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Carl Nagel

Copyright © Starlight Books 2017

Follow me, and come lay thy hands on the treasure.

Lucifuge Rofocale, The Grand Grimoire.

Lucifuge Rofocale is the Infernal Prime Minister of Hell. He has the Power to give wealth to those who
invoke Him. He commands the three Goetian Spirits Bael, Agares and Marbas. Lucifuge is invoked through a
magical formula found in The Grand Grimoire, a 16th century manuscript of unknown authorship.
In the middle ages everyone knew that the only way to make the Devil appear was to be in the possession of a
black book of magic, otherwise known as a Grimoire. And that as soon as the Devil appeared, one had to
throw something at his head, otherwise they risked having their neck twisted. Most Grimoires were burned as
soon as they were seized. We will here take a look at one of the more famous Grimoires:


Written in Rome in 1670, the first fifty pages are full of conjurations; among which we find one that forces
three young ladies to dance in the evening in a room. Everything must be washed in the room; and one must
ensure that there is nothing hooked or hanged; that a white tablecloth be placed on the table, three wheat
loaves, three seats, three glasses water; then a certain magical formula is spoken to cause the three people to
come and sit at the table and dance; but at midnight everything disappears. A lot of figures and circles can also
be found in the book..


The lord of a small village had just borrowed from his shepherd the book with which he boasted of forcing the
Devil to appear. The lord, curious to see the Devil in his room, began to read the words which obliged the
spirit of darkness to show itself. At the moment when he pronounced with agitation these syllables that he
believed powerful, the door, which was closed, opened abruptly: and the Devil, armed with his long horns
and all covered with black hair, entered. The curious lord loses consciousness and falls with fear on the floor,
making the sign of the cross. He remained for a long time without anyone coming to raise him. Finally he
opened his eyes to see if there was anything damaged: a large mirror that was on a chair was broken; it was,
of course, the work of the Devil. Sadly for the true believers, an instant afterwards it was revealed that the
poor lord, who’s goat had escaped and was taken back outside the door of the same room where he so well
represented the Devil, had seen in the mirror a reflection of the goat and had broken the glass while wanting to
fight its shadow!


Although the conjuration of the Infernal Spirit Lucifuge Rofocale may be worked anywhere, it is best that you
always use the same room. The Ritual will require you to focus your thoughts on your money desires, so you
will want to find a quiet place in your home where no one will disturb you. If you have a spare room then this
would be ideal, but it is by no means mandatory. This special room will be your Personal Temple of Lucifuge
Rofocale. You will need the room to yourself, when working the communicating with Lucifuge, and you should
be confident that you will not be interrupted.
Once you have decided in which room you will work the ritual, you can begin the simple preparations. First,
you will need to make a physical space about six feet square in which to stand in the north side or northern
corner of the room. When you stand at the center of the cleared area, the walls and furniture should be at least
three feet away from you.
Second, you are going to need an altar in your Personal Temple working space. A small coffee table is ideal
for this single piece of furniture. Place your altar in the north end of your cleared area with the long dimension
of your altar running approximately east and west, so that when you stand in front of your altar you will be
facing north.
The Rituals will require you to burn a black candle on your altar. You can use either a bottle or a candlestick
to hold the candle. The same candle can be used over and over again until it is completely consumed, when
you will replace it with a fresh one. The candle stands at the center of your altar.


