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Power Inspector

User Manual

Supervision and Remote Control System (SRCS)


Copyright ^ Siemens SA 2002 All Rights Reserved.


1 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

This edition was created on 22.06.2000.

Published by
ICN, Information and Communication Networks

Martín Olivera ATG1 – ICN CSw
Fabio Picconi ATG1 – ICN CSw

2 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

0 Contents Index

0 CONTENTS INDEX...........................................................................................................................................3

1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................6

1.1 GLOSSARY/ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................................6
1.2 INDEX OF FIGURES AND TABLES ...................................................................................................................6
2 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................8

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................................................................9

4 INSTALLATION..............................................................................................................................................10

5 HOW TO USE THE SUPERVISION SYSTEM............................................................................................11

5.1 POWER INSPECTOR......................................................................................................................................11
5.1.1 How to create and edit users .................................................................................................................11
5.1.2 How to change the password .................................................................................................................11
5.1.3 How to log in .........................................................................................................................................11
5.1.4 How to create and configure zones (maps)............................................................................................11
5.1.5 How to create, edit and delete exchanges..............................................................................................12
5.1.6 How to edit the Supervision System data ...............................................................................................12
5.1.7 How to create and edit the alarm/event and measurement value codes ................................................12
5.1.8 How to give acknowledgement to an alarm or event call ......................................................................12
5.1.9 How to modify the Acknowledgement options .......................................................................................13
5.1.10 How to begin a remote requests and command session ....................................................................13
5.1.11 How to enable and suppress sound alarm.........................................................................................13
5.1.12 How to enable/disable the confirm on exit message..........................................................................13
5.1.13 How to show/hide toolbar and status bar..........................................................................................13
5.1.14 How to save configuration on exit.....................................................................................................13
5.2 MODEMOUT ...............................................................................................................................................14
5.2.1 How to configure the polling test...........................................................................................................14
5.2.2 How to configure the output modem......................................................................................................14
5.2.3 How to do remote requests and commands ...........................................................................................14 Access level password .................................................................................................................................. 14 Battery test .................................................................................................................................................... 14 Remote Commands ....................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3 MODEMIN ...................................................................................................................................................15
5.3.1 How to configure the input modem........................................................................................................15
6 POWER INSPECTOR .....................................................................................................................................16
6.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................16
6.1.1 Application Scope ..................................................................................................................................16
6.2 WINDOWS................................................................................................................................................16
6.2.1 Windows Hierarchy ...............................................................................................................................16
6.2.2 Main Window.........................................................................................................................................17 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Main Window Components .......................................................................................................................... 18 Workspace .................................................................................................................................................... 18 Main Window System Menu ........................................................................................................................ 18
6.2.3 Zone Window .........................................................................................................................................19 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Components .................................................................................................................................................. 19
6.2.4 Exchange Data Window.........................................................................................................................20 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Components .................................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2.5 Event History Window ...........................................................................................................................21

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 3
CONTENTS INDEX General.......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Components .................................................................................................................................................. 21
6.3 MENUS......................................................................................................................................................23
6.3.1 Main Menu.............................................................................................................................................23 User............................................................................................................................................................... 23 Mapas............................................................................................................................................................ 23 View.............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Window......................................................................................................................................................... 24
6.3.2 Pop-up Menu .........................................................................................................................................24 Map ............................................................................................................................................................... 24 Exchanges ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Supervision System....................................................................................................................................... 25
6.4 TOOLBAR.................................................................................................................................................26
6.5 STATUS BAR ...........................................................................................................................................26
6.6 DIALOG BOXES ......................................................................................................................................27
6.6.1 Select Visible Zones ...............................................................................................................................27
6.6.2 New Zone ...............................................................................................................................................28
6.6.3 Options...................................................................................................................................................28
6.6.4 Open Image............................................................................................................................................30
6.7 MESSAGE BOXES ...................................................................................................................................30
6.7.1 Exit Confirmation ..................................................................................................................................30
7 POLLING TEST AND REQUESTS (MODEMOUT)...................................................................................32
7.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................32
7.1.1 Application Scope ..................................................................................................................................32
7.2 WINDOWS................................................................................................................................................32
7.2.1 Windows Hierarchy ...............................................................................................................................32
7.2.2 Requests Main Window..........................................................................................................................33 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Status Panel................................................................................................................................................... 33 Tool Panel ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 Data Panel ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2.3 Display Window.....................................................................................................................................35 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2.4 Measurement Values Window................................................................................................................36 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Workspace .................................................................................................................................................... 36
7.2.5 Rectifiers Window..................................................................................................................................37 Workspace .................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.2.6 Battery Test Window..............................................................................................................................38 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 38 Workspace .................................................................................................................................................... 38
7.2.7 Battery Test Data Window.....................................................................................................................39 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 39 Workspace .................................................................................................................................................... 39
7.3 DIALOG BOXES ......................................................................................................................................40
7.3.1 Modem Configuration............................................................................................................................40
7.3.2 New Modem ...........................................................................................................................................41
7.3.3 Access Passwords ..................................................................................................................................42
7.3.4 Change Access Password ......................................................................................................................42
7.3.5 Polling Configuration............................................................................................................................43
7.3.6 Battery Test Configuration ....................................................................................................................44
7.4 MESSAGE WINDOWS ............................................................................................................................45
7.4.1 Checksum error .....................................................................................................................................45
8 USER ADMINISTRATOR ..............................................................................................................................46
8.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................46
8.1.1 Application Scope ..................................................................................................................................46
8.2 WINDOWS................................................................................................................................................46
8.2.1 Main Window.........................................................................................................................................46 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 46 Components .................................................................................................................................................. 47
4 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619
CONTENTS INDEX Workspace .................................................................................................................................................... 47 Main Window System Menu ........................................................................................................................ 47
8.3 DIALOG BOX...........................................................................................................................................48
8.3.1 User Profile ...........................................................................................................................................48
9.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................50
9.1.1 Application Scope ..................................................................................................................................50
9.2 WINDOWS................................................................................................................................................50
9.2.1 Main Window.........................................................................................................................................50 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Components .................................................................................................................................................. 50 Workspace .................................................................................................................................................... 51
9.3 DIALOG BOX...........................................................................................................................................51
9.3.1 Edit Code ...............................................................................................................................................51
9.4 MESSAGE BOX........................................................................................................................................52
9.4.1 Existing Code.........................................................................................................................................52
10 ALARM CALLS RECEIVER (MODEMIN).................................................................................................53
10.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................53
10.1.1 Application Scope..............................................................................................................................53
10.2 DIALOG BOXES ......................................................................................................................................53
11 USER LOG-IN (DLL) ......................................................................................................................................54
11.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................54
11.1.1 Application Scope..............................................................................................................................54
11.2 DIALOG BOXES ......................................................................................................................................54
11.2.1 Log-in ................................................................................................................................................54
11.2.2 Change Password..............................................................................................................................55
11.3 MESSAGE BOXES ...................................................................................................................................55
11.3.1 Wrong User Name .............................................................................................................................55
11.3.2 Wrong Password ...............................................................................................................................55
11.3.3 Confirm Password Failure ................................................................................................................55
12 ACCESS RIGHTS ............................................................................................................................................56
12.1 MEANING AND DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................56
12.2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................56
12.3 REMOTE REQUESTS ....................................................................................................................................56
12.4 REMOTE COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................................56
12.5 EXCHANGE CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................56
12.6 CODE CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................................................................56
12.7 USER ADMINISTRATION ..............................................................................................................................57
13 DATABASE.......................................................................................................................................................58
13.1 MEANING AND DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................58
13.2 USERS DATA: ..............................................................................................................................................58
13.3 ZONES DATA: ..............................................................................................................................................58
13.4 EXCHANGES DATA: .....................................................................................................................................59
13.5 ALARM CODES:...........................................................................................................................................59
13.6 MEASUREMENT VARIABLE CODES: ............................................................................................................59
13.7 EVENTS:......................................................................................................................................................59

