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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,894,535

Madnick et al. 45 Date of Patent: Jan. 16, 1990

54 RADION GAS DETECTOR 4,286, 155 8/1981 Utting ................................. 250/435
4,295,045 10/1981 Minami ............................... 250/38O
76 Inventors: Peter A. Madnick, 627 Valley Oak
La., Thousand Oaks, Calif. 91360; Primary Examiner-Carolyn E. Fields
Russell W. Sherwood, 3719 N. Wells, Assistant Examiner-David L. Porta
Kingman, Ariz. 86401 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Jack C. Munro
(21) Appl. No.: 251,793 57 ABSTRACT
22 Fied: Oct. 3, 1988 A radon gas detector which utilizes a light-tight hous
(51) Int. Cl." ............................................... GO1V 5/00 ing which is formed into an interior environment con
(52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 250/255; 250/253; necting chamber and an interior radiation ascertaining
250/435 chamber. Ambient air is continuously drawn through
58) Field of Search ................... 250/255, 253, 423 R, the environment connecting chamber and any radiation
250/435, 336.1, 364, 380 in the air produces scintillations which are picked up
and magnified and concentrated onto counting and
(56) References Cited integration electronics which in turn causes activation
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS of display electronics to give a display representative of
2,892,091 6/1959 Sawle .................................. 250/364 the level of radiation that has been detected.
4,260,890 4/1981 Wright et al. ....................... 250/435
4,262,203 4/1981. Overhoff ............................. 250/38O 8 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet



U.S. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 4,894,535
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1. 2
beta and gamma radiation which is present everywhere
RADION GAS DETECTOR from natural sources such as the sun. However, alpha
particles, being much larger in size and slower in move
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ment, are usually stopped by a glass wall which is com
The field of this invention relates to detectors and mon with the Geiger counter so it cannot be used to
more particularly to a detector for detecting a radioac inform one much about the level of radon.
tive gas known as radon. The most accurate devices for measuring radon are
Radon is defined as a radioactive noble gas formed in far too expensive for most householders to consider.
the radioactive decay of radium, actinium, or thorium. There are laboratory instruments that typically cost
Radon is found in some radioactive minerals and is O Several thousands of dollars apiece and demand exper
known to be emitted from these minerals within the tise to use. For those reasons, these instruments are used
ground. The gas passes through the ground to the sur mainly by research institutions for their accuracy and
face of the earth. Upon reaching the surface of the ability to make continuous hour-by-hour readings and
earth, radon is breatheable by human beings. As the gas have provided the yardstick against which other radon
15 detectors are measured.
decays, it gives off radioactive alpha particles that can
be inhaled and lodge in the lungs where they continue Previously, there have been two types of detectors
to radiate. Certain localized areas within a given geo which have been marketed to the general public and are
graphical area will produce a substantially increased relatively inexpensive. The first type is known as an
level of radon while other localized areas will have a alpha-track device which consists of a small sheet of
negligible level of radon. 20
polycarbonate plastic similar to a lens from a pair of
This radon can be concentrated within a building or sunglasses. Alpha particles that strike the plastic cause
house. If this building or house is not adequately venti microscopic pockmarks, beta and gamma rays just pass
lated, this concentration of radon can become a health therethrough. After exposure, typically one month to
hazard. Some houses draw radon gas up from the 25 one year, the detector is to be placed within an envelope
ground, such as a chimney. If ventilation is not ade and mailed to a lab. A count of the pockmarks gives a
quate, the carcinogenic radon gas can accumulate. direct measure of the mean radon concentration that the
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has re slide was exposed to within the given period of time.
cently released findings which warns that radon, which These type of detectors are good for long term mea
is odorless and invisible, is the number one environmen surement, but are ill suited for a quick test.
tal health risk in the United States. The EPA has stated 30
that one out of five homes in the United States may Other types of devices utilize activated charcoal.
have radon concentrations that exceed the limits set by These activated charcoal devices function to trap radon
the EPA. That limit is four picocuries per liter of air. gas. After a period of exposure, the activated charcoal
The EPA has estimated that living in a house with container is to be shipped to a lab for analysis.