In days of old, sorcerers seeking all the wealth in the world would, as you soon will, address the Emperor
Lucifer and request that he send to him his Infernal Prime Minister - Lucifuge Rofocale.
Before doing so, he would first build a large fire in a clearing, trace a Magic Circle upon the ground, and
grasp a Blasting Rod in his hand. In Ceremonial Magic, the rod was considered an instrument of the highest
importance as it enabled its possessor to control demons and angels. Using blasting rods in modern
demonolatry is not wise if one wishes to establish relationships with them as blasting rods are very offensive
to them.
There were various ways of creating a Blasting Rod, one required a fresh, virgin hazel branch to be found.
The branch was not to be touched on the day of finding it. The next day at sunrise, the branch was cut with a
sacrificial knife to a length of nineteen and one half inches. As the branch was cut, an invocation was spoken.
The invocation and cutting being finished, the sorcerer looked toward the sun, and took the wand to his
quarters where he would then paint a number of esoteric symbols on the wand.
At this point, should the Spirit still fail to appear, the sorcerer would plunge the two ends of his Blasting Rod
a second time into the burning flames, and recite a third conjuration from the Grand Clavicle of Solomon.
After a second repetition of those sublime and powerful words, the sorcerer would be sure that the Spirit
would respond.
Whereupon the sorcerer, armed with the Blasting Rod and the stone called Ematille would depart from the
Circle, and follow the Spirit Lucifuge Rofocale. The Spirit would then take the sorcerer to the vicinity of the
Treasure, where he would behold the apparition of a large and fierce dog with a collar as resplendent as the
Sun. This would be a Gnome, which the sorcerer could drive off by presenting the point of his Rod, and the
apparition would make off towards the Treasure.
The sorcerer would then follow, and on reaching the Treasure would be astonished to discover the person
who had hidden it, who would then endeavour to grapple with him, but would be unable so much as to
approach him.
The sorcerer would have upon him a sheet of virgin parchment inscribed with the Grand Conjuration of the
Clavicle. This he would cast upon the Treasure grasping one of its coins at the same moment as a pledge and a
surety, and previously flinging down a piece of his own money bitten by his own teeth, after which he would
leave, walking backwards and carrying away what he could of the Treasure.
He would, however, be careful not to turn round, whatever noise he may have heard, for at this critical
moment it would seem as if all the mountains in the world were being precipitated upon him. He would for
this cause be fortified with special intrepidity, and take fright at nothing, and keep perfectly firm. So acting, he
would be led back by the Spirit Lucifuge Rofocale to the entrance of the Circle. Then, and only then, would
the sorcerer recite the discharge of the Spirit.


During every meeting with the Infernal Spirit Lucifuge Rofocale you will wear this magical accessory on your
chest. It is worn to bestow upon you the power and authority to command the Prime Minister of Hell to help
you as required. On the reverse side of the talisman you will write down your name and draw a line around
There is only one way of creating the Talisman of Lucifuge Rofocale.
It is to create it yourself.
Draw an inverted pentagram on a small piece of stiff, white paper, and then draw a circle around it so that you
now have an outer line. The two circles and the inverted pentagram should be outlined in black. In the center
of the pentagram write: LCFG-RFCL.
Carefully cut the talisman from the paper.
Use scissors to cut smoothly around the outer line of the talisman. When you have cut the talisman from the
paper, place a hole near the top edge, and make a string halter for it so that you can wear it like a pendant the
string should be adjusted so that the talisman hangs about six inches below the neck.
Turn the talisman over and write, on the reverse side, your name.
After creating your talisman, enter your magical space and place the talisman face up on your altar in front of
you. Lay your right hand upon the talisman, and speak these words:

I dedicate this talisman to Lucifuge Rofocale,

Infernal Spirit and Prime Minister of Hell.
May He be forever obedient to it.
So mote it be.

When the Ritual has been completed, your talisman is ready to help bring you your every financial desire.
Leave it untouched until you are ready to use it.

It is necessary to use the right magical conjurations to attract Lucifuge Rofocale to you. Say the three
conjurations words aloud with feeling, as did the ancient witches and sorcerers when they summoned Lucifuge
to them in days of old. I discovered this ancient knowledge when reading The Grand Grimoire. After you have
spoken the three conjurations, you will feel Lucifuge coming towards you, and powerful vibrations all around
Then in a firm voice say the following invocation for protection:
I beg thee also, O Prince Belzebub, to protect me in my undertaking!
In your mind you may see Lucifuge surrounded by a leaf-green light, with a texture like wet skin. He may also
be accompanied by a scent like burnt hair, and there may be an earthy taste like dirt upon your tongue.


Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to send me the Infernal Spirit,
Lucifuge Rofocale, to leave His abode in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated, and come
hither to communicate with me. To appear without noise and without any evil smell, to respond in a clear
and intelligible voice, point by point, to all that I shall ask of Him.


When you summon Lucifuge Rofocale you should sit relaxed in a comfortable chair and carry on an imaginary
conversation with Him. Imagine that Lucifuge is sitting opposite you. When you feel the powerful vibrations
fill the room, invite Him to sit down in a chair opposite you. On your first meeting with Lucifuge Rofocale,
carry on the conversation in your mind as you sit relaxed in the chair.