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 5

1 General Information

1.1 Glossary/Abbreviations
DLL Dynamic Link Library
FW Firmware
GUI Graphical User Interface
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MDI Multiple Document Interface
PSTN Public Switching Telephone Network
SRCS Supervision & Remote Control System

1.2 Index of Figures and Tables

Figure 1: System block diagram..................................................................................................8
Figure 2: Power Inspector windows hierarchy...........................................................................17
Figure 3: Power Inspector main window ...................................................................................17
Figure 4: Zone window..............................................................................................................19
Figure 5: Exchange Data window .............................................................................................20
Figure 6: Event History window.................................................................................................21
Figure 7: Select Visible Zones dialog box .................................................................................27
Figure 8: New Zone dialog box .................................................................................................28
Figure 9: Options dialog box .....................................................................................................28
Figure 10: Open Image dialog box............................................................................................30
Figure 11: Exit Confirmation message box................................................................................30
Figure 12: ModemOut Windows Hierarchy................................................................................33
Figure 13: Requests Main Window ...........................................................................................33
Figure 14: Display Window .......................................................................................................35
Figure 15: Measurement Values Window..................................................................................36
Figure 16: Rectifiers window .....................................................................................................37
Figure 17: Battery Test Window................................................................................................38
Figure 18: Battery Test Data Window .......................................................................................39
Figure 19: Modem Configuration dialog box..............................................................................40
Figure 20: New Modem dialog box............................................................................................41
Figure 21: Access Passwords dialog box..................................................................................42
Figure 22: Change Access Password dialog box ......................................................................42
Figure 23: Polling Configuration dialog box...............................................................................43
Figure 24: Battery Test Configuration dialog box ......................................................................44
Figure 25: User Administrator main window..............................................................................46
Figure 26: User Profile dialog box.............................................................................................48
Figure 27: Codes Editor Main Window......................................................................................50
Figure 28: Edit Code dialog box................................................................................................51
Figure 29: Login Dialog Box......................................................................................................54
Figure 30: Change Password Dialog Box .................................................................................55

Table 1: Power Inspector icon...................................................................................................16

Table 2: Main window components...........................................................................................18
Table 3: Main window system menu .........................................................................................18
Table 4: Zone window components...........................................................................................20

6 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

Table 5: Exchange Data window components ..........................................................................21

Table 6: Event History window components..............................................................................22
Table 7: User menu items.........................................................................................................23
Table 8: Maps menu items........................................................................................................23
Table 9: View menu items.........................................................................................................24
Table 10: Window menu items..................................................................................................24
Table 11: Map pop-up menu items............................................................................................24
Table 12: Exchanges pop-up menu items.................................................................................25
Table 13: Supervision System pop-up menu items ...................................................................25
Table 14: Toolbar buttons .........................................................................................................26
Table 15: Status bar components .............................................................................................27
Table 16: Select Visible Zones dialog box components ............................................................27
Table 17: New Zone dialog box components ............................................................................28
Table 18: Options dialog box components ................................................................................29
Table 19: Exit Confirmation message box components.............................................................31
Table 20: ModemOut icon at Windows System Tray.................................................................32
Table 21: Requests main window components .........................................................................34
Table 22: Requests Tool Panel components.............................................................................35
Table 23: Data Panel components............................................................................................35
Table 24: Measurement Values Window Workspace ................................................................36
Table 25: Rectifiers window components..................................................................................37
Table 26: Battery Test window workspace components............................................................38
Table 27: Battery Test Data window workspace components ...................................................40
Table 28: Modem Configuration dialog box components...........................................................41
Table 29: New Modem dialog box components.........................................................................41
Table 30: Access Passwords dialog box components...............................................................42
Table 31: Change Access Password dialog box components ...................................................43
Table 32: Polling Configuration dialog box components............................................................44
Table 33: Battery Test Configuration dialog box components ...................................................45
Table 34: User Administrator minimized icon ............................................................................46
Table 35: User Administrator main window components...........................................................47
Table 36: User Administrator main window workspace components .........................................47
Table 37: User Administrator’s Main Window System Menu .....................................................47
Table 38: User Profile dialog box components..........................................................................49
Table 39: Codes Editor minimized icon.....................................................................................50
Table 40: Codes Editor main window components....................................................................51
Table 41: Codes Editor main window workspace components..................................................51
Table 42: Edit Codes dialog box components ...........................................................................52
Table 43: ModemIn icon at Windows System Tray ...................................................................53
Table 44:Log-in dialog box components ...................................................................................54
Table 45: Fields of the Users Data Table..................................................................................58
Table 46: Fields of the Zones Data Table .................................................................................58
Table 47: Fields of the Exchange Data Table ...........................................................................59
Table 48: Fields of the Alarm Codes Table ...............................................................................59
Table 49: Fields of the Measurement Variable Codes Table.....................................................59
Table 50: Fields of the Events Table.........................................................................................60

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 7

2 Introduction
Power Inspector offers remote supervision and centralized management for SPSC controllers.

It shows a Graphical User Interface with images representing geographical zones. The
supervised exchanges are shown as icons upon the zones. The operative state of each
exchange is graphically shown using different colors and icons.

Going into the exchanges, the users may perform different viewing, supervision and
management actions. The User administrator determines the access rights for each user.

In the presence of an alarm or event, each controller calls automatically to Power Inspector,
reporting its current state of alarms, events and measurement values. Power Inspector handles
these calls and the acquired data are stored in the corresponding database.

The user may also execute remote commands or request queries from any exchange and view
its current state.

The system is provided with two modems to communicate with the exchanges. One modem is
devoted to incoming alarm calls, and the other is devoted to perform remote requests and
commands and Polling test.


and Remote
Control System USS-Protocol PSTN


Figure 1: System block diagram

8 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

3 System Requirements
The hardware and software system requirements for a proper use of Power Inspector are:

S PC Pentium or compatible with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation and 32 MB RAM

S 20 MB free space on hard disk.
S Two serial ports RS-232.
S Two external modems (minimum 2400 bps) with error detection and correction.
S Two serial cables for the modems (RS-232).
S Two phone cables with connectors RJ-11.
S Sound card Sound Blaster or compatible.
S Mouse PS/2, Logitech or compatible.
S VGA video card.

