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SN Practice Book ANNE WATSON PETER VINEY ee MACMILLAN wacmilan Education Between Towns Fioad, Oxford oxa ‘division of Macrnitan Publishers Limited Jompanies and representatives throughout the world SBN 1 405 00385 5 ext © Anne Watson and Peter Viney, 2008 Josign and istration © Macmitan Publishers Limited 2004 {i ights reserved: no part ofthis publication may Be produced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any orm, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, ‘ecording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission sf the publishers. designed by Amanda Easter iustrated by Chris Pavely, pp. 7, 17,20, 57 and 45 over design by Jackie Mil at 320 Design. Sever photography by Getty Images/Digttal Vision (9; Getty mages/Photodisc (t, tc, tr, bl, Bo) vrinted and bound in Thailand (8 2007 2008 2008 2008 oos7essa2 Ta xi! + Complete this conversation using the verb be. Cab Driver: Hi! Where to? Passenger: The Hilton, please. Driver Hey, are __ you here on business? Passenger: Well, |___ _ on business last week, but now |____ here on vacation. My husband ___ here, too. Driver: Where ______ you from? Passenger: We _______ from Minnesota. Driver: Hey, |__ from Minnesota, too. Which part? Passenger: Rochester. Driver: ______ you really? My wife and | ______ in Minneapolis until last yea we came here. 2 Match the beginning and end of the sentences: a There isn't any taxis here late at night? b Are there no rooms in the Hilton, It was full. © There were a lot of big hotels in New York Was there ~a business center in this hotel. It’s too small, e Is there a taxi for you outside the hotel yesterday? f There are a Best Western Hotel here? 3 Write the question form of these sentence: a They're from Florida. © There are many hotels near the airport. Are they from Florida? ek eS b Ryan was in Washington last year. d_ Shannon knows Asia very well. 4 Are these sentences true (1) or false (F)? Correct the false answers. a American bills are all different colors. [Fe You don’t usually tip at gas They're all the same color, stations in the U.S.A. b American bills are all the same size. 1) f In America you never give a tip © Anickel is five cents. oO toa cab driver. o d_ There are four dimes in a dollar. oO tou need nap, se Grammar les 2 7 and 12 an Vocabulary Fl 1

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