I command and I adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, to command Lucifuge Rofocale to quit His abode
wheresoever it may be, swearing that I will give Him one quarter of one hour of quiet alone, if He dost not
straightway come hither and communicate with me in an audible and intelligible voice, or if His personal
presence be impossible to send me thy Messenger Astarot in a human form, without either noise or evil


Nathalie A., an employee of a large travel agency based in Ontario, Canada was overworked and unhappy for
a long time. She was not being paid well, and had a young daughter to raise on her own. She wanted to buy the
luxuries that would make their lives happier, but the lack of money prevented this.
She contacted me to find what she could do to make things better for herself and her young daughter. I told her
to make a pact with Lucifuge Rofocale for I felt this Spirit above all others would turn her life around.
It happened two weeks later.
An old friend phoned her and asked if she were interested in a new job. You can guess her answer. One month
later she had her own office, and an increase in salary. With Lucifuge Rofocale’s help, Nathalie had found a
better job with more money and prestige. She is now happy, successful and knows she has help whenever she
needs it from Lucifuge Rofocale.


I adjure thee, Infernal Spirit, Lucifuge Rofocale, to appear instantly, or to send me thy Messenger Astarot,
forcing thee to forsake thy hiding place, wheresoever it may be, and warning thee that if thou dost not
manifest this moment, I will straightway smite thee and all thy race. I adjure thee, 0 Infernal Spirit
Lucifuge Rofocale, to appear instantly.


I needed money to pay the monthly bills. I was quite concerned and feared I would be sued if I could not come
up with the money.
I used a quick invocation to Lucifuge for help without any preparation, and forgot about it. In the weeks that
followed I received $1500 from virtually out of thin air. It was more than the amount I needed to pay my bills
and avoid being fined.
I sent my request to Lucifuge at a time when I desperately needed help, and got a response within a short time.


O Mighty and Infernal Spirit, Lucifuge Rofocale, Prime Minister of Hell, I am, for the time, contented with
thee; I now leave thee in peace, and permit thee to retire wheresoever it may seem good to thee, so it be
without noise and without leaving any evil smell behind thee.


If your day is really packed tight with things to do, it is permissible for you to employ a shorter conjuration

Emperor LUCIFER, Master of all the revolted Spirits, I entreat thee to favour me in the adjuration which I
address to thy mighty minister, LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE, being desirous to make a Pact with him. O Count
Astarot! Be propitious to me and grant that tonight the great LUCIFUGE may appear to me under a human
form, and free from evil smell, and that he may accord me in virtue of the Pact which I propose to enter
into all the riches which I need.
O Grand and Infernal LUCIFUGE, I pray thee to quit thy dwelling wheresoever it may be, and come hither
to speak with me. Come quickly, obey promptly!


It should be written in red ink to represent blood. The handwritten words that you write will reflect your
desire for money, gold and riches, and a promise to act only in your own self-interest for a period of one lunar
month. Your efforts will be rewarded in proportion to your desire for material wealth. Here is an example of
the format of your pact:

Lucifuge Rofocale

Prime Minister of the Infernal Empire

(Your request and promise)

Signed: (Your Name)

After you have invoked Lucifuge Rofocale and feel his presence in the room with you, lift the pact up until it is
illuminated by the light of the black candle. Read what you have written, and then read it aloud. Keep the pact
hidden for one month. Once the month has passed, burn the pact and throw the ashes away in running water.


Lucifuge Rofocale can help with the most difficult financial problems for he has dominion over all the riches
and wealth of the world. No need is too great for him. This powerful Spirit can bring any amount of money to
help you.
Always ask the Spirit Belzebub for protection to keep mischievous lesser entities away. You do not want one
of them. You will always be safe if you ask the Infernal Spirit Belzebub for protection.
Lives are changed when people call to Lucifuge Rofocale for help. I know this to be true because I have first-
hand experience of this. You can do the same. Call to Him and he will come.
Invoke Lucifuge whenever you need to solve a financial problem. You will get the money you seek. Nathalie
did and found a better job, with more money and prestige. I did and received more money than I needed.
Lucifuge is waiting for your call. Just ask for his help and he will respond. You will wonder how you
survived before you discovered the amazing powers of the Infernal Spirit Lucifuge Rofocale, Prime Minister
of Hell.
The Blood Pact of Lucifuge Rofocale can be sealed with a drop of blood, and will reward you with gold,
money and riches in direct proportion to your desire for material wealth.

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