Assignment 1 - FPD 6

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TERM: 2 WEEKS: 1 YEAR LEVEL: 4 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: English (Simple Narrative Planning)

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Culture Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

 Each student will have access to an iPad (1 iPad per student)
 Students are familiar with the ICT tools which are used throughout this lesson, therefore no time is spent ‘teaching’ students
- Limited familiarising with the ICT tools is taken place, however QR codes are used to assist students by linking directly to ‘How to’ guides for each ICT tool used –
this allows students to remind themselves how to use the apps if they feel necessary throughout the tasks
 Students are familiar with saving, collaborating and sharing with iPads in small groups, whole class and individually
- As students are familiar with the ‘sharing’ ICT tool of Padlet, they will upload their product to Padlet after they have finished each task.
o This enables all work to be located in the same spot during the consecutive lessons
o Allows peer sharing – allows students to be exposed to others’ work and ideas
 Access to interactive whiteboard (teacher)

Purpose of Lessons:
This Forward Planning Document (FPD) is based on a Year 4 English curriculum.
It develops aspects from the SCSA curriculum link of:
 Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings (ACELT1794)
 Discuss how authors and illustrators make stories exciting, moving and absorbing and hold readers’ interest by using various techniques, for example character development and
plot tension (ACELT1605)
 Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating
increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1694)
 Use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements (ACELY1697)

It aims to develop the understanding and ability to create authentic and creative narrative stories with real-life meaning. Students focus on the curriculum content of developing
characters and storylines to make their writing more interesting, as well as using language features such as adjectives to deepen descriptions. Plot tension is also a focus within this FPD
and is also used to develop more interesting stories. The genre these students will focus on in this plan is the genre of ‘fantasy,’ however this can be altered and adapted to any genre of
narrative writing.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week: 1 Create literary Checklist Introduction/Motivation (10-15 minutes)

Lesson: 1 texts by 1. Objective 1:  Teacher Based - Character game (to introduce the importance of using Character Game
developing List at least 10 adjectives Ability to use adjectives to adjectives to create images for readers). Displayed on interactive
describing their designed assist in describing a  whiteboard.
storylines, Teacher has game displayed on the whiteboard – there are pictures of nine
character, by creating a created character.
characters and different characters/people numbered 1-9.
word cloud using Word Students will create a word
settings Cloud (iPad tool). cloud, with the inclusion of  Teacher chooses one character (does not reveal to students) – may write
(ACELT1794) adjective words (only) their choice on a piece of paper for proof.
describing their created  Teacher gives clues to the students as to which one they chose – using
Discuss how character (to begin adjectives (e.g. to describe a character with big muscles, teacher may say,
authors and character development). ‘my character is extremely strong’).
illustrators make  Teacher continues to give clues (adjectives to describe the character) until
stories exciting, 2. Objective 2:
Record at least two Ability to develop students guess the correct character.
moving and
characteristics of each of characteristics for their  Student Based – Students complete same activity with their pair sitting next
absorbing and
the categories (likes, created character, through to them. Final Product Example
hold readers’ dislikes, family/friends, the use of a mind map. Character Avatar.
 Teacher presents an example of final product expected – (presents their
interest by using hobbies), by using Simple Students will develop a Adjective Word Cloud.
own character they created with a word cloud of adjectives describing
various Mind (iPad tool) to character by adding Character mind map.
techniques, for develop their character. characteristics to a mind Audio for character.
example map, satisfying given - Inform students of the task and what is expected of them
character requirements of what must - Display a success criteria on the board Success Criteria
development and be included.
Body (35-40 minutes) – Student Based
plot tension
3. Objective 3:  Students will use Chibi Studio (iPad tool) to create their own main character iPad
Record at least three Ability to translate their of their fantasy narrative. 1 per student.
audio recordings, with chosen characteristics into - With consideration to the type of mood, emotion and persona they
ChatterKid (iPad tool), audio recordings to want their character to portray.
describing characteristics enhance their development
- Save to camera roll.
of their character, using of the character.
first person. Students will create various - Upload to Padlet (iPad tool).
audio, talking as their  Students will use Word Clouds (iPad tool) to create a word cloud of
character and describing adjectives describing their main character and focusing on character
their characteristics. development with the inclusion of–
Anecdotal Notes
- Appearance
Anecdotal notes may be
taken throughout the - Emotions
lesson to assist teacher in - Mood
understanding which - Character traits
students are independently
completing tasks quickly Using their created main character avatars as visual stimulus to assist them.
and which students need - Save to camera roll.
additional support for - Upload to Padlet (iPad tool).
further lesson. These notes  Students will use Simple Mind (iPad tool) to create a mind map all about
may be used to plan groups
their character. This may include:
or focus teaching on
particular concepts through - Likes
explicit teaching. - Dislikes
Anecdotal notes may be - Family/friends
taken on student peer - Hobbies
feedback. - Traditions
- Nationality
- Other additional characteristics
 Students will use ChatterKid (iPad tool) to record audio for their main
- Speak in first person (i.e. ‘Hi, my name is _____ and I like to _______’)
- Include:
o Their name
o A description of their appearance
o Their job/status
o Their hobbies and interests
o Where they are from
- Save to camera roll.
- Upload to Padlet (iPad app).