radon level at ten picocuries per liter would be like 35 The disadvantage to both of these systems is that
Smoking a package of cigarettes every day. At that there is no instantaneous warning to the consumer. The
level, the additional risk of contracting lung cancer radiation level within a given home or building can rise
from radon exposure would range from thirty thousand to a dangerous level and not become known to the
to one hundred twenty thousand lung cancer deaths per consumer until a much later date pending the return of
million people over a lifetime. Tests have been con a lab test result. The consumer may not send the ex
ducted within different states within the United States. posed medium to the lab for months after the dangerous
The percentage of the homes that exceeded the four condition arises. Plus, it is common for the lab to take a
picocuries level within each of the States differed dra month to return the results to the consumer. During this
matically. The worst State was Colorado at thirty-nine dangerous period of time no action has been taken by
percent with Alabama being least at six percent. 45 the consumer. There is a need for the radon gas to be
While radon is present almost everywhere, its con continuously monitored and if the level of radon ex
centration in any given spot is unpredictable. Certain ceeds a certain level then an immediate warning is trans
geological formations are known to contain consider mitted to the consumer so immediate action can be
able uranium deposits. However, even within such ar taken.
eas, individual homes can have low radon levels. Con 50 The best form of immediate action is ventilation.
versely, high concentrations of radon have been found Natural, fan forced, or heat recovery ventilation can get
where no significant uranium deposits have been identi rid of as much as ninety percent of the radon in a home.
fied. Indeed, one house may prove low in radon while SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
its next door neighbor can have an unacceptably high
radon concentration. In a home, radon measurements 55 The primary objective of the present invention is to
are usually made in the basement, since radon generally construct an inexpensive radon gas detector which will
enters from the earth beneath the foundation. However, continuously monitor radon gas level within a home or
the risk is not confined to the basement since radon building and to denote to the consumer the approximate
bearing air diffuses about the house. A home heating or level of radon gas within that home or building so that
ventilating system may also distribute the radon gas to 60 the consumer can take appropriate immediate correc
the upper stories. There is usually no problem having to tive measures.
do with apartments or rooms above a building's second The radon gas detector of the present invention is
floor. constructed of a sheet material, box-like housing, hav
Only a test for the presence of radon can tell you how ing an interior compartment which is divided by a trans
safe one's home or building is. There are available sev 65 parent wall. On one side of this transparent wall is
eral types of radon detectors. placed a phosphorescent coating, such as zinc sulfide.
The best known laboratory instrument for measuring This zinc coating is located within an environment
radioactivity, the Geiger counter, is sensitive mainly to connecting chamber of the housing with the opposite
side of the wall being located within a radiation ascer produce scintillations upon decay causing a small
taining chamber. The entire interior chamber of the amount of light to be emitted from coating 20. The
housing is closed to ambient light. Air is continuously function of the coating 20 is to react to these radioactive
drawn through the environment connecting chamber particles and produce light to be transmitted through
with any alpha particles contained within the air pro transparent wall 18 to the lens 32. The lens 32 focuses
ducing scintillations of the zinc sulfide coating. These the light combined from all the scintillations from coat
scintillations are then focused via a lens onto a photodi ing 20 to a point 36. Located at this point 36 is a photo
ode detector located within the radiation ascertaining diode detector 38. When light strikes this photodiode
chamber. Also, beta and gamma types of radiation detector 38, a pulse is generated. The electrical current
causes scintillations which are detected by the photodi 10 of this pulse is then amplified by amplifier 40 to a more
ode detector. The output of the photodiode detector is useful level and converted to a proportional voltage.
transmitted to a microprocessor which is programmed Associated with the amplifier 30 is a resistor 42 for
to differentiate between the different types of radiation setting the voltage-to-current proportionality.
