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Release Notes

Version 8.2.0 as of Feb 2017

Fixed an issue with Thumbnail view for tutor login
Improved Citrix's client handler
Improved Remote logon option for Win8 & Win10
Fixed an issue with displaying Novell username
Improved Group Manager ( Group with usernames)
Improved temporary lock policy
Fixed an issue with displaying Windows apps icon
Fixed an issue with Logfile Viewer
Fixed an issue with Thin Client session handler
Fixed an issue with Exhibit on Mac
Improved Discovery option
Added an option to enter multiple Terminal Server entries
Fixed an issue with protected Web policy for tutor login
Improved Lock Screen option on Mac
Fixed an issue with "Disable remote screen saver and power management when connected" option for Mac
Improved Launch application
Improved Thumbnail view if more than item has same friendly name
Improved Key Sequence manager to handle Print Screen, Shift+F10 & Windows key
Fixed an issue with displaying screen capture & video
Fixed an issue with DisableSASLib option for Fullscreen Demo
Fixed an issue with Webpolicy for not sending notification event

Version 8.1.18 as of May 2016

Improved Group restrictions
Improved Dynamic groups for Win8 & Win10
Added an option to add AD members into group security list
Fixed an issue with Launch application
Fixed an issue with Exhibit client display list
Fixed an issue with watch window for Terminal server's thin client
Improved groups with usernames
Fixed an issue with Registry policy
Fixed an issue with Key sequence manager
Improved fetch log option
Improved send files option to send subfolders
Fixed an issue with Remote deployment tool

Version 8.1.16 as of March 2016

Improved Registry policy to block drives
Fixed an issue with End Demo if ABTutor is not minimised
Removed user access to all captured screens and videos
Improved Exhibit
Fix for Privacy policy
Improved Thumbnail view
Fixes for Record policy
Added drag and drop functionality on thumbnail view
Improved policy handler on Right hand widget
Improved Launch functionality
Fix for Application block policy
Fix for Mute policy
Improved Group properties manager
Improved MSI installer
Fix for keyword monitor policy with duplicate screen recording

Version 8.1.14 as of Dec 2015

Many More Thumbnail View fixes
Fixes for Winlogon and Dismissing AUPs
Fixes for Drive Block policy
Added a Caps‐Lock indicator to some fields
Greatly improved file transfer speed and reliablity
Fix for Exporting captured video
Fix for an issue fetching log files
Fix for an issue that caused Tutor access to see all Terminal Server
Fix for Lock screen flickering issue
Fix for Tutor policy permissions
Fix for Privacy Status reporting
Fix for adding Usernames to a Group
Fixes for an Status Window
Fix for Demo with multiple monitors
Fix for Setting alias and Deleting aliased Clients
Fix for an issue with Watch and High Resolutions
Fix for Installer not setting password
Fixes for Watch ‐ Blank Screen on Windows
Fixes for Launch on Windows and OS X
Fix for Detecting Mac Addresses in OS X
Fix for License issue in OS X
Fix for Touchpad related crash in OS X
Added resize handle for Demo area on OS X
Fixes for Remote Deployment Utility

Version 8.1.12 as of Oct 2015

Many Thumbnail View fixes
Added Slider to Watch compression quality in Settings
v8 Push update now cleans up old files
Fixed an issue with removing Policies on Multiple Computers
Users now show up for each computer they are logged in on
Fixed the loading of large AD import
Many settings now take effect immediately and will notify you if not
Improved Log Fetching progress clarity
New Windows Logon method that does not emulate keypresses
Fix for "‐g" startup flag not setting group for Admin
Added "Allow Proxy Bypass" option from XML to Settings
Fixes for Ctrl+Alt+Del and Lockout Control clashing
Fixes for Multiple Sessions on the same Host
Demo interface fixes
Improvements to Launch
Added Sleep and Hibernate options to Shutdown
Added Connect and Disconnect to more Right‐Click menus
Improvements to Keyboard Logging, Lock and Mute Policies
Fixed issue with Dynamic Groups not connecting
Fixes for Discovery and Dynamic Groups for OS X
Changes to window behaviour for OS X
Fixed Password Injection on OS X Installer and tool
Various Stability and performance fixes

