Words That Describe Physical Appearances: Exercise 1-Pair Work

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Exercise 1- Pair work

Look at the words on the blackboard and at the words on this page and
divide them into groups

Words that describe physical


Height/len tall
Posture slim
Hair blond

Face round

Skin dark

Eyes blue
Age old

Other beautiful

Exercise 2- Individual work

Look at the pictures and listen to the description your teacher gives you.
Write down which person your teacher is describing.

Example: B2

1………………………………. 2……………………………..
4………………………………. 5………………………………
7…………………………….. 8…………………………….
10…………………………….. 11…………………………….

Exercise 3- Pair work

Read the following descriptions. What are the missing words? Write IS or
HAS ? Next, match the description with the picture
Exercise 4- Pair work
Look at the people below. Write a short description of the people in the
picture. (Use exercise 3 for help)
Exercise 5- Individual work
A. Draw a picture of a friend or a relative in the “My picture” box. Do
not show your picture to your partner
B. Speaking- Pair work

Sit back-to back with your partner. Describe the person in your picture.
Your partner must listen and draw the picture in “My partner’s
picture” box.
Compare your picture with your partner’s drawing.

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