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Divisible and Indivisible Obligations - when each debtor may be held liable for the entire

 Divisible Obligations- those which have as their obligation.

object a prestation which is susceptible of partial
accomplishment without changing the essence -Defenses: ART. 1222
of the obligation.
1. Defenses derived from the nature of the
 Indivisible Obligations- those which have as obligation .
their object a prestation which is not susceptible
to partial fulfilment, otherwise, the essence of 2. Defenses that are personal to him, or pertain to
the obligation will be changed. his own share.
- Divisibility of an obligation – pertains to the
performance of the prestation which constitutes the 3. Defenses with respect to those which personally
object of the obligation belong to the others, only as regards that part of the debt
- Divisibility of the things or prestation- pertains to the for which the latter are responsible.
prestation itself. (the thing to be delivered)
- Art. 1221.
-Thing is indivisible when – if separated into parts, its
essence is changed or its value is decreased If the thing has been lost or if the prestation
disproportionately. has become impossible without the fault of the solidary
-Thing is divisible when- if separated into parts, its debtors, the obligation shall be extinguished.
essence is not changed or its value is not decreased.
- it must be possible to If there was fault on the part of any one of
reconstruct the thing itself into its condition prior to the them, ALL shall be responsible to the creditor, for the
division by uniting the different parts into which it had price and the payment of damages and interest, without
been divided. prejudice to their action against the guilty or negligent
1. Quantitative- the thing can be materially divided into If through a fortuitous event, the thing is
parts and such parts are homogenous to each other. (Ex: lost or the performance has become impossible after
1000 has. land may be divided into parts) one of the solidary debtors has incurred in delay through
the judicial or extrajudicial demand upon him by the
2. Qualitative- the thing can me materially divided into creditor, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall
part and such parts are not exactly homogenous. (Ex: apply.2
Inheritance- real or personal)
JOINT - no creditor can act in
3. Ideal or intellectual- when the thing can only be representation of the others, and second, that no debtor
separated into ideal or undivided parts, not material parts can be compelled to answer for the liability of the others.
(Ex: Co-ownership)
 Joint and at the same time divisible

ART. 1208:
Art. 1223
Each creditor can demand only for the
Gen. Rule: The creditor cannot be compelled partially to payment of his proportionate share of the credit,
receive the prestation in which the obligation consists; while each debtor can be held liable only for the
the debtor cannot be required to make partial payments. payment of his proportionate share of the debt.

Exceptions:  Joint and at the same time indivisible

1. When the obligation stipulated the contrary ART. 1209:

2. When the different prestations constituting the If there are two or more debtors, the
objects of the obligation are subject to different terms and fulfillment of or compliance with the
conditions; and obligation requires the concurrence of all of
the debtors, although each for his own share
3. When the obligation is in part liquidated and in If there are two or more creditors, the
part unliquidated. concurrence or collective act of all the creditors,
although each for his own share, is also necessary
for the enforcement of the obligation.

- When there is only one creditor and one debtor, the ART. 1224.
divisibility or indivisibility of obligation is of little A joint indivisible obligation gives rise to
significance. indemnity for damages from the time anyone of the
debtors does not comply with his undertaking. The
-When there is plurality of creditors and debtors, effect debtors who may have been ready to fulfill their
of divisible or indivisible character of the obligation shall promises shall not contribute to the indemnity beyond
depend whether obligation is joint or solidary. the corresponding portion of the price of the thing or of
the value of the service in which the obligation consists.
Solidary- governed by Art. 1211 to Art. 1222
ART. 1225: - obligee can recover not only penalty but also the
damages or interests resulting from the breach of the
Definite things and those not susceptible of partial principal obligation.
performance shall not be deemed indivisible.
ART. 1228:

When the obligation has for its object the execution of If penalty is fixed by contracting parties, proof of actual
number of days of work, accomplishment of work in damages suffered by the injured party is not necessary in
metrical units, shall be divisible. – Obligations to do order that penalty may be demanded.

Even if physically divisible, but the law or stipulation of However, if exceptions in Art 1226 is applicable, in order
parties provide otherwise, it shall be indivisible. to recover damages in addition to penalty, amount of
damages must be proved.
Obligations to give- divisible or indivisible nature of the
thing. ART. 1229:

Obligations not to do- shall depend upon the character of Judge may reduce the penalty:
the prestation in each particular case.
1. If the principal obligation has been partly complied
Section 6- Obligations with a penal clause 2. if the principal obligation has been irregularly
complied with
- one which has an accessory undertaking for the purpose 3. if the penalty is iniquitous or unconscionable even if
of insuring its performance by virtue of which the obligor there has been no performance.
is bound to pay a stipulated indemnity of perform a
stipulated prestation in case of breach. CHAPTER 2: Nature and effect of obligations:

Purpose: ART. 1163:

1. Funcion coercitiva o de garantia – insure performance Obligation to give:

of the obligation. A. Determinate
B. Generic or indeterminate
2. Funcion liquidatoria- liquidation of damages to be
awarded to the injured party in case of breach of the - Diligence of a good father
principal obligation Exception:

3. Funcion estrcitamente penal- to punish obligor in case - when the law or stipulation of parties requires
of breach of the principal obligation. otherwise.

Kinds of Penalty: Moment the obligation to give arises:

1. Origin a. Contracts- upon its perfection

a. Legal – constituted by law b. Law, quasi-contract, quasi-delict, criminal
b. Conventional- constituted by the agreement of the offenses- provisions of the CC and special laws creating
parties or regulating it.

2. Purpose:
a. Compensatory- indemnifying damages Nature of right over the fruits:
b. Punitive- punishing the obligor
a. Personal right ( jus ad rem)- a right pertaining to a
3. Effect: person to demand from another, as a defi nite passive
a. Subsidiary- only one penalty may be demanded in subject, the fulfi llment of a prestation to give, to do or
case of breach of the obligation not to do.’’
b. Joint- injured party may demand enforcement of
both penalty and principal obligation. b. Real right (jus in re) - right pertaining to a person
over a specifi c thing, without a passive subject
ART. 1226 individually determined against whom such right may be
personally enforced
Gen. Rule: Penalty (enforced when it is demandable)
substitutes the indemnity for damages. Penalty is fixed by Rights of creditor in determinate obligations:
the contracting parties.
1. To compel specific performance
Exceptions: 2. To recover damages for breach of the obligation
1. When there is a stipulation to the contrary
2. When the obligor is sued for refusal to pay the agreed Rights of the creditor in generic obligations:
3. When the obligor is guilty of fraud. 1. To ask for performance of the obligation
2. To ask that the obligation be complied with at the
expense of the debtor.
3. To recover damages for breach of the obligation
Obligations of the debtor in determinate obligations:

1. To perform the obligations specifically

2. To take care of the thing with the proper diligence of a
good father of a family
3. To deliver all accessions and accessories of the thing,
even though they may not have been mentioned.
4. To be liable in case of breach of obligation by reason
of delay, fraud, negligence or contravention of tenor

Obligations of the debtor in indeterminate


1. To deliver the thing which is neither of superior or

inferior quality
2. To be liable for damages in case of breach of the
obligation by reasons of delay, fraud, negligence or
contravention of the tenor thereof.

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