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4 Installation

Floppy disk or CD-ROM installation:

S Insert the CD-ROM or the floppy disk labeled Power Inspector – Disk 1 in the PC and
execute the file SETUP.EXE.
S Enter the name and company of the registered user, and click Next button.
S The installation program will prompt you about the installation directory. You can install
Power Inspector in the default directory, or enter a new or existing one, and click Next
S Choose the folder name in the Start menu where the Power Inspector icons will be located
and click Next button.
S Confirm the selected options and click Next to start the installation.

The installation program will begin to copy to the hard disk the needed files to run Power

NOTE: to execute automatically ModemIn and ModemOut each time the system is restarted, it
is recommended to create shortcuts to these applications in the Startup folder of the Start menu.

10 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

5 How To Use the Supervision System

NOTE: the following section refers to the application windows, which are described in further

5.1 Power Inspector

5.1.1 How to create and edit users

The user should have User administrator access right to do this.

The creation and edition of users is done using the User Administrator. This application is called
from tool bar (see 6.4) or main menu item User|Administrator (see
The User Administrator Main Window (see 8.2.1) allows to create, edit and delete users, adding
personal data and access rights for each one (see 8.3.1).
More information about access rights in section 12.
NOTE: the option Clear password in the User Profile dialog box assigns as password the log-in

5.1.2 How to change the password

To change his/her password, the logged user should select the menu item User|Change
password (see
The Change Password dialog box (see 11.2.2) prompts for entering the old password, the new
one and confirmation of the new one.

5.1.3 How to log in

When Power Inspector starts, the user should enter the username and password (see 11.2.1),
enabling the functions corresponding to his/her access rights.
When Power Inspector is running, the logged user may log out selecting User|Logout (see Another user may log in selecting User|Login, or double clicking on the user panel in
the status bar (see 6.5).

5.1.4 How to create and configure zones (maps)

The user should have Configure exchange access right to do this.

The creation and configuration of stored maps is done by the Select Visible Zones dialog box
(see 6.6.1), select Maps|Configure (see or Configure maps tool bar button (see 6.4).
The user may select which maps will be shown and create new zones (see 6.6.2).
When creating a new zone, it is needed a Bitmap file for the background map corresponding to
this zone (see 6.2.3).
The zone windows size may be changed using the tool bar (see 6.4) or selecting Maps|Zoom In
and Maps|Zoom Out, obtaining a custom working display.

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 11

5.1.5 How to create, edit and delete exchanges

The user should have Configure exchange access right to do this.

To add new exchanges to the database, right-click on an empty area of the desired map and
select Add new exchange from pop-up menu (see, or using the tool bar (see 6.4). The
exchange data is entered in the Exchange Data dialog box (see 6.2.4). The code must be the
same that the controller’s code installed on this exchange.
To edit any exchange datum, right-click on the exchange icon and select Properties (see, the Exchange Data dialog box will be shown.
To move an exchange, right-click on the exchange icon and select Move (see Click on
the new place (in the same zone or in another one) and the exchange will be moved.
To delete an exchange, right-click on the exchange icon and select Delete (see If the
Confirmation is accepted, the exchange will be deleted.

5.1.6 How to edit the Supervision System data

The user should have Configure exchange access right to do this.

The user may edit the Supervision System data clicking on the System panel in the status bar
(see 6.5). The System Data dialog box will be shown.
The phone number of the input modem should be entered, allowing the polling test of the
system itself. In the Polling configuration dialog box, it is identified as SYSTEM exchange (see

5.1.7 How to create and edit the alarm/event and measurement value codes

The user should have Configure codes access right to do this.

To create, edit or delete codes, select View|Codes (see or the corresponding tool bar
button (see 6.4). The Codes Editor will be shown.
The main window (see 9.2.1) allows creating, editing and deleting of alarm and measurement
value codes, to translate the controller’s codes to user-friendly description texts and adding
them failure severity (see 9.3.1).

5.1.8 How to give acknowledgement to an alarm or event call

The user should have Acknowledgement access right to do this.

The exchanges that send alarms and/or events will change its representing icon using colors
according to its severity alarm state (critical, major, minor, warning, unknown or without
communication). If there are some event without acknowledgement, he No acknowledgement
icon will be also shown.
To give acknowledgement to an event, the user should access to the Event History window (see
6.2.5) clicking on the exchange icon or selecting Event history on its pop-up menu.
The acknowledgement will be given according to the acknowledgement selected options (see
5.1.9), automatically or double-clicking on the Acknowledgement panel.
In the same window, the user may see all the stored events from this exchange, using the Event
navigator (arrow buttons right below).
This is valid also for the System events (see
12 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

5.1.9 How to modify the Acknowledgement options

The user should have Acknowledgement access right to do this.

The acknowledgement may be given automatically or manually. In automatic mode, the
messages get acknowledgement when they are shown in the Event History window (see 6.2.5).
In manual mode, the user should double-click on the Acknowledgement panel of the same
window to give acknowledgement.
The acknowledgement mode is selected in the Options window (see 6.6.3).
This window allows also selecting if the No acknowledgement icon will be shown if the last
received message has no acknowledgement or if any received message has no
It is also possible to hide the Acknowledgement message box.

5.1.10 How to begin a remote requests and command session

The user should have Remote requests access right to do this.

To begin a remote request and commands session with an existing exchange, select Remote
requests and commands from the exchange’s pop-up menu (see The connection
process will start, showing the Requests Main window (see 7.2.2). This process may be
canceled and restarted.
More information about remote requests and commands is described in section 5.2.3.

5.1.11 How to enable and suppress sound alarm

The sound alarm may be enabled or disabled in the Options window (see 6.6.3). When the
option is enabled, the alarm will begin to sound each time a new exchange call is received.
To suppress the alarm (silence), the user should click the Suppress alarm tool bar button (see

5.1.12 How to enable/disable the confirm on exit message

In the Options window (see 6.6.3) may enable/disable a confirmation message that appears
each time the user try to close Power Inspector.

5.1.13 How to show/hide toolbar and status bar

The toolbar and the status bar may be independently shown or hidden checking View|Toolbar
and View|Status bar (see

5.1.14 How to save configuration on exit

To preserve the graphical configuration of Power Inspector, select View|Save configuration on

exit (see

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5.2 ModemOut

5.2.1 How to configure the polling test

The Polling Configuration window allows selecting the exchanges to include in a polling test. It is
accessible double clicking on ModemOut System Tray icon (see 7.3.5) or selecting Polling in
the ModemOut System Tray icon’s pop-up menu.
The same window allows to enable/disable polling test and to fix the interval in minutes between
two polling calls.

5.2.2 How to configure the output modem

The output modem configuration is made by the Modem Configuration window (see 7.3.1),
accessible through the Polling Configuration window (see 7.3.5) or selecting Modem
configuration in the ModemOut System Tray icon’s pop-up menu.
This window allows selecting the serial port COM that the modem is connected to, and the
modem configuration (one of the list).
To create or edit a modem configuration, use the New Modem window (see 7.3.2), where the
initialization commands for the modem must be specified.