and is to count the amount of each type of radiation The output of the amplifier 40 is supplied to three in
within a given period of time. This microprocessor is 15 number of comparators 44, 46 and 48 in the form of
connected to display electronics which is progressively amplifiers. These comparators 44, 46 and 48 serve as a
activated as the level of radiation increases with this pulse height discriminators separating out the pulses
activation remaining for a time period permitting cor produced by the alpha, beta and gamma waves of the
rective action to be taken by the consumer to decrease scintillations. This separation can be completed because
this radon gas concentration. 20 each wave has a different amount of energy associated
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING with it. The energy of a beta wave particle is about
one-fifth or less that of an alpha wave particle. The
FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic view depicting in cross-sec energy level of gamma wave particle is greater than
tion the housing of the radon gas detector of this inven that of the beta wave particle but is less than the alpha
tion showing its connection to the electronics, in box 25 wave particle. The relative energy of each particle
diagram form, which will result in displaying of the produces a particular light brightness. The comparators
level of radon gas within a certain localized area; and 44, 46 and 48 function by comparing the input signal
FIG. 2 is an electrical schematic of the electronics with a preestablished reference voltage V being shown
used in conjunction with the radon gas detector of the for comparator 44, V2 being shown for comparator 46
present invention. 30 and V3 being shown for comparator 48. Resistors R1,
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE SHOWN R2 and R3 are for the purpose of determining the subref
EMBODIMENT erence voltages V1,V2 and V3.
An alpha wave particle would cause all three com
Referring particularly to the drawing, there is shown parators 44, 46 and 48 to produce an output signal. The
in FIG. 1 the radon gas detector 10 of this invention 35 beta wave particle would cause comparators 46 and 48
which includes the use of a thin walled sheet material to produce an output signal. The gamma wave particle
housing 12 which includes an interior chamber divided would only cause comparator 48 to produce an output
into two parts with one part being an environment con signal.
necting chamber 14 and the other part being a radiation The output of comparator 44 is input to pin Pi of a
ascertaining chamber 16. Dividing chambers 14 and 16 40 microprocessor 50. Similarly the output 46 is input to
is a transparent wall 18. Wall 18 may be constructed of pin P2 of the microprocessor 50 with the output of com
plastic or glass. Covering the surface of the wall 18 that parator 48 being supplied to pin P3 of the microproces
is located within the chamber 14 is a coating 20. The sor 50. The input signals to the comparators 44, 46 and
purpose of the coating 20 is to be sensitive to radiation. 48 are in analog format with the output signals to P1, P2
A desirable composition for the coating 20 would be 45 and P3 being a digital format. Therefore, the compara
any desirable phosphorescent material such as zinc sul tors 44, 46 and 48 each serve as an analog to digital
fide or cadmium sulfide. convertor.
Access into the chamber 14 is provided by means of The microprocessor 50 includes a clock crystal 52.
an inlet conduit 22 and an outlet conduit 24. These The input pulses to P1, P2 and P3 are counted by the
conduits 22 and 24 are bent to form a labayrinth to 50 microprocessor 50 in view of time by the clock 52. The
prevent light from entering from the ambient. How microprocessor 50 has been preprogrammed with safe
ever, each of the conduits 22 and 24 are open to the levels of alpha particle pulses, beta particle pulses and
ambient and air is permitted to pass through the inlet 22 gamma particle pulses for a set period of time. This
as depicted by arrows 26 into the chamber 14 and then microprocessor 50 is to be preprogrammed to take into
to be conducted through the outlet conduit 24 repre 55 consideration the danger level of each of the alpha
sented by arrows 28 back into the ambient. One way to wave particles, the beta wave particles and the gamma
achieve this air movement is by the use of a motor wave particles, each taken alone or in combination. This
operated fan 30 which is mounted within the outlet means that if no danger level is obtained of any of the
conduit 24. It is to be understood that the fan 30 is to be particles taken alone or combined, only the light emit
driven electrically from a source (not shown). A steady ting diode 54 will be lit. A typical color for the lighting
slow stream of air through the chamber 14 is desirable. diode 54 would be green. If the level of detected pulses
Therefore, a small motor operated fan 30 would be begins to exceed the safe level, the light emitting diode
normally sufficient. Also, thermal or ionic air move 54 will be deactivated and a second light emitting diode
ment may be utilized. 56 will be lit. A typical color for the light emitting diode
Located within the chamber 16 is a concentrating 65 56 would be yellow. If the level of pulses further in
lens assembly 32. If there is any radon gas located creases, the light emitting diode 56 will be deactivated
