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Path of
How electric power
Compliments of :
Washington EMC
reaches you
Power Plant Step-Up Substation
The Business of Inside a generating plant, water is heated to steam by Substation transformers at generating plants
nuclear reaction or fuels such as natural gas, oil and coal. increase electric energy’s pressure (voltage) so it
ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES Steam turns turbines and magnets to produce electric can move long distances over power lines that
energy. Water at hydroelectric dams also can turn turbines. transmit up to 500,000 volts.


Path of High-Voltage
High-voltage trans-
mission lines carry

electric energy over
long distances.
Insulators on the
towers prevent
energy from going
Electricity often travels long into the ground or
distances before reaching your on the structure.
Large Industrial User
home or business. Your electric Some large industries need high
cooperative buys wholesale voltage power (2,400 to 4,160 Transmission
power produced at generating volts) to run heavy machinery. Substation
facilities and distributes it They usually have a small substa-
tion outside the facility.
through substations and power
lines to consumer-members in
Transformers at high-
its system.
voltage substations
Illustration by Katherine Fowler reduce voltage to a
lower level (46,000 to
115,000 volts) suitable
Local for local use.
Transformers in medium-volt-
age neighborhood substations
reduce the voltage even more Weatherhead
to be distributed to homes and Distribution Lines Electric power passes
businesses. Your electric coop- Your cooperative’s distrib-
erative operates several of
through transformers on Residential Service
ution lines carry 7,200 to poles to reduce voltage
these substations. 14,400 volts of power. to levels for use inside
Electrical conductors
These poles may also hold farms, schools, small Delivery Main
telephone and cable TV electrical

businesses and homes Kilowatt-hour
lines. In some areas, distri- (120/240 volts). meter panel
Farms bution lines are in under-
ground conduits.
Homes To household
Small Businesses circuits

Area enlarged

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