5.2.3 How to do remote requests and commands

Once the remote requests and commands session is set up (see 5.1.10), the Tool Panel of the
Requests Main window (see 7.2.2) shows the query buttons available in the controller.
Each button (see represents a controller function that shows information registered in
the controller (Measurement Values, Rectifiers Status, Max. DC power, etc.). Access level password

The controllers may be configured with access levels passwords to restrict the access to their
available functions. The Access Passwords window (see 7.3.3) allows entering the needed
passwords to enable the controller function. It should be done BEFORE to request any query.
The window is shown clicking the Passwords button on the Requests Main window’s Tool
It is also possible to change any controller’s access level password knowing the previous one
(see 7.3.4). Battery test

The Battery Test window (see, accessible from Tool Panel, requests the information
about battery test status. It gives also access to the Battery Test Configuration and Battery Test
Data windows (see 7.2.6) showing the data stored in the controller’s memory. Remote Commands

Clicking the Remote command button from the Tool Panel (see, the system will show
the specific command list of the requested controller.
14 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

The user should have Remote commands access right to continue.

Once the list is complete, the user may execute a command from the list, double clicking on it,
or selecting the desired command and clicking Execute button.
If the command could not be executed or the user has not the access right, the system will show
a Remote command execution failure.

5.3 ModemIn

5.3.1 How to configure the input modem

The input modem configuration is made by the Modem Configuration window (see 7.3.1),
accessible double clicking or selecting Modem configuration in the ModemIn System Tray icon.
This window allows selecting the serial port COM that the modem is connected to, and the
modem configuration (one of the list).
To create or edit a modem configuration, use the New Modem window (see 7.3.2), where the
initialization commands for the modem must be specified.

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6 Power Inspector


6.1.1 Application Scope

The application for data presentation offers a user-friendly GUI, designed to recognize easily the
reception of new alarms and the current operational state of all the exchanges under
supervision. Likewise, the user may access to exchange data, alarm types, alarm history,
graphical configuration, etc.
N Shows the zones, and the exchanges installed upon them.
N Shows and updates automatically the operational state of the exchanges.
N Allows creation, edition and deletion of exchanges and zones (with Configure exchanges
access right).
N Shows the Event historical list (with Acknowledgement access right).
N The logged user may acknowledge events (with Acknowledgement access right).
N User Log-in: allows user access by means of username and password.

The buttons and menu items are shown or hidden depending on the access rights of the logged

Icon Description
This icon identifies the application Power Inspector when
it is minimized.

Table 1: Power Inspector icon


6.2.1 Windows Hierarchy

16 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619


Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone n

Events history Exchange data

Figure 2: Power Inspector windows hierarchy

6.2.2 Main Window General

Figure 3: Power Inspector main window

After user log-in, the main window shows the enabled components. The buttons and menu
items will be shown depending on the user’s access rights.
This window allows: user log-in, configure the visible zones, select the program options, execute
assistant applications.

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 17
POWER INSPECTOR Main Window Components

The main window contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Type Description
Power Inspector Title bar
-- Menu bar See 6.3.1
-- Toolbar See Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht
gefunden werden.
-- Status bar See Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht
gefunden werden.

Table 2: Main window components Workspace

he workspace is an empty area where are shown the zones windows. Main Window System Menu

Item Shortcut Description Enabled / Calls to

Key Disabled
Restore Restores the Disabled if the --
window normal window size is
size. normal.
Move Moves the Disabled if the Four-arrows cursor
window. window is used to move the
maximized. window.
Size Resizes the Disabled if the Four-arrows cursor
window window is used to resize the
maximized. window.
Maximize Growths to fill the Disabled if the --
screen window is
Close Alt + F4 Closes the -- Confirmation message
application (see 6.7.1)

Table 3: Main window system menu

18 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

6.2.3 Zone Window General

Figure 4: Zone window

Each zone window shows a region where the exchanges are installed upon. A user with
Configure exchanges access right may configure which zones ae visible. The window shows the
region map, the included exchanges and their operational state. Each exchange could be
accessed to obtain more information about them. Components

The Zone window contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Description
Zone name Title bar Shows the zone’s name
Map Workspace Region map from database
Exchanges Shows the exchange location and state. It allows
accessing to the information from the exchange,
depending on the user’s access rights.

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 19

Table 4: Zone window components

6.2.4 Exchange Data Window General

Figure 5: Exchange Data window

This window shows the exchange data: name, code, phone and notes. It will be shown in two
modes: dialog box or information box, depending on the user’s access right.
In dialog box mode, the controls are enabled to modify data and the OK and Cancel buttons ae
visible. In information box mode, the user may only view the data. Components

The Exchange data window contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Description
Exchange name Title bar Shows the exchange name
Name: Edit box Shows the exchange name. It may be modified if
the window is in dialog box mode.
Code: Edit box Shows the identifier code of he coresponding
controller. It may be modified if he window is in
dialog box mode.
Phone: Edit box Shows the phone number to communicate with
the exchange (controller). It may be modified if
the window is in dialog box mode.
Notes: Memo box Shows the notes entered by the user for this
exchange It may be modified if the window is in
20 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

exchange. It may be modified if the window is in

dialog box mode.
OK Button Confirms the data entered by the user and closes
the dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.

Table 5: Exchange Data window components

6.2.5 Event History Window General

Figure 6: Event History window

This window shows the event calls received from the exchanges (and from the supervision
All the stored events may be seen one by one at this window. Components

The Event History window contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Description

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 21

Exchange name Title bar Shows the exchange name.

Received: Text Shows date and time of the received call.
Activated events List Shows the activated alarms that was the cause of
the call.
Deactivated events List Shows the deactivated alarms that was the cause of
the call.
Eventos presentes List Shows all the alarms and events present at the
Measurement List Shows all the measurement values sent by the
values controller.
Acknowledgement Panel Shows the acknowledgement information: user, date
and time.If the event has not been acknowledged,
the user with access right may acknowledge it
double-clicking on this panel.
Severity Panel Shows the alarm severity levels and the icons
related to each one.
First record Navigator Shows the first stored event from the selected
Button exchange.
Previous record Navigator Shows the previous stored event from the selected
Button exchange.
Next record Navigator Shows the next stored event from the selected
Button exchange.
Last record Navigator Shows the last stored event from the selected
Button exchange.
Acknowledgement Checkbox Filter the events without acknowledgement
Record counter Text Shows the quantity of available records. Its value
changes depending on the acknowledgement filter.

Table 6: Event History window components

22 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619


6.3.1 Main Menu User

Item Description Invisible Calls to

Login / logout User log-in with -- Login Window (see
his/her username and 11.2.1).
Changes Changes password of No logged user. Change Password
Password the logged user. Window (see 11.2.2).
Administrator Opens the User The logged user User Administrator
Administrator. has not User (see 8).
access right.

Table 7: User menu items Mapas

Item Description Invisible Calls to

Zoom in Increase the size of The logged user --
the active zone has not
window. Configure
access right.
Zoom out Decrease the size of The logged user --
the active zone has not
window. Configure
access right.
Configure The user may select The logged user Select Visible Zone
which zones will be has not Window (see 6.6.1)
shown. Configure
access right.