within the air that is conducted into the chamber 14 and instead light emitting diode 58 will be lit. A typical
depicted as dots 34 within the chamber 14, such will color for the light emitting diode 58 would be red. The
5 6
consumer only needs to observe which color light emit ronment connecting chamber and a radiation ascer
ting diode is activated and then can make a determina taining chamber;
tion of whether the pulses that are being transmitted to radiation sensitive means mounted between said envi
the photodiode 38 is in the safe level, a cautionary level ronment connecting chamber and said radiation
or dangerous level. ascertaining chamber;
If the pulses exceed a predetermined maximum of the air movement means mounted in connection with said
red light emitting diode 58 an audible alarm 60 will be environment connecting chamber, said air move
activated. This alarm 60 is to denote to the consumer ment means for moving ambient air through said
that an extremely dangerous condition exists and must environment connecting chamber;
be remedied immediately. A typical remedy would be 10 electronic means for detecting radiation within the air
immediate ventialtion of the house or building. Possi which is passing through said environment con
bly, at the same time, along with the activation alarm necting chamber, said electronic means also includ
60, a relay coil 62 could be activated which would close ing radiation counting means, said electronic means
a switch 64. Connected in conjunction with the switch producing an output based on the type and quantity
64 could be a ventilating fan (not shown). This ventilat 15 of radiation in said environment connecting cham
ing fan could be mounted within the house or building ber; and
(not shown) in a position to move air from the house or display electronics for receiving said output and dis
building into the atmosphere exteriorly of the house or playing accordingly a display representative of the
building. This way, the amount of radon contained amount and type of radiation located within said
within the air located within the house or building is 20 environment connecting chamber and hence
decreased. within the ambient air.
The microprocessor 50 is supplied electrical energy 2. The radon gas detector as defined in claim 1
from a power supply 69 which is connected to a con wherein:
ventional electrical plug 67. The output 66 of power said radiation sensitive means including a wall sepa
supply 69 is a low voltage direct current which is input 25 rating said environment connecting chamber and
to microprocessor 50. This same low voltage 66 is sup said radiation ascertaining chamber, said wall being
plied to all --V designations in the drawing. The micro transparent, a coating applied to said wall, said
processor 50 is continuously running a software pro coating being sensitive to radiation.
gram. This prograam controls the output to the light 3. The radon gas detector as defined in claim 2
emitting diodes 54, 56 and 58, audible alarm 60 and relay 30 wherein:
62 and reads pulses being transmitted to pins P1, P2 and said coating comprising a phosphorescent material.
P3. The software of the microprocessor 50 keeps track 4. The radon gas detector as defined in claim 3 includ
of the amount of time between each successive pulses ing:
on P1, P2 and P3 and the total number of pulses being a lens mounted in said radiation ascertaining cham
supplied to each pin P1, P2 and P3 and over a fixed 35 ber, said lens functioning to focus the light pro
length of time. The microprocessor continues to com duced by the detected radiation onto said elec
pare these input counted pulses to preset values in the tronic means.
microprocessor's permanent memory and based on this 5. The radon gas detector as defined in claim 1
selects which light emitting diode 54, 56 and 58 is to be wherein:
energized via outputs O1, O2 and O3. Output O4 is for said display comprising a plurality of separate annun
alarm 60 and output O5 is for relay 62. As radiation ciators, said annunciators being progressively oper
levels decrease, the microprocessor will deactivate the ated as the intensity of the radiation increases.
noted more dangerous condition and in turn activate 6. The radon gas detector as defined in claim 5
which light emitting diode 54 or 56 that would be repre wherein:
sentative of the less dangerous condition. 45 said annunciators including a plurality of lights.
The structure of the microprocessor 50 is deemed to 7. The radon gas detector as defined in claim 6
be conventional and it is readily available on the open wherein:
market by numerous manufacturers. There are numer said annunciators including an audible alarm.
ous types of microprocessors 50 that could be utilized. 8. The radon gas detector as defined in claim 1 includ
However, one type that is known to work satisfactorily 50 ing:
is manufactured by Motorola, Inc., Part Number switch means adapted to be connected to operate a
MC6804P2, entitles "8-Bit Microcomputer'. ventilating fan which is to ventilate the ambient air
What is claimed is: upon the level of radiation within said environment
1. A radon gas detector comprising: connecting chamber reaching a predetermined
a housing having an interior chamber, said interior 55 level which is deemed to be hazardous to the health
chamber being completely closed to ambient light, of human beings.
said interior chamber being divided into an envi k x k :



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