North Dakota Democratic Nonpartisan League 2020 DRAFT Delegate Selection Plan

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NORTH DAKOTA DEMOCRATIC-NPL DELEGATE SELECTION PLAN For THE 2020 Democratic NATIONAL CONVENTION ISSUED BY THE NorTH DAKOTA Democraric-NPL North Dakota Democratic-NPL Delegate Selection Plan For the 2020 Democratic National Convention Table of Contents |. Introduction & Description of Delegate Selection Process, A. introduction. B. Description of Delogate Process. C. Voter Participation. Il. Presidential Candidates. ‘A Ballot Access, B. Other Requirements... IIL Selection of Delegates and Alternate... AA District Level Delegates and Alternates... 1B. Automatic Delegates... . Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates, D. At-Large Delegates and Alternate: . Replacement of Delegates and Alternates. IV. Selection of Standing Committee Members... 2h A. Introduction. z B. Standing Commitoe Member. 2 V._ Delegation Chair and Convention Pages... 2h A Introduction... 4 B. Delegation Chair 25 ©. Convention Pages. 25 Presidential Electors, 28 ‘A Introduction 225; 8. Selection of Presidential Eloctor, 25 ©. Affirmation. 8 VII. General Provisions and Procedural Guarantee 26 Vill. Affrmative Action Plan and Outreach & Inclusion Program. 29 A Statement of Purpose and Organization.. B, Representation Goals.. oe C. Efforts to Educate on the Delegate Selection Process. a D. Efforts to Publicize the Delegate Selection Process. E. Obligations of Presidential Candidates to Maximize Participation, 35 F. Outreach and Inclusion Program... 1X Challenges. ‘A. dursdiction and Standing, : B. Challenges tothe Status of the State Party and Challenges tothe Plan... C. Challenges to Implementation, X Summary of Plan. ‘A Soleton of Delegates and Atomates... B, Selection of Standing Committee Members. C. Selection of Delegation Chair and Convention Pages... D. Selection of Presidential Elector. E. Presidential Fling Deadine. F. Firehouse Caucus Poling Locations. . Timetable. ‘Atachments tothe Delegate Selection Plan

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