Table 8: Maps menu items

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 23

Item Description Invisible Calls to

Toolbar Shows/hides the -- --
Status bar Shows/hides the -- --
status bar.
Save Enable the option to -- --
configuration save the graphical
on exit configuration on exit.
Codes Opens the Codes The logged user Codes Editor (see 9)
Editor has not
Configure Codes
access right.
Options Access to the working Options dialog box (see
mode options. 6.6.3)

Table 9: View menu items Window

This is the window menu item of an MDI application: the menu shows all the children windows
(zone windows) to be selected by the user.
Item Description Invisible Calls to
Tile Orders the zone -- --
windows side by side
Cascade Orders the zone -- --
windows in a cascade
Visible Select the n-zone -- Zone Window (see
n-zone. window. 6.2.3)

Table 10: Window menu items

6.3.2 Pop-up Menu Map

Item Description Invisible Calls to

Add new Changes the cursor to The logged user Exchange Data
exchange cross and the user may has not Window, dialog box
install a new exchange Configure mode (see 6.2.4)
on the map. Exchanges
access right.

Table 11: Map pop-up menu items

24 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

Right-click sensible areas:

N Zone maps Exchanges

Item Description Invisible Calls to

Event history Shows the last stored The logged user Event History
event received from has not Window (see 6.2.5)
the selected Acknowledgement
exchange. access right.
Remote Starts a remote The logged user Modem Out
requests and requests and has not Remote Application: Query
commands commands session requests access Main Window (see
with the selected right. 7.2.2)
Properties Shows the selected -- Exchange Data
exchange data. Window (see 6.2.4),
mode depending on
user’s access rights.
Delete Deletes the selected The logged user Message Window:
exchange. has not Configure Delete exchange
Exchanges access confirmation.

Table 12: Exchanges pop-up menu items

Right-click sensible areas:
N Exchange icons. Supervision System

Item Description Invisible Calls to

Event history Shows the last stored The logged user Event History Window
event detected in the has not (see 6.2.5)
local supervision Acknowledgement
system. access right.
Properties Shows the -- Exchange Data
Supervision System Window (see 6.2.4),
data. mode depending on
user’s access rights.

Table 13: Supervision System pop-up menu items

Right-click sensible areas:
N System Panel in the Status Bar.

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 25

The toolbar is updated depending on the user’s access rights, changing when any user logs in
or out.
The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Bitmap Linked Menu Item Help Hint Text Invisible
User | Login/logout... Login / logout Always visible. Keep
pressed when any
user is logged.
User | Administrator... User Administrator The logged user has
not User
Administrator access
-- Suppress Alarm Visible only if Sound
Alarm option (see
6.6.3) is enabled.
Enabled when the
alarm sounds.
Map pop-up menu -> Add Add new exchange The logged user has
new exchange (see not Configure
Exchanges access
Maps | Zoom in Increase the size of The logged user has
the active zne not Configure
window. Exchanges access
Maps | Zoom out Decrease the size The logged user has
of the active zne not Configure
window. Exchanges access
Maps | Configure Configura los The logged user has
mapas de las zonas not Configure
registradas Exchanges access
View | Codes Configure alarms The logged user has
and measurement not Configure Codes
values codes. access right.

Table 14: Toolbar buttons


The status bar contains the following components:
Title / Icon Component Description
User Panel Panel Shows the name of the logged user, and the date
and time when he/she logged in.
26 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

System Panel Panel Shows the present operational state of the

supervision system.

Table 15: Status bar components


6.6.1 Select Visible Zones

Figure 7: Select Visible Zones dialog box

N Launched from: Main menu Maps | Configure (see

N Function: selection of zones to show on the main window.
N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description
Select Visible Zones Title bar --
Zones Checklist Shows the zone list stored in the database. The user
box may make any zone visible checking its corresponding
Zone map Image Shows the bitmap associated to the selected zone.
New zone Button Calls to the New Zone dialog box (see 6.6.2), where the
user may add zones to the database.
OK Button Confirms the data entered by the user and closes the
dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.

Table 16: Select Visible Zones dialog box components

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 27

6.6.2 New Zone

Figure 8: New Zone dialog box

N Launched from: New Zone button on Select Visible Zones dialog box (see 6.6.1).
N Function: add new zones to the database.
N Components:

Title / Icon Component Description

New Zone Title bar --
Name: Edit box The user may enter the name of the new zone.
Map: Edit box The user may enter the path and file name of the
bitmap file used as background of the new zone.
Zone map Image Shows the Bitmap image of the file in Map.
Browse Button Opens the Open Image dialog box (see 6.6.4),
where the user may view and select the available
bitmaps to associate with the new zone.
OK Button Confirms the data entered by the user and closes
the dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.

Table 17: New Zone dialog box components

6.6.3 Options

Figure 9: Options dialog box

28 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

N Launched from: Main menu, Item View | Options (see

N Function: configure the working modes options de modo de trabajo.
N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description Invisible
Options Title bar -- --
Automatic Checkbox When this option is enabled, The logged user
Acknowledgement events are auomatically has not
acknowledged when the user Acknowledgement
looks at them at the Event History access right
Window (see 6.2.5)
Last event not Radio button When this option is enabled, the The logged user
acknowledged No acknowledgement icon is has not
shown over a exchange, if its last Acknowledgement
received event is not access right
Any event not Radio button When this option is enabled, the The logged user
acknowledged No acknowledgement icon is has not
shown over a exchange, if any Acknowledgement
event from this exchange is not access right
Hide Checkbox When this option is disabled, the The logged user
acknowledgement progam will show an has not
mesage acknowledgement message each Acknowledgement
time an event is acknowledged. access right
Sound Alarm Checkbox Enable the sound alarm. It will --
sound each time the system
receives a new alarm message.
Confirm on exit Checkbox When this option is enabled, the --
program will show a Confirmation
dialog box (see 6.7.1) each time it
tries to close.

Table 18: Options dialog box components

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 29

6.6.4 Open Image

Figure 10: Open Image dialog box

N Launched from: Browse button on the New Zone dialog box (see 6.6.2).
N Function: allows selecting the desied zone’s background image (bitmap file *.BMP).
N Components: those standard of the common Open Image dialog box of Windows NT.


6.7.1 Exit Confirmation

Figure 11: Exit Confirmation message box

N Launched from: System menu, Item Close (see when option Confirm on exit (see
6.6.3) is enabled.
N Message type:
N Components:
Title / Icon Type de Control Description
Yes Button The application exits
30 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

No Button The application does not exit

Table 19: Exit Confirmation message box components

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 31

7 Polling Test and Requests (ModemOut)


7.1.1 Application Scope

ModemOut is an independent application, easy to upgrade for new controllers or communication

ModemOut was designed as an assistant application. It should be always running to do the
polling test and wait for requests from the user to perform remote requests and commands.
There are two access ways: User requests and periodical Polling. This application solves the
possible conflicts between this functions, and offers a GUI to perform remote requests and
commands to the controllers when it is in User Requests mode.
Polling Mode Functionality:
N Checks the Exchange’s communication lines.
N Checks the System Call reception communication line.
N Configures the waiting interval between polling calls (1 – 600 min.).
N Allows selecting the exchanges to be polled.

