] ii.)

12 who has liad more than four difTerent

4 who has be en to Lonclon. jobs.
(Fuul out what tliey lilied. most and (Fincl out uihai liis or her present job
h.atcd most abou.t it.) is o n.d. how long he 01' slie has had. it.)

5 who has Jivecl in his/her prescnt 13 who has changed a baby's nappy,
ac1clrcss Ior more th an G ycn rs. (Ash lu.m. or licr lo mime what he or
(Firul out uilien. he al' slie moved slie did.)
" I

14 who has been frightened or moved to

6 who has done something for charity. tcars by a film.
(Finil out uiluit he 01' slie did and how (Find out which [ilm and why it uias
much. money was raised.) so [riglitening al' moving.)

7 who has bcen on a dict. 15 who was punished at school.

(Find. OL¿[ uiliat sort o] diet. «n.d how! out uiluit (O,. oiul what tlie
niucli weight he 01' slie lost.) punislunent uuis.)

g wlro h;\s nl w ayx wn n tcd 1.0 he [a m o us le; w ho h;1S SCCI1 ;1 ¡!,host 01' ;1 nyin¡r,
(Fuul out iolio Iiis 01' Iier i.dol uias sauce!'.
when he 01" she toas (J. teenager.) (Find out uihen and wha.t luippened.)

32 © Pcnguin Books Ud 1<)9:;


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