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Work experience

16/09/2010 – 16/09/2016
European Commission, DGT-HU-1, Luxembourg
Translation of texts from English, French and German into Hungarian

01/10/2009 – 15/06/2010
European Court of Auditors, Hungarian Translation Unit, Luxembourg
Linguistic Assistant

European Commission, DGT-HU-1, Luxembourg
Translator (one-year contract)
Translation of texts from English, French and German into Hungarian

20/09/2004 - 30/06/2006
Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO
Programme Officer (Counsellor)
Responsible for UNESCO sectors: Education and Culture
Helping Hungarian Educational and Cultural Institutions to apply for and to implement UNESCO’s
“Participation Programmes”
- Coordination the publishing of CD-ROM of Béla Bartók’s folk music collection in Algeria
Preparing written materials, translation, revision
- Publishing UNESCO’s “World Heritage in Young Hands Education Kit” in Hungary
Keeping contacts with international and national educational and cultural institutions
- Responsible for the cooperation with Anna Lindh Euro-Med Foundation
- Contacts with teachers, managing UNESCO Programmes in schools
- Managing applications, scholarships for scholars and students
Organising conferences, workshops, seminars:
- Training Seminar for New Staff of National Commissions for UNESCO in Eastern and
Central European Region (2005)
- Meeting of Arab and Hungarian historians and officials about “The image of Arabo-Islamic Culture
in Hungarian History Textbooks” (2005)
- Meeting of Secretary-Generals of National Commissions in Eastern and Central European Region
Attending UNESCO General Conference C33 Session in Paris (2005)
- Member of the Hungarian delegation, attending Commission II (Education) and
Commission IV (Culture) meetings
Organising the visit and press conference of Mr.Koichiro Matsuura, General-Director of UNESCO
to the 50th anniversary session of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO, during the World Science Forum Budapest 2005
Contacts with Paris Headquarter and other National Commissions
- Daily contacts, mailing, phoning with colleagues
Coordinating the programme for archiving the documentation of the Hungarian National Commission
(period between the 1970th and 2006)
Responsible for Hungarian National Commission’s website content

21/09/1998 - 20/09/2004
Civil servant, Budapest, Hungary

2002-2004: State Secretary of Church Affairs

Writing briefings, background analyses and other written material
- Translations, analyses, speeches for the Secretary of State
Organising conferences, meetings between politicians, scholars and church leaders
- Conference on “State and Church” (2004)

2000-2002: State Secretary of External Relations

Organising visits of foreign guests in Budapest
Keeping contact with colleagues in other Prime Minister’s Offices
1998-2000: Communication Centre of the Prime Minister’s Office
Keeping contact with Hungarian Mass Media

Election supervisor in elections supervised by OSCE

- 1998: Mrkonjic Grad
- 2000: Jablanica
- 2000: Klina
- 2001: Djakovo

Customs Office and Immigration Office, Budapest, Hungary
Court of Justice of Budapest, Hungary
Free-lance translator and interpreter in French, English and Vietnamese languages

Central Office of Statistics, Budapest, Hungary
Rapporteur, Data entry, Data processing

Education and training

1996 - 1997
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (E.H.E.S.S), Paris, France
Diplôme des Études Approfondies (DEA), History and civilisation
Master degree

Institute of Foreign Trade Management, Budapest, Hungary
Diploma in Foreign Trade Management

1989 - 1994
Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, Hungary
History/French language and literature
Master degree

State University of Hanoi, Vietnam
Vietnamese Language and Literature,
University degree

Successful Competition of the European Personnel Selection Office:
2008: EPSO CAST/RELEX/4/08 (FGIV Adviser – Op.Sect.- Social and Cultural Issues)

2007: EPSO CAST27/RELEX/6/07 (FGIV Political Matters Adviser)

Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center
Training in Accounting

Trainings organised by the European Institutions

Training of European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) offered for Hungarian Civil Servants

Training of ENA (Paris) on European Union offered for Hungarian Civil Servants


Gadjah Mada University,Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Indonesian language courses

State University of Hanoi, Vietnam
Research on Vietnamese history

English-speaking Union, Brussels
Internship at the International Federation of Liberal Youth in Brussels

Université Libre de Bruxelles
French Language and Literature

C2: Hungarian
C1: French, English, Vietnamese
B2: Luxembourgish, German
A2: Spanish,
A1: Indonesian

Computer skills and competences

good command of all Microsoft Office tools
good command of SDL Trados Studio

Driving licence
Category "B"

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