Learner Diversification:
 Extended students
QR Codes
- QR Codes distributed around the classroom with links to instructional
QR codes distributed
videos on how to use each ICT tool, lesson step-by-step instructions around the classroom.
and websites to assist with ideas – to allow students to work ahead of
the class independently
- Early finishers –
o Students will use PicCollage (iPad tool) to create a collage
with different fantasy characters they may use in their
narrative writing.
o Share their created character with a partner.
o Create additional audio for their character.
 Low-level students
- QR Codes distributed around the classroom with links to instructional
videos on how to use each ICT tool, lesson step-by-step instructions
and websites to assist with ideas
o To allow students to work at their own pace
o To allow students to visualise step-by-step how to use the
ICT tools
- Work closely with teacher in a small group – teacher will step-by-step
go through each task to be completed, with assistance where

Conclusion (10 minutes) – Student Based

 Students share their work in small groups of approximately 2 or 3. To their
group, students should:
- Identify at least 5 adjectives they used to describe their created
- Display their created character to their group
- Listen to their audio recordings for their character as a group
 Group members should provide constructive feedback to their peer. This
may include:
- Something they did well
- Something they could have done differently, with a suggestion
Week: 1 Create literary texts Checklist Introduction (15 minutes) – Teacher and Student Based
Lesson: 2 by developing 1. Objective 1:  Briefly touch on prior knowledge of the ‘narrative structure’
storylines, Collect eight images, by Collection of eight images. - Introduction, Climax (Problem), Resolution (Solution), Conclusion Story Cube
characters and photographing different Ability to satisfy  Use ‘Story Cube’ to engage students in creative thinking and sharing of Large story cube for
settings objects which satisfy a requirements. whole class activity.
(ACELT1794) given requirement. Students will, in pairs, take
photos of objects which - Students together create a dice and fill in these details of character, Interactive Whiteboard
Plan, draft and satisfy particular setting, problem, climax, resolution and conclusion as spoken about at
publish imaginative, requirements. Students will the beginning of the lesson
informative and use two of these objects to - The dice is passed along to each student to roll – the side which the
persuasive texts include and develop in their dice lands on instructs that student to present and idea for that aspect
containing key narrative writing.
of a story.
information and
supporting details 2. Objective 2: Example: I roll it and land on ‘character’, I must add a sentence or
for a widening Produce at least one slide Inclusion of at least one feature about the character of the imagined story – teacher records
range of audiences, for each narrative storyboard slide per these ideas on the interactive whiteboard.
demonstrating structure (introduction, structural feature. - If the dice lands on the same side, that student develops that aspect
increasing control climax, resolution) on Ability to develop ideas and from the previous ideas.
over text structures their storyboard, by using express higher order  Watch instructional video Instructional Video
and language Explain Everything (iPad thinking when creating
- Based on lesson task and what is expected
features tool). each storyboard slide.
(ACELY1694) Students will create a
storyboard with the Body (Part 1 – Collecting Ideas) (25 minutes) – Student Based iPad
inclusion of given criteria.  Outside activity - with a partner, students take eight photos, satisfying the 1 between each pair.
requirements listed.
Rubric Scale: - Something that begins with the letter ‘S.’
3. Objective 3: - Something that contains a double consonant.
Create a mind map, with Inclusion of all required - Something that is related to food.
the inclusion of at least features/information. - Something that contains three syllables.
three descriptions per Ability to describe each
- Something that is used in the playground.
simple narrative feature, feature in relation to their
using Simple Mind (iPad own storyline. - Something natural.
tool). Students will create a - Something that is alive.
planning mind map with - Something that contains two vowels.
ideas for their narrative, Students must include at least two of these objects they took photos of
satisfying the criteria. in their fantasy narrative writing. They may alter/adjust the object – for
example, a ‘Staircase’ may become a flying staircase that leads to a
floating land in their fantasy narrative.
Upload to Padlet (iPad tool).

 Return inside - Students use Simple Mind (iPad tool) to create a planning iPad
mind map with ideas for their narrative - inclusion of simple narrative 1 per student.
- Characters
- Setting
- Problem
- Resolution

Include a list of the eight photos of objects taken. Students must choose
two to include in their writing.
- Save to camera roll.
- Upload to Padlet (iPad tool).

Body (Part 2 – Storyboard Creation) (15 minutes)– Student Based

 Students will use Explain Everything (iPad tool) to create multiple slides of a
story board for their fantasy narrative, using their mind map to assist them.
They will (at least) create a slide showing/describing the:
- Introduction
- Climax (Problem)
- Resolution (Solution)

Save to camera roll.

Upload to Padlet (iPad tool).