Requests Mode Functionality:

N Manual connection/disconnection.
N Automatic disconnection if a timeout is reached.
N Implementation of the following controller remote functions: execute commands, display
viewing, measurement variables, password acsess, set date and time, battery test data, FW
version, etc.

Icon Description
This is the icon shown in Windows System Tray when
ModemOut is running.
Table 20: ModemOut icon at Windows System Tray


7.2.1 Windows Hierarchy

32 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

Requests Main

Display Measurement Rectifiers Battery

Values Test

Test Data

Figure 12: ModemOut Windows Hierarchy

7.2.2 Requests Main Window General

Figure 13: Requests Main Window

The user takes control of this window only using the application Power Inspector. When Modem
Out receives a connection request, opens this window and starts the connection process with
the desired exchange controller. Status Panel

The Status panel in the Requests Main Window contains the following components:
Title / Icon Component Description Enabled /
Type Disabled
Title Text Shows the involved exchange

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 33

Status Image Image Shows graphically the
communication state.
Communication Text Shows the communication
State state.
Connect / Button If disconnected, starts a Disabled when a
Disconnect connection. polling call is being
If it is connecting, cancels the
connection process.
If connected, disconnects.
Close Button Closes the window and
disconnect, if connected.

Table 21: Requests main window components Tool Panel

The Tool Panel in the Requests Main Window contains the following components:
Title / Component Type Description Invisible
Button Calls to the Measurement If it is disconnected.
Values Window (see
Button Calls to the Display If it is disconnected.
Window (see 7.2.3)

Button Calls to the Access If it is disconnected.

Passwords dialog box
(see 7.3.3)
Button Calls to the Rectifiers If it is disconnected.
Window (see 7.2.5)

Button Calls to the Battery Test If it is disconnected.

Window (see 7.2.6)

Button Requests the max. DC If it is disconnected.

power and shows the
results on the Data Panel
Button Requests the controller If it is disconnected.
date and time and shows
the results on the Data
Panel (see
Button Requests the Remote If it is disconnected.
Commands list and shows
he results on the Data
Panel (see
34 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

Button Requests the controller If it is disconnected.

general information and
shows the results on the
Data Panel (see

Table 22: Requests Tool Panel components Data Panel

The Data Panel of the Requests Main Window contains the following components:
Title / Component Type Description Enabled /
Icon Disabled
Data Memo box Shows the data received from Always read-only.
the controller.
Button Orders the controller to Visible only when
execute the selected Data shows the
command. command list
Button Shows the Set Date and Time Visible only when
dialog box. Data shows the
date and time.

Table 23: Data Panel components

7.2.3 Display Window General

Figure 14: Display Window

This window shows a mirror copy of the controller LCD display.

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 35

7.2.4 Measurement Values Window General

Figure 15: Measurement Values Window

This window shows the names and values of the configured measurement variables in the
controller. Workspace

The Measurement Values Window Workspace contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Description Enabled /
Type Disabled
Variable List Report list Shows the complete list of Always read-only.
view active variabled in the
controller. Each variable shows
its name, value, display status
and send status.

Table 24: Measurement Values Window Workspace

36 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

7.2.5 Rectifiers Window

Figure 16: Rectifiers window

The Rectifiers window shows the present status ON/OFF of the intelligent rectifiers (provided
with RS485) detailing the voltage, current and failure description, if any. Workspace

The Rectifiers Window Workspace contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Description Enabled /
Type Disabled
Rectifiers List Report list Shows the complete list of Always read-only.
view intelligent recifiers installed at
the controller.
Each rectifier shows its
ON/OFF state, output voltage
and current, and failure state.

Table 25: Rectifiers window components

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 37

7.2.6 Battery Test Window General

Figure 17: Battery Test Window

This window shows the state of the battery test in the controller. Workspace

The Battery Test Window Workspace Baterías contains the following components:
Title / Icon Component Description
Last test Text Shows the last test type (1 or 2).
Started: Text Shows the date and time when the last test was
Test status Text Shows the present test status. This field is
periodically updated to follow the battery test run.
Configuration Button Calls to the Battery Test Configuration dialog box
(see 7.3.6)
Data Button Calls to the Battery Test Data Window (see Fehler!
Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.)
Close Button Closes this window.

Table 26: Battery Test window workspace components

38 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

7.2.7 Battery Test Data Window General

Figure 18: Battery Test Data Window

This window shows the battery test data stored in the controller memory. Workspace

The Battery Test Data Window Workspace contains the following components:
Title / Icon Component Description Enabled /
Type Disabled
Capacity Grid Shows the battery test data Always read-only.
received from the controller.
Current Grid Shows the mean current Always read-only.
Save Button Saves the data in a Microsoft
Excel (*.xls) formatted file.
Refresh Button Requests the present data and
refreshes the grids.

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 39

Close Button Close this window.

Table 27: Battery Test Data window workspace components


7.3.1 Modem Configuration

Figure 19: Modem Configuration dialog box

N Launched from: Select Modem button on Polling Configuration dialog box (see 7.3.5)
N Function: Choose the used modem and the serial COM port for outgoing calls.
N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description
Modem Config Title bar --
Selected Modem Edit box Shows the selected modem
Serial port Combo box Select the serial port for outgoing calls (COM 1
to COM 4).
Modems List List box Shows the list of available modems.
OK Button Confirms the data entered by the user and
closes the dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.
New Button Calls to the New Modem dialog box (see 7.3.2)
Edit Button Shows the New Modem dialog box (see 7.3.2)
filling with the data of the selected modem.
Delete Button Deletes the selected modem from the list.

40 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

Table 28: Modem Configuration dialog box components

7.3.2 New Modem

Figure 20: New Modem dialog box

N Launched from: New button from the Modem Configuration dialog box (see 7.3.1)
N Function: Add a new modem to the list, entering the coresponding initialization command.
N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description
New Modem Title bar --
Name Edit box Defines the modem name
Initialization Edit box Defines the initilization commands string for the
Commands modem
Hang up Edit box Defines the hang up string
Automatic pick up Radio button Selects automatic picking up
Manual pick up Radio button Selects manual picking up using the string in
Manual Edit box Defines the string for manual picking up
OK Button Confirms the data entered by the user and
closes the dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.

Table 29: New Modem dialog box components

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 41

7.3.3 Access Passwords

Figure 21: Access Passwords dialog box

N Launched from: Passwords button of the Tool Panel, on the Requests Main Window (see
N Function: Allows entering and changing the access passwords for the different levels in the
N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description
Passwords Title bar --
Access level Combo box Selects the controller access level.
Enter passwor Edit box To enter the access password.
Change Button Calls to the Change Access Password dialog
box (see 11.2.2)
Send Button Confirms the entered data and closes the
dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog

Table 30: Access Passwords dialog box components

7.3.4 Change Access Password

Figure 22: Change Access Password dialog box

42 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

N Launched from: Change button on the Access Passwords dialog box (see 7.3.3)
N Function: Allows changing any controller access level password
N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description
Change: Title bar Shows the working access level.
Previous Edit box Previous password for this level.
New Edit box New password for this level.
Confirm new Edit box Confirmation of the new password
Send Button Send a change password request to the controller
and closes this dialog box. If the request is
rejected, a Change password failure message will
be shown.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes this dialog box.