Version 8.1.10 as of Aug 2015

Added option to set interval between connection attempts
Added ability to navigate captured video by dragging the progress bar
Streamlined storing lock messages
Enabled Auto‐update option
Improved group selection
Fixed issue with screen capture policy's video splitting
Fixed not minimising during demo option
Fixed issue with Terminal Server clients
Improved finding clients via Discovery
Fixed issues with key sequence manager
Fixed issue with policy creation and deletion

Version 8.1.8 as of July 2015

Enabled status window
Added gridview option for watching multiple computers
Added ability to export poll/exam results to csv
Added option to turn off clipboard sharing
Remote logon issue fixed
Improved file transfer
Fixed issue with system action policy
Fixed issue with MSI installer
Fixed issue with licence activation
Improved thumbnail view
Improved connection issues with client
Fixed issue with OSX watch window
Fixed issue with Terminal servers and Citrix client connection
Improved discovery and group selection
Fixed issue with mute policy
Fixed issue with Log file viewer

Version 8.1.6 as of June 2015

Improved Main ListView item selection
Improved Client Connection password
Fixed issue with Terminal Server, Citrix Xen & VDI
Fixed issue with Active Directory group import
Fixed issue with keys in Watch window
Added Mac OSX support
Fixed issue with Internet block policy
Improved client maintenance
Improved key sequence manager
Improved group restrictions

Version 8.1.4 as of June 2015

Fixed issue with Client Connection password
Fixed issue with Thumbnail refresh
Updated ABTutor user guide
Fixed issue with client update
Optimized group creation

Version 8.1.2 as of June 2015

Fixed issue with Citrix VDI
Updated ABTutor user guide
Removed Beta timeout
Fixed issue with registry settings

Version 8.1.0 as of June 2015

Fixed issue in Client Maintenance upgrade
Fixed issue in collecting files from multiple computers
Fixed issue to messages in Exam module
Fixed issue with licensing via Internal Licence Server
Various cosmetic updates
Added the ability to use arrow keys when viewing remote screens

Version 8.0.7 as of May 2015

Fixed with crash when connecting to large number of clients
Groups and Policies ordered alphabetically
Changes to policy management in Tutor mode
Fixed CAD block on Windows 8

Version 8.0.6 as of May 2015

Fixed issue with Mac client storing connection password
Fixed issue with upgrading client from 7.3.6 in client maintenance
Fixed issue with client connection lost after updating
Fixed issue with command prompt previous history only showing per computer and not global
Fixed issue with freezing when disconnecting from client during watch
Fixed issue with long alias names
Version 8.0.5 as of May 2015
Added a 'remove alias' on right click of client
Removed 'poll clients' option from tools, settings, advanced as it only applied to v6 and earlier
Changed chat focus to message box rather than computer name
Fixed error where thumbnail view items were stacking on group change
Fixed delete button on question poll
Added 'Power On' on right panel
Added 'delete' option to log files when event selected
Added the ability to make Ctrl+Enter send commands in the command prompt window
Fixed options for %DESKTOP% and %MYDOCUMENTS% in launch
Fixed issue with v8 upgrading a network xml.

Version 8.0.4 as of April 2015

Corrected colour focus when clicking away from group list
Improved the audio settings dialogue on client during audio chat
Fixed folder locations for all settings
Fixed error when creating a 0 minute policy (wasn't applying)
Fixed error where tutor restrictions were applying to admin watch
Corrected font size in activation dialogue
Fixed auto‐reconnect from reconnecting after max attempts are set
Fixed text size in log file when column is too narrow

Version 8.0.3 as of April 2015

Corrected aspect ratio which was wrong for thumbnails with dual monitors
Fixed /g (wasn't opening selected group)
Ensured all policies required a name before creating
Removed Language menu selection (to be available in subsequent release when translation is complete)
Fixed issue with the select/deselect all for 'group restrictions' not deselecting correctly
Fixed error with 'poll' where poll was sending to all if no clients were selected
Changed wording in Assessment module from exam on application bar
Changed path client writes to
Fixed error with computer unselecting after selection in icon view
Removed 'self‐paced questions' from under 'tools' when logged in as tutor (not needed as available under
Fixed problem with the 'end' command in poll
Fixed problem with drag and drop while customising toolbar

Version 8.0.2 as of April 2015

First Beta Release....

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