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Welcome, Mr. Dinesh Kumar Bunker

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Set Questions
Question 1. ………… is a energy saving method of any boiler.

Damper control of fans

Duct by pass
Speed control of fans
None of the above

Question 2. Excessive blow down …………

Reduces Ef ciency
Increase Chemical Consumption
Increase make up water
All the above

Question 3. Oxygen in ue gas is measured by ……………

Orsat Apparatus
Zirconia Sensor
Bomb Calorimeter
Opacity Meter

Question 4. Ef ciency of a thermal power plant is roughly ……….

Above 80%

Question 5. 456 Kcal is equal to ………….. kJ.

Cannot be changed

Question 6. Deaerator is placed at higher elevation

For good house keeping
To keep the building cool
To increase NPSHA and avoid Cavitation in Boiler feed pump
To vent steam easily

Question 7. Stoichiometric combustible mixture speaks about

Fuel calori c value

Temperature of air and fuel
Unburnt carbon in ue gas
Theoretical air

Question 8. As per Indian Boiler rule, section-392, major repair such as fusion weld is to be
entrusted to a repairer

Who can satisfy owner regarding quality of welding

Who can satisfy the boiler Director regarding quality of welding.
Who can satisfy the Manager regarding quality of welding.
Who has quali ed welder with him.

Question 9. Pressure drop across which type valve is more

Gate valve
Butter y valve
Globe valve
Plug valve

Question 10. Safety valve in installed at low pressure side of pressure reducing station to

Release overpressure due to failure of control valve

Release steam to maintain pressure
Open during high temperature
Open during high moisture


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