Table 31: Change Access Password dialog box components

7.3.5 Polling Configuration

Figure 23: Polling Configuration dialog box

N Launched from: Double-click on the ModemOut icon located in the Windows System Tray,
or selecting Polling configuration in the pop-up menu in the same icon.
N Function: Choose the exchanges to poll and the waiting interval between polling calls.
N Components:

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 43

Title / Icon Component Description

Polling Title bar --
Exchanges List box Shows all the exchanges from the database.
Exchanges to poll List box Shows the exchanges selected to be polled
Interval between Edit box Defines the waiting interval between two polling
polling calls calls (in minutes).
Interval arrows Up/Down Changes graphically the Interval between polling
buttons calls.
Add Button Adds the selected exchange in the Exchanges list
to the Exchanges to poll list.
Add all Button Adds all the exchanges in the Exchanges list to
the Exchanges to poll list.
Remove Button Deletes the selected exchange from the
Exchanges to poll list.
Remove all Button Deletes all the exchanges from the Exchanges to
poll list.
Configure modem Button Calls to the Modem Configuration dialog box (see
OK Button Confirms the information and closes the dialog
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.

Table 32: Polling Configuration dialog box components

7.3.6 Battery Test Configuration

Figure 24: Battery Test Configuration dialog box

N Launched from: Configuration button on the Battery Test Window (see 7.2.6)
44 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

N Function: Shows the battery test configuration of the controller.

N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description
Configuration Title bar --
Min Voltage 1 Text Shows the minimal voltage for the battery test 1.
Min Load 1 Text Shows the minimal load for the battery test 1.
Duration 1 Text Shows the duration of the battery test 1.
Min Voltage 2 Text Shows the minimal voltage for the battery test 2.
Min Load 2 Text Shows the minimal load for the battery test 2.
Duration 2 Text Shows the duration of the battery test 2.

Table 33: Battery Test Configuration dialog box components


7.4.1 Checksum error

N Called when a checksum error is detected in the communication protocol.

N Message type: error message.
N Meaning: error detected in the communication with the controller.
N Required user action: repeat the previous action.
N Components: OK button – accept the message.

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 45

8 User Administrator


8.1.1 Application Scope

The administration of users and their access rights (see 12) is made by the User Administrator.
The authorized user (Administrator) may create, edit and delete users.

Icon Description
This icon identifies the assistant
application User Administrator
when it is minimized.
Table 34: User Administrator minimized icon


8.2.1 Main Window General

Figure 25: User Administrator main window

The authorized users (see 12) may open the Main Window of the User Administrator from the
main menu of Power Inspector, item User | Administrator (see

46 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

The Main Window contains the following components :

Title / Icon Component Description
User Administrator Title bar --

Table 35: User Administrator main window components Workspace

The Main Window Workspace contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Description
Users list Grid Shows all the users existing in the database
New Button Calls to the User Profile dialog box with empty
fields to be completed (see 8.3.1).
Edit Button Calls to the User Profile dialog box, filling it with the
data of the selected user (see 8.3.1).
Delete Button Deletes the selected user.
Close Button Close the User Administrator

Table 36: User Administrator main window workspace components Main Window System Menu

Item Shortcut Description Enabled /

Key Disabled
Move Moves the window --
Close Alt + F4 Close the application --

Table 37: User Administrator’s Main Window System Menu

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 47


8.3.1 User Profile

Figure 26: User Profile dialog box

N Launched from: New or Edit button on the Main Window(see

N Function: Allows modifying the profile of the user.
N Components:
Title / Icon Compone Description
nt Type
User Profile Title bar --
Name Edit box User complete name (not used to log in).
ID Edit box User identification number.
Phone Edit box User phone number.
User Edit box Short User name (used to log in).
Clear password Button Clear the present user password. The new password is
the same as the short User name.
Acknowledgement Checkbox Enables the Acknowledgement access right (see 12.2)
Remote requests Checkbox Enables the Remote requests access right (see 12.3)
Remote commands Checkbox Enables the Remote commands access right (see 12.4)
Configure Checkbox Enables the Configure Exchanges access right (see 12.5)
Configure Codes Checkbox Enables the Configure Codes access right (see 0)
User Administrator Checkbox Enables the User Administrator acess right (see 0)
48 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

OK Button Confirms the data entered by the user and closes the
dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.

Table 38: User Profile dialog box components

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 49

9 Codes Editor for Alarms/Events and Measurement Variables


9.1.1 Application Scope

The codes used by the controllers may be translated to text messages providing an easier
identification. This assistant application allows:
N Creating, editing and deleting variable codes.
N Creating, editting and deleting alarm codes, and choose its severity.

Icon Description
This is the icon identifying the
minimized Codes Editor
assistant application.
Table 39: Codes Editor minimized icon


9.2.1 Main Window General

Figure 27: Codes Editor Main Window Components

The Main Window contains the following components :

Title / Icon Component Description
50 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

Alarms/Events and Title bar --
Variables Codes

Table 40: Codes Editor main window components Workspace

The Main Window Workspace contains the following components:

Title / Icon Component Description
Alarms / Events Tab Page Shows the alarms/events codes stored in
database, and their corresponding severity.
Variables Tab Page Shows the variables codes stored in the database.
New Button Calls to the Edit Code dialog box (see 9.3.1), with
empty fields to complete.
Edit Button Calls to the Edit Code dialog box (see 9.3.1), filled
with the data of the selected code.
Delete Button Deletes the selected code.
Close Button Closes the Codes Editor.

Table 41: Codes Editor main window workspace components


9.3.1 Edit Code

Figure 28: Edit Code dialog box

N Launched from: New or Edit button on the Main Window (see
N Function: Allows modifying the information of the selected code: abbreviation, description
and severity (if it is applicable).

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 51

N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description Invisible
Edit Code Title bar -- --
Abbreviation Edit box The Code itself. --
3 characters for alarms.
2 characters for variables.
Name Edit box Description text associated --
to the code.
Event severity Combo box Severity level of the alarm Selected is a
or event. variable code:
severity is not
OK Button Confirms the data entered --
by the user and closes the
dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and --
closes the dialog box.

Table 42: Edit Codes dialog box components


9.4.1 Existing Code

N Called when: the user try to create a new code with an existing abbreviation.
N Message type: Warning.
N Required user action: change of the code abbreviation or edition of the registered one.

52 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

10 Alarm calls receiver (ModemIn)


10.1.1 Application Scope

ModemIn is an independent application. In this way, new controllers or communications devices

may be easily added to the system.
ModemIn GUI allows incoming modem selection and configuration. Besides, its icon is shown at
the Windows System Tray when it is running and ready to receive alarm calls.
Its main functions are:
S Handling of the modem devoted to incoming calls reception (alarms and events from
S Interpretation of the SVSIG protocol: exchange identification, message format check,
alarms/events recognition, etc.
S Creation of new event records in the database.