Learner Diversification
 Extended students – QR Codes
QR codes distributed
- QR Codes distributed around the classroom with links to instructional
around the classroom.
videos on how to use each ICT tool, lesson step-by-step instructions
and websites to assist with ideas – to allow students to work ahead of
the class independently
- May include additional slides such as the:
o Rising action (lead up to the climax)
o Falling action (declination of the problem into the solution)
o Conclusion
o Any additional actions
- Include additional ideas on Simple Mind (mind map iPad tool) for
o Significant objects
o Language consideration
 Low-level students –
- Teacher will work closely in small group and give assistance where
- QR Codes distributed around the classroom with links to instructional
videos on how to use each ICT tool, lesson step-by-step instructions
and websites to assist with ideas
o To allow students to work at their own pace
o To allow students to visualise step-by-step how to use the
ICT tools

Conclusion (5 minutes)
 With the partner students were previously given during outside activity Google Forms Survey
- Complete Google form, answering questions.
- These questions will be based upon the lesson tasks:
o Which images they took to satisfy which requirement
o How did having taken photos and include real-life objects
help to develop the story?
o What are the structural features of a simple narrative?
Week: 1 Discuss how Rubric Scale Introduction (10 minutes) – Teacher Based
Lesson: 3 authors and 1. Objective 1:  Teacher – walk into or around the classroom, yelling “I can’t believe it! This
illustrators make Propose at least 10 ways Number of ways to “SHOW’ isn’t fair!” Wave your arms about and pace across the room with your eyes
stories exciting, to “SHOW” a given the given emotion. squinted.
moving and emotion rather than Ability to “SHOW” rather
 Ask students how they thought you were feeling when you were walking
absorbing and hold “TELL,” by adding to a than “TELL” the emotion –
readers’ interest by class Padlet (iPad tool). quality of idea. around the classroom? How did they know?
using various Students will, in pairs, be - Responses recorded on the interactive whiteboard Interactive whiteboard
techniques, for given an emotion and must  Discuss – ‘Show, Don’t Tell’ – this helps to create plot tension
example character propose and develop ways
development and to “SHOW” this emotion
plot tension rather than “TELL,” to make Body (Part 1 – ‘Show, Don’t Tell’ – Building Plot Tension) (15 minutes) – Student iPad
(ACELT1605) it more interesting to read Based 1 between each group
about – developing plot  Students in groups of approx. 3 of three.
Plan, draft and tension. - Each group is provided with an ‘emotion’ or scenario
publish imaginative,
 Students will use Padlet (iPad tool) as a group to record ways to ‘SHOW’ this
informative and 2. Rubric
persuasive texts Develop a cohesive Objective 2: emotion rather than ‘TELL.’ – All students will add to the same Padlet,
containing key narrative storyline, with Inclusion of planning tasks. recording multiple ideas to share with the class.
information and the inclusion of character Ability to formulate a  Teacher – choose two groups to show and explain their ‘SHOW’ of the
supporting details and plot tension, by storyline through the use of emotion they were given
for a widening creating a short planning products.  All groups’ work will be saved on the class Padlet for students to refer back
range of audiences, movie/trailer, using Ability to develop the main
demonstrating iMovie (iPad tool). character to make the story
increasing control more interesting  Individually – students will develop their plot by adding ‘SHOW’
over text structures Ability to develop plot description/ideas to their previous story boards.
and language tension to build up to the
features problem and create a more
(ACELY1694) interesting story. Body (Part 2 – Construction of iMovie/Putting planning together) (25 minutes) – iPad
Students will create an Student Based 1 per student.
Use a range of iMovie to showcase their  Students use iMovie (iPad tool) to create a short movie/trailer to their
software narrative storyline in a fantasy narrative with the inclusion of all their planning from previous
including word proc cohesive way with the lessons. It should include:
essing programs to development of characters - Main character avatar
construct, edit and and plot tension to make
- Main character adjective word cloud
publish the story more interesting.
written text, and Students will use all of their - Main character audio
select, edit and planning from previous - Main character development mindmap (all about character mindmap)
place visual, print lessons to create an iMovie - At least 1 slide for each narrative structure feature (i.e. introduction,
and audio displaying their story. climax (problem), resolution (solution))
elements - Two significant objects (chosen from out of their ten photos taken)
Save to camera roll.
Upload to Padlet (iPad tool).
Learner Diversification
 Extended students
- QR Codes distributed around the classroom with links to instructional
videos on how to use each ICT tool, lesson step-by-step instructions
and websites to assist with ideas – to allow students to work ahead of
the class independently
 Low-level students
- QR Codes distributed around the classroom with links to instructional
videos on how to use each ICT tool, lesson step-by-step instructions
and websites to assist with ideas
o To allow students to work at their own pace
o To allow students to visualise step-by-step how to use the
ICT tools

Conclusion (10 minutes)

 Students will, in groups of approximately 4, present their iMovie to their
 Students should include:
- A description of their character
- A brief overview of the storyline
- There two significant objects they used from their images taken
- Any other interesting information they would like to share

Future Lessons
Following these three consecutive lessons, some further lesson ideas include:
 Presenting/watching all students’ iMovies and providing students with constructive feedback which they may use to enhance their character, setting and plot tension.
 Writing their fantasy narrative – using their iMovie and planning as visual aids.
 Further developing their storyline by creating additional storyboard slides to add more detail
 Write a script and create their narrative story using Green Screen (iPad tool)

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