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Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300- to 1500-mm Diameter AASHTO Designation: M 294-08 b aA. 13. 14, SCOPE This specification covers the requitements and mechods of tests for corrugated polyethylene (PE) Dipe, couplings, and fittings tor use in sutiaee and subsurface drainage applications, ‘Nominal sizes of 360 19 1500 mum are inclnded, Materials, workmanship, dimensions, pipe stifinoss, environmental stress snack resistanve, joining systems, brittleness, and form of markings are specified. Cornsgated polvetlylene pipe is intended for surface and subsarface dysinage applications where soil provides support to its flexibte walls, Its major use is i collect o7 couvey drainage water by open grsvity flow, 2s culvedts, storm desing ete Note 1—When potyethylens pine is to be used in Jocations where the ends may he exposed, consideration skould be given to protection al the exposed portions dus 10 combust tility of the polyethylene and the deteriorating effects of prolonged exposure uy ultraviolet radiation This specification docs not inclucc requirements for bedding, backfli or earth cover tond Suecessfal performance of this produet depends upon proner type of bedding ard backfill. and care in installaion, ‘The structural design of corrugarcd polyethylene pipe and the proper installation procedures are yiven iu AASHTO'S LRED Bridge Design Specifications, Section 12, aud LERD Bridge Construction Specifications, Section 34, respectively. Upon request of the user for engineer, the manutactarer shall provice profile wall section detail required for a fal engineering evaluation ‘The following precautionary caveat pertains onty to the test method porsion, Section 9.4 of this specification. This standard dees ned warport ta address ali of the sofeiy concerns, ifany, assaciaiod with ie use. I isthe responsibility of the user af this standard ia establish appropriate ‘safety anc helt practices ancl determine the applicability uf regulatory limitations prior to use, REFERENCED DOCUMENTS: 24. AASHTO Standards: R16, Regulatory Information for Chemicals Used in AASHTO Tests Ml AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Spccifwcations AASHTO LAFD Bridge Design Specifications Standard Spocificatians for Highway Bridges TS M231 RASHTO 22 at 32, 3.3, 3. 3.5 36. a7. 3.8, ASTM Standants L618, Conditioning Plastics and Flectrical Insulating Muverials for Testine 1D 638, Standard Test Method for Tensibe Properties of Plastics D883, Terms Relating to Plastics ‘D L698, Environmontal Stress Cracking of Ethylene Plasties D 1928, Practice for Preparation of Casnpression- Molded Patyeth ‘Test Specimens D 2122, Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastic Pipe and Finings m1 2412, Deserinination of Extemal Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pips by Parallel-Plate Loading 1.2494, Tes: for Tmpaet Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and Titings by Meaas of a Tup Falling Weighs) BD 3212, Joinus Zor Drain and Sever Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastoreriv Seals m1 3350, Standard Specifiestion for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials wm D218, Stendard Test Method for Dete-mination of Carbon Black Content in Polyethylene ‘Componnds By the Mufifle-Furnace Techmgue. m 1539%, Standard Test Method for Evehuation of Sarees Cruck Resistance of Polyolefin (Geamembranes Using Noxched Constant Teasile Load Test mF A412, Terms Relating to Plastic Piping Systems mF 477, Elastomeric Seals (Gaskes) for Joining Plastic Pipe mF 2136, Standard Test Method for Notched Constant Ligament-Sitess (NCLS) Test é@ Determine Slow-Crack-Growih Resistance of HDPE Resins or HDPE Cocregated Pipe TERMINOLOGY “The terninciogy used in this standard is in accordance with the definitions given in ASTM D 883. and ASTM F 412 unless otherwise specified cevtck—any break or split thal extends through the wal crease—an imeoverable indentation, generally associated with wall telling. buckling —any reverse curvature 0° degormetion in Une pipe wall that ceduces the lond-eareying capability of the pipe. Any decrease or dowawerd deviation in the pipe stificgs test curve shall be ‘considered a wall-buckling point, polyethylene (PE plastics ~plastics based on polymers made with etaylene as essentially the sole suanomer (ASTM D833). reworked plawie—A plastic from a provessor’s own production chat has been reground, pelletized, ‘or solvated after having heen previously procossed by molding, exicusion, ete. (ASTM D 883), virgin polpeahylene material—PE plastic material i the form of pects, gromules, powder, ilo, or liquid that has not heen subject to use or processing otier dian requived for inital manufacmn slow crack growth & pheaeruenon by which a sess cruck may form. A strcss crack i am external or internal czack in plastic caused by tensile strosse less than it shor-timme siechanical strength, Tse M2962 AASHTO 38, delamination. —A separation botween the inner Finer and outer costugaled wall of Type S pine as svideneed by » visbic cap extending completely through at Teast one corrugation valley at ny point srouad the eireurnference of the pips. For Type D pipe, delannination is a separation of the inner and outer wall as evidenced by a visible gap enteuding completely between the internal supports and inaer or outer wall at ary point arnund the circumference ofthe pipe 4. ‘CLASSIFICATION 44 ‘The corrugsied polyethylene pipe covered by this specification is classified a8 follows: ait. Fype C—This pipe shall have a full circular cross section, with a corrugated surface both inside and outside. Conmagalions shall be anu. 4A Type CP—This pipe shall be Type C with perforations, 412. ‘Type S—This pipe shail have a full ciroulur cross section, with an euter co-rugated pipe wall aid 3 smooth inner finer. Corugstions stall be wala 4424, Type SP—1his pipe shall be Type 8 with perforations 413. ‘DHpe D—This pipe shall consist of an essentially smooth inner wall:liner braced cireumterentially or spirally with projections or ribs joined to an essentially smooth outer wall. 443.4. ‘Type DP—This pipe shall he Type D with perforations. 42, ‘Two classes ef perforations ave as described in Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2. 5 ORDERING INFORMATION 5A Orders using this specification shall include the following information as necessary to adequately descnbe the desired preduct, Bad AASHTO designation and year of ise; 5Az, Type of pipe (Section 4.1); 5.1.3. Diameter and fougth requited, either total length of Ieugth of each piece and muniser of pisces; 544 Number of couplings: BAS. Class of perforations {Classis Furnished if nt spociied) Section 7.3); and 5.1.6. Certification, if desired (Soction 12.1). Ts-4b ~ M2643, AASHTO.

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