Bitmap Description
Icon shown at the Windows System Tray when ModemIn
is running.
Table 43: ModemIn icon at Windows System Tray


N It uses the same dialog boxes as ModemOut to select and configure the modem: Modem
Configuration (see 7.3.1) and New Modem (see 7.3.2)

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 53

11 User Log-in (DLL)


11.1.1 Application Scope

In this architecture, the user access may be controlled by many applications simultaneously.
Different applications should enable/disable their functionality options depending on the logged
user access rights.
To avoid conflicts, offering a unified User Interface, the User log-in DLL exports 3 (three)
functions that may be invoked from any application.
The functions are: user log-in, change password and user access rights.
The system applications (Power Inspector, User Administrator, Codes Editor) may restrict
access to non-authorized users using this functions.


11.2.1 Log-in

Figure 29: Login Dialog Box

N Launched from: Log-in function invoked by an application.

N Function: Invites the user to enter name and password.
N Components:
Title / Icon Component Description
Login Window Title bar --
User Edit box The user should enter his/her name.
Password Edit box The user should enter his/her password.
OK Button Confirms the data entered by the user and closes the
dialog box.
Cancel Button Cancels the operation and closes the dialog box.

Table 44:Log-in dialog box components

54 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

11.2.2 Change Password

Figure 30: Change Password Dialog Box

N Launched from: Change password function invoked by any application.

N Function: Invites the user to enter his/her password and change it by a new one.
N Components: the same as Change Access Password Dialog Box (see 7.3.4).


11.3.1 Wrong User Name

N Shown when the entered user name was not found in the user name database.
N Message type: Warning.
N Required user action: retry to log in

11.3.2 Wrong Password

N Shown when the entered password is not the same as the registered in the database.
N Message type: Warning.
N Required user action: retry to log in

11.3.3 Confirm Password Failure

N Shown when the new password and its confirmation do not match exactly (see 11.2.2).
N Message type: Warning.
N Required user action: retry to change the password

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 55

12 Access rights

12.1 Meaning and Description

A supervision system should have different security levels for the users.
These levels are implemented in Power Inspector SRCS combining 6 (six) access right types:
acknowledgement, remote requests, remote commands, exchange configuration, code
configuration and user administration.

12.2 Acknowledgement
The events received from a remote exchange (alarms activation/deactivation, thresholds
overpassing, etc.) are recorded in the database. Any authorized user may give
acknowledgement to these recorded events.
The authorization to do this is called Acknowledgement Access Right.

12.3 Remote Requests

The authorized users may connect the Power Inspector SRCS with any exchange to perform
requests to the corresponding controller.
The authorization to do this is called Remote Requests Access Right.

12.4 Remote Commands

Besides remote requests, the controller allows executing some remote commands.
The authorization to perform the execution of these commands is called Remote Commands
Access Right.

12.5 Exchange Configuration

The selection of visible zones, as their sizes and maps may be modified by authorized users.
They may also change the exchanges: create and delete them, change their name, location,
phone number, controller identification code, etc.
The authorization to do this is called Exchange Configuration Access Right.

12.6 Code Configuration

The controller SVSIG protocol uses codes for the events and measurement values. These coes
are 3-character words for alarms and events, and 2-character words for measurement values.
Any authorized user may modify the codes and their description stored in the database.
The authorization to do this is called Code Configuration Access Right.

56 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

12.7 User Administration

User administration involves the creation, deletion and access rights changes of the system
To do this, the user should have User Administration Access Right.

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13 Database

13.1 Meaning and Description

The database stores all the information in the system. This information gives a sort of
“connection” between the system applications.
A password is needed to gain access to the database. This password is not available to the
user, it is already included in the system files that access the database.
The database is made of the following tables:

S Users data (Permissions.db)

S Zones data (Zones.db)
S Exchanges data (Exchanges.db)
S Alarm codes (AlCodes.db)
S Measurement variable codes (VarCodes.db)
S Events (Events.db)

13.2 Users data:

Existing users, their passwords and access rights.

Field Type Size Key

User Alphanumeric 10 X
Password Alphanumeric 8 --
Permission Integer -- --
Name Alphanumeric 30 --
IDString Alphanumeric 10 --
Phone Alphanumeric 15 --

Table 45: Fields of the Users Data Table

S User Log-in: Reads and compares the fields with the information entered by the user.
N User Administrator: Reads / writes all the fields.

13.3 Zones data:

Zones where the exchanges are upon.

Field Type Size Key

ID Autoincremental X
Name Alphanumeric 20 --
Map Graphic (BLOB) -- --

Table 46: Fields of the Zones Data Table

N Power Inspector: Reads / writes the zones data. It could also create new records.

58 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

13.4 Exchanges data:

Exchanges data: map location, name, phone and remarks.

Field Type Size Key Linked to

ID Alphanumeric 15 X --
Name Alphanumeric 20 -- --
Phone Alphanumeric 15 -- --
Zone Integer -- Zones.db [ID]
PosX Integer 0-1000 -- --
PosY Integer 0-1000 -- --
Remarks Memo (BLOB) Up to 240 (in table) -- --

Table 47: Fields of the Exchange Data Table

N Power Inspector: Reads / writes the exchanges data. It could also create new records.

13.5 Alarm Codes:

Code, description text and severity of available alarms and events.

Field Type Size Key

Abb Alphanumeric 5 X
Text Alphanumeric 50 --
Relevance Integer --

Table 48: Fields of the Alarm Codes Table

N Power Inspector: Reads to decode the received events.

N Codes Editor: Reads / writes all the fields.

13.6 Measurement Variable Codes:

Code and description text of the available variables.

Field Type Size Key

Abb Alphanumeric 5 X
Text Alphanumeric 50 --

Table 49: Fields of the Measurement Variable Codes Table

N Power Inspector: Reads to decode the received events.

N Codes Editor: Reads / writes all the fields.

13.7 Events:
Alarms and events history. They are stored together with the attached measurement values.
Communication and system errors are also included (e.g. modem or polling failures).

P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619 59

Field Type Size Key Linked to

ID Autoincremental -- X --
Date Date -- -- --
Time Time -- -- --
Exchange Alphanumeric 15 -- Exchanges.db [ID]
Changes Alphanumeric 50 -- --
Present Alphanumeric 100
Values Memo(BLOB) Up to 100(in table)
Ack Boolean
Ack-User Alphanumeric 10 Users.db [Name]
Ack-Date Date
Ack-Time Time

Table 50: Fields of the Events Table

N Power Inspector: Reads and updates the acknowledgement fields (Ack-).

N Polling and Remote Requests: Create new records on polling or modem failures.
N Alarm Calls Receiver: Create new records on incoming call reception with the data sent
by the remote exchange. The acknowledgement fields (Ack-User, Ack-Date & Ack-Time)
are left empty to be filled later by Power Inspector. Create new records also on system
or modem failures.

60 P30140-P2219-X111-1-7619

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